Borgo Felicia, Magnifico
11:21 PM, August 4, 2008
Hurry, bambino We have to get you to someplace safe before sh*t, theyre here! No! Another way then!
A brown-haired woman in a sweater and jeans raced through narrow passageways of the tenement building, pulling her 11-year-old son behind her by the wrist. Mamma, I dont understand whats happening Im scared Please explain to me Mamma!, urged the boy. As he raced past a row of windows, he gleaned flickering images of fire and smoke blotting out the skyline and fighting between various armed groups in the streets.
Theres no time for explanations, honey no time to be scared Theyre coming up the stairs, blocking off the elevator the fire escape! Our only hope!, the mother said. The following events unfurled like a whirlwind. The mother and young son both rushed through the aperture left by a shattered windowpane, ignoring the gashes and cuts against their tender skin.
Together, they made a speedy descent down the fire escape. As they approached ground level, one of the last platforms of the fire escape collapsed, throwing mother and child out onto the cold, hard pavement. The adrenaline surge gave them the ability to power through the pain and bruises and get back up, and within another couple seconds, they were off.
Faster, Giovanni Just a few blocks more and we can reach the cordon that State Security has set up around this warzone , the mother said to her son, dragging him by the wrist all the while. As tears streamed down her face, she made a silent prayer to her deities, Please, o venerable King of the Earth, let us make it to safety By the 37 celestial orders, I promise well live more virtuous lives Just let Giovanni make it
The mother and son rounded a bend onto a chaotic city street, happening upon a scene neither was prepared for. A makeshift firing squad of 3 men, dressed in ragged street clothing, aimed rifles at counterparts in business casual wear. Other than the quality of their clothing, another difference was obvious. The gunmen all spoke with accents, which the 10-year-old boy had never heard before. To his naïve, developing mind, it almost made them seem more like alien creatures than human beings.
One of the men held at gunpoint pleaded, Please, were just office workers We never did you any harm I never The well-dressed man hesitated ever so briefly, never even liked Bombardone. Im were on your guys side, I swear !
The gunman opposite him, bearing a scruffy and unclean-looking beard, gritted his teeth in fury, revealing terrible dental caries. Oh, it relieves me so much to know that you Rids were on our side all along ! Never saying, never doing anything while enjoying your comfy jobs and your big salaries and your clean streets while we peered through barbed-wire fences and eroded brick walls wishing we could be you Hows about an appropriate salute to our loyal friends?
No No!, shouted the office worker, before all three gunmen fired at once, painting the wall behind both him and his friends a dark blood red. The mother, dumbfounded at what she had witnessed, cupped her mouth to suppress a scream. The boy was totally unprepared for the sight and began to scream despite himself; his mother tried to cover his mouth with her hand, but it was too little, too late. They had gotten the gunmens attention.
The mothers eyes sank as the gunmen slowly turned towards them, their de facto leader continuing to grin that humorless smile. By Cothestrus tunic, why Why?
Why? Why?! You tell us why?! Why did you Rids have to kick our people into the gutter after we had worked so hard to find a proper place in this country ? Why did you Rids have to take our families from their homes and put them in filthy, overcrowded ghettoes that would shame a Merconian?! Why did you Rids have to crush our lives?! When you can answer that question, you have the right to ask why this is happening now !, the gunman ranted.
The terrified mother urgently nudged young Giovanni behind her and spread her arms out. Quick, get behind me, bambino She returned her attention to the foreign-accented gunman, Please If you must, do what you want with me but let him live. He had nothing to do with any of this hes innocent I beg you!
The mothers pleas only seemed to make the leader of the Ziconeans angrier. She pressed her eyelids closed shut as she heard a volley of gunfire ring out. To her surprise, she felt no bullets penetrate and opened her eyes to the shocking sight of her assailants freshly dead bodies. Her eyes then turned towards her young son, hunched and shaking behind her. She knelt before Giovanni to clutch the boy in a tight hug, unable to hold back more tears, borne of both terror and relief, Oh, venerable Cothestrus, thank you ! Thank you!
Im afraid we cant credit divine intervention for this mercy, signora , spoke an approaching figure clad in light tactical gear. The mothers gaze shot out to the blue armband on his arm, identifying him as a functionary of the Ridnezite government, and she let out a sigh of relief.
Praise the Earth King that you came when you did They would have They would have , said the mother, turning her attention momentarily towards Giovanni.
Youre not out of the proverbial woods yet, signora But you and your son are one step closer to safety now than you would have been Captain Vito Bertolini on the scene at the cordon right now, drafting up a plan for evacuation of civilians and containment of the riot The tides are turning in our favor, said the armed officer, By the way, you may call me Sergeant Capua. I only wish introductions could have been made under better circumstances.
Im Ottavia Sforza and my beautiful bambino his name is Giovanni. You will keep him protected from all this madness, wont you?, asked the nervous mother, You wont let those beasts lay hands on him. I dont even care about myself; I couldnt bear it if anything happened to !
With all due respect, signora, we are the best that StateSec has to offer You and your son will be safe Zendirists take care of their people, after all, Capua said.
From the secure war room within Centro Nuovos presidential palace, a pair of cold, glassy blue eyes assessed video feeds relaying the developing situation in real time. Unmanned, AI-piloted small tanks of a recently produced model the DIS8 Authority blocked off all roads, bridges, and tunnels leading out from the ghetto area to the greater city.
Wave after wave of undisciplined insurgents attempted to take the perimeter, only to be liquified by an intense, coordinated burst of automated machine gun fire. The bodies of afraid and desperate rebels had piled up into mounds of nameless corpses. The cacophony of sounds screaming, gunfire, shouting orders begun to blend into an unearthly wail that could remind of Gehenna.
All these scenes reached the dispassionate gaze of one man entrusted with quelling the chaos: Gianfranco Del Tuono, Director of State Security. Del Tuono reclined in a chair in his monitor room, saturated in red light by a single overhead light amidst the shadows covering every corner of the chamber. Pressing a button embedded within the armrest of his seat, Del Tuono spoke, Director to Captain Bertolini. I need updates on the ground. How is the counterinsurgency proceeding?
The reply came from deep in the bowels of the Magnifico Ghetto, where Vito Bertolini and his platoon were sweeping over an entire city block. Captain Bertolini speaking. Operation is still adhering to timetable. Tactical units have nearly finished with evacuation of Ridnezite citizens and are in the process of corralling the antisocials in the area of the old town square. The carriage is already in position beneath the streets for detonation. My assessment is we wait another couple hours for the evacuation to clear out any remaining civilians, then drop the hammer on the antisocials for good.
There was a moments silence before acknowledgement by Del Tuono at the other end of the line. The longer this disgraceful scenario is permitted to continue, the more explaining will have to be done by SocPol once the dust has cleared Weve given our boys enough time to sort out the wheat from the proverbial chaff within that godforsaken cesspit Once the blow-up occurs, it can all be blamed on the Heisenphyte Albertson anyway. After all, he started this.
Bertolini continued his advance, casually gunning down untrained resistance members as they were encountered. Director There is something you should be aware of, Bertolini muttered in a tentative manner. Hm?, Del Tuono inflected. Director Gerloni and his daughter we have intel that the antisocials are holding them hostage in the Palladino Club, explained Bertolini.
Del Tuono took another few seconds to evaluate his options, hmph I never cared much for Gerloni. I always felt he was a weaselly little puke and unworthy of the Hierarchs appreciation, to be honest but But The Hierarch is never wrong Very well, we wait until Gerloni has been retrieved. Then, as you said, the hammer falls. Director out.
Sergeant Capuas squad escorted the Sforzas down a street obstructed by pileups of garbage and the wrecked hulks of cars from years before. Ottavia held Giovannis young body close to her chest in the center of the formation of officers. Hold on for a moment, warned Capua, gesturing for his unit to halt with a raised hand, Its too damned quiet down this path Something isnt
Capua never had the opportunity to finish his thought; a unit of armed Heisenian irregulars rose from places of cover behind the trash strewn down the road and peppered the Ridnezites with gunfire. Capua and 3 of his men ducked behind the side of a dumpster for cover, guarding the Sforzas with their bodies. The remainder were shot down in the middle of the road.
It was an ambush, Ottavia exclaimed, You promised us wed be safe! You promised my son would make it out!
Were the Hierarchs chosen, signora If anyone can protect you and your son, we can, Capua confidently stated, getting off several shots in the direction of their assailants.
Within the Palladino Club building, a different scene unfolded simultaneously. Inside the landmark location, tables and chairs had been overturned in the haste to make space for an ad hoc strategic command center for the uprising; manuscripts and portraits dating back 100 years or more had been indifferently torn apart, vandalized, or tossed on the ground. Within a particularly stifling room, a neatly dressed, clean-shaven man looking to be in his 40s and his 9-year-old daughter were bound to antique-style wooden seats by tight ropes, guarded by two of the armed resistance members.
In the adjacent chamber, a dark-skinned man of 40-something-years, draped out in a trenchcoat, spoke to a younger comrade in light tactical gear. Both were very obviously not familiar nationalities in Ridnez. Well, this jobs gone to blazes faster than the orphanage where I grew up You have a plan for getting out of this mess with our necks intact Ifedayo?, the younger of the two mercenaries asked.
Plan for ? Were not leaving, Jaguar Not until this tragedy is seen to its denouement. A warrior chosen by the orisha has an honor to protect , commented the man then called the Ocelot by friend and foe alike, But our client has acted in inexcusable recklessness the dishonor of tonights events falls in the first place with Andreas Bombardone and his thugs and in the second place, with Edgar Isidore Albertson.
But you acknowledge the writing on the wall, yes? We were provided with insufficient resources and outdated intelligence This uprising only ends one way , Jaguar stated, approaching Ocelot a few steps closer and lowering his voice, These people they have no chance. Theyre all going to die Unless !
Weve been over this , Ocelot wearily remarked. Without that, youve got no plan! RHSO pays us to arm these Heisenphytes and Zicks with assault rifles and whip them up into a revolt, then lets the Zendies bring in bigger guns and shoot them all! Brilliant idea, and at least we got paid in advance, but theres still the little matter of our own survival! Didnt you always used to say that a wild animal will do anything necessary in the fight for survival, and that we should live by that example?, Jaguar protested.
If there were no contradictory obligations to fulfill, Id agree Id even consider it if the girl werent with him But when I was here in this county 7 years ago, I had the misfortune of encountering another degraded innocent a helpless young girl caught in the grip of desperate men used for the sake of their gain. I wont be party to playing that same game now for my own benefit!, said Ocelot, with determination in his voice.
A perturbing quiet hung in the air for a matter of moments between the two men. Finally, Jaguar broke the awkward silence, Speaking of Lynxie, she shouldve come back here by now Hopefully she didnt run into some sort of trouble out there in the field.
Ocelot grimaced and turned away for a second or two. Youre right Im going out in the field to find her. Jaguar, hold down the fort until Ive returned But my opinion is final, futile or not, we stand with these people we stand with the oppressed til the end. He then opened a window of the room, determined he was about 6 stories up, and jumped unhesitatingly, leaping from wall to wall and using the friction to decelerate his descent until reaching ground level.
Jaguar watched his mentor race into the distance of the urban hellscape and came to a resolution. Honor honor honor! Your honor is going to be the death of you one day, Ifedayo Things didnt used to be like this Not until you became entangled in this Heisenphyte business He walked into the room containing the hostages, Arturo and Serena Gerloni and spoke to the two Heisenian guards, You two I want to interrogate the prisoners alone.
The guards exchanged quick glances and left the room into the adjoining hallway without issue. One of the two men stopped briefly just before closing the door shut and turned back to Jaguar, I hope you dont go too soft on the bastard Zendy scum needs to be made into an example. The guard then left, and the door slammed shut.
If youre going to kill me all I ask is not to harm Serena. Shes an innocent in all of this! And please, dont let her watch , pleaded Director Gerloni.
Relax, I couldnt care less about you, but youre still more useful alive than dead, Jaguar said, as he knelt beside Gerloni. Tell me, exactly how much is your boss going to owe me for saving your ass tonight?
Elsewhere, Sergeant Capua and his squad continued to exchange fire on a ruined city street. One of Capuas agents lobbed a grenade at the hulk of a car serving as cover for their opponents. The explosion ignited whatever still remained in the cars gas tank, creating a much larger explosion that caused several of the adjacent piles of junk to catch fire. Within seconds, the rebels spilled out from their hiding places covered in flame, most flailing about ineffectually. Capuas team moved on the enemy positions like clockwork, gunning the rebels down without mercy or reluctance.
As the heat and the sound started to die down, Capua gave the signal to the Sforzas, Its safe to come out now, miss. Only a few more blocks to the perimeter from here! Ottavia tentatively peeked around the edge of the cranny she and her son were occupying, then unsteadily stepped out from cover, I I- Dear Cothestrus, twice now youve saved us saved my bambino Sergeant, theres I dont know how I could ever repay you. Capua smirked and lowered his head in evident humility, Please, your gratitude alone is sufficient
Ottavia struggled to regain control of her nerves; Giovanni was weeping and terrified throughout the entire sequence, clinging to his mothers waist and burying his face in her chest. As the smoke cleared from the air, Ottavia began to notice more about the environs, things she was too scared and single-minded to notice earlier. She could no longer ignore the carnage surrounding her. The smell and sight of charred flesh offended her senses.
Worse still was the miscellaneous profile of several of the resistance members caught in the blast and mowed down by Capuas men. Not all of them resembled rough, brutish men like the Ziconean who threatened her earlier. Some were women, not much different from her in age. Worse still, some of the bodies belonged to children children not much older than Giovanni. And at the exact instant that Ottavia realized this, her stomach began to turn. Ottavia collapsed to her knees and projectile-vomited on the sidewalk.
Capua began to draw nearer to Ottavia. Signora, Im certain that this must all be a bit too much for you But we mustnt dawdle, or another gang of antisocial vermin could very well be upon us.
Ottavia could barely comprehend the sergeants words as she perceived her head suddenly start to spin. Mom Please, mom Whats happening? Youre scaring me!, begged a young Giovanni, tightly gripping Ottavias sweater in hand. Capuas attention was taken by one of his officers, Weve got a live one, Sergeant A boy no older than 13 tried vainly to crawl to freedom in the middle of the street, covered in third-degree burns and wearing little more than tatters. Barely clinging on to life and already disfigured beyond recognition, the boy yelled out in pain as Capua planted his booted heel against his throat.
Ottavia perceived through tunnel vision as Capua aimed the barrel of his rifle at the boys head. No, please-!, she cried out. As the words left her throat, Capua had already pulled the trigger. Capua turned towards Ottavia, I apologize that you had to bear witness to that ugliness, signora But after all, it was just a Zick
The very next moment, a gray blur streaked out from an overhanging gargoyle and tackled the sergeant to the ground. In the space between one blink of an eye and the next, Capua felt a length of razor wire press up against his throat, constricting his airways and cutting into his jugular vein. The figure atop the sergeant was an olive-skinned young girl, around the same age as his recent victim. Her vivid green eyes stared intensely into his for all of a few seconds.
Capuas bewildered mind struggled to understand what had just happened, but the focused killing intent in those eyes reminded him more of a large predator, like a big cat from the rainforests of South Usea, more than anything human. Capuas life was then brought to an end as the razor wire violently sliced through his blood vessels. Scarcely able to track their assailant in their line of sight, Capuas men fired in a panic at her general direction. With inhuman speed and agility, the girl called Lynx tumbled out of the way of the incoming fire and closed the distance immediately. Procuring a short dagger from a holster strap, Lynx overwhelmed the remainder of the attackers with a flurry of precise strikes, leaving their crumpled and bleeding bodies splayed out in the street.
Lynx surveyed the area for any remaining hostiles, only to react with shock upon spotting Ottavia and Giovanni, cowering in the corner. Civilians ! Why did it have to be civilians? Enemy hostiles, not complicated. But civilians what to do?
Are are you going to hurt us?, asked Ottavia, through a shaky voice. Lynxs reply was simple and brusque, Uh no. You really shouldnt be here. Ottavia pointed to Capuas body, her hand quaking all the while, They were supposed to evacuate us. Lynxs expression soured at even being reminded of the sergeants existence after seeing his callous execution. These people arent part of the mission. I should just leave them to their fate and focus on neutralizing the remaining enemy presence in the combat zone
Lynx turned her back to the mother and her petrified son and prepared to go on her way. Please wait!, Ottavia shouted out, trying to change Lynxs course of action. My bambino was almost killed by these antisocials wandering by ourselves You cant just leave us here! Im begging you please!
At this increasingly frantic urging, Lynx stopped in her tracks and turned around to size up the mother and child again, almost by instinct. Theyre helpless, all right Mr. Albertson may have envisioned a heroic uprising of the oppressed, but what hes getting is just a riot This wont end well. These people would be sitting ducks fresh meat... but
The scene was interrupted by a voice out of the blue, Lynx, you were supposed to scout out the area and gather intelligence on enemy positions, not to engage them Ocelot dropped from an awning to street level, garnering Lynxs attention. And you were supposed to rendezvous back at the Palladino Club half an hour ago Why has there been a del-? It was then that the huddled Ottavia and Giovanni caught Ocelots eye. Oh. I see.
Several blocks away, the team led by Vito Bertolini converged on the Palladino Club building. Bertolini silently made hand gestures, signaling his men to fan out and flank the sides of the building. Within minutes, armed officers blocked off all possible exit routes. Bertolini ascended the buildings front steps up to an antiquated façade and spoke into his earpiece, We move in on the count of three One, two
Before the count of three, one of the members of the resistance burst out through the front door, wounded and screaming. Bertolinis men on the steps immediately cut the man down in a hail of bullets, leaving his body to tumble down the steps until losing its momentum. Before Bertolini could process what had just happened, Jaguar stepped beyond the threshold of the doorframe, dragging an untied Arturo Gerloni along with him in a headlock. Behind the two were a string of bodies littering the lobby of the building, visible to Bertolini for about a second before the front door swung closed.
Whats the meaning of this?!, Bertolini demanded.
Jaguar scoffed, The meaning is that I just did you clowns job for you and saved the day Youre welcome by the way.
Whatever you do, dont shoot! Listen to the man!, Gerloni added.
Bertolini squinted his eyes in suspicious incredulity. Hmph, hold your fire, boys Whats this all about? Who are you?!
My name is unimportant. It no longer holds any meaning to anyone, you see. But you can call me Jaguar Im not interested in jawing with flunkies, however. Call up Director Del Tuono and put him on the line, Jaguar insisted.
Bertolini furrowed his brow in frustration.
For Amadastras sake, just do what he says!, Gerloni choked out.
Bertolini reluctantly pulled a cell phone from his pocket, dialed a secure number, and held the phone out for Jaguar to pick up. Making sure to position Gerloni in front as a human shield, Jaguar drew closer as the phone started to ring and grabbed it from Bertolinis hand.
Captain ? Why are you calling this line on a cellular phone? Is your earpiece still intact?, queried the voice on the other end of the line, after picking up.
Jaguar began to explain himself, Im not interested in wasting time, so Ill keep this brief. Captain Bertolini is perfectly fine, and his unit is still intact. My handle is Jaguar I was one of the mercenaries hired to arm these antisocials of yours and start this shindig But as you can clearly see, things have gone kind of sour for us, so I did your boys the kindness of wiping out the central hub of the uprising and pulling Director Gerlonis fat out of the proverbial fire. I figure that must be worth something to you, so Do I have your attention?
Oh, certainly, Signor Jaguar. Or should I call you Garrett Wycliffe? My people know all sorts of things about you Tertanian-born orphan, sold from a corrupt foster home to an Axonite church official who proceeded to use you in all sorts of ways. Then the Keegan Report released and the Marundian soldier of fortune Ifedayo Olatunji took you in, while in Tertania to complete a job for the government in wiping out pleasure lodges kept by the deviant priests Youve had a hard life, but I dont care. Give me one reason why I shouldnt hunt you to the ends of the earth and hack your limbs off on public television , said Del Tuono.
Jaguar replied with his proposal, Ignoring your grisly impulses for a moment and the fact that I could just as simply snap Director Gerlonis neck like dried wood if I wanted to Im presenting to you a golden opportunity. You just mentioned Ocelot You already knew he and I receive regular work from the Ridnez-Heisenian Security Organization. How would you like to have your own man on the inside, sabotaging that geezer Albertsons future operations for you?
I will admit, I admire your boldness and your apparent fearlessness. Those are the traits I look for in my own operatives. But I must ask Isnt Albertsons Heisenian gold good enough for a pure mercenary like yourself? Why betray the man who raised you from a child who taught you everything you know ?, Del Tuono questioned.
Jaguar continued his explanation, Because that Heisenian gold quite frankly is drying up For Ocelot, its not about the money anymore. Its about the honor And yknow, as a pure mercenary, I really resent being dragged into half-baked schemes, doomed to failure, like this uprising risking my life for no goddamned reason If you have a file on me, you know I have talents that cant be easily replicated, lets say. My abilities are worth more than what Im currently getting for them so again, Im presenting you with a golden opportunity, make me a better offer!
Closer to the perimeter, an altogether different scene continued to unfold. Im truly sorry that you had to be caught in the center of all this, miss But Im afraid I cannot allow you to reach the perimeter, Ocelot stated, Anything you could possibly reveal to StateSec or the police about our movements puts us in the line of fire.
So youre just going to leave us here?! I dont even care about myself, just please save Giovanni!, Ottavia cried out.
I didnt say we would abandon you and your child. Theres an Axonite church only a half-mile from here, Ocelot pointed in the general direction, The resistance wouldnt date to attack it. Most Ziconeans and nearly all Heisenians profess Axonity in modern Ridnez. Youll be safe there. Sit and wait there until things quiet down. Lynx will keep watch over your safety until you arrive, Ocelot explained.
Lynx shot her mentor a bewildered expression at having been volunteered to accompany the group. I-Ifedayo, what are you doing?! Im not ready for this! I dont know the first thing about-!
Ocelot interrupted, Nonsense, young Lynx. Youve been trained adequately enough to guard the safety of two civilians for a short distance. Afterwards, we rendezvous at the Palladino Club and plan out our next moves.
Lynx looked towards the Sforzas with a visible expression of unease. A mother and her child threatened by a calamity outside their control It hurts too much to think about. But this time, we caused this The terror on that boys face, even all of the poor people that lost their lives rising up against the Zendirists while unprepared Is this our fault? The clients? Bombardones? No this was is the fault by the garbage that took Mom and Dad All of it, theirs. Lets just get this over with
On the roof of the Palladino Club, a police helicopter landed before an assemblage of Bertolinis squad members. Arturo Gerloni was present as the helicopter landed, his hair swept to the back by a strong air current thrown his way by the rotating propeller blades. Gerloni wore a pensive expression on his face, apparently lost in his own thoughts. Young Serena tugged on her fathers finger to get his attention. Daddy is the fighting all over now? Are we going to be safe?
Gerloni pivoted his gaze to meet his daughters and tenderly stroked her hair. Whatever deals need to be made whatever the cost. Ever since I lost your mother I couldnt bear to lose you too, darling. This misbegotten ghetto the entire city can burn for all I care! So long as Ill left a better world for you to inherit than the one I was born into Thats all that matters now.
Bertolini approached Gerloni from behind. Director Gerloni, reports have come back from the other squads. Director Del Tuono is practically chomping at the bit to deliver the coup de grace on this antisocial insurrection. With that said, theres no time to lose. Im afraid Ill have to ask you to board the chopper at this time.
Of course, Ive had enough of being pushed around for one day, in any case , Gerloni replied, his mind half somewhere else.
Daddy, is it over Is this nightmare really, finally over?, Serena pleaded, tears in her eyes.
Gerloni held his daughter close to his chest as they entered the helicopter and took their seats. Serena buried her face in her fathers chest. Dad I-I really I was convinced that we were going to die Its really over, isnt it?
Gerloni remained outwardly melancholy and refused to speak.
W-why dont you just tell me that were in the clear? So that Ill know I havent lost my mind and started to hallucinate things ? So that Ill know that everything will be okay in the end? The good guys are winning, arent they?, Serena begged.
Gerloni turned solemnly towards his daughter, a piteous look in his eyes. Serena the world isnt good guys and bad guys Im sure youve heard it said, but one day youll know what I mean. Well be safe, ok, honey? Were going to be okay! Thats what matters what truly matters.
But for all the people down there The other parents and children trapped down in that churning crucible of violence May the Phantasmic Court save them I dont know that anyone else will.
As the helicopter took off into the air above the city, Lynx led the Sforzas to the rundown church within the old town square. Silent for most of the trek, Giovanni overcame his slowly subsiding feelings of terror to ask his temporary guardian a question. H-hey I dont recall what that big black guy said your name was
Lynx replied perfunctorily, Name is irrelevant. Call me Lynx. My company assigns all its members to names taken from untamed cats Part of it is just aesthetics. The other part is Ifed- Ocelots heritage. We have access to a we call it an elixir It enhances our bodies lets us do things ordinary people cant for a time.
Wait, so youre saying You did that to the sergeant and his squad because that South Usean put you on drugs?!, Ottavia blurted out.
Uh Thats not how Id put it, but um? Yeah, I guess? The side-effects are manageable, no need to worry , Lynx stated in a slightly embarrassed tone.
Ottavia didnt look particularly convinced, but she said nothing further on the topic.
After about a minute passed, Giovanni attempted to restart the conversation, So uh Youre about my age, right? How do you do this?
Lynx responded in the same deadpan manner as she always spoke. I just explained how I do what I do And I dont know how old you are.
No, I mean Until now, Ive just attended school and played sports and hung out with friends and whatever How can you be part of this whole soldier lifestyle?, the young Giovanni inquired.
Lynx stopped in her tracks, pivoted to face the Sforzas, and took in the image before her. A mother and her son even in the new Ridnez, there are some things worth treasuring, I guess
Ottavia grew concerned about the way that the girl before her just stared them up and down. Uh, are you all right Lynx?
Yeah, Im all right, miss And to answer your question, kid, some of us werent given a choice to lead normal lives and to have loving families, Lynx replied, Youll never know the value of what you have, kid Until its lost to you. She then turned and resumed walking.
Ottavia could not help but wonder about the girl mercenarys past. She doesnt sound like a child even the slightest Forced to mature faster than her years. Shes a killer, by Cothestrus tunic! Doesnt look fully Ridnezite either. Are these people that the government labelled antisocial destined to wind up like that no matter what? There is a sadness in her voice that shes trying to hide If shes a criminal now, its because of something that was done to her, Im sure of it Sergeant Capua was a killer too shot that poor, suffering boy like he was a sick dog But they attacked first If the sergeant didnt kill them, then they would have killed us! I dont know whos right I dont know anymore!
Ottavias thoughts then turned to Giovanni. All I do know is that Giovanni is my whole world Im not afraid of dying anymore. I just want Giovanni to survive, by whatever powers there may be Please
As the three reached the location of the church, one of the Heisenians guarding the gates stopped them. I recognize the girl She came with the Marundian guy who passed us the firepower to fight the Zendies But you two look like Rids to me State your business!
Lynx stepped forward. That Marundian guy has placed these people under his protection, and if you know whats good for you, then youll respect that These are civilians trying to reach safety away from the fighting Theyve done nothing to harm you, so youre going to let them in and treat them with hospitality, understand?
Back in 05, Bombardone gave the Rids an election to see if they liked him, and guess how they all voted? Thats harm enough for me They can stand out in the streets with bullets flying overhead See how they like it for once, the Heisenian curtly stated.
I dont think you heard me the right way, Lynx stated through gritted teeth, These people are under the protection of Ocelot Solutions LLC that means under the Ocelots protection and under mine! She struck out with a lightning-quick blow to the Heisenian mans groin, knocked him onto the ground with a leg sweep, and grabbed his rifle. By the time the disgruntled resistance member opened his eyes, he was staring down the barrel of his own gun. I hope I made my point
The three passed the gates into the churchyard, subsequently heading inside the church. Neither Ottavia nor Giovanni said a word amongst themselves, but Lynx anticipated their unspoken thoughts. In case youre wondering, the safety was on, but Ive been told by Ocelot to make an outsized impression to make up for well my stature. So, now that youre here, Ill be returning to my group
As Lynx turned her back towards the Sforzas and began to leave the church, Ottavia called out for her. Wait, please I I dont feel safe here at all My son and I were attacked by some of the antisocials before and now that man who tried to turn us away at the front gate I dont trust what will happen with you not around.
Lynx shot Ottavia and aside glance and sighed to herself. I suppose I see your logic, miss Ocelot wont be too happy, but Honor comes first, right? She returned to the pew where Ottavia and Giovanni were seated, sitting next to them, though with palpable body language conveying discomfort with the situation. There really arent any good solutions, are there? We couldnt let you complete your journey to the perimeter because thats enemy territory to us but from your perspective, this is enemy territory, isnt it?
Ottavia now began to shuffle in her seat, not wanting to volunteer the answer. Her silence in itself spoke volumes.
Yeah, I figured , Lynx sighed, Hey, kid, I didnt catch your name before ?
Giovannis lips nervously began to quiver before the answer came out, Uh... Im Giovanni uh Pleased to meet you.
Lynx hung her head in resignation. Yeah pleased to meet you too, Giovanni, she said, with a tired inflection. You said before you hang out with friends sometimes ? Must be nice
No time for friends when youre a soldier, huh?, asked Giovanni.
No no time at all. Just me and my company. Ocelot. Jaguar. Some others. Ive known them for half my life What kinds of things do you like to do with your friends Giovanni?, Lynx asked.
Giovanni obliged, happy that he was making some form of connection, however small, to the girl called Lynx. Well theres always football. Sometimes we make up our own stupid games with each other. Sometimes we earn extracurricular credits by volunteering in the Zendirist Youth Briga-
Lynx shut him down immediately at that mention, Forget I asked!
The three then sat silently, trying to avoid looking at one another, until the entire church shook with explosive force. Simultaneously, several of the stained glass windows shattered, raining the interior of the church with shards.
Get down now!, Lynx said, as she pushed Ottavia and Giovanni to the ground underneath the pew to avoid the hail of sharp fragments.
What was that?!, Ottavia demanded.
Lynx shouted the obvious answer, Zendies theyre here!
Ottavia immediately grabbed Giovanni by the wrist and raced for the churchyard. Dont shoot! My son and I are-! Agh! Ottavias pleas for rescue by agents of StateSec were interrupted by a hail of bullets that flew in her direction as soon as the church doors opened a creak. A bullet grazed Ottavias shoulder, wounding her.
Lynx grabbed Ottavia and pulled her to the side. No escaping from this now, Im afraid! Youre never going to be safer than hiding under that pew with your son, miss! And you better hope we so-called antisocials manage to kill all those Zendies before they-
At the speaking of those words, another explosion, much mightier than the first, shook the building to its foundations. Without a moments delay, the entirety of the roof began to crack into pieces and collapse in on itself.
With only a second or two to act, Lynx grabbed Giovanni and tackled him under the nearest pew, shielding his body with her own. The church caved in, leaving only a pile of debris, as members of the resistance ran about in a panicked frenzy, none fully comprehending what had just happened. Spilling out from the old town square into adjacent areas of the ghetto area, they met up against the approach of the DIS8 Authority tanks, which unleashed a relentless barrage of explosive shells and machine gun fire into the cornered crowd. After a few minutes more, the paved street underneath the square began to crumble and collapse, sending hundreds more rebels to an unfortunate demise in the subterranean levels beneath.
Meanwhile, Ocelot raced back towards the Palladino Club building over low-altitude rooftops. When the square was consumed by the explosion, the column of flame and the sound of the detonation were heard even over a half-mile away. No sooner than Ocelot gazed in abject horror upon the travesty before him did he receive a transmission from Jaguar. Ifedayo I tried to hold down the Palladino Club, but We were outmatched, outnumbered. I had to beat a strategic retreat, or else Id be dead too right now!
Jaguar, what are you talking about? The major hub of the uprising is lost?! Where are you?!, Ocelot urgently inquired.
Ive been trying to figure out the safest route to an exit from this botched operation! But youre in luck, Ifedayo The utility access tunnel the runs underneath the old Consine Legacy Savings and Loan building is practically unguarded If we dont beat a retreat now though, as a group !, Jaguar emphasized.
I grasp the point, Jaguar. No need to belabor it. Weve lost The client set us up for failure, whether deliberately or otherwise I cannot say. Where is Lynx?! She was supposed to rendezvous with us at the Club!, Ocelot recalled.
Jaguar responded, Well, I hadnt seen her when the building was attacked by Zendies, so she must never have completed that objective
Ugh, where am I? Not dead Oh, no Dear Axon, the roof was going to !
Lynx struggled to crawl free from a monumental pile of debris, pulling the body of an unconscious Giovanni Sforza behind her with one arm. Dragging herself from underneath the rubble in the direction of a pinpoint of dancing light, she eventually reached the opening and squeezed through. Next, she pulled Giovanni through the hole. Giovanni Are you with me? Giovanni!, Lynx yelled, furiously shaking the boy in a futile effort to rouse him. She quickly checked his carotid pulse. Still alive, thank Axon! But what about
Lynx answered her own question when her searching line of sight caught the limp hand of a woman, barely protruding from the collection of debris next to her. Again it happened again.
Lynx knelt beside Giovanni, wiping a lone tear from her eyes. Im sorry, kid Whats been taken from you nothing will replace it ever. No apology will ever be enough
Miraculously, Lynxs earpiece was still functional enough to pick up a transmission from Ocelot. Lynx, why havent you been my messages? Weve lost weve Head in the direction of the Consine Legacy S&L. There will be a tunnel that Jaguar has cleared for us as an access
Lynx made another sigh of resignation, and burying her grief under a tough exterior, headed on her way.
Amalfi House War Room, Centro Nuovo
9:20 PM, August 5, 2008
So that concludes the report, Director Del Tuono
Del Tuono sat back into his usual chair, legs folded, as he received the report on the prior days operation from Captain Bertolini. All things considered, maybe we should thank Albertson for helping to get so many of his own people exterminated If he had provided more substantial support to the insurrectionists, then that uprising might have escalated into a bigger problem and worse still, challenged the New States crucial myth of invincibility We are only in the end as invincible as our people see and believe that we are If he hadnt bothered at all, then we would never be able to accelerate the timetable of our demographic engineering to the stage of the ANRI Initiative.
Bertolini stood before Del Tuono, his disciplined manner of standing at attention contrasting with Del Tuonos utterly casual and relaxed posture. If you dont mind me asking about just one point of all this are you really going to trust Garrett Wycliffe the Jaguar to leak information on the Heisenphytes schemes. He is a mercenary, after all and as a Tertanian, belongs to the Heisenic races Zendirism preaches that blood doesnt betray blood.
Dont presume to lecture me on implementation of Zendirist principles, Captain I would never trust Wycliffe, that snake, to be loyal to our righteous cause nor is he pretending to be. I do expect him to remain loyal to the first and greatest of Heisenic loves filthy lucre. And having accumulated much filthy lucre to put at the states disposal from the liquidation of dirty Heisenian fortunes I think its fitting, dont you? In any case, whether or not he serves our goal any further, his instinct for self-preservation has served us well yesterday night Let us see what opportunities for exploitation that his future career might present us, hm?, Del Tuono explained.
Anything left to comment on, Captain?, Del Tuono asked.
No, Director, came the reply.
Very good then, dismissed.
Twilight of the Idols Part 1
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Jocospor, 4 days ago
Andreas Bombardone lay strapped against a chair, confronted with a news feed of many Imperial Senators in mourning of his presumed death, this just moments after being informed that he had been sentenced to die.
Bombardone queried in stunned disbelief, Then it is so? The cold reply of the executioner resounded in the padded room, It is. Steeling his will as he met his end, Bombardone spoke henceforth, Very well Then it is so. A needle pierced his chest, and for an instant, there was a flash of pain unlike anything Bombardone had ever imagined.
They say that in the moment of ones death that ones life flashes before ones eyes. Instead, Bombardone, in the frozen millisecond between life and the world beyond, was suspended in an infinite void of ebon darkness. Andreas Bombardone, a deep, gravelly, masculine voice called out through the abyss, Your life has been spent on wickedness and violence The orchestration of untold human misery Children forever separated from their fathers and mothers Grieving parents eternally separated from their departed children Thousands of thousands, millions of millions, have been cruelly sacrificed for your evil bloodlust How do you account for these crimes? Bombardones discorporated consciousness struggled to process what was happening. He spat out defiantly, Who Who are you? Show yourself, coward!
Suddenly, Bombardone perceived as the void transformed into a rocky shore at sunset. Another powerful, booming voice accused, this time belonging to a woman, In the annals of the history of Ridnez, though kingdoms have clashes Though our followers have filled us with grief by centuries of cyclical bloodshed There has been no butcher, no tyrant to emerge from these shores The male voice continued the sentence, or from this soil No son or daughter of Ridnez who has hated the precepts of justice and mercy The female voice interjected, To blatantly disregard the time-old laws of gods and nature To have ruined the country and twisted the hearts of his countrymen The male voice concluded, As you have, Andreas Bombardone. Two figures, appearing in the garb of a great king and queen of antiquity, materialized before Bombardone, the king standing upon the ground and the lady hovering over the gently lapping waves. Bombardones mind recognized the significance of these representations instantly, Unreal! It cant be The lady of the ocean spoke once more, What have you to say in your defense, errant son of Ridnez?
Bombardone was faintly insulted by the insinuation of guilt, Defense? What do I have to defend myself for? Saving my home which I love from squalor and decay? Restoring the pride of the fatherlands progeny, so we no longer have to hang our heads in shame? Bringing Ridnez out of poverty and raising us to the status of one of the first great powers in the world? The spirit of the earth responded with sheer disgust, One of the first great powers? Is this how you describe this vast, untamed war machine, which indifferently swallows entire generations and produces naught but carnage and dishonor? Bombardone rebuffed the accusation, Is that all you see in our New State? Is that all you yet understand? Senseless criminality? Your paltry dismissal offends me It is good then that I have done away with your impotent and reactionary creeds! The spirit of the waters replied, You are a vainglorious man, Andreas Bombardone. You believe that you can usurp the gods and rule as a god yourself! Bombardone scoffed, Fah! Not a god Not even a king Let us go back to the beginning, shall we? Back to the Era of Chaos
A window opened before Bombardone and the two nature spirits, peering back over 20 years A younger, very much different Andreas Bombardone stood revealed through the portal. It was a different country A different time, back then. In some ways, Ridnez had not even been born yet , Bombardone reminisced. In the scene of the past, the younger Bombardone stood in the middle of a large circular chamber, delivering a speech before hundreds of delegates. Ladies and gentlemen of the National Assembly On behalf of the Il Sole Chamber of Commerce, I have in my hand a report containing distressing reports concerning the solvency of near all local businesses In just the past two weeks alone, 4,980 sole proprietors in this city have been forced to close up shop for good In the category of middle-sized businesses, 1,352 firms in sectors as varied as accounting, real estate, information technology, retail, wholesale have gone belly-up, as failing banks foreclose on their assets and liquidate them And even then, the finance industry is just barely staying above the rising tide of insolvency Literally tens of thousands of small banks and credit unions have catastrophically collapsed from outstanding liabilities A small circle of large central bankers is intent to swallow the entire country in a death-spiral of debt and bankruptcy. Ladies and gentlemen, I have acquired this speaking opportunity before you to ask, on behalf of those many businesses, and on behalf of the countless more workers and consumers who depend upon them What do you plan to do about this?
A member of the Chamber of Delegates, a 40-something woman, folded her fingers in obvious consternation. She spoke through reluctance, Mr. Bombardone Please understand that the government is hard at work doing everything it can to resolve this crisis as soon as possible. Bombardone sneered in contempt at this rehearsed reply. I did not jump through so much red tape to arrange my appearance here, to go away satisfied with stock phrases. I know how the government has been endeavoring to help Which is by intervening to subsidize and restructure the large financial institutions at the bottom of the current crisis But I came here to ask about where the rest of us enter the picture, Delegate Drakos. Even as we speak, entire city blocks are seized by the big banks and sold piecemeal to foreign corporations and land speculators. Over a hundred years of material history and culture are being wiped out by greedy incompetents Soon enough, the common Ridnezite citizen will be fleeced by slumlords for the basic right to live in his own country! And his son, and his grandson, will wind up paying off the debts of the irresponsible people who caused this mess! The Speaker of the Chamber, Benjamin Richter, interrupted, Mr. Bombardone We are well-aware that you filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy earlier this week... We appreciate that your own fortune was at stake behind your appearance here To you, and to the Chamber of Commerce which you represent, the Chamber of Delegates can only offer its condolences that you wasted your time here.... Bombardone stood silent for several moments. I see, he finally said. Without another word, Bombardone crumpled the report in his hand and threw it on the floor before leaving the room, his feet dragging with the enormous weight of his disappointment.
The scene faded out, and the Bombardone of the present returned to face the spirits. So That is your defense? You overthrow the moral order which was established from time immemorial, because you stood to lose your wealth. How upsettingly petty, the lady of the sea exclaimed. Bombardone aimed to justify himself in response, You still fail to grasp the point, dont you? When the last king lost his head What did the hero of the nation, Pasquale Amalfi, proclaim to the masses The wise statement that adorns the preamble of the Constitution? Hereafter, this Republic shall be ordained, to last forevermore a testament to public virtue Public virtue, then, is the heart of the Republic But where was this virtue in evidence among the servants of the public then? Mired in a tangle of democratic confusion Confounded by the despotism of private interests Private interests, all in conflict over the same pool of common resources entrusted to the stewardship of the state All chasing after scarce goods, so that the few grow fat and the many starve. What else did Amalfi proclaim that day, when the remnants of feudality were cast asunder? The Republic shall rest upon the bedrock of the three principles of natural law: Liberty, Fraternity, Equality But this was always a chimera that the prophets of democracy had conjured up These three values have and will always be fated to destroy each other Liberty is the ode to caprice and selfishness abound, each man unto himself a king over his destiny, whether to his ruin or to that of all of society Equality is the ode to mediocrity, to lack of responsibility and gormless cowardice, so that no one can be faulted for his stupidity or his lack of forethought once everyone else is held to the same pitiful standard Fraternity is the only of these values worth preserving It was fraternity that built Ridnez. One-thousand years of learning to be civilized Trials and tribulations Famines and wars It was only the common brotherhood of the people and their resounding faith in the fatherland, that it would sustain them, that allowed them to endure! Generation after generation, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons Working together, striving together But always under the leadership, under the ultimate guidance of a great man who is capable of mustering that spirit of public virtue and channeling it into the masses so that all might march in lockstep, with a single will A single destination! How dare you condemn me for that? How dare you condemn the New State for being nothing more nor less than the consummation of the republican spirit thusly elaborated? All the potentialities of state power matured to their finest point with the final objective of heightening public virtue and bolstering a united discipline!
The lord of the earth heard Bombardones rant, You speak of public virtue and enlightening the masses, but how can this be so when you patently destroy the masses for demonstrating any capacity for individual moral attainment? You speak of leading the children of Ridnez to a better future, but then how to you account for the enslavement of tens of millions of those entrusted to your care? Bombardone scoffed again, I would like you to back up your outlandish claims, figment! Gladly!, replied the earth spirit, while opening another portal, this time to the present state affairs in Centro Nuovo. Hundreds of people clothed and ready for work picked up The People of Ridnez from the newsstand as they bustled into the train station. Several large screens hanging overhead broadcast the WRSMC evening news, Negotiations in Vocryae between the Hierarch and the leadership of the cartel known as the League of Prosperous Nations are reportedly still underway In other news, the Directorate of State Security is increasing its personnel by several hundred thousand Two white-collar workers boarded a Maglev train and sat across from each other. The news broadcast continued inside the train cars, using an experimental holographic technology, Chief of Police warns against potential danger from Tertanian-state-sponsored terrorism in the heart of the country and urges all citizens to do their patriotic duty by reporting any and all suspicious individuals. One of the two men unfurls the paper and points at a photo of a military parade from the previous day, Fine weather weve been having, isnt it? His inane water-cooler talk stood to distract from what his finger indicated: the number of cars representing the Cabinet of the Hierarch at the center of the motorcade. Two were down from the expected number. The other man subtlely nodded and replied, Its been fair so far. Lets hope that there are only sunnier days ahead. Bombardone quizzically demanded answers, What is the point of this scene? I see that my loyal officials have spared the populace the enormous sorrow of knowing my ignominious end Should this not please me that I have my peoples love? The lord of the earth shouted, Ignorant fool! Those men were celebrating your disappearance and that of the man called Ludovico Tetra in the only way made possible by the horrible machine of oppression youve constructed! You pay attention to the facile statements of those instruments of your design, your 'official media' organs, seeing only the reflected false glory of your leviathan institutions You care nothing for the actual sons and daughters of Ridnez, and are less still capable of comprehending the emptiness of the sterile, passionless world youve consigned them to inhabit!
Bombardone reacted with offense, Preposterous! That mere exchange need not have implied anything! The lady of the waters interjected, Oh? Then what about this?, changing the portal to depict another present-day scene, in a Fulmine Rosso apartment block. Get out here, Gianni, and face the music, shouted the leader of a mob through a megaphone, You and your woman havent been joining the rest of us at the bar, we never see you at the cinema to watch the latest SocPol picture, you always find some convenient excuse to avoid picking up the newspaper lately You dont even join us in our recreations And since we caught that those loathsome rat who was scurrying around this apartment block Now we know why, dont we, Gianni? In the apartment, Gianni whispered to his girlfriend Carla, Hurry out the back exit and Ill try to hold them up at the front As Carla turned to leave, Gianni grabbed her arm. Wait!, Gianni urged, Take this He placed a revolver into her hands. Now go! Gianni emerged from the front and faced the mob, Ill come with you Just please Dont hurt Carla, please spare her In his heart, Gianni knew that Carla would be met with no mercy if they caught her; this was a delaying tactic. But then Sound of a gunshot came from the alley out in back of the building. Giannis blood ran cold. Moments later, a muscular gang of brutes emerged from the alleyway, one of them dragging Carla by the hair and having disarmed her. You thought that you could save your prize slut by sending her out back while you blathered on up here, eh?, spoke the leader of the mob, First she dies, then you! Gianni screamed out in a howl of despair, tears in eyes, No! But it was for naught, the mob brutally beat Carla with fists and clubs until what was left was near-unrecognizable. Fear and sadness drowning his mind, Gianni barely managed to notice a hanging body from a lamppost down the street. E-Erich ?, Gianni muttered out, recognizing him as the escaped Heisenian slave that he and Carla had sheltered after the Civil War ended. Now, its your turn, the leader of the mob said, turning back to Gianni, placing the barrel of the revolver he previously gave to Carla against his head. K-kill me , Gianni begged. And one second later, so he received, his bleeding corpse lying in the street.
See here how you have turned dignified sons of Ridnez into depraved beasts! Not even your government can claim responsibility for these hideous acts The mob formed spontaneously Youve not just subjugated your people, but reduced them morally to a lower level Youve given free reign to the most criminal tendencies in the human spirit, and criminalized the simple want to live rightfully by ones neighbors How can you abide this atrocity? How can you call this public virtue?, speaks the spirit of the ocean. Bombardone folded his arms or at least the representation of Bombardones body within his dying mind did, But this is public virtue laid bare and manifest for all to behold, figment. The people, arrayed in militant configuration against the enemies of the people. It is simple as that The lady of the waters changes the scene to Designated Resettlement Camp Mu-Theta in the Outer Sector, Enemies of the people? The Book of Maris had always said that those delivered by the waves upon Ridnezite shores ought to be treated with hospitality and understanding As all of your ancestors were delivered by the waves The lord of the earth spoke in turn, And while the Book of Terrae does not agree with such openness towards outsiders, it states that those whose lines have seeded the soil with their sweat and blood for generations, do become children of the soil with time But look at this abomination The image through the portal flashed through images of Ziconean families huddled in showers as gas fills the room Ziconeans being forced to put other Ziconeans through crematoriums at gunpoint Ziconeans, starving to death, being forced to shovel their own people some, their own relatives into ungodly mass graves. All accompanied by screams of torment, cries of agony, the filtered sound of millions of broken lives and destroyed souls, all in one cacophony. Bombardone stood unimpressed and merely remarked, Hmph Director Del Tuono was always a little over-enthusiastic The earth spirits booming voice roused in anger, How can you have such little appreciation for human life? Even if you refuse to consider those people as your own, it does not excuse such wanton cruelty! Those voices those souls have returned to the earth And they demand your punishment! Bombardone turned away with cool indifference, Let us take another jaunt into the past, shall we? It will be necessary to explain the facts of reality
The view through the portal returned to the Era of Chaos, 25 years ago. A younger Andreas Bombardone stood, fists thrust against the desk of his office as President of the Quattro Elementi Chemical Company. The building was barren of almost all other employees; all operations at corporate facilities had been shut down. A man came through the door of the office and introduced himself, Mr. Bombardone? Im Adrian Roth with the Ridnez First National Bank, here to serve you this notice of foreclosure Bombardone threw himself into his seat, exhausted almost beyond words, Why is it That I keep on encountering you people now ? Roth inquired, pushing upon the bridge of his glasses, I beg your pardon? Bombardone continued to explain, less addressing Roth than venting for his own sake, My business license was revoked today The government is so strapped with debt from parasites like you that I cant even file for bankruptcy proceedings. Youre foreclosing on my assets, not the companys. The company doesnt even exist anymore Roth placed the notice on the desk and shoved it towards Bombardone, ignoring him, You have 30 days, sir. Im sorry. As he walked out, Bombardone retreated into his mind, The tax bureau, its you people The banks, you people The law firms, you people The media, you people You wash up on our shores 50, 100 years ago like plastic pollution cast into the Golden Sea from Usea and now you try to strangle us all People with your last names, your facial features Who built this country, anyway? Bombardone stood up, suddenly possessed by a wild fury, and slammed his fists against the table. He then collapsed back into his seat, head in his hands, and cried to himself in silence.
The scene fades out and moves to a few hours later, at a hospital. Bombardone sat out in a waiting room, when a doctor emerged. Looking back and forth from a chart, the doctor summoned, Er, Mr. Bombardone ? Your mother Bombardone solemnly rose from the chair in the waiting room and followed the doctor to his mothers hospital room. The doctor explained on the way, Weve tried everything, Mr. Bombardone. Chemo. Radiation. But it seems hopeless Your mother She has only maybe a few more weeks to live at most Bombardone pleaded in desperation, But-but what about surgery? The doctor looked Bombardone in the eyes, Mr. Bombardone, this is glioblastoma Even if we debulked the tumor, the chances are that it would grow back in a matter of months And we believe that its metastasized more than previously believed Im sorry. Bombardones mother Andrea yelled out from the hospital room, I-I want to see my son! W-where is Andreas? Bombardone rushed into the room, as the doctor tried to hold him up, Mr. Bombardone! Wait! Bombardone kneeled by his mothers side in the hospital room, Its me, mother! Im here now ! Andrea looked her son in the eyes as her lower lip quivered slightly, Y-you You arent my son! Get out! Get out I want to see Andreas! In a single moment, Bombardones concern turned to despair. He rose and left the hospital room without another word. The doctor approached cautiously, I I was trying to tell you. Your mother is experiencing long-term retrograde amnesia in her decline. Im sorry. Bombardone faced the wall for several minutes, stiff as granite, simmering in his own bitterness-turned-to-anger. Why why do I keep getting told that Im sorry? Does anyone think it makes a difference? Bombardone thrust his fists against the wall, once more in utter futility.
The portal into the past flashes forward to days after this event, to one of Bombardones later memories of the Era of Chaos. Ive figured it out, Vincenzo. Ive figured it out , Bombardone muttered to himself. He was sitting with his old friend and fellow businessman Vincenzo Borrelli at a dive bar; their previous casual meeting place, the Il Sole Acme Club, closed its doors earlier that month. Borrelli looked up from his drink, Excuse me? Bombardone grumbled, Ive figured out something for the first time in my life It doesnt matter a damn. Borrelli struggled to comprehend, Im sorry, Andreas, but I dont follow Bombardone stirred his drink desultorily, Remember when we were young and naïve, Vincenzo. When we said that we would go places, meet interesting people, get married, change the future It was a fools errand, Vincenzo Neither god nor nature cares anything for any of us Our lives, Vincenzo. They dont mean anything They amount to a half-hearted apology, so that the rest of the world can quit feeling bad about you as soon as possible and move on to forgetting you Along with the rest of the garbage. Bombardone looks around the bar and the seedy-looking assortment of customers he found himself sorted among. Borrelli processed this, Hm, indulging in self-pity, are we? Bombardone continued, My house got foreclosed on today I have virtually nothing left. Nothing Ive not even credit-worthy enough to rent out apartment space. Everything I dedicated my life to making now belongs to some Heisenian vulture someplace.
Borrelli raised an eyebrow, Heisenian? Bombardone fired back indignantly, Oh, come on! You must have noticed it like the rest Every step of the way in the parade of indignity Ive been made to bear, theres been some rat with a Heisenian last name. We let them come here to escape the regime of that Victor Watson person, only for them to come here and pillage us Protected by our own laws! Secured by the bounty of our own labor and industry! Its obscene! There are even rumors that our esteemed President Napolitano had a Heisenian grandmother Now another foreign freak, that Ziconean Delegate Ophelia Drakos, is in charge. Borrelli speaks his part, Hm, well, General Ridnez Petrochemical has been doing better than most mostly due to land values. After all, once you have the wells and the pipelines laid down, no one can really compete with you for that space, and if the oil there is higher-quality and can be transported at less cost But even then, land values overall have been dropping, and so has demand Ive been trying to protect our workers from this economic catastrophe by paying for their lodgings and increasing their benefits But it hasnt been easy. Bombardone stopped listening by now, I have to get out of here Get some air Borrelli called out, Do you have anywhere to go? You said you lost your house Andreas, please, old friend! Bombardone left the bar and wandered through the streets aimlessly, owning nothing more than the clothes on his back But for some, that was enough.
Bombardone was grabbed by two young-seeming gangbangers and dragged into the nearest alley without warning. Hey, you got some nice shoes on you. Nice shirt, nice coat, nice tie Are you a rich man or what?, asked one of the muggers, pulling a switchblade in Bombardones face. Bombardone looked at his assailants and recognized them as Ziconeans, No, please I-I dont have any money on me I dont have anything I can give- The other mugger removed Bombardones wallet and flipped removed a wad of cash from it, Hey, look what I got here! The mugger with the switchblade threatened, Looks like you were lying to us, rich guy. I hear that rich guys like you have been doing a lot of lying around Heard thats why Ridnez is so poor nowadays He slashes Bombardone across the face, Heard thats why my mom got cheated out of her little floral shop The other mugger punches Bombardone in the gut, taking the wind out of him. Heard thats why Ive got to rummage through the freaking dumpster some nights to feed my little brother You deserve whats coming to you , continued the first mugger. The second mugger strikes Bombardone over the head, rendering him unconscious. Quick, take his shoes and jacket and lets get out of here!, urges the first mugger. Those words are the last thing that Bombardone picks up as his mind fades into inky blackness.
The nature spirits judge Bombardone as the vision in the portal fades to black with the recollections of the younger Bombardone. The water spirit goes first, So you believe that because many of those who have wronged you were Heisenian or of some other foreign race, that you have the right to negate the lives of untold people belonging to those races? You are no better than a barbarian! Your pain does not excuse the pain you have inflicted on others! Your despair does not justify the despair you have inflicted on the nation of Ridnez! The Bombardone of the present retorts, How little you yet comprehend, so-called spirit of the waves! Maybe petty hate was how it began, but it is not where it ended! Observe! The vision resumes of the past Bombardone, awakening in a dream world of his own. He perceives a medieval battlefield with death and slaughter all around him. Hark, faithful subject! You have been blessed with this revelation to awaken you to your destiny!, speaks a mysterious voice in the dream. The past Bombardone, in his minds eye, perceived none other than King Amulius of Magnifico! But But this is impossible!, thinks the Bombardone of the past in his vision. Amulius replies, Maybe it is! Maybe it is not! What matters is the circumstance that entraps you and subjects you to the torrents of ruin! Will you let the world disintegrate around you, or will you step up and take control of the world? Bombardone fails to understand, W-what? Where ? He looks around at the illusory battlefield, This is the field where the Kings loyal armies fought the brigands! Where you Amulius completed Bombardones thought, Died? Yes, I died on this field. I was also responsible for much death. I slew my useless brother Numitor to save the kingdom from depredation and decay. I besieged Nimbus Nuvoloso for 77 days so that great Magnifico would reign supreme Only for accursed Il Sole to steal the privilege And here, on the field of battle, surrounded by mine enemies, I made the ultimate sacrifice In the upholding of royal prestige and honor! Bombardone struggled to remember his history lessons, You were surrounded Not wanting to allow common robber-barons to control your fate you Amulius appeared again before Bombardone, bleeding from the mouth and knife embedded in his neck. Nevertheless, as this was but a hallucinatory vision, Amulius continued to speak nevertheless, I took my own life And my last words were- Bombardone cut Amulius off as his admittedly clouded mind made a sort of a breakthrough, They were, Qualis artifex pereo What an artist the world loses in me. Amulius continued to speak, now restored to his original living appearance in Bombardones minds eye, I killed, and in the end, I was killed, surrounded by my enemies But because of the field laid bare by my sacrifice, the Kingdom of Magnifico saw a golden age My son, my beautiful son, Consus, led the kingdom into it Do you understand now? Bombardone awakened, still bleeding from the head and reeling from concussion, and gave his reply to the long-dead monarch, I understand.
The vision fades out again, returning to the present Bombardone and his supernatural accusers. I realized then the iron law of history that has guided Ridnez from the birth of her civilization through her darkest hour. I realized the sacrifice that true adherence to the natural law to the natural religion would require. I spoke before of scarce resources being divided among squabbling factions of private interest as the hapless little people are defrauded by bread and circuses. Such is the fraud of democracy. But now here is the fraud of your degenerate slave morality: There are teeming billions spread across the face of Avaris. Billions! And billions are born each day, and billions more die each day! No ones life matters, taken by itself, much less their death. Not even mine. What does matter? The things that last are what retain their moral significance then! Generation after generation, 1000 years of learning to be civilized! Mothers and fathers, daughters and sons! The great chain that connects it all, the ties that bind, they are the only essential thing! Avaris has limited resources; the population of the world cannot increase without limit. From this fact emerges an inevitability: The war for life, the war to fight against the dark! Not of worthless, meaningless individuals, but of nations, races, and civilizations. Shall we see a future where culture has been destroyed, poverty is the universal condition, and creative sterility has united humanity in mediocrityThat is, the appointed course of the current mode of history, under the leadership of insipid humanists! Or, shall we see the birth of a new humanity, one that stewards the resources of Avaris in common interest, that abolishes strife and misfortune, that subsidizes the arts and the sciences, reaches new heights in technology, enjoys the comforts of spiritual community and material prosperity?! I say new humanity must replace the old, but a builder cannot make a building with substandard materials or shoddy tools. Ridnez stands as a pinnacle of civilization in all its forms art, theater, engineering, business, literature, chemical and biological sciences Ergo, pure-blooded Ridnezite stock shall comprise the building materials for the genesis of the new man! From our towering metropolises to our productive fields, none of it was created by any human power other than that which was originally that of our kind. Ridnezite hands and Ridnezite brains built it all; Heisenians and other inferior races detect signs of decay and exploit them like maggots infesting a wound. I had to stand up and take the first step of orchestrating a mass movement so that the whole people would be educated to these truths and never forget them! The lord of the earth rebuked Bombardone, Your madness which passes for philosophy reaches levels of convolution yet unanticipated! What then, of the holy texts, and their immortal commands to venerate all life The followers of these texts have conquered, murdered, pillaged, abused, and dominated in our names, thusly insulting us But none have endeavored to overthrow the basic moral order of Ridnez, much less called it the natural religion!
Bombardone fired back, his fading consciousness virtually screaming now, Where were you when the people of Ridnez needed guidance? All you were good for is entertaining superstitious imbeciles with the fiction of your existence. Ill tell you the real evidence of god in nature: The state! What else has such power to project as to give life to millions, or to strip it all away at once! The state alone is the aegis of development for everything in life The infrastructure was only planned and built because of the state, the masses are only ordered and kept in line because of the state, the children of Ridnez at educated at the states expense, and by this means also are capital and labor kept in harmony in the corporative system. The state alone has power to change the world in full evidence for all to see, miracles to convert the disbelievers, justice for the wicked, and salvation for the downtrodden And it is only in the New State that the iron law of society is realized, where every man lives, works, and suffers to sustain the whole, which in turn sustains every man under the banner of the nation. Only the New State can grant meaning and purpose to the paltry, insignificant lives of the masses, by binding them in a common faith and directing them in a common will! So the people of Ridnez, in their lives and deaths, may know they contribute to the march throughout the world of a living god, and not a dead one like you! The lady of the waters charges Bombardone one final time, Beyond all your platitudes, is there nothing left to say for conscience? Why are you so utterly devoid of conscience? Bombardones mind continued to assert its beliefs in the face of eternity, Conscience is a Heisenian invention! The only conscience that I, or any of my people need, is total conviction in the New State Conviction that a better world will be left for our posterity beyond the struggle, if we sacrifice everything our lives, our deaths, our sentimental attachments to the decomposed remnants of your bankrupt religious morality to believe in the New State and empower us to conquer nature and destroy our enemies for us! If the New State decrees its necessity, who among those mediocre individuals may dare dissent?! The earth spirit spoke with finality on Bombardones fate, Enough of this farce! You may offer all the rationalizations in the world, but all you have left in your wake is death and destitution! You shall return to the earth like the rest and be forgotten! Bombardone shouted as the world of his mind blanked out into white, Not a chance! Because of my actions, I have surpassed my individuality and achieved that sanctified transcendence that only the New State makes possible! Hear me, figment! I am a great man of history! I am the great man of history! And when I pass beyond that veil from man to myth, I will become indestructible The kernel of the idea of Zendirism itself Like the people of Ridnez through our New State, I shall live forever! But what sadness that the people must lose me to make it all possible Qualis artifex pereo!
Bombardones heart stopped, and the last breath left his lifeless body on the table.
Monto, New England INC Raj
Yes, this will do nicely Quite nicely indeed. Ill take it!
The impudent young man in the white suit and tie gazed upon the gates to the rather grand estate spread out before him. It would take a 10-minute walk along a brick path through a picturesque, flower-speckled meadow before he could reach the front door. The realtor looked at his client askew, as if skeptical about something, Are you sure this is within your present means, Mr. Oberto? I mean, dont get me wrong. Im aware that your government wouldnt skimp on the budget for its diplomatic missions, but youve been buying up large tracts of valuable land for the past two months like its no tomorrow! Surely even your expense account cant run that deep sir? Oberto chuckled to himself and grabbed the realtor by the shoulder, Hahahaha! Expense account! Surely Mr. Richardson, you kid The present owner can name his price. Ill meet it, I guarantee you. And dont forget that the generous commission Im paying you isnt for asking questions Or for being indiscreet about the unconventional nature of my business here. As these words were spoken, Hugo Hunt hauled a large briefcase from the trunk of Obertos sports car, set it down on top of the trunk, and opened it. Stacks of notes in very high denominations of the local currency stood revealed, barely managing to keep packed into the cramped space of the briefcase. One look at it nearly made the realtors mouth water with anticipation, The estate will be yours by the end of the week, Mr. Oberto, sir. Oberto put his arm around Richardsons shoulder in a jovial display, Hahahaha! Now thats what I like to hear A can-do attitude! But dont stress yourself out for tonight Take your lady out to dinner! Have a few drinks, a few laughs Enjoy yourself! After all, its like Im practically footing the bill! Ha! Hunt shoved the briefcase against Richardsons chest, his stern manner contrasting disconcertingly with Obertos almost effusive pretense of affability. Either way, Richardson knew that so long as his firm had Dominic Oberto as a client, he would be the companys rising star Not to mention making quite the pretty penny on the side for maintaining his discretion about the clients identity.
Hours later
Oberto kicked his feet up against a polished mahogany desk in another one of his seaside properties, scuffing it in the process. He had been on the phone since the early afternoon, while Hunt sat lazily against a leather couch in the adjacent room, watching the news program Usea Today. Oberto starts in, Yes, idiot I need the money transferred over now Time is of the essence here. Reports have been coming in every day for the past week of the whole damn New Ponpa strip being closed down by the army because of the war Housing prices did go down because of the war; thats the point, you absolute dolt What do you think happens in a few months when the market recovers? Hundreds, maybe thousands, of forcibly displaced people Many of them scared tourists Trapped in the country without a roof over their heads I didnt go through all the effort of hiring the best team of corporate lawyers in Ridnez just so that stupid accountants like you can worry about the legal implications Get it done! Oberto hangs up angrily and dials another number, Yes, hello, I would like to make a wire transfer payment on an invoice Bank account number is 284665219. Recipient is Richardson Real Estate Services Their routing number is 476531802 Yes, Im aware that the number I provided is for a corporate account. And yes I have the authentication codes. Just give me a minute
Meanwhile, on the high-def TV screen hung upon the wall in the living room, the news broadcast cut away to an anchorwoman reporting on a rather fascinating subject matter, In total, four fighter wings of the Raj Air Force were obliterated earlier this week by volleys from anti-air batteries in the heavily fortified Rex Mountain Range of southwest Ridnez. Nevertheless, the front line has made steady progress in the direction of Centro Nuovo overall, with officials predicting an end to the war before the end of the year. In other news, fluctuating property values due to anxiety among some sectors of the public about the timing and feasibility of the invasion has apparently spurred an increase in activity among land speculators. One such entity accused of such, a real estate developer registered under the name Buonasera Luxury Residences, has begun to face controversy within certain circles due to questionable practices. Footage plays of a random citizen-on-the-street interview, This company It just sprung out of nowhere overnight and begins buying up some of the most attractive villas along the whole riviera This is before the war, understand And now theyre expanding out from the resort towns into the suburbs. I know people who lost their homes because of Governor Snows order. Do I think its a coincidence? No, I think whoever owns Buonasera has friends in high places Was In the know How else do you explain it? Housing prices crash, company shows up with seemingly unlimited resources, land scarcity is increased Housing prices will inevitably be driven up, and long before this war is over, at that. And I mean, where are they getting all this money? Its a scam, I say. The Governors office is colluding with corporate bigwigs to scam the public! Hunt chuckled to himself and hollered to Oberto, Heh Get a load of this. These big moves youve been makin earned you a spot on the 6 oclock talking heads hour.
Oberto responded by making a dismissive gesture with one hand while talking on the phone in the other room, Uh Yes, funds are pending. The transaction can still go through though, right? Yes, good. The anchorwoman continued, But perhaps the most mysterious fact about this controversial real estate develop is that the owner and majority shareholder Roderick Fullerton has never been seen in public. Conspiracy theorists allege that birth certificate, passport, and social security number have been forged, but the majority remain convinced that Mr. Fullerton is merely one in a long line of eccentric, but affluent, businessmen to have made waves in the modern history of the Raj. A Buonasera representative had this to say" The screen switches to video of the representative, a rather typical PR man with rather typical rhetoric, Allegations that Buonasera is involved in any unethical exploitation of the ongoing conflict with Ridnez are entirely unfounded in objective fact. Our firm was incorporated weeks prior to the open declaration of war by His Majesty King Powers In any event, the companys position is that deliberate speculation on housing prices runs contrary to our philosophy of furnishing the highest-quality facilities for our clients in good faith. Nevertheless, Buonasera proudly supports the armed forces in the ongoing conflict and sincerely hopes that the hostile state of Ridnez can be capitulated with minimal loss of life on both sides. The feed returned to the anchorwoman, So there you have it, both sides to the story. More in Ridnez-related developments, the Free Ridnez Patriotic Society is holding their annual émigré ball in 2 days. The chairperson of the committee organizing the event, Talia Oberto, was approached for comment on her brother Dominics meteoric rise to become the first legitimate head of state of the Republic of Ridnez in over 2 decades. However, Ms. Oberto declined an interview at this time
Hunts jaw nearly hit the floor as he registered the words that were spoken, Hey, boss! I mean, Mr. Oberto, sir! Oberto ignored Hunt, his face contorted in a scowl of clear consternation, Huh? What do you mean the codes were changed three days ago?! Im the Mayor-Protector of Magnifico, goddamnit! Who had the authorization to change the codes on all public unit accounts? Who?! Hunt entered the adjoining room to get Obertos attention, You never told me you had a sister, Mr. Oberto! Oberto sat still, dumbfounded and silent, for several seconds. Ill call back later about this. After hanging up, Oberto took his feet off the desk and leaned forward, How do you know about Talia, Captain? Hunt pointed at the TV in the living room, She was brought up on Usea Today. Shes the head of some Ridnezite group thats arranging one of those high-society flings. Obertos grimace slowly and eerily turned into a catlike smirk, Captain, I think its time I reconnected with family. After all, family is so very important. So where was this high-society event again?
2 days later, a semi-urban municipality 40 miles from Monto
A host of different people and personalities mingled in the ballroom that night. Each of them came from different lives and backgrounds, different occupations and religions, different political beliefs and social classes. In spite of Hugo Hunts description of the event as a high-society affair, in truth, families of all types converged to meet one another at the annual Ridnezite émigré ball, including some of Heisenian extraction and even a couple Ziconean-Ridnezites. They all had one thing in common: The world they knew was shattered and replaced by a regime they risked their very lives to flee. That shared experience, of being alienated from their homes and detached from their former lives and livelihoods, united them in a way that few outside their circle could imagine. And for that reason exactly, the event was usually an invitation-only occasion, key word being usually.
The cacophony and clamor pervading the spacious ballroom died down slowly but surely as the host of the event, Talia Oberto herself, tapped on a champagne glass with her spoon in front of a microphone, announcing the nights main attraction the bequeathment of the King Consus Philanthropic Award to the years biggest donor to the Free Ridnez Patriotic Society. Talia started into her speech, Friends, you are all here tonight for the same purpose and the same cause: To keep the culture and traditions of the old Ridnez alive until the cancer eating at the heart of our nation can be expunged and the true Ridnez be allowed to arise once again! Many of you have been eagerly following the news concerning the League of Prosperous Nations laudable effort to take joint military action against the criminal butchers who defile Ridnezs national treasures and crush her people under the jackboot of tyranny, and who have been doing so for many years now Whether you worship the spirit of the earth or the lady of the waves, I think I can speak for us all when I say that our prayers go out to His Majesty, King Maximus Powers, to President Allison Lane of Tertania, and for the countless brave souls who have put their lives on the line for the sake of liberating our countrymen and putting a stop to the persecution of our Heisenian brothers and sisters. With that being said, I have in my hand here a slip prepared by the committee containing the name of the greatest donor to our organization, and to that lucky man or woman, I give a deeply heartfelt thanks for helping to keep out customs alive.
Talia unfurled the slip and was taken aback in confusion, This years recipient of the award is erm Do we have a Roderick Fullerton among our party tonight? I cant recall- Hugo Hunt stepped up to the podium as if on cue, looking completely out of place in his trenchcoat and fatigues. Um, I presume that you are Mr. Fullerton? Hunt bowed slightly and spoke with wry amusement in his voice, No, maam, Im merely a humble messenger, here to receive the trophy and all. Hunt passed an envelope directly into Talias hand, winked, and walked nonchalantly out of the room. After Hunts departure, the crowd occupying the room went back to furious chattering, this time in a somewhat more perturbed tone, about the odd disruption of the Societys annual ceremony. Meanwhile, Talia stepped off the podium and tore open the envelope. OVER AT THE BAR COUNTER, the letter read in large black block lettering. Talia turned her head towards the counter, and who else should have met her gaze but Dominic, raising a glass of absinthe in acknowledgement. Talia determinedly pushed past the crowds towards the counter, as Dominic ladled a sugar cube onto a flattened spoon with an open slot in the center and passed it under an absinthe fountain to dissolve it into the drink. What in the hell are you doing here?, were the first words to curtly pass through Talias lips. Dominic took a sip from the glass and retorted, You know, I could ask you the same thing! You never write, you never call I didnt even know you still lived in the Raj until happenstance brought your little gala to the attention of my rough-edged compatriot from back there. Talia talked back through gritted teeth, Theres a reason I dont talk about you, you know. Mom knew that you were a bad seed even back then. She knew that youd do anything to please Father, and guess what? You turned out just like him! Dominic took another sip from the glass, Now thats a laugh. Father showered as much money and attention on you as he did me when we were kids. Hell, we both know that he loved you more, if anything! Talia recoiled at the statement, Father was a psychopath A genocidal monster who perverted everything our family name had once stood for. I left with Mom because I saw that and didnt want to be that. You, on the other hand, worshipped him! Youd have done anything to please him!
Dominic turned away for a moment, then returned to meet his sisters accusatory stare, Talia Do you remember when I was 14 and you were 12? That day when Father brought Gianfranco Del Tuono to the house over dinner To entertain him? Talias memory went back to that day upon prompting, yet she remained unable to speak. Dominic continued, Do you remember how Father demanded us both to play that tricky little number on the grand piano To show off what prodigies we were to the Zendies most privileged lackey? Remember how they celebrated what a bright young talent you were when you finished? Remember what happened to me when I hit that note off-key? Dominic and Talia both thought back to the same moment, in the hazy fog of the distant past. Through the minds eye, the deceptively handsome features and soft voice of the late Valentino Oberto were are clear as day, Dominic, you performed well for our esteemed guest, but you only did well One day, you too will be charged to serve the great Hierarch, and the Hierarch does not tolerate well He demands perfection, Dominic. Perfection! Brother and sister both remembered as that day their father, without prompting, fiercely smashed the lid of the piano against Dominics phalanges, breaking three of them on each hand. Their mother Angelina stood up and screamed in horror, Valentino, what are you doing?! Thats our son! In reply, Del Tuono calmly sipped from his cup of tea and addressed her, Your husband is teaching your son a very important lesson in morality, Mrs. Oberto Very important. The New State requires an absolute inner discipline of the whole individual. If that discipline falters in just one person, then the state also drags with them. Especially in my service, death is the appropriate penalty for inadequate discipline. Young Dominic needs to learn to stop idling- Angelina Oberto growled with tears in her eyes at Del Tuono, Oh, to blazes with you and your discipline I wont have any child of mind abide by these insane rules! Such a way to live is not for humans, but robots Del Tuono sat motionlessly for a moment, long enough for Angelina to comprehend that talking back to the Director of State Security just may have cost her very life. Instead, Del Tuono merely rose from his seat and talked to Valentino as he exited the house, You had best get your woman under control, Valentino. Disorder in the household is ill-becoming one of the Hierarchs most trusted agents.
Dominic and Talias thoughts flashed back to the present moment. Of course I looked for Fathers favor. Because compared to Ms. Perfect, I simply didnt stand a chance. Constantly being outshined, then abused and berated Finally abandoned when Mom left with you and left me behind, in the end. And you know what, Father only took out his sick obsessions even harder on me after you were gone Do you know why? Because I was the only one left around to inherit the legacy he had built! And for that purpose, I couldnt be whoever I might have wanted to be. I had to be what he wanted me to be. Do you have any idea how long I had to wait before dearest Daddy bought the farm?! Dominic sighed to himself and took another swig from the glass. Talia found herself unable to say anything to counter her brothers words. Dominic resumed his speech, But you know the one valuable thing that Father taught me? He taught me that whoever has the power gets to make the rules And that this is the all-important, truly vital fact of everything. Right or wrong? Fair or unfair? Makes no difference. You found it easy to abide by the rules that Kingy laid down because Mom gave you everything on a silver platter, so all you ever had to do was pay taxes and hand out worthless awards. Me, on the other hand I had to live by Fathers rules, then the Zendies rules even after Father was killed. Ive never been able to live my own life Up until recently. Let Magnifico damn, let the rest of Ridnez have their democracy Stupid carnival of bread and circuses that it is. All I care about is that, for all intents and purposes, I make the rules and they suit me just fine. Talia turned away from Dominic and gripped her arms, What is it you want here, Dominic? To make me feel useless? Pampered? Privileged? Guilty? Fine, I caught a lucky break and you lived through hell for more than half your life. But Ive been trying to make a positive impact through my businesses and charities Ive heard about your scandals as leader of the Restored First Ridnez Republic. The same rebels who helped put you in power now want to overthrow you Why is that? Might suppression of the press be the reason? Maybe it has to do with those years you continued to profit from the enslavement of innocent people just like Father used do. Did you try to make a difference then? Or did you only rebel because it suited you ? We both know the answer, Dominic. You just admitted it.
Dominic smirked and shrugged, Too true, Talia, all too true. Time and geography may have separated us, but I can hardly hope to hide anything from you, sis. Its about time Ive been frank about my intentions Dominic leaned over Talias shoulder and whispered in her ear, Youre going to help me solve a small problem Ive been having with my finances lately Say, hows the weather in Isonphis this time of year?
Magnifico, Restored First Ridnez Republic
Alessi Brambilla and Carmine Ravello sat at their respective seats within the conference room at the top floor of the Magnifico Independence Tower. The room looked positively desolated with the absence of Oberto and former members Roberto Giannone and Flavio Zello, the bland chrome interior appearing all the more sterile in contrast. Ravello spoke first, The government has been locked out of various public accounts weve been maintaining through the Second National Bank of Ridnez The codes have been changed all of a sudden. For all we know, those funds might have already been siphoned by whoever did this! Brambilla spoke on the matter, Theres no question it was the Bernardi woman. Months ago, she did something like this to the Zendies oil monopoly Then she took down the electrical grid over the city to facilitate the jailbreak of her terrorist friend, the Ocelot But things are different now, that woman has connections I cant say what or how, but Andrew Haines, the Director of the Tertanian IAA, has explicitly made her off-limits to us no matter what happens. Brambilla picks up, So if we cant flush out the Ocelotists, then the problem becomes Dominic Oberto himself. If our protection can be guaranteed against reprisals from Obertos goon squad, Im certain Well be willing to publicly admit Look, Oberto was using or rather, misusing those public accounts for his own misadventures in the Raj This cannot stand as it is; the mans insatiable greed and lust for power will be the death of us all. Ravello elaborated, Quite simply, we are planning to stage a coup, hopefully with the cooperation of the LOPN joint-military expedition. We need to be able to show them, and by extension Bernardi and Ocelot, that we can still be trusted to run things At least, at some level. So that brings you into the picture The voice of an unknown individual came in through a speaker mounted on the table, You have no need to worry, gentlemen. If youre honest and forthright about this Ill be your man. Im willing to be the next President of Ridnez.
The Presidential Palace, Centro Nuovo, half past noon
Its almost inconceivable One of the Hierarchs handpicked directors. I cannot accept the rumors. Hearsay, all of it!
Alessandro DAmico sat at a round table, discussing the present situation with his peers over lunch, The passport the documents They must have been planted there by the Heisenians We know them from experience to be a treacherous yet clever people. It wouldnt be above them to sow discord amongst us in the countrys most desperate hour. Interim StateSec Director Vito Bertolini calmly took a sip of his cappuccino before replying, Well, Director DAmico What the local investigation has uncovered and been willing to divulge to us so far is far from complete. Theres plenty of blanks left to fill, such as, for instance, the full list of classified documents that Director De Marco had copied The investigators have, to their credit, promised to respect the confidentiality of our state secrets If you can believe them. Renard DEste piped up, But nevertheless, Alessandro, old friend, there seems evidence enough to plainly state that Gregorio was involved in some intrigue not to the New States benefit. Bertolini continued, Exactly, and as any Ridnezite schoolchild can recite at the snap of a teachers fingers Bertolini snapped demonstratively, Whatever does not strengthen the state erodes the state. Whoever does not support the state with the whole of their heart and soul and all of their labors condemns the virgin flower of Ridnez herself to wither and die. Director De Marcos labors were rather spent in ferrying sensitive materials to the enemy, so it seems.
DAmico grew impatient, For the sake of the Earth King, listen to yourselves! Andreas Bombardone held Gregorio De Marco in his trust for decades Whenever the Hierarch needed someone at his side, there De Marco was. And enemies? Since when did the Utopians become our enemies? Both the Utopians and De Marco were murdered by Heisenian rubbish! The Heisenians are the enemy Acting through their pawns Powers, Lane, and Oberto And that blinkered buffoon from Feuraxia, Ooflus or whatever. Besides, you dont see me traffic in innuendos and hearsay about the suggested proclivities of the Director of StateSec in absentia The man whose place in the General Directorate, I need not remind you, you are merely filling in for. Bertolini clammed up tight and put his cup down on its plate, I may be a placeholder for Director Tetra, yes But the day Is fast arriving when he will resume his occupancy of this seat. And given the inestimable value that StateSec has redeemed before the New State in times past and the sweeping prerogative entrusted to it through the Hierarchs executive orders You would do best to show greater respect to Director Tetra. After all, its StateSec that has to defend your positions by keeping LOPN contraband off the market How much tax revenue has your department lost to Ocelotist smugglers, even disregarding the problem created by the Felons of Magnifico? DAmico settled down, Hrm, I see your point Still though, there were few on Avaris who could lay claim to having been the Hierarchs closest confidante. We owe him and the Hierarch more respect than to do this to his reputation right now. Bertolini loosened up slightly, There is more to this than meets the eye I agree with you though, insofar as RSMC should keep speculations about Director De Marcos actions out of the paper until more is established. Thats SocPols territory though Bertolini finished his drink, Now if youll excuse me, Directors, I have another appointment to keep. After Bertolini left the room, DEste vented his private opinions, Forget about Gregorio Its that senile fool Bisogno whos keeping us from doing whats necessary to win this war. Always finding some sort of excuse to come to the rescue of the Heisenphyte scum of the-
I believe that I heard my name come up ?, spoke the voice of the aged admiral. DAmico was momentarily startled, Oh, er, ah, uh Admiral Bisogno! What a pleasant surprise! Why dont you come in and ah, join us! DEste cut through the nervous attempt at making pleasantries, Please, Alessandro, youre embarrassing yourself You heard me, Bisogno, and Im not withdrawing my statement. Those Heisenians are a cancer upon the planet, and wed be better off the more of them that are liquidated. Bisogno confronted DEste, And as I told the press then, that decision is plainly imbecilic Our economy is already incredibly fragile without destroying a valuable source of human capital. If we want to win this war against the League, then every pair of eyes and hands is needed.
DEste scoffed, Eyes that project only malice and hands that wreak only sabotage are not needed by our or any other nation! The Hierarch was correct when he stated that certain tribes and peoples are fundamentally incompatible with civilization and even the elementary set of emotional attributes that we associate with humanity As the most senior administrator of industrial policy in this country, Ive seen the way these creatures live among themselves in the DRCs Its filthy, undignified, barbaric A state that no full-blooded Ridnezite could be degraded to even if thrown into such conditions. We know because we were, before the Zendirist revolution swept Ridnez back into glory And do you remember what the Heisenphytes lived like then, Bisogno? They were equally vulgar and crude, except that the wealth of our people was spent upon them to waste so extravagantly! Bisogno could not help put squint in disgust at the vitriol of DEstes tirade and gave the same reply, I told you once Im telling you again The Heisenian labor is needed for the war economy. Interfere with my orders, Director, and I will have you strung up on charges of sabotage! I know that the General Directorate is conspiring to get around the edicts Ive issued during this period of martial law If you push it too far, then I swear upon the lords of earth and water, you will all share your Hierarchs fate, all that much sooner! This is your only warning! Bisogno slammed the door In silence and slammed the door behind him.
Fulmine Rosso, 4 days later, half past midnight
Its been over 6 months now since the last time weve heard anything from Network Central Except unlike most of us, I think I have a fairly good idea as to the why In the last couple of weeks of the previous year, I was recruited, I guess is the word by Giulio Bisogno, the Grand Admiral of the Ridnez Imperial Navy, to sabotage a project that Andreas Bombardone and Ludovico Tetra devised a secret military program to flood the central plain of the country and snuff out millions of lives in the event of an enemy occupation, just so that those lives would never see the end of the regime I wouldnt be surprised if the psycho-in-chief has some sort of premonition about his fate and decided that if he and his New State fell that everyone else deserved to go with it Anyway, Bisogno, one of those days, gave me a slightly different assignment. I was to ensure that a classified document from Ridnez Government Archives wound up in the hands of the greatest of our number in her hands. You know who Im talking about. So, she went off, on a crazy, haphazard journey to a country she had never been before to thwart a terrorist plot and stop a war She failed, and no one in the Network has any clue what happened to her. But thats why this is a network and not strictly a paramilitary force per se There are no drills, no rigid differentiations of rank, no clearly defined chain of command Were expected to operate more or less autonomously, just kick up some share of the revenues, unless Central sends out the red alert Then, only then, do we truly function as an army. But there's been no red alert; theres been no anything Not even from the big-shot admiral, who if you read between the lines of The People seems to be pretty effectively muscling his way into power over the party officials, bureaucrats, and corporatists. So you may ask: What do you do now that everyones abandoned you? And I say: Simple, ace. Rob the transit authority.
Giovanni Sforza laid a rolled-up blueprint down on a splintery wooden desk in a hot and stuffy room. Loud, pulsating percussive sounds were audible through the walls, revealing the building as the venue of an illegal nightclub, though not loud enough to stop the rusty ceiling fan from creaking with each full revolution of the fan blades. There were 4 others of similar age Lucio Andreozzi, Serena Gerloni, Abigail Roth, and Konstantin Pappas in the room with him. The temperature was visibly getting to everybody. Listen up, goombahs, Sforza said while unfurling the blueprint, Displayed here is the layout of the Fulmine Rosso municipal subway system You can see maintenance access passageways open up into the tunnels at several points around the established routes. Sforza indicated three specific points with his finger, However, only these three specific accessways lead to closed-off and condemned utility corridors from where we can haul our earnings to the Underground. Understand? Serena replied in the affirmative, Crystal, Giovanni. Now what about the train schedules? We need to know when the money train is going to stop off at each station for collections and we need to know the sequence of which line its going to take as part of that process."
Sforza smirked at the question, "Nice thinking, but Ive got us covered there too. Do you know what a policemans salary is like in this city? Actually, not that bad, but the commissioner of the transit police is a real piece of work, they say. Lucio finished Sforzas meandering thought process, You bribed one of the transit cops to acquire the needed logistical intel. Sforza got back on track, Well, geez, I was going to get around to saying it, but yeah, thats exactly what I did. And here is exactly where were going to strike. Sforza indicated the stations location along one of the main transit routes, This station is far enough along the revenue collection cycle for the operation to still be worthwhile, but the security net isnt so dense that its impossible to hit the money train here. Serena inquired, And the money train arrives there when exactly? Sforza throws himself into the chair behind the desk, Heh-heh. Youre going to like this. Tomorrow, 10 PM. The other 4 assembled murmured in shock and discontent among themselves. One of the four who hadnt spoken prior objected, 10 tomorrow?! Thats in less than 24 hours! How do you expect us to prepare? Sforza got out of the seat and sat on the edge of the desk, Gentlemen and ladies When you involve yourself in this business this very, very dangerous business You learn, like I have, to improvise Play the tune by ear. You four were all the interest I could muster in the available time frame Sorry. If it makes it any better, drinks are on the house.
Serena pleads, But Giovanni, why couldnt we just plan to do this next week? We need to develop a game-plan, not run off into the operation half-cocked. Were liable to get killed that way! Sforzas self-assured façade melts away, Serena Fine, Ill be honest with you. With all of you. You have a right to know. It has to do with that intel I bought It wasnt just the train schedules. Its Look, theres something else on that train tomorrow. Something else, other than just money I dont know what it is. The transit police grunts are being kept in the dark about it, but theres a high-priority cargo being transported under cover of the revenue collection cycle And anything that the Zendies want to keep so hush-hush over, I figure we have a responsibility to find out for ourselves Lucio folded his arms, You think it has to do with- Sforza cut his comrade off, With the Ocelots whereabouts? No idea Honestly, no clue. But someones got to relieve their hands of it, whatever it is, and Im appointing myself If any of you want to back out, youre free to do so now. I realize I should have been more truthful when I went asking around the Network for help I figured thered be less reluctance to sign up if you didnt learn all the details about the what and why. Sue me. The four Ocelotist recruits exchange glances for a few moments. Well Its as you said. This is a dangerous business A very, very dangerous business, says Serena. Aw, what the hell, Im in, affirms Lucio. I know Im going to regret this But someones got to be willing to act, says Abigail. I wasnt too attached to breathing anyway, Konstantin sarcastically remarks. Sforza was taken aback by the unanimous response, Well, then if were all agreed, heres how were going to approach this
I knew him before he was the Hierarch Its difficult to imagine such a time for many, but not I. Things were different back then. There was strife, yes. But there was also hope. We all were very naïve, you know. It required almost incalculable trauma to be disabused of our illusions.
A sunny summer day, Il Sole, 1985
A 24-year-old Vincenzo Borrelli sits at a bench in the open air by Amalfi Square, eating a plain sandwich. Hey, Vincenzo, bade a familiar voice, Is there room on that bench for two? Vincenzo turned his head, Ah, Andreas. Please sit down, I need the company. The young Bombardone took the seat beside his friend, How have things been going as of late? Any idea what youre going to do now with your life, Mr. MBA ? Borrelli shook his head in disapproval, You aim to flatter me by reminding me of the degree, but thats just the thing What am I going to do with it? Its one thing to write a thesis paper detailing a long-term business plan, but Did you ever hear that to make a million in petroleum that you need to start with 10 million? Andreas, Im not a wealthy man. And the petroleum industry Upkeep costs are insane, the politics surrounding it are exasperating, and the field is already dominated by a few major players. And the government for all the rhetoric Straccali likes to throw, we both know that the established companies will receive whatever political patronage they lobby for Especially as the nations bulk petroleum supply chain stands to be compromised by Ridnezs fifth useless war with Shah. Its the risk, Andreas Bombardone chuckled, A-hah! You know that Pasquale Amalfi probably felt the same way when he got started with the great project of his life Borrelli groaned, sigh Andreas, you need to get your head unstuck from the past. Great people came and did some great things, yes, yes But thats over now. Look around at the public square dedicated in Amalfis name Do you think one of the hundreds of pedestrians clamoring through here every day give a damn about him No, they dont. What people care about now is paying their bills, watching the news over a TV dinner, and surviving I just want to fit into that world!
Bombardone suddenly rose from the bench, energized by a passionate conviction, And there is the problem with you, Vincenzo. You think that just because the people of this country have been stultified by their learned complacency that the past isnt real That the example of history doesnt matter anymore And if theres no past, then by you, there might as well be no future, is that it? Borrelli edged to get a word in, Andreas, its not just a matter of Bombardone continued to speak, Well, Vincenzo, I dont know about you, but I know I was meant for more than to worry about bills and gawk at dolled-up television personalities I submitted my own thesis today for the record Detailing the organic synthesis of an industrial-grade biosolvent. If this idea passes muster, and I put the patent on it, Ill have revolutionized the way that the chemical industry handles consumer product formulations and tackles waste management. Im willing to take the risk. Because if men like Amalfi or or Consus can teach us anything, its that a man with the willpower, intelligence, and vision can change the world. Thats the story of our civilization, Vincenzo Not to give up on meaning, punch In all the right keys, you know and die. As Amalfi said, the Republic is a testament to public virtue. Do you know what that means? Borrelli sunk into the bench, speechless. Bombardone picked up where he left off, Ill tell you. It means: Any of us, all of us, have the capacity within ourselves to stand up and make a difference. Ridnez herself only exists because our forefathers gleaned this fact, collectively stood up, and declared before history that we matter!
Borrelli began to clap very slowly, Andreas, my man You should go into politics, not industry. That was the most rousing speech Ive had forced on me in quite some time. At least now I know what an obsessive hobby of reading old philosophical treatises does to a young and impressionable mind Bombardone sat back down, somewhat self-conscious of the scene he might have made, But You cant tell me Im wrong, can you? Unless you gather up the courage to try, youll never know where your destiny lies in this life. Borrelli sarcastically replied, Unless you get religion. In that case, pay 5 florins to the temple diviner and theyll tell you that your destiny is to whatever you want. Bombardone grew frustrated by his friends attitude, Vincenzo, get serious! Borrelli continued, But no, no, I get where youre coming from. Really, I do. The Entrepreneurial Credit Administration might give me a million to start with if I make a good pitch And if not, I suppose I could liquidate some personal assets Look up venture capital firms Then invest in non-operating interests in producing properties to get my first taste of- The large TV monitor hanging over the main building abutting the square switched its feed to that of an emergency news broadcast, as a hastily retrieved anchorwoman began to read her lines in front of the studio camera: This Oh, god ok. This is Melissa Belladonna speaking for SRB News With a special update on the unfolding situation in the Ridnez-Shah War. Reports coming in that a ballistic missile carrying what is believed to be a 20-kiloton nuclear device exploded less than an hour ago in the northern frontier zone of Ridnez, claiming 60,000 lives in a matter of seconds. Excuse me, but I have to regain my composure. Bombardone, Borrelli, and just about everyone else on the street stood slack-jawed and horrified, as the anchorwoman clambered off-screen and the words Technical Difficulties Please Stand By flashed up in her place.
The present, General Ridnez Petrochemical HQ, Centro Nuovo, 3:20 AM
The older, even more cynical Borrelli sat behind his office desk and transcribed his thoughts into his journal, That day We had gotten an inkling then, but it was well and truly the beginning of the end For the old Ridnez, at the very least The First Republic, as its called. I followed through with my plan and was reasonably successful in the short term. Then came the Era of Chaos the 90s everyone suffered hardship then. I admit, some more than others. I admit further, most more than me. I was the lucky one, because I didnt finance the company through credit Well, I took out a loan, but it was a government loan back in the days when at least some of the government was run by actual Ridnezites. I had come to reluctantly admit it Andreas was right He was right about everything. He was right about the limitless potential that our people still possess deep within which simply needed the example of one great man to unlock He was right that Ridnez owed her greatness upon the historical stage to the solidarity of her children and to none other than her jealously guarded children And even though neither of us knew it back then when that brief, awful exchange decimated what we now call the Outer Sector Andreas was right about the Heisenians too. Those loathsome, conniving Heisenian finance-capitalists. They infiltrated our financial institutions and political offices safeguarded themselves against risk at the expense of the people And when they bled the system so dry that it caved in under its own weight, who was left to pick up the pieces? Not Napolitano, who said he would save the nation, but instead colluded with his cronies many Heisenian, no doubt to accelerate the systematic impoverishment of the Ridnezite people. And not that Ziconean wench Drakos, who committed in the last place to rectifying the crisis by doing absolutely nothing at all. It is for the best that they are both dead now. But where does that leave myself? I am forced to admit in my reflections upon my life That my timidity, my narrow view of the possible and the probable, my aversion to risk throughout my life has condemned me to live in Andreass shadow. I am not worthy to be the Hierarch. Really, no one is. But the New State is upon the precipice once again. Either the semi-civilized gangsters of Usea will flood our country with their own garbage, or we will be led by a senile, impotent admiral down a path into a stagnant, fruitless future. It will have to be me who picks up Andreass slack, whether Im worthy to do so or otherwise The first step will be to repossess the materials that De Marco had with them at the site of his untimely demise And meanwhile, to comb the archives in case anything went missing. Theres a reason that Tetra was captured in Tertania, in spite of his operation going off mostly as planned Someone tried to interfere Its so obvious, just connect the dots. But theres one piece missing from the puzzle. One piece that needs to be identified and soon!
Read dispatch
Twilight of the Idols Part 2
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Conti University Station, Fulmine Rosso, 9:45 PM
Giovanni Sforza stood against a wall adjacent to the subway platform, obscuring his identity by wearing a pair of shades and pretending to read the late edition of The People of Ridnez, Six armed policemen, tops Two guarding each end of the terminal 2 standing guard over the reception area for the money train. But all spaced far enough apart that amid the civilians coming and going, we should be able to do this How about the rest of you? Are you in position yet? Lucio picked the message up on his concealed earpiece and replied, Affirmative, O1. I guess the transit police figure that this stop is less likely to be hit due to its proximity to a town-and-gown area of the city. O3 and I are ready to move when you are. Serena jumped into the conversation, Jeez, what is it about this O1, O2 stuff No ones listening in on this communication. We might as well use our real names. Sforza interrupted, No, we dont know that. And this must be treated as a tactical operation. All of your missions on behalf of the Network must be I know youre new, O4, but lets get with the program, huh? Abigail jumped in, Enough of this useless bickering O2 and I are in position, as he said. Were squandering valuable time. Do we initiate now or not? A moment of silence passed as the revenue collection cart wheeled onto the train. Finally, Sforza gave a response, Yes, initiate. All of you, initiate.
A maintenance worker whistled to himself while monitoring a boiler room 50 feet from the subway platform, located off an accessway from the opening of the tunnel. Without warning, Abigail entered the room from a service ladder overhead, dressed in utilitarian clothing essentially matching that of the worker and carrying a small toolbox. Evening , said Abigail as she removed a clipboard from her back pocket and started to scribble something down. The worker squinted at Abigail, Im sorry, but Who are you? And why are you here? This is my scheduled shift. Abigail looked up from the clipboard, as if mildly surprised by the reaction, Hm? Didnt they tell you? Routine inspections are being done today. The worker scratched his head in confusion, Routine inspections? But I looked at the calendar they posted the other day! I couldve sworn Abigail continued to ignore the workers protests, Hmm Youve draped tarps from the ceiling The worker followed Abigail around the boiler room, Yeah, some parts of these facilities drip water from the ceiling With all the money spent on public works, youd think Uh, nevermind, I didnt say anything Abigail looked at the ground beneath her feet, And it seems that youve placed wooden planks over the floor for some reason The worker tried to justify himself, Er Well, seeing as theres some very sensitive electrical equipment in this room I dont want to run the risk of electrocution over somethin stupid, yknow? Abigail scribbled something more down on the clipboard, Mm-hm These facilities arent up to code standards at all I want you to call this submit this checklist to your supervisor as soon as possible, and we expect for all the suggestions to be implemented by next inspection. Abigail handed the clipboard to the flabbergasted worker. Huh? But-but thats not how this is supposed to-?, the worker stammers as he looks down at the clipboard and sees a somewhat offensive caricature of himself on the attached paper, captioned by a single message Psych! The worker turned his attention back to Abigail; the last thing he saw was a roundhouse kick driving his head into the side of the boiler, before everything went black. Abigail put the toolbox on the ground and opened it up, revealing it to contain a small plastic explosive. Abigail attached the explosive to the boiler and set its timer for 10 minutes. Now to get out of here before the fireworks , Abigail thought to herself. But by happenstance of fate, Abigail hesitated to leave after hearing the moaning of the still mostly unconscious maintenance worker, Ugh By Jove, I know Im going to regret this.
9:50 PM
Phase Alpha is complete! The next part is up to you, O2 and O4!, Abigail informed her partners. Were 2 minutes behind schedule here, people! Pick up the pace!, said Sforza, checking his watch. Phase Alpha I still think this naming scheme is a little too pretentious. Why does Abi- Er, why does O3, have to use the tunnel as an exit route when she can be spotted from the platform? Cant she just go up the way she came?, complained Serena. Sforza explained, Negative, O4. Once this begins, the surface will be swarmed with police. The tunnels are a surer route to the Underground and therefore safety. As Sforza speaks through their earpieces, Serena and Lucio entered the subway station, dressed like a married couple from the Southern Ridnezite countryside on vacation. After descending to the subway platform, Serena began to loudly act in the part of her role, I told you, Leo Youre not reading that map correctly, let me have at it! Lucio replied appropriately, I know what Im doing, woman! Let me guide the way! Serena and Abigail gravitated towards one end of the subway platform, the end adjacent to the tunnel opening leading to the boiler room. Excuse me, camerata, but do you think you can settle this little dispute me and my wife are having?, the disguised Lucio asks of the policemen on guard duty. The policeman responds gruffly, Hm? Citizen, we are assigned to this terminal to perform guard duty, not to assist tourists Lucio lays on the bumpkin act even thicker, Ah, but, come on, mio compagno! We already tried the friend at the ticket booth, and were still mixed up! The policeman started to grow irate, Citizen I said ! Not letting his partner speak, the other officer nudged him in the elbow and tried handling matters more delicately, Did you try looking at the transit map? Serena objected, once more in the guise of her character, This is the transit map! But Leo thinks that the Primavera Way Line will get us to the Museum of the Zendirist Revolution faster than the 64th Street Line
As Serena and Lucio continue to distract and irritate the policemen, Sforza catches glimpse of the shadow-obscured form of Abigail darting away into the tunnel with the body of the maintenance worker slung over her shoulder. The sight throws Sforza into a mild panic, O3 Who is that youre carrying?! Explain yourself, pronto! Abigail virtually groans to acknowledge her actions, Argh! Can we discuss this later? Like when were not on a timetable? Sforza remained unfazed, Youre jeopardizing the whole operation by deviating from the plan! All that extra weight is slowing you down! If one of those policemen guarding the tunnel so much as catch glimpse of you ! Abigail defends herself, Come on! I joined up to fight for whats right, not to be responsible for needless civilian casualties! Sforza growled in frustration, Every war is conducted on the premise of accepting some degree of civilian casualties, O3! Certain sacrifices have to be made! Or have you forgotten that?! Abigail, now nearly out of view entirely, fires back, You know what, f*ck you, Giovanni! For all I know, this guy has a family to get back to! A life of his own to lead, one thats being crushed underneath the weight of this d*mned regime! I respect that more than the mission objective youre so fixated on if you want your acceptable sacrifice, then sacrifice the train! Sforza remained silent for several seconds, as if considering the merits of Abigails position, Well discuss this later. Phase Gamma is about to begin. Abigail snarked back, Hey, thats what I said! Sforza addressed the final member of their impromptu conspiracy, O5, get ready to play your part Elsewhere, Konstantin sat behind the wheel of an ambulance, with bound-and-gagged paramedics shoved into the back, Roger that, O1. Knock em dead with your performance.
9:57 PM
Phase Gamma is go!, hollers Sforza through his comrades earpieces. The next phase of the groups carefully choreographed plan is put into action. Lucio turns the transit map 90 degrees and squints at it, feigning confusion, Hey Wait a minute Serena acts her part, You see, Leo, you were reading it sideways, like I said! Lucio muttered under his breath, Oh yeah I guess I did. Serena grabbed the map and smacked Lucio on the head with it, You bonehead! The less tolerant of the two policemen stared at this spectacle completely unimpressed, Citizens.. I am afraid to inform you that you have kept my comrade and I from our duties for over 5 straight minutes If you insist on wasting any more of our time, I will have to place you under arrest Serena and Lucio gave a vacant stare for a couple of seconds, then promptly turned away. Well, you all have a good night now, capisce?, teased Lucio in his Leo guise. Serena smacked Lucio again over the head with the rolled-up map, this time with some sincerity. Dont antagonize them, O2 Or we might blow the lid off this whole thing, whispers Serena into Lucios ear. Heh, thought I overplayed my part?, Lucio replied with a slight giggle in his voice. Whatever now here comes the genre shift from comedy to drama, it seems , stated Serena. Sforza kicked off the wall he was inconspicuously leaned against before and threw his newspaper in the trash, shoving his right hand afterwards into his coat pocket, T minus 90 seconds till initiation of Phase Delta, Sforza said, O2, O4, try to time this so it seems youre just the closest civilians available upon Phase Gamma transition to Phase Delta. What is it that movie critics used to call this role in the First Republic days ? Scream queens?, asked Serena. Just your soul into the performance, O4 And considering this leg of the operations bears the greatest risk, that shouldnt be such a tall order Ready your earplugs, everyone.
10:00 PM
While collections begin for the money train by the terminal, a cacophonous blast of sounds resonates throughout the tunnel, deafening and disorienting everyone on the subway platform, policeman and civilian alike Except for the Ocelotist conspirators. It takes a few moments before most can process what happened. Before long, the cloud of dust and debris emanating from one of the tunnel openings clues most in on the cause of the burst of noise, if it couldnt be deduced already And the wall of collapsed tunnel wall cutting off entry to the station confirms it. Policemen instinctively analyze the scene in case the evident terrorist could be spotted attempting to run; what they detect instead is something very different. Attention, everyone!, Sforza yells at the top of his lungs, while his words are still barely audible to everyone affected by the blast, That first explosion was just to prove to the authorities here that I am serious about my demands and about my actions! Somewhere else in this station is another, even more powerful explosive device, ready to detonate the ceiling and bring it crashing down upon all our heads. In my hand is a dead mans switch That means if I remove my thumb from the button, the explosive goes off. By now the guns of all 6 policemen on scene were trained directly on Sforza, carried and wielded by very desperate, and therefore very dangerous, men. Meanwhile, through the apparent terrorists mind, only one thought predominated, In the Tide Queens name, I hope this stupid bluff doesnt get me killed.
One of the more courageous policemen slowly approached Sforza and shouted, Who are you? What do you want? Surely, you realize that this foolish course of action only guarantees your death, no one elses! Sforza does his best to maintain his cool under pressure and act confident, You dont seem so sure about that, do you? Zendirist pig! Shoot me now, and you die with me! You all die! The policemen backed off a little bit and kept their distance, and the evident leader among them asked for rationale, What are your demands? Why are you doing this? Sforza struggled to keep himself from getting dizzy, now that the operation relied solely on him, F-first demand: Throw your guns away Off the subway platform Onto the tracks! If I get caught, Im dead anyway, like you said So I have nothing to lose! Reluctantly, the transit cops obeyed the demand. Sforza pushed his bargaining power a notch further, Now all of you The cops, I mean Line up and face the wall. Once more, the demand was obeyed. Sforza yelled at the policemen, I know what youre doing, you pigs! Going about my demands as slowly as possible to buy time for a tactical police unit to arrive But it wont work! I need a hostage. You there! Sforza approached and grabbed Serena, who shrieked as loudly as possible in mimicked terror though in genuine fear for her life, and for all of her friends lives if the bluff failed at a crucial moment. Lucio played his part, pretending to confront Sforza, Hey, scumbag No one lays hands on my-! All of a sudden, a red liquid spurted from the front of Lucios chest, and he doubled over on the ground as onlookers witnessed the scene in horror from several feet away and also crucially, from the back. Sforza then backed onto the money train unopposed, with Serena in tow, And remember, if I let go of this button You are all dead! So dont move! Finally, the money train left the station through the opposite tunnel entrance from the explosion, leaving hundreds of people in the throes of fear.
10:05 PM
Police had changes priorities, from placating the ostensible terrorist to coordinating the evacuation of the subway station in an organized manner. All right, everyone firstly stay calm and then form three lines single-file Two of you walk not run, walk up the escalators, which have been deactivated for your safety. The middle line walks up the stairs, commanded one of the transit cops on scene, Come on, citizens, lets demonstrate some of that sublime order which we are so proud of in our New State! The last element of the Ocelotist plan came into play. Make way, make way, Im a paramedic, make way!, Konstantin shouted over the panicking crowd, doing his best to conceal his subtle Ziconean accent. A policeman stopped Konstantin and questioned him, Hey, wait a second, where are you going? Konstantin produced a badge and pointed at the man who had evidently been shot, who was protected from being trampled by the crowd by two of the policemen, This man is injured, Im here to bring him to the hospital. The transit cop waved Konstantin through, not having the luxury to scrutinize his claims, much less seriously examine the body of the supposedly injured man, Very well then But you should know that theres a dedicated stairwell for emergency services personnel that leads back up to the street. The transit cop pointed to the door of the stairwell. Konstantin then laid down and unfolded a portable stretcher and carried Lucios body onto it, hurrying it up the stairwell and to his commandeered ambulance. Ow!, said Lucio once safely inside the back of the ambulance, You know, that really hurt! Lucio removed his shirt to reveal a layer of red dye packets, and underneath that, a Kevlar vest. Konstantin commented while driving with sirens blaring, So youve never been shot before at point blank range with a Kevlar vest? And Giovanni says that Serena is the amateur
So what now? Were in control of the train We just take it up to the accessway that leads to the Underground and were home free?, queries Serena. Theoretically, yes, thats exactly how were going about it. In practice, however , Sforza explains, this train can be braked remotely once the Zendy goon squad realize there isnt going to be an explosion above their heads In which case, theyll call this whole thing back up to Mario Revello. Serena navigated past the bags containing paper money to a steel-rimmed plastic case emblazoned with the following phrase ARS GOETIA Project: Nyx Effector Cartridge. Um, Giovanni?, called Serena to the front of the train, You remember talking about that special cargo the Zendies were so interested in ? Sforza half-turned from conducting the train, Yeah ? Serena timidly stated the obvious, I think I just found it. Elsewhere, in a dirty, cramped, poorly lit office, a cigar-chomping man in a mussed dress shirt answered his cellphone, Yeah, Revello here, what is it? Have the guys in the powerful places realized yet that Im different enough from my stupid brother to be trusted with more than collecting use fees for the d*mn subway? Wait, wait What?! What?! Tell someone to activate the remote braking system, you moron! I keep a rigorous schedule with that d*mn train, and you meatheads let this happen to it?! Suddenly, the train began to stall and screech from the friction of the hydraulic brakes, throwing Serena against the ground and Sforza against the front of the train. Sforza grunted from being hurled against the machinery used to operate the train, Gah! D*mn it! Almost right on cue! Serena unsteadily clambered to her feet, W-what do we do now, Giovanni?! Without another word, Sforza bled the hydraulic fluid of the brakes from inside the conductors compartment. Revello paced restlessly back and forth, waiting for an update on the situation. Then after a few minutes came another phone call. Yes, what is our status now? The trains still moving?! The trains still-! Look, you clown, this revenue cycle has never been off-schedule once under my management E-except for the Civil War, yes, yes, but that was different! Look, you pest, if you cant do anything on your end what are you jokers getting paid for?! Revello hung up angrily and considered his options for a minute or two, Ah, f*ck it! Ill hedge my bets
Elsewhere in the same city, General Ridnez Petrochemical HQ
A call comes in over the phone system wired into the executive desk of Vincenzo Borrelli. Yes, who is this?, inquires Borrelli. Dirigente, this is Mario Revello speaking Chief Executive of the Transit Authority Borrelli picks up on the mans nervous tone immediately, I know who you are. After all, you and I had something of an arrangement, if I recall correctly Dont tell me that something has gone amiss? Revello stumbled over his words, I just felt obligated to inform you Seeing as how it is your interest in this and all And how you and the dearly departed Hierarch were so close to each other Borrelli cuts to the chase, Er, what are you babbling about? Out with it, man! Revello pretended to cough several times, Well, dirigente cough cough Yes, somethings gone amiss. Borrelli closed his eyes momentarily in muted ire, Is the cargo unrecoverable at this point? Revello tugged at his collar, Erm Well, we can mobilize militarized police to surround the next train on the line, but knowing what we do about the standard operating procedure of the usual suspects in these types of crimes. Borrelli grumbled to himself, Ocelotists Like rats, they scurry into the darkness and burrow into the ground, waiting until their target is ripe for surprise ambush General Ridnez Petrochemical and the New State have suffered enormous setbacks because of the cumulative effect of their activities. Revello cuts to the chase, To be honest with you, dirigente Because I am an honest man Short of switching the tracks at an upcoming junction to set it on a crash-course with another train, theres little we can do at this point. Borrelli fell silent for a moment, leaving Revello hanging on the other end of the line. And for one moment a seemingly unending moment in the subjective passage of time Borrelli was coaxed, In the darkest recesses of his consciousness, by the voice of a friend by the voice of a devil: Do it, Vincenzo Do it. What are the lives of a hundred or more Ridnezites before the future of the New State? The New State hangs in the liminal space between death and eternity, Vincenzo It endures in order so that the deaths of those who comprise it can amount to something That cargo contains a power beyond anything yet known on our world. It alone can win the war, Vincenzo! It alone can put that weak fossil, the admiral, in his place! With it, the future of the Ridnezite people will be secured for 1000 years, Vincenzo! Do it, Vincenzo! Its destiny Seize your destiny! Finish what I had left unfinished! Do it, Vincenzo! Do it! Do it! Do it!
Dirigente? Im not picking up anything on your end Look, I know youre upset Does this mean that I dont get that promotion we talked about when you become the new Chief of State?, Revello mewled pathetically over the phone. Do it , commanded Borrelli. Uh come again?, inquired Revello. I said, Do it! Switch the tracks! Do it now! Revello protested, B-but dirigente T-that would cause it to collide with a passenger train I wasnt being serious! Borrelli forced the next words through gritted teeth, You are going to be serious about it now. Do it now! Now, now! Or by heaven, you wont only have to forget about the promotion. You wont be able to get a job cleaning latrines with your tongue, you spineless worm! Stop them from escaping with the cargo! Revello was left completely mortified by the exchange. After he hung up, Revello found that what horrified him more than Borrellis suggestion was his willingness to go along with it. Hes going to be the new Chief of State soon There is no room for argument. Our New State doesnt afford us the luxury of that does it?, Revello commented solemnly to himself. Then he dialed up the number of his subordinates in the switching control station, Switch the tracks You heard me, switch the tracks, Lord of the Earth d*mn you!
A few minutes later
Giovanni, what why is there a light coming from the end of the tunnel?!, asked Serena. oh no They wouldnt They couldnt!, came the inevitable reply. But Giovanni Sforzas eyes could not deceive him, they did! Serena, quick! Grab the cargo now! Were going to have to bail ! Serena fretted at the development, But-but what about the people in that Isnt Isnt there anything that can be done?! Giovanni rushed to the back of the money train and opened the hatch, No. Serena objected more fiercely, But Giovanni, we cant just-! Sforza interrupted the panicked thought, What can either of us do to stop the collision?! We bled the brakes! The train cant stop! Well be lucky if we survive the jump grab the cargo and lets go! And with that, Serena gave one last look to the approaching light growing larger in her field of vision, grabbed the case, and took a leap of faith.
Hours later
Mario Revello stood at the scene of the disastrous collision, alongside other transit police, The Ocelotist terrorist must have staged this massacre deliberately to weaken war morale. At least thats the statement that RSMC is going to be publishing about this fiasco. Cacciatore, are you sure that nothing else other than the money was found in the wreckage. Inspector Cacciatore rose from a crouching position sitting near a heap of warped metal and broken bodies, as crime scene investigators took pictures of all the carnage, No. Why, were you expecting to find anything? Revello blew a ring of thick smoke from his cigar, No, not particularly Just hoping that the bastards who did this got caught up in it by some accident of chance That we could be so lucky. Later, another phone call was received in Borrellis office. Anything Anything at all?, asked a dejected Borrelli, seemingly already knowing the answer. Just one thing From a cross-reference of camera footage with police databases, a name, replied Revello. Borrelli was struck with a mild curiosity, A name? Revello responded, Yeah, the perps name is Giovanni Sforza Known Ocelotist, smuggler, gang-banger. But in the process, I came across something of some potential interest to you. Borrelli leaned back into his chair, Oh? And pray tell, what would that be? Revello chuckled to himself, Heh-heh-heh. Guess what else they figure this kid was in? The Government Archives robbery Yeah, you know the one From last December. Borrelli steepled his fingers and contemplated, The Government Archives And then we lost Tetra in the Tertanian business Revello, you have no clue how much youve just given me! Revello wondered out loud, Yeah, its a lead to recovering your stolen cargo, dirigente! Isnt that good? Doesnt that mean youll promote me out of this sh*thole once youre ?
Borrelli hung up on the sycophant mid-sentence, It means that Ive found the last piece of the puzzle.
Isonphis International Airport, Tertania
12 noon
A private jet lands on the runway of the airstrip. Minutes later, half a dozen armed bodyguards disembark and cross the boarding bridge over to the V.I.P. terminal of the airport. One of the bodyguards, your stereotypical secret service-type agent, adjusts his earpiece, Alls clear on this end, Mr. Oberto. Dominic Obertos voice comes through seconds later, Understood, Stavros, Ill be out to receive my adoring public in a minute. The bodyguards form a semicircle formation around the opening of the gate as Oberto saunters across the boarding bridge from the jet, Ah Isonphis Like a home away from home, so near and dear to my heart. Methinks that this visit will be for both business and pleasure. Obertos detail drew the attention of the airport security posted at strategic checkpoints throughout the gate, though Obertos ostentatious dress sense is what truly transfixed onlookers gaze an expertly tailored white three-piece suit, diamond tie pin, LOPN lapel pin, aviator sunglasses, and alligator loafers. No need to gawk, my good people. International heads of state are a dime a dozen in this world , Oberto addressed the curious eyes in the terminal, But the champagne I had on my way here That is the kind of stuff you dont take for granted, you know?
I know it makes no difference now, President Oberto, but I feel obliged to state again for the record that there was no need for you to bring your own security for this official visit. You would have been perfectly safe in the hands of the ONS, I guarantee you, insisted Jaedan Maxwell. Maybe so, but in view of the rash of terror incidents across Tertania over the past year or so, I determined that having a personal bodyguard on my private payroll would be a wise decision, Oberto justified. It may be taken as an insult to the nation by certain sections of the public, I hope you understand. It deviates from protocol, Maxwell continued. There are bigger fish to fry than keeping protocol in these troubled times, Secretary Maxwell. There are fights to be fought and wars to be won , Oberto said as he straightened his tie, But of more imminent importance, speeches to be made, luncheons to be attended, and crowds to be waved to. Though his expression did not change, Maxwell internally felt like rolling his eyes at his guests bravado. Were extending the courtesy of an official working visit to this guy? Heads will roll on the floor of the National Assembly next week, the overworked Secretary of Defense thought to himself.
Elsewhere in the airport, later that day
A Utopian passport gets stamped. A hoarse voice cries out over the bustling sounds of fliers coming and going, Next! A long queue moves up one step. In the middle of this line, a familiar, heavily built man in a trenchcoat idly whistles folk songs to himself to pass the time. At his side, a brunette-haired woman, dressed in business casual, buries her head in a magazine, trying her best not to be noticed. Without warning, a spitball smacks him square in the face, Hey, what the-? Eyes dart around the aisle to identify the culprit. After a few seconds, the face of a chortling grade-schooler is spotted in the company of his parents several spaces ahead in the line. Shooting the amused child a frustrated look back in turn, Hunt then sighed and groaned to himself, The shootin, I can handle. The intrigue, I thrive within. But this tedium This awful, awful tedium I dont get paid enough for that. Talia Oberto wryly commented, Oh, please, Mr. Hunt. Ive been dragged along with you into my brothers misadventures, and Im not getting paid anything at all In fact, Im the one underwriting all this. So for the love of the Tide Queen, I cant stand to hear any of your petty complaints.
Hunt chuckled, Heh, you have a point. So tell me, what exactly is up between you and Mr. Oberto anyway? Talia replied, Whats up between-? Were siblings, you moron. Hunt moved forward in line another couple of steps, No, I mean Theres obviously some bad blood between you two, and I I guess I just want to- Talia cut him off, Mr. Hunt, there are certain affairs that are too personal to be pried into. Youre fast approaching the borderline here. Hunt laughed to himself a second time, Hah-heh. You know, youve got an attitude on you, seein as how Im supposedly under orders to keep you in line. Talia moved forward a couple steps with the line, Oh please, if Dominic were actually going to do anything to me, he would have done it already. Im here under my own will, not due to coercion or your impotent threats Hunt appeared confused, Huh? But if you hate my employer so much, why would you willingly aid him with what hes about to do? Talia closed the magazine and stared Hunt in the eyes, I dont hate Dominic. I dont. I pity Dominic. Hes a product of his environment. Im helping Dominic to settle a debt between him and me And once this is done, he should know You can go tell him I dont owe him anything any longer."
Next!, called the passport-stamper at the end of the queue. Looks like its our turn, eh?, Hunt observed. So what are you telling me for? Im just the secretary, after all. Hunt and Talia approach and present their NEI Raj-issued passports. The passport-stamper carries out his duty, So, whats your business here in Tertania? Hunt does his best to repress his accent, Ahem Um, advocacy, charity work. See, were here on behalf of our organization to raise funds for relief of innocent people in the Ridnez war. The passport-stamper finished up and handed back the passports, Ah, philanthropists then! The world could use a few more like you Mr. Albertson, was it? Hunt received the passport, Aye. And this airport could use a few more of you to help these lines go quicker. The passport-stamper pretended to laugh at the joke, Well, I hope your stay in Tertania is a pleasant one. Hunt raised an eyebrow, Im certain it will be.
Cittá dOro Dockyards, Ridnez
20 years ago
Under cover of night, six freight trucks pulled up by Pier 26, as a group of dockyard workers scurried about. Hurry up, dont you have any concept of how dangerous this is?!, urged one of the truck drivers. Were going as fast as we can! The logistics of getting a 50-meter-tall crane operational in complete darkness and unloading a half-dozen 40-ton freight containers onto an illegal cargo ship all without drawing prying eyes isnt as easy as it sounds, replied the ostensible leader of the dockyard workers, What about your side of things? Are you sure this is the whole shipment ? The truck driver looked over his shoulder, Well, it had better be. I have a reputation of reliability to keep concerning these matters. The dockyard worker commanded, Well, you had best open those containers up, so we have a better idea of how many units were really moving here. The truck driver shrugged his shoulders and obliged the request. Inside each of the freight containers was a huddle of Heisenian-extracted Ridnezites of all ages, many of them wearing tattered clothes, all of them visibly frightened and malnourished. The dockyard worker was taken aback by the sight, Holy-! What happened to them? Just what the hell is Bombardone doing?!
Believe me, youd be better off not knowing the specifics, came an unexpected reply. The words came from a man perched atop a pile of crates, clad in a gray-patterned paramilitary uniform and draped out in a Kevlar vest, two ankle holsters, a shoulder holster, a utility belt, and tactical gear, Ive seen the conditions in the ghettoes Itll keep you up at night. Real Eastern Noskyavia-type stuff. Both the truck driver and dockyard worker were startled by the interruption; neither had seen or heard this individual come up on them. However, it only took a second for both men to regain their bearings. I take it that this is your security, right?, queried the truck driver. Best in the business, as it so happens, asserted the mercenary, as he dropped from the pile of crates to the ground. Best in the business? Man, how deep do your pockets got to be to afford that? The mercenary shot the truck driver an incredulous glance, How deep? Client confidentiality forbids me to say But to be honest, knowing what I do now, Id have offered my services for free The mercenary started to turn and walk in another direction, when the dockyard worker held him up with another question, So Do you have a name? A handle, I mean The mercenary took a second to procure a laminated business card from his pocket, The name I was born with means nothing to anyone now. The best youll ever get The mercenary flicked the card at the dockyard workers chest, is this. The worker picked up the business card; its only identifying information being a green silhouette of a wild feline against a yellow background.
Minutes later, the freight containers were being sealed back up and lifted onto the cargo ship. Soon after, some of the Heisenian refugees began to exit the containers and clamor about the deck, while the crew tried to direct them to the levels below. Mom, do you think well really make it this time? Do you think this is the final stop?, asked a young woman, seemingly in her teen years. The girls mother appeared even more haggard from the trials of their journey. She shot a blank stare into the night sky for a few seconds, unable to muster a response. Honey, I so badly want need for this to be the end of it. Of the viciousness of the death. But after your father Jonathan I dont know if I have hope any longer Every time that Ive allowed myself to hope, its only led to more heartbreak to more pain. The girl took a few steps toward her mother and vaguely reached her hand out, as if she wanted to help somehow, but couldnt, Mom. Her mother turned the other way, Livia, youre the world to me. Youre my everything. If I were going to lose you Im afraid to hope any longer. I couldnt take it. Livia was at a loss for words. After a few tense moments, mother and daughter embraced. After a matter of seconds, both heard a faint, shrill sound in the distance. As the pitch of the whine rapidly increased, Livia and her mother looked over the starboard of the ship and saw moonlight reflect off a darkly colored object rapidly heading towards them from over the sea. In the span of seconds, Livia was reactively thrown out of the way by her mother, but what came next was worse the most horrific memory in Livias life. Livia recalls being sprayed in her mothers blood as cries of agony and the sounds of gunfire tore through the air. She recalls seeing as a drone with a machine-gun turret rent her mothers body, not to mention the others on the deck of the ship, to shreds of meat. What came next got hazy; conveniently, thats the point at which her dreams usually end.
Vocryae, Jocospor
2:52 AM
In an apartment somewhere in the city, Livia Garthwaite awakens from her nightmare in a sweat. Reaching for her glasses, Livia hyperventilates in a state of heightened anxiety for up to a minute, then lifts herself out of bed into her wheelchair with the help of a transfer board. Livia navigates to her restroom and splashes some water on her face, Fifth night in a row. Need some fresh air. I just need need to get out of this these four walls. This room. Need to breathe. Livia gets dressed and leaves the building, I dont even know where Im going. Just somewhere, anywhere that I can forget the- Livia barely rounds the block when an explosion rocks the building she just exited. Momentarily deafened by the sound of the blast, Livia catches a glimpse of the aftermath of the detonation, Huh? Hey, wait That was That was my floor!
Before Livia can further gather her thoughts, a man in a dark blue jacket takes the handles of her wheelchair. Livia objects, Hey, who are you? What do you think youre doing?! The man in the jacket offers a curt explanation, Dont worry. My names Tim Simmons. Im like you a Heisenian-Ridnezite. Mr. Albertson sent me. Livia futilely continues to protest, Youre with the RHSO then? Sorry, but Im going to need a bit more than- Tim strolls Livia into the back of a black van, Im sorry, Ms. Garthwaite, but there really isnt any time. Your life is in mortal danger.
The doors shut closed, and the van takes off down the street before the police can arrive.
Cittá dOro Dockyards, Ridnez
20 years ago
No, please, I have kids Dont! Blam!
Another dead body collapses into the murky waters beyond Cittá dOro Dockyards. But for the pale light of the moon, the corpses sinking to the bottom of the ocean could barely be made out from miscellaneous hunks of plastic pollution. Livia Garthwaite was only 15, and every impulse in her body told her to do one thing in the moment: Scream. Fortunately, the hand of a strange protector covering her mouth prevented her from letting one out.
A man in black leather jacket took a puff from a cigar and approached a dockyard worker at the end of the pier, Have you anything to say for yourself?
The frightened worker, dragged to his knees by two StateSec officers, looks his executioner in the eyes with absolute contempt and spits on his boots. Another split second passes, as cold blue eyes bore an empty stare into their victim. Blam! The workers body splashes into the water. Del Tuono flicks the spent cigar into the harbor, Come on, were just about done here with this filth WRSMC will report tomorrow that another pack of Heisenian jackals has met with the deliverance of Zendirist justice, swift as lightning, fearful as thunder Valentino will have to be made aware of sympathizers with the vermin within his workforce as well. And get someone down here to clean up the mess left over.
The pale light of the moon illuminated the wrecked hulk of the cargo ship which was to be the last hope of salvation for Livia and her family. Livia and her protector remained hidden beneath a buoyant fragment of flotsam, each taking turns holding their breath and ducking underneath the water to suck air through a hollow reed. It might have been an hour or more before Del Tuonos thugs left the scene long enough for them to surface; it might have been even longer. Livia recalls being hauled out of the water and set down on the edge of the pier. She tried to convince herself that the events which had just transpired werent real that she was just in some sort of bad dream. But as she felt and saw her hands uncontrollably trembling, she knew This was no nightmare. It was reality.
Hey, kid, are you still with us? Kid!, urged the man who saved Livias life.
Livia tried to speak, but words failed to materialize. She felt the strength leave her as her knees buckled and she collapsed into a heap against the wooden planks of the pier. Gone was the earlier urge to scream; now all that came out were tears. Livia looked out over the harbor and effortfully tried to comprehend the scene before her. The moons light shining over the darkened waters of the harbor, a ship rent asunder and its remains left to burn out, dozens of corpses at the bottom of the ocean some of them friends, others strangers and one of them, her mother, Livia processed.
The girls mouth silently formed the words, Mother why? Very soon Livias whispers of grief were replaced by a sudden wave of tragic realization and a cry for the heavens, Mother! Mother! Livia filled the air with a shriek of pain and despair the pain and despair that can only accompany the destruction of a world, in this case, the private world once uniquely occupied by Livia Garthwaite.
Livias rescuer kneeled next to her and took her by the shoulders, Kid! Hey, kid! Get a hold of yourself! Do you want Del Tuonos thugs to come back and finish the job?!
Livias teeth clenched together as her eyes began to gush with a new wave of tears, I I dont care! Mom Mom is dead! Why? Why did it have to happen now? When we were so close When we were
The man next to Livia turned her around slowly to face him, hoping that break her out of her state of shock, Listen, kid Theyre beyond help now I know it doesnt mean much, but I truly am sorry it turned out this way If we had better intel Someone working the docks ratted us out. But thats not important now! Whats your name?
The girl slowly came to grips, L-Livia Livia Garthwaite. We we were told that this was going to be the end of the running the end of being hunted
The man with Livia tried to maintain her focus on the matter at hand, Listen to me Theres- I have a safehouse around 3 kilometers from here. We have to hurry and run. If Del Tuonos thugs get back here and find us, were going to wind up like them He pointed at the waterlogged corpses of the other refugees and dockyard workers, Is that what you want, Livia? You want to wind up like the others?
The present day
Vocryae, Jocospor
August 8, 2023, 7:45 PM
You want to wind up like the others, Mrs. Garthwaite?
A different man throws a newspaper dated last month onto a coffee table. The headline reads Apartment Bombing 36 Killed, 200 Wounded. A much older Livia Garthwaite hides her face behind steepled fingers, Ive been acquainted with death for a long time, Mr. Simmons If that is your real name. Ive long since learned to stop fearing the reaper. But my problem isnt with your ostensible intentions for keeping me here Its with you. Id never heard of any Timothy Simmons before, much less one on RHSO payroll.
Tim turned to the drink bar in the room and began to whip up his favorite cocktail a mixture of Daulmarkian vodka and coffee liqueur, And as Ive already told you, you wouldnt have heard of me because Im in Covert Operations Division Youre from Social Work. Everything in the Organization works on a need-to-know basis.
Livia adjusted her glasses and shot a skeptical look, Considering that you loaded me into the back of your van, locked me in this house over a week, and claim to be acting in my interest Id say weve passed that need-to-know threshold You say you work for Mr. Albertson as part of some Covert Operations Division not that I know why a legitimate charity, such as I know the RHSO to be, needs such a thing. You even know my ID number within the Organization But how do I know that you didnt blow up my apartment yourself and then kidnap me as part of some psy-op or Or an attempt to get me to give up information? Especially if this is about Gregorio De Marcos secrets
Tim finishes mixing his drink, Hm, while Im at the counter, you want me to pour you out a shot of whiskey or something?
Livia replied tersely, I dont drink, thanks.
Tim sits down in a chair across from Livia and takes a swig from the cocktail, Alright, so Ill humor your line of reasoning If I were trying to deceive you because I believed you had access to De Marcos documents, why wouldnt I have interrogated you about anything up until now? All Ive tried to do is get you to understand that there are other people who do think you have access to the documents and are willing to do bad things to you because of that?
Livia slams her fist against the armrest of her wheelchair, Alright, so just who are these people? If my life is in danger, I have the right to know.
Tim finished his drink and paused for a moment before the inevitable reply, Need-to-know-
Livia cut Tim off before he could even finish repeating the tired phrase, -to-know basis. Classic, now were right back at the beginning. Has it occurred to you that I have real responsibilities to the Republic that youre obstructing me from discharging? I dont know anything thats happened in the world since last week! Because you wont tell me anything!
Tim stared intensely at Livia for a good few seconds. Inwardly, his thoughts betrayed a certain reluctance, Lady, if you were aware of the madness that Avaris has been plunged to since this all started, you might just reconsider this whole assignment It sickens me that our fates depend on support for the Tertanians at present But it is what it is At least until Mr. Albertson has pulled whatever strings he has to in Isonphis, to get this mess cleaned up.
The words that came out of Tims mouth were somewhat less explanatory, Ill be out a few hours, Mrs. Garthwaite. Livia groaned and placed her head in her hands, sigh More of this mystery then.
Tim slammed the door behind him and locked the room from the outside.
An hour later
Timothy Simmons approached a low-rise office building elsewhere in Vocryae and glanced over a list of tenant businesses adjacent to the window. Wordlessly, he enters the lobby and then the elevator, riding up to the 3rd floor. Sauntering down the hallway, Tim arrives at an office space marked by a sign: Crimson Crucible Investigations, Ltd.
Tim hits a doorbell next to a speaker, and a buzzing sound is momentarily heard. After a second, a voice comes through, belonging to a chipper secretary, Crimson Crucible Investigations, do you have an appointment?
Tim consciously lowers his pitch to a slight growl, as if expecting to be shadowed by someone, Ahem, yes, maam, Ive been sent to represent your recent client, Mr. Albertson. Can I come in?
After a second, the lock on the door audibly disengages; the voice of the secretary again comes through the microphone, Yes, sir, weve been expecting you.
Tim passes through the gateway of the modest-sized and somewhat cramped office place, nearly bumping into a tall file cabinet. Tim takes notice of the height of the ceiling fan, hanging barely two heads above him. Its a miracle that we manage to run a functional detective agency out of here, isnt it?, the apparent proprietor of the business says as he stumbles through a door across the other end of the waiting room, You know how it is Landlords pfeh.
Tim responded to the casual attitude of the man with a stoic manner, Indeed But enough chit-chat, theres business to discuss The P.I.s posture shifts immediately towards the door he just exited, Of course, of course, I havent forgotten. Waving Tim through the next couple of doorways into his personal office, the P.I. orders his secretary, Ms. Rawlings, please grab the file on the, um for the Albertson case.
Tim and the P.I. let silence in the air hang for a minute as the secretary brought a stuffed manila envelope into the room and dropped it on the desk. Tim finally breaks the silence, speaking in the Heisenian tongue, Is she ?
The P.I. chortles to himself and shakes his head, responding to Tim in Heisenian, No, Ms. Rawlings is a Jocospite and only knows her native language We can discuss the matter freely like this
Tim reaches for the manila envelope and sifts through the documents, These These defensive schematics are over 2 years old. Theyre worth next to nothing now!
The P.I. made excuses, Well, Im afraid that I cant get more recent intel on the building since Jocospor bolstered security measures shortly after then It was so much easier before the Third Jocospite Civil War, when every political association in the Imperial Senate had their own paramilitary and espionage assets and werent timid about putting them to good use Blueguard detection and response time have been vastly improved since then As your countrys strongman learned to his lasting regret, eh?
Tim maintained his serious attitude, And as youll learn to your lasting regret if your intel turns out to be bad and lands me in hot water After all, Comrade Captain Bruchmüller, Mr. Albertson is aware of certain indiscretions of yours related to the Third Jocospite Civil War And if anything were to happen to me, I cant guarantee that Mr. Albertson wouldnt put materials documenting and proving these indiscretions to the best possible use
Bruchmüllers expression changed immediately to one of intense fury and desperation, It is said that the Shadow Emperor sees all in Jocospor But as of late, rumors have begun to circulate. Central authority some say the Confederation itself, is withering if there were ever a time for you or them you know who to strike it is now! Id stake my life on it!
Tim eyed Bruchmüller skeptically, I hope you realize that you might very well be! And Im not talking about Mr. Albertsons contacts with the local authorities If the Zendies determine that youre a key player in whats about to go down They have no reason to be merciful to either of us. Tim grabbed the file and prepared to get out of his seat.
Bruchmüller hesitates momentarily before interrupting Tims departure, Wait ! Tim turned back momentarily. Bruchmüller continued, We may have different origins and loyalties, but we are both sons of West Heisen born! We have a duty an obligation to repay the indignities and humiliations that the fatherland was made to suffer under the yoke of Jocospite imperialists of capitalist bosses of Victor Watson and his cronies. But youre content to grovel under the booted heel of a failed mogul to do his errands like some lapdog and for what?
Tim tucked the envelope away into his jacket, Alright, Bruchmüller, lets compare notes. Lets see what your willing subjection to the hopeless dream of Karl Veers has gotten you. You were promised to be at the vanguard of a world revolution. You were told that this revolution would enter in upon a new age of enlightenment, a final settlement of mankinds differences Are we any closer now than we were then? Avaris is still divided into nations, which only make common cause with one another in the pursuit of war and destruction. The Shadow Emperor, in spite of your innuendos, still rules. The actions of Veers and his dupes like you have only brought the fatherland under indefinite occupation by foreign empires. Moreover, your last stand wasnt even made in defense of the revolution, but a paltry plot to install a puppet ruler in Jocospor for geostrategic advantage Yeah, I think Ive kept track of my priorities better than you.
Bruchmüller retorted with a bitter note in his voice, Very well, perhaps Veers lost sight of his original goals But the goals in themselves cannot be faulted, can they? And as for you Do you really think this spook this Albertson will save our people from the oppression of the Ridnezite dogs? He was one of the old class of robber barons before the era of Bombardone, was he not? Since when does his category of person ever do anything aside for the promise of filthy lucre? The exploitation of our peoples misery to leverage into personal financial gain? A tale known well throughout Heisenian history, since the days of John Goldstein! Bruchmüller took note as those words struck a visible chord with Tim. His lips curled into a humorless smile, Oh, did that hit a nerve? Thats right Ive done some of my own independent investigating of you I know about your misadventures in the service of Dominic Oberto another scion of unearned privilege another robber baron.
Tim shot back, Am I supposed to be impressed than you know my past? Its not like I disguised myself when I first established contact Not like you had to do to remain under the notice of Vocryae police for the last 2 years... Yeah, I had my period of buying into the Oberto propaganda, but that time is over now I see him, we all see him for the snake he is now.
Bruchmüller raised an eyebrow, And who are we all here? Your friends in Magnifico? Your fellow former ObertoSec bootlickers? The Heisenian diaspora writ large? From my best intelligence, Dominic Oberto still has the faith and the fealty of most of our poor, benighted people throughout Ridnez. They would go to their deaths for him gladly, not knowing how hes betrayed their best interests behind closed doors And in the name of the basest greed, no less. But my point was: What makes this Albertson any different? By your own admission, youve never ever even seen the man How can you testify to his fundamental goodness when, in all likelihood, he only opposed Bombardone because he lost materially from the Zendirist coup détat.
Tim locked eyes with the older man, I dont have to explain anything to you. Yeah, I messed up once with Oberto And Ive learned my lesson not to be so blindly naïve this time around. But Albertsons different you wouldnt understand you couldnt understand. Yes, Albertson was a typical politician once upon a time A man who would speak out both sides of his mouth make promises to one group for votes and break them to another for money. But things are different now That time the entire world which Edgar I. Albertson occupied is no more! You dont know what hes sacrificed since then What hes lost in the service of our people In the service of humanity.
Bruchmüller sneered, You talk about humanity in such florid terms, yet you get your way by petty blackmail The ultimate hypocrisy is, as ever, peddled by the capitalist class! You and I may speak the same tongue, but you know nothing of what it means to be a son of Heisen! What our ancestors have lost fought for sacrificed believed in Youre nothing more than a paid goon of the fatherlands refuse the castoff remnants of our bloodsucking bourgeoisie. And the only reason why your Organization opposes the Zendirists is because the gangster-capitalists of Heisens expatriate communities ran into a dispute with the gangster-capitalists rooted in Ridnez! Yet instead of liberation, your Organization seeks only to transfer our brothers and sisters from slavery of one form to another. You ! Bruchmüller rather dramatically pointed an accusatory finger at his guest, are a traitor to your people, and a traitor to the human race!
Tim muttered under his breath, How dare you condemn me? Suddenly, he lunged at Bruchmüller in unrestrained anger, How dare you?! Tim grabbed the aged former revolutionary by the collar and pinned him against the wall, Where were you when our friends our neighbors our siblings our lovers were penned in like chattel?! Tim threw Bruchmüller against his desk, When we were hunted down like stray dogs?! Exterminated like rodents?! You dont care about Heisen and you dont care about Heisenians Youre a victim of ideology someone who wants to believe that he has all the answers. The Organization has saved thousands of innocent lives families! That fact has more power than Karl Veers ideology! Your way of doing things your solutions theyre finished!
Tim leaves the office in a hurry, Good night, Bruchmüller. I hope well have no need to meet again.
The door slams behind him. After a minute or so, Bruchmüller is visited in his office by his secretary.
Mr. Bruchmüller, sir, speaks the concerned Ms. Rawlings, in Jocospite language, I heard shouting in what seemed to be some other language then the crash Then the young man from earlier stormed out all of a sudden. Is there something wrong? Should we call the police?
Police? No! No police , insists a mortified Bruchmüller, Uh, that is to say that my business with the previous client is presently concluded We shouldnt be hearing from him again I should hope.
The secretary shoots a querying glance as Bruchmüller settles himself down in the chair behind his desk, Ah Alright, sir Is there anything I can get you? Coffee? Tea?
Coffee, Ms. Rawlings. Black, as usual, comes the response from Bruchmüller, although he isnt really paying attention to the secretary anymore. Opening a drawer of a file cabinet, Bruchmüller removes a folder and flips through its contents, analyzing black-and-white photos taken from a distance of Tim Simmons and of his townhouse.
RHSO Intake Center, Monto, New England INC INC
Around 20 years ago, weeks after the dockyard incident
The faint sounds of young children outside, most no older than 5 or 6, could be heard from the room where Edgar Albertsons organization had provided Livia to be temporarily quartered. Livia registered the sounds and tried to block them out as she lay supine on her one-person bed. She remained concentrated on the revolutions of her ceiling fan and the tacky sky-blue paint job done on the walls.
The door creaked as someone Livia didnt recognize opened it. Then came an unfamiliar voice, Hello, young lady. Ive heard that youve gone through quite the ordeal as of late. Want to talk about it?
Livia didnt respond. She didnt move. She didnt even sit upright to see what her visitor might look like. Undaunted, the visitor a 60-something man in informal business dress took a few steps and sat down on the bed beside her, And you would be Livia Garthwaite, correct? No reply came from Livia. The visitor continued after a few seconds, Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Edgar Isidore Albertson. Perhaps you may have heard of me. Im the The old man gesticulated indecisively as his mind searched for the proper term, I guess you could say Im the er, CEO of this odd charity here we have running here.
Livia spoke curtly, Go away.
Albertson took no heed and waited another few seconds before continuing to speak, You know there are other kids around your age running about outside and elsewhere in this building. It might do you some good to try to socialize.
Livia repeated herself with greater emphasis, I said Go away!
Albertson inched closer by a half-inch, I know it might not mean very much But you should know I truly am sorry for your-
Livia rose up all of a sudden and snapped, Thats right, youre sorry! The man who saved me at the dockyard was sorry! Everyone Ive met is sorry! Sorry doesnt put my life back together or what little would have been left of it had that freighter set sail like it was supposed to! Sorry doesnt bring my mother back or my brother or my father. Or any of the rest that those maniacs took from me!
Livia broke down in a deluge of tears and sobbing. Albertson remained with Livia in the room but tentatively laid his hand on her shoulder, as if to get closer while gauging the reaction.
Livia turned her flushed face, contorted in agony, towards Albertson, Please just just tell me. Tell me how. Tell me why! My father was a veteran! He served 10 years in the wars! The ones with Shah from back when! He was beaten to death by thugs with badges calling themselves cops... to give the rest of us a chance to escape. We later lost Levi anyway But I held on to a strand of hope The hope that if Mom and I made it here together That it would turn out all right! That somehow wed forge through! Now Im left with nothing! Nothing! Tell me why, please, Axon!
Albertson hardened himself ever so slightly in his tone, There was a traitor a rat among the dockyard workers. The entire Magnifico branch of the Labor Guild will fall under suspicion because of this the dockyard workers section will no doubt undergo an extensive purge Were trying to pull out our collaborators on the inside before Oberto and Del Tuono get to them, but this is a major setback As for the rat, well You met our mutual friend, the Ocelot, by now. Hell take care of that matter.
No, you dont understand! I couldnt care any less about the specifics of who betrayed what! I want to know why I lived Why did I survive when all the others Her mind flashed back to that horrific scene under the moonlight the flaming wreckage, the futile pleas for mercy, and the clockwork rhythm of gunshots and bodies hitting the water, When all the others
Albertson gave a simple answer, The Church of Axon might teach us that everything happens for a reason, but that reason might be beyond our comprehension I cant say why you lived instead of your mother, or your brother, or any of the others senselessly taken from us.
Livia began to get a handle on herself, I I should have died with them. I should be at the bottom of that harbor.
Albertson removed a photograph from his pocket, Let me show you something Itll maybe put all this into perspective for you. The boy in the picture is my nephew Harvey This was taken 8 years ago, around the same time that I was up for my presidential bid He was no more than 12 at the time. In the first few months after the Zendies marched on the capital, I was fortunate enough to get out with my connections But those connections werent good enough to bring Harvey with me. His parents my brother and his wife were killed by the Zendies in the months of terror preceding their takeover. I felt it was my responsibility to take care of him after that I failed.
Livia turned to Albertson, Mister ? It It wasnt your-
Albertson went on, Please, dont. I had exhausted my political connections to ensure that my money was safe first, waiting to be accessed in discreet Raj bank accounts Then I thought about myself. Only after that did I factor in Harvey, but I had already cashed in every favor anyone had ever owed me. Maybe if my order of priorities was in the reverse, Harvey would still be alive today. Maybe he would be with us. I started the Ridnez-Heisenian Security Organization because Axon, help me Ive committed an unforgivable sin. I left family in the hands of those jackals because I valued material things first. And now Im paying for it, literally To use that that blood money, as it might well now be, to make a difference for those like Harvey. To rescue our people from Andreas Bombardone and his gang of murderers and thieves So that, when my time comes before Axon, I might be forgiven.
Livia was left speechless as Albertson tucked the photo away.
Albertson laid his hands gently on Livias shoulders and looked her in the eyes, So Im going to say to you, Livia, is: You might not know why you survived, or even if there is a reason But so long as you have your life to live, you can use it to do something for those who died, to make their losses something else other than a senseless tragedy. You can take that anger and grief and channel it into determination You can live you life for others For the ones that youve lost. And to help make sure that one day, there wont be any others like them.
Livia returned Albertsons weary yet sincere gaze with a look of total astonishment, Mister Mr. Albertson I dont Im not quite sure what to say.
Vocryae, Jocospor
August 8, 2023, 11:30 PM
Alright, now shoot the other two. We dont want to prolong this ugliness for too long.
BOOM! Livia is awakened from her sleep on a green couch as the memory of a fired shotgun coincides with the crack of thunder to startle her awake, her hands trembling. After a couple of moments, she reaches unsteadily for her glasses on the cocktail table in the living room of Tim Simmons townhouse, Axon damn it ! Livia, its not real! Livia remind yourself! Its not She looks down at her lower body and recites to herself the mantra of a lifetime, This life You no longer lead it for yourself But for the ones who have left us.
The television turns on all of a sudden, startling Livia further. The CSB News channel is broadcasting live footage from a birds eye view as a rocket fires at the Vocryae Police HQ building from a nearby rooftop. Livia adjusts her glasses as a figure, recognizable as Tim Simmons, passes beneath a police searchlight and reflexively looks upwards, ensuring that the camera captures his visage on live video.
Simmons?!, Livia blurts out in shock.
So Im not mistaken then? This is that petty gangsters abode! Not that I left much to chance before I decided to act!," declared a voice from a darkened corner of the room.
Livias attention shifted to the intruder, lounging in a chair next to the couch, as she detected the faint click of a pistol aimed directly at her.
The intruder removed his hat and put it in his lap; although Livia would have no way of knowing, this was none other than Detective-cum-Captain Bruchmüller
If you want to live, youll tell me what I need to know about our esteemed would-be terrorist colleague And youll talk fast!
Read dispatch
Twilight of the Idols Part 3
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Vocryae, Jocospor
June 29, 2023, 1:03 AM
Ever get the feeling that I dont know, that youve been running from a fate that you cant escape? That maybe you [i]shouldnt escape that you dont deserve to escape? But you cant stop running from it anyway because that fate is so terrible, you just dont have any choice?[/i]
There was heavy rainfall as leaden feet trod upon the creaky planks of Heavens Gate Wharf. A man in his late-40s, wearing a light black leather jacket over a white dress shirt and blue tie, nervously pushes the bridge of his glasses around, hands in his pockets. Without warning, he trips on a loose nail and plants his face against the splintered wood. His identity is unmistakable.
Another man, younger by around a decade, bald and wearing sunglasses, offers a hand, Need some help getting to your feet, Senator De Marco? A wharf in the middle of a stormy night can be a treacherous place to fall down.
Er, thank you, replies De Marco as he rises to his feet with the other mans help, So what happens now?
The man in shades points out over the bay, appearing in the darkness like an unending abyss extending out into infinity, Well, Senator, one of ours is supposed to arrive by speedboat, then a 5-minute ride out to middle of the bay where a helicopter will be waiting to throw down a line.
A what? W-what if I lose my grip and fall?!, asked the desperate De Marco.
The other man elaborated, The line will be attached to a harness, Senator. Youll be fastened to it and pulled up into the cockpit. Nothing will be required of you But something is wrong He checks his watch, The speedboat was supposed to arrive at 1 PM sharp. Unless if somethings gone wrong
Suddenly, a subtle sound sort of like a crackle or pop was heard by both men.
Huh?!, vocalized a confused De Marco.
Before another second could pass in indecision, the man in shades placed his body in front of De Marco, while grabbing him and beginning the rush back to the dockyard. He shouted into a concealed earpiece, Execute contingency plan delta! I repeat, contingency plan delta! Somehow weve been found out! Theres at least one sniper aiming for us! I repeat, at least one sniper![/i]
De Marco was dragged by the man in shades into a small warehouse, where four other men in similar dress were waiting. De Marco was brought by two of them to an area surrounded by crates in the center of the warehouse, while the other three closed off the entrances to the warehouse and took defensive positions.
One of the two men flanking De Marco forced him down into a crouching position behind him, Keep your head down, Senator. Its for your own safety.
De Marco clutched the briefcase close to his body, I I know Im not a good person. My own weakness my inability to take a stand has condemned me to this. I was trusted by poor Madam President Drakos all those years ago. And look what happened to her In the name of the Tide Queen, I betrayed her to save my own skin I joined the Zendirists and gave them everything they needed to infiltrate the presidential palace. What other choice did I have? The military had stepped aside and thrown the government to the wolves They would have won either way, but Goddess, Gregorio, youre such a worthless coward!
The lights in the warehouse sputtered and fizzled out, leaving De Marco and his band of protectors alone surrounded by the darkness and the sound of the rain.
August 8, 2023, 9:30 PM
Cant believe this is all Ive got to use...
Tim Simmons flipped through blueprints for the Vocryae municipal police headquarters in the boiler room of an RHSO storage facility, Yeah, right, like all the systems would be left totally untouched since the Depackyan strategic bombing
Never knew you to be such a complainer, spoke the voice of an uninvited visitor.
Tim swiveled around and whipped out a 9mm handgun by pure instinct, then re-holstered it once he recognized the man standing before him, Salvatore Russo, as I live and breathe What brings you to this den of iniquity?
Sal smirked, You mean as opposed to the den of iniquity we came from? Well, it just so happened my people got a bit of intel on your people making a move here And I figured, What the hey? Might as well catch up with what Tims been doing since he signed up with the Organization That and, well, you might imagine that Magnifico hasnt quite been the same since Bombardone and Powers decided to have their war over us
Tim leaned against a pillar in the room and shoved his hands in his pockets, leaving the blueprints sitting on a wooden crate on the ground, I dont imagine that Magnifico especially now of all times is the best place to raise a kid either.
Sal became self-conscious at the mention of Vivia and rubbed the back of his neck, Especially if the Zendies you know, goddess forbid
Tim kicked himself off the pillar and went back to perusing the schematics, Hm, yes, not pretty thoughts Though it does raise the interesting question of what would happen to SocPols Desi Falco Cult if the people realized
Sal shot Tim a heavily disapproving glance.
Tim instantly recognized his error, Er, sorry, sore spot, I know. Anyway, all the sociopaths of Avaris might be oh-so-cordially invited to meet in Vocryae, but to the Blueguards credit, theyve traditionally been kept on a short leash. Not like in Magnifico, where Mr. Mayor-Protector involves them in real-estate scams.
Sal walked over to see what Tim was looking at, Yes, of course, that was traditional, but with De Marcos assassination, all bets are off where the remnants of the Zendies are concerned Which is why I assume youve been examining these schematics
Tim explained without taking his eyes off the blueprints, You dont have to be coy about it. I know that you know that Ive got to beat the Zendies to the damned briefcase These blueprints indicate the placement of each motion sensor, security camera, laser tripwire, and glass break detector in the Vocryae PD building But its all outdated Either way, Ive got to make my move tonight.
Tim put the blueprints down and passed through a doorway into another room, this one containing a rack of close-quarters and small-arms weapons. He grabbed a combat knife, a couple extra magazines for his semiautomatic, and a double-action revolver as a sidearm.
Sal folded his arms and watched as Tim armed himself.
After finishing Tim turned to Sal, So are you coming with?
Just answer me this one thing: Did your people take out De Marco, or didnt they?, asked Sal.
Tim looked away momentarily as the memories of that night rushed into his mind.
June 29, 2023, 1:38 AM
De Marco slid up against the crates behind him and felt the strength leave his knees as he slid to the ground and retreated to his panicked inner thoughts, I thought I mean, everyone thought Bombardone would last forever. He was so charismatic, so so brilliant in his own way. Never have I met a man who not only exuded confidence in himself, but made those around him feel confident since he was there to make them better than they could be by themselves I think that was his true appeal in the end. I had never cared for the ideology but Andreas Bombardone was the first man to make me feel like a valuable part of the world.
Gunshots reverberated in the distance as De Marco prepared for the inevitable, I tried to make up for my sin The sin of inaction of complacency! I did! The Tertania Commissariat Protocol The first piece of the Hierarchs puzzle, his grand plan to remake Usea I surrendered it no, betrayed it to the Grand Admiral. But its not enough, is it? Justice cant be satisfied until
One of the men flanking De Marco suddenly grunted in pain and fell to the ground in a heap. De Marco clamored to his feet and ran behind the safety of the other armed agent. De Marcos prospective protector fired a few shots at a rapidly approaching target, leaping from one stack of crates to the next. De Marco had just time enough to glimpse his pursuer before he scampered off on his own. The assassin returned fire from atop his vantage point. De Marco heard the distant death cry of his last defender behind him as he reached a door in the back leading to a partially gated area containing a forklift and some more loose crates.
Maybe Just maybe , De Marco thought to himself, making a mad dash for the street.
BLAM! He hardly knew what hit him.
De Marco stumbled backwards against the gate surrounding the warehouse, as he felt his lungs and trachea fill up with blood. He laid eyes upon his executioner and gurgled out, W-who? W-why ?
Youll die never knowing the reason Now give up the ghost, old man, replied the assassin.
De Marco could no longer make vocalizations; he was suffocating in his own blood and could no longer feel his limbs. Please, goddess, if youre out there Have mercy , were the last thoughts to race through De Marcos mind.
Three more close-range shots to the abdomen, and the deed was done.
August 8, 2023, 10:50 PM
So I take it youre not going to tell me no matter how much I probe?
Sal distracted Tim with his line of questioning as the two drove in a rented sedan to a spot a few blocks away from the police HQ building.
As he navigated the streets of Vocryae from behind the wheel, Tim explained to Sal for what must have seemed a dozen plus one times, It doesnt matter how you probe or how much, Sal Im with the Organization now in a very sensitive role. Now, Im letting you stick around and help because of our old relationship But that doesnt exempt you from the rules And #1 rule is
Need-to-know frickin basis, jeez. Youre really into this espionage role now, huh?, said Sal.
Parking in an unoccupied back alley and engaging the brake of the vehicle, Sal shot back, And Id expect you to understand that considering that your boss-lady is in charge of managing the largest non-governmental espionage ring in North Usea! You just like to irritate me at some point, dont you?
Sal chuckled, Heh! Cant deny that?! But in all seriousness, Ocelot is not my boss nor does she manage the entire Network. Thats not how the Network is set up to operate.
Whatever, we still have the problem of deciding how were going to tackle the infiltration stage of this operation, so enough meaningless chit-chat, stated Tim, getting out of the car.
Ah, but hardly any infiltration can succeed without a man on the inside, Mr. Simmons opined what seemed to be a lowly custodial technician, approaching the two.
Tim interrogated the out-of-place janitor, Uh Who are you and how do you know my name?
The custodian replied in a string of Ziconean characters, Omicron-delta-alpha-alpha-chi-omicron.
Oh, I get it. Hes with me I think?, volunteered Sal.
You actually know this clown?, asked an incredulous Tim.
Er, no But members of the Network have a way of identifying each other based of cell affiliation Using this system of code, elucidated Sal.
The janitor went on, Indeed, and that makes me the solution to all your problems. You see, I couldnt help but overhear, but the boss-lady as one of you put it has stumbled onto a new tier of connections out there in Tertania. And ysee, that comes with certain perks Like say, maybe this little thing you might have heard of, the International Affairs Agency, wants you to get the briefcase And for certain others what you might call Zendies to not get their greasy paws on it.
Tim pieced it together, So youre expecting us to believe that Tertania sent you to ?
The janitors sole answer was to pull out an IAA badge, seemingly authentic, verifying his identity: Red King.
Well, this is awfully convenient, Tim commented.
Right, convenient, spoke Red King, And Ill tell you what else is convenient If you manage to slip in and out with that briefcase and its contents sometime within the next He glanced at his watch to find the hour hand at 11, 15 minutes or so. Ysee, I took the liberty to disengage most of the buildings security systems to give you two a way inside.
30 minutes?!, shrieked Tim.
Better hop to it, its now 29 minutes and 30 seconds!, Red King alerted the duo as they took off. He shouted after the two as they sprinted into the distance, The evidence lockers on the third floor, on the west face of the building!
August 8, 2023, 11:13 PM
If someone were in the evidence room of the Vocryae PD building at the time, they would likely have heard a furious tapping perhaps more like a thumping on the edge of one of the two glass windows. As it was, no one remained in the room to hear it when on the fourth or fifth try the glass shattered from the force of being cracked with the butt of a pistol.
Hey, are you okay up there?!, shouted Tim from the ground outside of the building.
Yeah!, sarcastically remarked Sal, while smashing away more shards of glass to create a larger aperture for his arm to reach through, Climbing a 12-story building from the outside using the nooks and crannies, hanging on for dear life between the ledge of this window and this drainpipe, and trying to break into the evidence room of the capital of the most powerful nation in the Confederation All in a days work! He reached through the hole in the glass and unlocked the window on the inside, raising whatever was left of it to make his entrance.
Sal quickly located the evidence lockers and yelled to Tim out the window, So do you have any clue which locker has whatever was in the briefcase?
Tim shrugged, No clue! My intel didnt go very far on this!
Sal rolled his eyes, Has it ever occurred to you that you might have been a little underprepared to undertake this mission?
Tim replied, Well, weve gotten this far without a hitch-
As if to tempt fate, a loud alarm suddenly started to blare throughout the building. Mere moments later, heavy steel doors clamped down shut over all the windows, forcing Sal to duck back into the evidence room to avoid being decapitated by one of them.
Sal immediately bolted for the door of the evidence room, but it too was enclosed by a dense sheet of steel. Great, just wonderful, Sal remarked to himself.
What the hell?! We were supposed to have 30 minutes! Red King what an idiot I was! He planned this!, Tim screamed into the wind, only to be drowned out by the cacophony of alarms
On an adjacent rooftop, another observer peers at the scene unfolding through binoculars as the police building is flushed in red lights, Something is going wrong! Its not supposed to happen this way! You said that those two clowns would fetch the briefcase with no issue and that we would just jump them for it later!
The individual being addressed Red King took the development more calmly, Settle down, this was not entirely unexpected Just allow me to correspond with our mutual employer. He pulls out a satellite phone and dials in a number, Röter König, reporting in with news that the bear has fallen into the trap.
On the other end of the line, the President of the Imperial Senate Marcus Lanistar gives his reply over a sumptuous salmon dinner at a haute cuisine restaurant somewhere in the city, Understood. Go ahead and shoot the bear. Over and out.
Röter König hung up and conveyed the order, We have confirmation. Go ahead. Light it up.
With that statement, the accomplice on the roof loaded a rocket into a bazooka lying on the roof, took aim, and
The explosion sent a wave of force and heat through the air that knocked Tim Simmons even at ground level off his feet. As he regained his bearings, Tim processed the reality of what had happened, Sal Sal? Sal! Even before his hearing could fully clear, Sal half-instinctively follows the quickly dissipating smoke trail of the rocket to the rooftop it was fired from. His suspicions are confirmed as Tim spots the man in custodians uniform, You !
The man with the bazooka queried his partner, So now what?
Röter König obliged, So now we wait for the strike team to be mobilized to move in and seize the objective before the police, the Blueguard, or whatever else can mount an effective counterattack! But if youll excuse me The enigmatic operative spots Tim running towards the fire escape of the building, I really must be taking my leave of this wretched place. Give Mr. Simmons my regards
No more than 20 seconds after Röter König exits through the rooftop access door, Tim ascends the fire escape and confronts Lanistars minion, Do you have any idea what youve just done?
The operative drops the bazooka and attempts to pull out his sidearm in self-defense. Tim is quicker to the draw and blows a hole through the hapless goons shoulder.
That was a decent man you just killed Moreover he was my friend And you killed him like he was like he was some insect to be stepped on, Tim muttered in fury as he approached his quarry.
You blew him to bits!, Tim shouted, punctuating the statement by cracking the butt of his pistol against the operatives skull, Why should I give you any better?! Tim angrily bludgeoned his victim in the head several times with the pistol. It would be all too easy to just shoot him, but Tim needed a vent for his frustrations. He needed to see the man bleed, and just shooting him in the head and killing him instantly wouldnt suffice. Finally, Tim began to smash the minions head against the concrete with his bare hands, then wrapped his fingers around the mans throat to strangle the life out of him. A minute or more maybe passed, before Tim caught a stirring movement at the periphery of his vision. Looking straight forward at the gaping hole in the police HQ building, Tim was overjoyed to see that Sal, while rendered temporarily unconscious from the blowup of the missile, had not taken the brunt of the force and was gradually reviving.
Tim let up on the man who fired the rocket, who was now completely unconscious himself. Another minute or so passed. Then the operative was shocked awake by the sensation of Tims backhand across his face. The balaclava he had worn before to obscure his features had been removed by Tim while he was out.
Tim started with the interrogation, Alright, start talking. Youre from Centro Nuovo, right? Youre the ones Ive been sent to beat to the prize. But instead youve been watching me all this time
After several seconds coughing and regaining his breath, Tims captive began to force sounds through a scratchy throat, Centro Nuovo? Well, from your perspective, I suppose we might as well be.
What the hell does that mean, might as well be? I can detect the hint of an accent in your speech. I know that youre Ridnezite. Still, why make a huge mess of everything? This way, its more likely that neither of us will get what were after. It will be put under tighter security protocols if anything under supervision of the Confederation government!, argued Tim.
The minion reasoned further, cough cough And . why should that come as an inconvenience to you? After all, your creature has occupied the fatherlands place in the Senate. Surely when Garthwaite feels safe to re-emerge, she will petition for the disclosure of those materials to the Felons of Magnifico her people your people! We only acted in this manner, increasing the stakes, because our strategy of allowing you to front all the risks blew up in our faces the second your friend proved so incompetent as to set off the security grid!
Tim shot back, Wait, hold on a sec here We set off the grid?! Your man on the inside Red King pretended to be working with us He knew clearance codes that he shouldnt have He said that he disabled the security grid by himself for 30 minutes And supposedly gave us that time to break in and take the briefcase But the grid re-initialized itself in 15! This was your doing. Yours!
Then, a searchlight from above shined down upon Tim on the roof, startling him and causing him to reflexively look upwards. And Tim took notice of something else hovering off in the night sky, Is is that a news copter?! Great, so much for subtlety So much for confidentiality!
Meanwhile, from his private room in his favorite restaurant, Marcus Lanistar watched the scene unfold into a chaotic frenzy on the TV with a satisfied smirk on his face. Picking up the telephone on the table, Lanistar sent another call to his contact on the ground, Its quite a circus out there isnt it?
Röter König replied on his satellite phone, making paces through a complex series of back alley routes for navigating the city of Vocryae unseen, I surely hope so. Youre taking quite the gambit here that this will play into your hands, you know. We wont be able to accomplish our true objective in Ridnez if you miscalculate here And you know that you need us on your side if you want to retain your comfortable position.
Lanistar finished chewing on another piece of salmon before making his typical reassurances, Oh, dont worry at all! And dont be so explicit either. Its not like this line couldnt be tapped.
Röter König approached a locker in a bus station only a half-dozen blocks from the scene of the action, Hm, very well So its your move now.
Shoot the bear thrice more, indicated Lanistar, Over and out. He hung up the phone and resumed his dinner, his attention taken once more by the televised coverage of the incident.
Within a matter of seconds, three more rockets shot out from strategic positions around the police HQ, each rocket striking the top floor of the building from a different angle.
With three deafening booms, fire and sound smoke and debris filled the air.
Vocryae was thrown into terror.
Vocryae, Jocospor
August 8, 2023, 11:30 PM
Is is that a news copter?! Great, so much for subtlety So much for confidentiality!
Tim Simmons stared up into the sky, startled by the searchlight shining down on him from a higher rooftop, It wasnt supposed to go like this! No one was supposed to see me here!
Meanwhile, a gruff voice came in through the earpiece worn by the Ridnezite terrorist Tim had just subdued, The situation has escalated. We have confirmation to strike again while we still have the element of surprise! That briefcase must be recovered at any cost!
The downed agent was still bleeding from his nose and mouth and out of a nasty gash on his head. Nevertheless, he heeded the command and unsheathed a machete. The operative rushed at Tim with the knife, and Tim sidestepped.
From the observing news copter, a CSB journalist provided commentary on the scene unfolding below, Its unbelievable! Not since the paramilitary occupation of the ISB last December has Vocryae experienced a terrorist incident of this magnitude! However, judging from the action unfolding below, there appears to be more than one faction at play
So youve regained your nerve, huh? Whats the matter, youd rather face me down again than see what the Jocospites have in store?, mocked Tim.
You dont understand whats at stake For me or for any of us , the Ridnezite muttered in reply. He ran toward Tim and lunged to make another swipe with the machete.
Tim casually drew his sidearm and gunned his desperate assailant down with three shots to the center of mass, Poor, pathetic sod
Suddenly, three missiles shot out from rooftops of varying elevation around the square surrounding the police building, deafening Tim and causing the news copter to hover away for its occupants safety.
He then drew his attention to the top floor of the building for a split-second, bearing witness to part of the roof collapsing and the upper levels catching fire, Dear Axon, Sals caught in that mess! Sals ! Tim gripped his skull for a moment in indecision, Prioritize, Tim Nothing you can do to help him now. The car Weapons in the trunk! Gotta get back there fast!
Tim ducked down the fire escape and into the alleyway behind the building, They captured my face on camera Probably all of Vocryae hell, maybe all of Jocospor will recognize it by tomorrow evening. Well, I can say goodbye to any chance of utilizing the anonymity of crowds to my advantage
Tim sprinted through the complex maze of back-alleys leading all the way back to where his car was parked, Got to make tonight count then. Youve been played like an idiot, Tim but theres still a chance it wont all have been a waste Tim looked down at the tires, Heh, first mistake on the Zendies part Shouldve slashed the tires when they had the chance! Tim entered the drivers seat and turned the key in the ignition, and within a few seconds, his unimpressive sedan was tearing out of the alleyway onto a congested city street.
[i]August 8, 2023, 11:36 PM
Sal Russo faded in and out of consciousness in the aftermath of the missile strike.
As Sal opened his eyes, the room appeared to cluttered with debris, Come on, get up Its your life at stake! Get up! But it was no use, Sal did little more than lift his aching torso mere inches off the ground before he collapsed again. Sals eyes opened a crack another time, as he perceived his limp body being hauled down a stairwell by a couple of police officers. Their voices registered to him as though transmitted through a sea of molasses, Come on, get moving faster Weve got to move this guy before the entire building comes down around our ears Not to mention get the hell out ourselves! Once again, Sals eyes closed.
Sals eyes opened a third time. Sounds of gunfire could be heard coming from outside, but that wasnt what woke him up. What the hell is happening?! Where on Avaris am I?!, Sal yelled aloud as he made his panicked return to consciousness, What were those sounds? Those loud, booming noises The memories came back to Sal in a rush, Oh, Amadastra save us It was Another explosion rang out and shook the building to its foundations, missiles!
Sal rose to his feet with much exertion, Agh, my ribs! I think a few might be cracked He looked around him and saw two officers crouched around a doorway down the hall.
One of the two turned around to face Sal and turned his gun on him, Freeze! Dont move a muscle or Ill blow you away!
Sal tried to raise his hands in the air, only to contort in pain at the attempt, Gah! Dont dont shoot. Im not the enemy here.
The officer drew closer and questioned, Oh yeah? Then why did we find you in the evidence room Which had just, for some reason, been hit by a rocket launcher?!
Sal winced in pain, gripping his side with one hand while weakly attempting to raise the other, Its uh, that is I really cant say
The officer threw Sal against the wall and quickly handcuffed him to the railing beside him, Either way, youre under arrest.
Sal objected while being restrained, Do I at least get the formality of having my rights read? Whatever those are here ?
The officer shoved Sal onto the ground, Youre in Jocospor. You should know better.
The other cop called out to his partner, Richards, with me now! I think we have an opening!
Both officers ran through the doorway. Then the sound of more gunshots and broken glass.
August 8, 2023, 11:42 PM
Tim drives down through maybe a dozen crowded Vocryae streets, breaking several times that number of traffic laws, until returning to the location of the danger: The police department HQ. Or rather, to an alley two blocks away, this one a different location than the previous
Tim lays eyes upon the building in the distance, witnessing as a small cluster of military-style transport vehicles surround the openings. An impromptu group of police officers most undoubtedly accustomed to desk jobs attempt to execute a tactical maneuver by outflanking one of the vehicles. Machine gun fire from the back of the truck cuts them all down to a man.
How could they mobilize so quickly?, Tim wonders aloud, They you idiot They had been mobilized in advance, lying in wait somewhere... As impressive as this paramilitary force is, they must know that any full-scale response from Vocryae PD would not end well for them Tim opens the trunk and slings a belt of grenades and an assault rifle around his person, They hope to rush the building, wipe everyone out, and grab the briefcase. In and out, before the boys in blue can enact a counter-stratagem. Tim returns to the drivers seat and activated the ignition once again, driving the sedan down the street adjacent to the alleyway.
As he approached, an operative with a rocket launcher saw him approach and radioed it in to his unseen supervisor, Röter König, we have a visual on the Heisenian. He could present a complication. Seconds pass before an answer is received, Shoot the boy down, hes a direct competitor for the mission objective. The rocketeer responds immediately, Roger that. He then took aim up the road and fired another missile.
Tim saw an abrupt flash in his rear-view mirror, Damn it This is not what I signed up for! Tim suddenly crossed the sidewalk onto a patch of grass surrounding the police HQ, barely avoiding the missile as it blasted away a section of the street and resulted in a massive traffic pileup. Tim accelerated down the lawn of the building, budging his ill-suited automobile up to top speed, Oh, who are you kidding? Of course this is what you signed up for
As Tims sedan approaches at increasing velocity, the machine-gunner in the back of the transport vehicle takes notice and concentrates fire on the windshield. Tim ducks beneath the hail of bullets, as the windshield shatters above his head, and rolls out of the drivers seat, leaving the sedan to crash into the military transport propelled by its own momentum.
After the collision, the machine-gunner in back is thrown from the vehicle, stunning him for several seconds. Meanwhile, Tim quickly gains his bearings and rises to his feet, That was stupid. Tim then sees the enemy combatant begin to swivel his machine gun In his direction, but Tim beats him to the trigger first, blasting him away with the assault rifle. The driver then stumbles out of the vehicle with a pistol in hand, but it makes no difference. Tim comes up shooting.
Tim begins to frantically check his environment to ensure there are no other enemies in the vicinity, Youre hyperventilating, Tim Get a hang of yourself, Tim! You wont be good to anyone unless you can get it together! After calming down somewhat, Tim then turned to the police building in the distance, At least one of the other teams must already be inside looking for De Marcos documents I cant let them have it! In the name of Axon, I hope Sals still alive up in that chaos
August 8, 2023, 11:57 PM
I cant believe this is happening That Im seeing this and yet be so helpless to change how it unfolds.
Sal remained cuffed to a railing on the second floor of the building, but the invading force was now there with him. Where is the damnable briefcase? Tell us, now!, one black-clad thug wearing a balaclava screamed into the ear of a receptionist. I I dont know what youre talking about. Really Please Please dont kill me.
Another terrorist states with arms folded, I dont know about you, but I believe her. The first aggressor growls in discontent and casually puts a slug in the receptionists head. What about you, pretty boy? You must have some idea of where it went!, the first and more belligerent of the two shouted off at Sal.
What makes you think I know anything?, posed Sal, Maybe Im just some drunk the cops took off the streets. After all, as you can plainly see from my present disposition Sal rustled his handcuffs against the railing to demonstrate, Im not one of them.
The first terrorist struck Sal across the face with the butt of his handgun, Dont play games with us, Russo Or should I say, Falco! Yeah, thats right We know exactly who you are and why youre here. So talk The terrorist reloaded and placed the barrel of his handgun against Sals face, while you till have a jaw to speak through!
Alright, alright!, pleaded Sal, Blast these cuffs loose and Ill show you!
Yeah, right! Like wed trust you enough to do that!, snarled the first terrorist. But he has a point , the second terrorist cooly interjected, If he cuffed to that railing, he cant very well show us where the objective is location, can he? The first terrorist barked, keeping his handgun aimed at Sals face, Thats a load of crap! He can tell us where the briefcase is!
Sal spoke up through the metal object jabbing into his cheek, If you really know who I am and why Im here, then you should probably have figured out that my intel on this place isnt any better than yours! I dont know the room or locker number, and I was out while the cops dragged me over down here But I can help point the way to where the case should be if I have free run of the place!
The first terrorist hesitated, his finger twitching as if wondering whether it wouldnt be more expedient to kill Sal now and figure the rest out later. The second terrorist intervened again, We dont have much time either before tactical units arrive or the building collapses either way, we dither any further, and its game over for us.
Sal asserted, You need me! You need me!
The first terrorist mumbled beneath his breath, should just kill him. The second terrorist piped up, No, moron! Blast him loose!
Reluctantly, the first terrorist complied and broke the tether of the handcuffs with a carefully placed bullet. The second terrorist gestured at Sal, Your lead Dont waste our time.
Sal looked out the window momentarily, Were on the second floor, right?
The second terrorist brusquely confirmed, Yes.
Alright, then, Sal sighed, Follow me. He marched up the nearest stairwell with the two armed terrorists following on his heels, before swinging open the door to the third floor. Sal looked around at the sheer destruction wrought: walls reduced to rubble and gaping holes in the ceiling revealing electrical wiring. For the Tide Queens sake, could you have made a bigger , Sal stopped cold when he saw a row of office cubicles, with the shredded bodies of police and civilians alike splayed across, Oh, heaven.
What is this guy doing here? We were left explicit instructions: Leave no one alive, spoke a third member of the invading force, accompanied by two others. The first terrorist explained, I dont suppose youve located the objective, have you? The third terrorist protested, N-no, but our mission parameters The second terrorist spoke further, This hostage was part of a rival operation with the same objective as ours You might say they overlapped. Now hes going to lead us to the prize. What happens afterwards, well You know.
Sal thought to himself, Lady of the Waves, King of the Earth, grant me a better fate in the next life Im going to die, arent I?
August 9, 2023, 12:10 AM
Just wait for an opening, wait for an
Tim heard the gunfire die down, Now! Leaping into the open from the corner of a hallway, Tim took out two of the terrorists who had him fenced in, then ran past a row of desks. Another assailant sprung up from behind one of the desks and opened fire with a submachine gun, forcing Tim to slide across the ground behind another desk for cover. Tim then removed one of the grenades from his belt and pulled its pin with his teeth, throwing it several meters away to where he expected the terrorist to be, 2, 1
Tim tentatively rose up from his cover, confirming that the hostile was dead from all appearances before moving on. Locating the stairwell, Tim sprinted up, jumping several steps at a time. Between the second and third floors, Tim was attacked by another terrorist with a submachine gun. Tim fired and nailed his target within the span of a second, but his shoulder was tagged by a ricocheting bullet. Agh!, Tim winced and gripped his shoulder. His shaking hand removed itself from the entry site of the bullet, stained with blood. G-got to , Tim gritted his teeth, keep it together. He then resumed his ascent to the third floor.
August 9, 2023, 12:17 AM
Well, here you go What was formerly the evidence room Now so much debris piled on top of itself.
Sal gestured at the devastated room with a sense of sarcasm and resignation, Go ahead, you win. Its right in front of you
The first, most irascible operative pistol-whipped Sal across the face and sent him tumbling towards the floor, What is this? Which locker is it?
Sal rubbed his sore chin, Yuh Your guess is as good as mine. Try all of them, why dont you?
The second terrorist lost his patient, Why dont ? There is no more time. The original plan was to let you imbeciles take the mission objective, then just jump you and claim it Youre saying you never even knew which evidence locker they had the briefcase or or the documents?!
Sal shrugged, more nervous than he was letting on, Uh Fraid so. We rushed our operation just to beat you to the punch. That is, assuming you report to Centro Nuovo The new StateSec Director, Bertolini, or whatever his name is But that isnt the case at all, is it? Thats just the impression you wanted to give
The operatives gave each other knowing glances, before the most aggressive one decided to take action, Alright, thats it! Youre dead now punk! The first terrorist drew and aimed his firearm, but a wave of vibrations distracted him, as a loud crashing noise could be heard from the upper levels. The fifth terrorist in the group elected to speak, We-we have to get out We have to get out now!
Before another word could be spoken between them, Tim entered the scene and let off a few rounds, taking out two of the invading force. Taking cover around the doorway, Tim reloaded as the terrorists returned fire. Charging into the room and sliding across, Tim fired twice more with impeccable aim, killing another two of the remaining hostiles. One left, no time left to think, Tim thought to himself, but the next pull of the trigger resulted in only the click indicating an empty chamber.
The remaining assailant pulled his own sidearm, but Sal threw his weight against the mans body, knocking him to the ground. Afterwards, Sal doubled over, incapacitated in extreme pain. Tim took the opportunity to pounce on his encumbered adversary instead, unsheathing a combat knife and planting it in the mans chest.
Tim hurried over to Sal and slung Sals arm over his shoulder, helping to pick him up. It Gracious goddess It hurts, Tim, moaned Sal.
Tim replied, I know, Sal I know, just help me help you here. Only a couple floors down, maybe if were fast enough Well get out of this alive.
News copters circling the area catch shocking footage as a central accumulation of debris on the top floors breaks through several of the lower levels. The building will never be reused again.
August 9, 2023, 1:34 AM
Tim carried Sal through the entranceway of his modest townhouse, Just a few more steps And well be
Hello, Mr. Simmons, rang forth a familiar yet unexpected voice, Youve made quite the spectacle on the news tonight.
Tim turned his head to the living room as he lay the now-unconscious Sal on the tile flooring, Bruchmüller Livia remained seated on the couch, apparently gripped with terror.
Indeed you have, Mr. Simmons A spectacle enough for your invalid girlfriend and all of Vocryae tonight to witness and behold, Bruchmüller continued.
What are you doing here? How did you find me?, asked Tim.
Oh, finding you is not so difficult for one of my connections Yes, you cant be surprised that I still have connections. Without connections, a private investigator is almost nothing But youve got connections of your own, and tonights events , Bruchmüller stated as he moved the flap of his jacket to reveal a concealed firearm, imply whatever youre after has greater interest than I had at first realized.
You cant be serious?, Tim incredulously put forth, You? You want the briefcase now too?!
See there? I didnt even know it was a briefcase you were after. Now why dont you tell me more about it and what it can do for the fatherland?, said Bruchmüller.
Tim grew impatient, It cant do anything for the fatherland if by that you mean West Heisen.
Oh, but it will yield dividends for your capitalist masters in Ridnez, will it? How unrighteous how typical, Bruchmüller sneered.
No, it wont do anything for anybody We dont have it I failed the mission, Tim solemnly admitted.
Livia could not help but interject, You what? Please tell me youre lying! Youre lying to try to make this man leave, right? But he wont leave Hes obsessed.
Perhaps thats the way that Ms. Garthwaite sees me, obsessed What she means to say is that you and I will be getting very well-acquainted in the near future Using your connections with this Albertson person this plutocrat youve sold out to We will liberate the fatherland from the Jocospite-loyalist imperialist scum we will resume the course of the revolution as it was destined to proceed by the currents of history![/i], pronounced Bruchmüller.
Youre serious, said Tim, Hah! Heh-heh-ha-ha-ha!
Bruchmüller rose from his seat, Is there something funny about what I have proposed?
Its heh-ha just that , Tim composed himself, Do you really think that the Organization will have any use left for me in this town After that televised disaster you just saw?! I dont have any more influence left to pull here Sorry, I guess I screwed things up for both of us.
You youre not Dear Axon, youre right, arent you?, Bruchmüller realized, covering his mouth with his hand.
Livia pleaded, Simmons, you couldnt The Zendies recovered the briefcase! After all the preparation and worrying! After each of us almost got killed several times over! It cant be
Its its not over. I Ill take the wench. I can only surmise you care for this woman in some way So long as I have her, you will do anything I ask Even pull strings with Albertson! You must !, insisted Bruchmüller.
Before another word could pass between Bruchmüllers lips, Tim threw a ceramic decorative piece from the mantle above his unused fireplace at Bruchmüllers head. Clearing the distance within an instant, Tim rammed into Bruchmüller and pinned him over a table, No, youre not As I told you before, your time is over You are over. I might not be able to show my face in Vocryae again after this But I swear, if you harm one hair on Senator Garthwaites head, I will make a personal exception to come back and hunt you down Today alone, at least 15 men have met their deaths because of me It wouldnt mean much to me to increase that count to 16, you follow?
I , Bruchmüller grunted through a compressed trachea, follow just fine.
Tim let Bruchmüller go. Within a few minutes, Bruchmüller had left the townhouse, seemingly shaken by the experience.
In a few hours, it would be dawn.
August 9, 2023, 11:50 AM
Marcus Lanistar stands at the high podium overlooking rows upon rows of seats, around one-third of them unoccupied, in the assembly hall of the Imperial Senate Building. The speech he is about to be delivered is being captured on film to be edited and distributed by CSB later that night.
Ladies and gentlemen of the Imperial Senate, in light of last nights frightful attack on the headquarters of the Vocryae Police Department, I am hereby issuing an executive order effective immediately transferring responsibility for the safekeeping of sensitive materials confiscated on Jocospite soil Those specifically pertaining to international affairs and incidents to the Confederation Department of Defense Preliminary investigations have revealed some concerning details: Firstly, that the attempted perpetrators were, by all appearances, operatives of the Ridnezite Multiple Strategic Operations Bureau For those of you who are unaware, this is a secretive branch of that countrys Directorate of State Security: an elite intelligence corps formed of only the most highly trained agents. Secondly, that their target was apparently the materials contained in the briefcase that the sadly departed former Senator Gregorio De Marco had on his person at the time of his death. Lastly, that said materials previously stored in the Vocryae PDs evidence room in a secure locker have been completely and utterly destroyed by the events of last night. But we must remain ever vigilant, to ensure that setbacks and tragedies like this do not occur again In the name of that goal, we must have a stronger, tougher Confederation government That is all
Livia watches Lanistars speech from her seat amidst the assembled Senators, Yeah, right The materials from the briefcase were destroyed all right Well see about that, Mister Lanistar. Well see.
August 9, 2023, 5:45 PM
Lanistar approaches a bus station locker, dressed as inconspicuously as he could manage. Naturally, that meant wearing clothes that corresponded to the fashion trends of 6 months ago. He procures a small key from his pocket and opens the locker, only to find one solitary envelope.
What? What?! What is this?!, Lanistar states, gripping the envelope and impatiently tearing it open. The message within is transcribed in Xaviet language on official copy: Herr Lanistar, we must apologize for this small deceit, but to entrust De Marcos papers to anyone not of Xaviet blood is simply unacceptable for the purposes of our mission here Anyone not completely of Xaviet blood. We will contact you to about this shortly, to discuss the role you are to play in events to come.
Well, well, what have we here, Livia called out from a couple meters away, Looks like youve been caught red-handed Lanistar. Livia had shown up with Sal Russo at her side. As it turned out, Sals injuries were far more superficial than he had been led to suspect.
Lanistar went on the defensive, Caught red-handed? Whatever do you mean? This is just a bus station locker I was receiving an, er, private message in this manner. Surely Im entitled to some privacy?
Privacy? Is that what you call it when you order hundreds of people to killed on a gambit?, accused Livia, This is low Even for you.
Are you trying to insinuate something Livia, dear Id take a second to think on that question if I were you I am, after all, a very powerful man, replied Lanistar. He was obviously trying to seem vaguely threatening. It wasnt working.
Sal spoke up, You want to know how I knew?
Lanistar turned his attention to the unfamiliar individual in his presence, And who are you supposed to be? Ms. Garthwaites personal retainer ?
Sal ignored Lanistars attempt to distract him, Your men your operatives They knew who I was. They were honest-to-goodness, full-blooded Ridnezites, all right. But the Zendies They have this thing about me, you see? They would never let their agents not even intelligence agents know who I was. And they knew where we were What we were planning When we would strike
What are you blathering on about? Make some sense, why dont you?, blurted out an increasingly exasperated Lanistar.
Tim, see, he knows how Zendy intelligence operates I wouldnt doubt his instincts or abilities on that front one bit. But Utopian intelligence? Not to mention bolstered with access to Confederation government archives and resources Access to the entire Department of Defense database But it didnt click together exactly until late last night or early in the morning, I guess
August 9, 2023, 2:05 AM
I didnt kill him, you know.
Tim nonchalantly stated as matter-of-fact while carefully removing the bullet lodged in his shoulder with a pair of tweezers.
Sal lay on a bed in the guest room, still nursing his own injuries, Ugh, want to say that again Sal? Youve killed a lot of people tonight. Who exactly did you not kill?
Tim winced with pain as he removed the slug from his wound site where it had embedded and held it up to eye level with the tweezers, De Marco You asked about him some hours earlier, remember? I didnt actually kill him.
Well, Tim Thats great and all to know that the Zendies are full of crap again, but in that case Who did plug the jerk?, asked Sal.
Tims memories went back to that night in June as he stared at the removed bullet, I was there, Sal I was there, and I was sent to seize that briefcase and those documents by any means necessary. I would have killed him. I tore through the Utopian secret service agents who were watching over him, but When I stepped out into the rain, in back of that warehouse he was already dead.
But But how could that happen? I dont believe in coincidences, asserted Sal.
Tim started to pour isopropyl alcohol over his wound and grimaced, It wasnt a coincidence. Whatever the source was on RHSO intel the exact time and place of De Marcos planned extraction had set us up They wanted to have us in the right place at the right time, so that once the shooting started, they could call it in anonymously to the police. Police would arrive and find a convenient suspect to apprehend me. But De Marco would already have been silenced by their man, waiting in the wings for the right time to strike And police would confiscate the briefcase too.
But why so convoluted a scheme? Whats to be gained by manipulating things so theyd wind up that way?, Sal questioned.
Tim began bandaging up the wound, Why indeed? Heres a rule which you ought to be quite aware of by now Hell, you helped teach it to me back in Magnifico: When you find the one who stands to benefit most, thats your culprit.
August 9, 2023, 5:49 PM
Youre the one who stood to benefit most. If you managed to frame the RHSO or the Zendies for mass murder on Jocospite soil, then youd have a good case on your hands that the ongoing war over Ridnez is spilling out into Vocryae And then youd have cause to expand presidential prerogatives in the name of collective security and international stability , continued Sal.
And on top of it, youd get the briefcase or more accurately, its contents on your terms In the end, I dont think you trusted the intelligence agents that you sent in If you did, why would you have warned me beforehand? I know a little bit about Utopian politics; its very divisive. You wouldnt have wanted those sensitive documents to pass through the hands of intelligence service personnel that might have been corrupted by the Temple of Umbra, I imagine. You expected even wanted those men to get wiped out with the building so then you could tell the world that De Marcos secrets went up in blazes with them The Temple of Umbra, other interested Utopian parties, would stop looking Only you and your Xaviet friend would have been any wiser I doubt the contents of that briefcase were even still in the building at the time it all went down, Livia concluded.
In the end, you were outplayed by your Xaviet allies, werent you? Thats whats on the letter, right?, Sal ventured to guess.
How would you know anything about that?!, Lanistar said as he stiffened up.
I didnt until now. But that guy, Red King, he baited us into thinking he was a Tertanian agent on our side, supposedly and into thinking we had a bigger time window to infiltrate that building than he left for us. But he probably took what he wanted what you both were after when he first went in to knock out the security systems Livias theory is the only one that makes sense: Otherwise, it wouldve been simpler and easier if things had gone off without a hitch, only for your thugs to quietly get rid of us later. And then you could blame the theft of the briefcase and, I presume, our deaths on the conflict between the Zendies and the Organization, once it all got discovered in the morning Thats what the intelligence agents were told was going to happen. The way things really did go down would have worked for you if the prize didnt get snatched from you by the Xaviets at the last minute.
Interesting theory, very interesting But you might have remembered along the way while spinning this absolutely riveting tale that you have no proof Of any of this, Lanistar gloated.
No, but if we did, Assam Elne would already be stomping your junk into oblivion But Im on to you You tried to kill me once. And so long as I have breath in my body, Im not going to forget that, Livia warned.
August 9, 2023, 8:00 PM
Lanistar sat in the presidential office of the ISB, listening to old, scratchy music records, with a glass of whisky in hand. A call came in over the cellphone, but Lanistar let it go to voicemail. Lanistar sat completely motionless, staring into space, One day some day now the Umbrites will have my head. Ive made too many deals, too many compromises to let it all fall apart now. But Im deceiving myself It already has fallen apart. Damned Xaviets, I was undone by the faith I put in them Undone by my trust in their man, Schmidt. He promised, he promised me ! One day, any day now itll all be over.
DTI Training Facility, Abinhill, Central Tertania
September 3, 2023, 9:30 AM
Excuse me?! You want me to go up against these three all at once ?! Who do you think I am?!
The raven-haired women in workout clothes squinted upwards at an enclosed balcony protruding from the wall of the vast chamber. The balcony was protected by a thick sheet of one-way glass, but there was no mistaking that behind it was the observation platform of the individual assigned to grade her performance.
A voice boomed over the rooms intercom system, Who I think you are? I think that youre supposedly the notorious Ocelot one of the most feared combatants, mercenaries, and yes, killers this side of Usea The Directorate of Tertanian Interests expects you to live up to your reputation But so far, we havent been seeing it! Everyone, return to original positions!
Behind the glass, the Ocelots overseer removed his finger from the intercom button on the training rooms control console, So what do you think? This session, were putting her up against the same three opponents picked from among the best combat specialists the agency quite possibly has, all extensively trained in Tien-Chi martial arts. In months past, from what weve seen From what weve been able to get out of her, shed be just about a match for any of them individually. But
Director Andrew Haines, standing a few feet away and dressed in standard man-in-black attire, concluded the thought, Shell take your boys down, but not out Her killer instinct has atrophied in the months since weve acquired her as an agency asset. Something is wrong Her heads not in the game for some reason We cant simulate the appropriate conditions to evaluate how shell react when Oakley, it looks like theyre getting ready to begin! Lets not miss this all over commentary.
Back down in the training arena, Ocelot braced for the sparring match ahead of her, exchanging cold glances with her adversaries.
Heh, didnt think Id see the day that Ridnezs most prolific freedom-fighter would stand before me begging Agent Oakley to be let out of going a few rounds with the DTIs top crust , boasted Harry Fraser.
By Axon, you dont have to be such a cornball about it Top crust But still, its not a good look for someone whos supposed to be such a menace to the Zendies, Elliot Boyd interjected.
The Zendies are afraid of this Zick because theyre incompetent Now, if they had a man like the Station Chief for Arellistan at the wheel, then they wouldnt have a Zick problem left in Ridnez. After all, hes been doing a fine job at showing the Arellis whos on top and whos the bottom, blurted out Adrian Clifford.
From the observation platform, both Oakley and Director Haines were taken aback by the comment, Well, Oakley, if that outburst doesnt get our girls head in the game Nothing will.
On the floor below, Ocelots expression changed from one of seeming indifference to visceral aggravation, Alright, thats it! Lets go!
Sparing no time to begin his attack, Clifford ran toward Ocelot, roaring into the air, and unleashed a flying kick. With impeccable coordination, Ocelot sidestepped the kick and used Cliffords momentum to throw him against the wall behind her. Ocelot then turned her head to see Frasers fist already mere inches from connecting with her face. She gracefully blocked the punch and counterattacked using a right hook, followed by a low reverse roundhouse kick to sweep him off his feet and onto the ground. Finally, Boyd entered the fray with a flying elbow, but Ocelots reaction time was quicker. She ducked the attack, causing Boyd to unexpectedly connect with the jaw of Clifford, who had been sneaking up on her with the notion of taking Ocelot by surprise. Unable to suppress a satisfied grin, Ocelot waited for Boyd to throw a right jab, once more using her opponents momentum to bring him to the ground and pinning his arm behind his back.
Ocelot turned to the observation platform and yelled out In a half-weary tone, So Are we done here yet?!
Haines had his arms folded in thought while Oakley posed the question, Its up to you, Director Is she done down there yet? Haines hesitated for a few moments before formulating his opinion, Did you notice the way she fought again? The kinds of moves she used against our men? Oakley turned to Haines, Hm, yes Even after that ill-considered remark, she handled the three of them in a way that was almost its strange to say it, but holding back. Mostly shifting her opponents weight against them and letting them get in each others way. Haines contemplated, Hm Send her up.
5 minutes later
Craig Oakley waited patiently in a communications center elsewhere in the facility, arms folded behind his back. After a few moments more of anticipation, Oakley was disturbed from his quiet inner thoughts by the noise of a door being violently thrown open.
So, what insights do you have to share with me now, Oakley? Didnt finish that bunch of cretins fast enough for your liking? Should I be aiming for some sort of record?, snarked an impatient Ocelot, towel draped around her neck.
Oakley ignored the feeble attempts at sarcasm, Do you have any idea why it is weve been keeping you under wraps for the past oh, how longs it been ? Ocelot replied to the prompt, Nine Its been nine months. Oakley continued, Right, nine months Why do you think it is we havent put you back into the field?
Ocelot answered as best she could, You want to keep me out of the war. As far as your superiors are concerned, this is a conflict between rival states and alliances The Network doesnt fit into that dynamic You cant control the Network, so youre just content to separate the head from the body and hope that the body shrivels, right? But it doesnt work like that The forces weve unleashed in the Network They cant be contained. And the others whove taken my callsign will get along with or without me.
Oakley let off a chuckle under his breath, Im afraid youre way off the mark, Ms. Drakos. You see, the ah, Network as you put it It has been tamed. Whether your past accomplices like Rosa Bernardi or Beatrice Caruso are aware of it or not, they are serving the goals of the Agency, dont doubt that Ocelot gave Oakley an incredulous look of surprise and grabbed him by the collar, shoving him into a nearby wall of computer monitors, Dont f*ck with me, Oakley Rosa and Beatrice They would never sell out to a foreign power!
Before another second could pass, two armed guards had entered the room behind Ocelot and had their laser-sights directly on her. Get your hands off the suit, Ms. Drakos , Oakley calmly said in a lyrical manner, It didnt come cheap. Ocelot slowly and carefully removed her hands from Oakleys jacket, and the guards allowed themselves to return to a more neutral position. To get to the point, the IAA or to be accurate, our newly inaugurated domestic operations branch, the DTI has been unwilling to field you because combat training could not ascertain that you would project the degree of ruthlessness that your assignments will require of you...
Ruthlessness? The bodies of those MultiStrat agents I left in Isonphis last December To say nothing of my years of battling Zendy scum in my homeland They havent proved I can get the job done when necessary?, Ocelot protested.
When necessary, yes What weve observed though is an absence of any particular zeal on your part , Oakley elaborated. Zeal?! I did what I had to do to save innocent lives and Ill continue doing what I have to in order to restore freedom to my country my people and whoever else might be oppressed under the Centro Nuovo regime. But its not a game, Oakley! There is no zeal to be had in taking a life.
Oakley smiled to himself, Very idealistic, Ms. Drakos If I didnt know your personal history, maybe Id even accuse you of naivete! But instead, I think Ill have to bring you up on charges of hypocrisy instead Im certain that youd be singing a different tune right now if the whats his name?... The guy with the scar around his eye socket if he were still around!
Ocelot thought back to the night, near the end of the Civil War, that she took Gianfranco Del Tuonos life. Oakley spoke over her memories, You took vengeance for your parents deaths and the deaths of so many others Dont deny your true self. The cats got claws, and someday, Im going to see them!
Ocelot paused for a couple seconds, You asked those guys I was sparring with earlier to try to get on my nerves, right? To really dig deep in You wanted me to fly off the handle and really injure them, didnt you? But Ive suffered worse than petty insults before Im a survivor, not a sadist, Oakley.
Oakley took a lighter out of his coat pocket and began to light up a cigarette in the room, I dont suppose Id get anywhere by bringing up 2015 by any chance Due Fiume Convention Hall? Ocelots thoughts flashed back to the event: an exchange of gunfire, a petroleum tank detonating, a fire consuming several city blocks, screams of entire families as they burned to death, Due Fiume was a mistake. And I was different then. Angrier more reckless. Due Fiume was a wake-up call. Oakley simply shrugged, If you say so But now if it were your predecessor from Marundia we were discussing
Dont even !, Ocelot jumped up at her mentors casual mention. Oakley locked eyes with Ocelot, an unimpressed and quizzical expression hanging on his face. Ocelot read Oakleys face and moderated her tone, Just Dont bring him up Please
Oakley punctuated the end of the preliminary discussion by letting his old-fashioned lighter flip closed, Still hurts fresh after all those years, huh? I guess some of us are just built different Id have gotten over it by now if I were you To think of the number of times Ive had to sacrifice a good agent cause the situation called for it. Oakley blew a stream of smoke into the stale room air, But there is clearly no time left to second-guess our decisions, as within the past month alone, there have been two potentially related terror incidents to go down in Isonphis each claiming hundreds of Tertanian lives. Maintaining the security of this nation in the interest of Tertanian citizens is the reason the Agency exists Its the reason I have my job, and its the reason that Ive kept you along as our ace in the hole for this long instead of turning you over as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the government in Magnifico, as anyone else in my position would have done by now.
Ocelot leaned against the adjacent wall, Yeah, yeah, save your blowhard routine You said you wanted to gauge if Id show any added enthusiasm for the violence that, I suppose, is part of our now-shared profession. You havent gotten around to why What exactly did you have in mind
Oakley hit a button on a computer terminal and brought up a large digital map of Tertania taking up most of the space on a large viewscreen. With a few more keystrokes, Oakley zoomed in on one specific city, I suppose I should cut to the chase. Enter Fuopolis: one of Tertanias largest and most populous cities.
Fuopolis is this countrys major center for concentrated heavy industry. Ive done my homework, Ocelot commented disinterestedly.
Oakley sneered in response, Yes, well Around 3 months ago, one of Tertanias oldest and most private auction houses lying smack-dab in the city center was purchased by a foreign real estate developer Thing is, weve checked with the Office of National Security and theres no background to this company They were incorporated in a resort town on the Raj coastline named Monto And they applied for their Tertanian business license only a week after coming into existence
Your real estate developer is a front, that much is obvious But for whom? For what?, Ocelot questioned.
Oakley confirmed, Thats what were sending you in to figure out Whatever it is wont be innocuous. In the time since this started, various unsavory characters have been spotted in the greater Fuopolis area, each of them with a rapsheet as long as your arm Intelligence indicates something is going down at that auction house in the next few days
And with my terrorist reputation, you think I should be able to get in and do some poking around, Ocelot stated, kicking herself off the wall, Just get me briefed and give me our timetable, boss.
Oakley gestured with his thumb to the door, Go talk to Clifford. Hell get you up to speed.
Ocelot immediately revolted at the thought, That jerk? But-
Oakley shut down the complaint with another dismissive hand gesture, No arguments, Ms. Drakos Now away with you for now.
Ocelot thrust her fist against the wall with an exasperated grunt and tossed the towel around her neck on the ground. As she passed through the doorway, she hesitated to make a final point, pointing and growling with barely controlled aggression, And by the way, dont call me that ! That name means nothing any longer, to anyone! Bianca Drakos was a victim weak and helpless Im not! With that, she left the room, as Oakley beat a separate path back to the observation chamber of the facilitys sparring arena.
Oakley found Haines, arms folded behind his back while overseeing another practice battle below, So, how did she take to her assignment?
Predictably, she resents having to work with Clifford , Oakley calmly reported.
Haines was quick to remark, But of course, hes an unregenerate bigot Hates Arellis, Khazhatistanis, Talgerrians, Cierridans, Ziconeans And isnt afraid to let people know about his prejudices.
Of note, she hasnt deduced the true reason were testing the limits of her self-control She thinks we really want her to go ballistic Course, you actively wanted me to give that impression, continued Oakley.
Its better for us that she doesnt know the quality thats really being tested here Itll give us more reliable indicators of her behavior in the field Hmph, waitll she gets a load of whos going to be holding the auction, said Haines.
When she realizes the true composition of the vipers nest weve thrown her into , Oakley commented, Well, frankly, sir, I dont think theres a force on Avaris that will keep her from dislocating your jaw.
Fuopolis, Tertania
September 5, 2023, 11:15 PM
I still dont know why Director Haines puts so much confident in some Zick when they could have sent in anyone from the DTI I mean, hell I bet I could crash this auction business and show the chowderheads what-for all by myself.
Clifford pouted like an ill-tempered child as Ocelot and he approached the auction house. Ocelot brought her usual leather-jacket-based ensemble. Clifford was dressed more formally, but stuffed into a business suit that was simply several sizes too small for him. Perhaps he bought it on the cheap during a clearance sale at a retail chain, but one would think the DTI budget would cover basic clothing expenses. Maybe he deliberately wore undersized suits to make himself look larger and emphasize his muscle tone through the fabric. Will you just shut up for two seconds?!, Ocelot urged in hushed yet urgent tones, You want to get us killed? Go ahead! Keep advertising that were here for the you-know-what on behalf of the you-know-who!
The two approached the entrance of the antiquated-looking auction house. A man with thinning, slicked-back hair, aviator sunglasses, and a thick Corpalan accent confronted the pair, pulling a toothpick from his mouth and flicking it against Cliffords chest, Hold on just a second. Theres a VIP list to make it into this special event And I dont know you from Axon, so Cant let ya in!
Ocelot and Clifford shot each other a look of bewilderment.
And here Id have thought my reputation preceded me! Here, friend, perhaps this should clear matters up, spoke Ocelot, procuring a laminated green business card with a yellow wildcat motif. The bouncer at the door leaned over and lowered his shades to shoot an incredulous look, No way! Thats the symbol of- of the But youre a dame! And a damn fine-looking one too, if I might add. Ive heard the rumors, but I thought it was just some of that fantasy-land crap peddled by the media to pander to womens libbers.
Ocelot was struck by the bouncers words like a brick wall, Im sorry. But I think I must have misheard. Do you mind repeating that for me one more time?
The bouncer inched closer and whispered with the sleaziest grin on his face, Er, yeah Ill let you in no questions asked, but Hows about you repay ol Aris with some sugar, huh?
Meanwhile inside the salesroom
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls You all know why youve decided to grace us with your business this beautiful evening. And in case anyone needs reassurances on the matter
The auctioneer, decked out in a black paramilitary uniform with gray visor, yanked a large red sheet off of the sample display model of the prize of the nights bidding, No, your eyes do not deceive you, esteemed guests, this baby right here is the Novus Andromedae Techno-Carrier, manufactured by the ever-so-talented folks over in Salcanceacy In addition to black paint-job for stealth capabilities and sleek stainless-steel armored paneling, it comes built to accommodate modifications to suit your preferences, including but not limited to armored turrets, fixed machine guns, surface-to-air missile launchers And where it comes to dynamic maneuverability in urban environments? Youll never be beaten, so long as youve got these puppies to roll out with. And the best part is were selling a whole fleet of em, 500 in total, no strings attached, no questions asked But my client has gone far and out of his way to import these things into Tertania discreetly which was no mean feat, I guarantee you. In short, dont expect the bidding to start cheap! So, I trust were all present and accounted for
An eerie group clad in black robes, shoulder-patches emblazoned with an ominous eye-symbol, and white plague-doctor-esque masks announced their presence at one of the benches near the front of the salesroom, The Esoteric Order of Alhaqiqa will match any offer the other factions represented can make. There are too many in this wretched, fallen world who seek to stop us from excavating the portal which leads to the City of the Gods. In order to best the power of mans sinful technology, we have learned it is imperative to embrace it.
Another group, dressed similarly to the bouncer at the front, declared their bidding eligibility, Our employer, Im certain, requires no introduction. Were here on behalf of Mr. Rafail Dellogolu. These armored vehicles will come in very handy for Mr. Dellogolus interests in the the mining sector. But of course, Mr. Dellogolu has chosen In his infinite charity to volunteer security for this auction.
A third group, no less oddly garbed than the Alhaqiqa emissaries, hovered over a third bench in the opposite corner of the room, Let there be no question, the Temple of Umbra has both the imminent need for the corporeal power that these futuristic weaponized vehicles will bring, as well as the means by which to pay. Storm clouds gather over Hazelwood City A heathen degenerate occupies the highest office of the Utopian republic. And the first conflict in the cascade culminating in the end of days will be waged between the Umbrite faithful and the legions of the infidels and the heretical filth on Utopian soil! No cause is more important.
In the last place, a brunette-haired, fidgety businessman stopped rhythmically tapping his index fingers together when it came his turn to introduce himself, Im er, Matthew Parkes Former Director of the Bank of Tertania. Unlike the others, I dont feel that my motives are important to be disclosed, as I fail to see how it pertains to the auction proceedings. Lets just get on with it already, huh? The longer we dither, the higher the chance of something going horribly wa-huh?!
Parkes was cut off by the cacophony of an oak door splintering into shards as the unconscious body of the bouncer flew several feet and collapsed in full view of the auctioneer and the assembled bidding parties. At the aperture where the salesroom door once stood were the Ocelot and Adrian Clifford, side by side.
Within seconds, every gun in the room was drawn on the uninvited newcomers from the members of the bidding parties, but it was the auctioneer that was first to break the thick silence that hung in the musty air, Lynx Lynxie, is that you? My, how youve grown!
Ocelot was taken aback, Lynxie ? The mischievous demeanor the mockingly familiar tone and style of address the use of a former alias long since abandoned There was only one man it could possibly be.
Y-you Jaguar Jaguar!, she roared at the top of her lungs, her mind flooded once again with memories of the past Memories best left buried.
Settle down, boys and girls, Lynxies an old friend Arent you, Lynxie?, Jaguar teased, leaning against the model military vehicle.
How could I thought You cant just You cant just show up in my life once again like this! Not after everything you did to me! Everything you did to him!, Ocelot angrily accused, slowly walking to the front of the aisle.
What in the bleeding hell is this dumb Zick bint up to now? She was lecturing me about compromising the-?, Clifford struggled to understand the sudden flip in Ocelots demeanor, What are you doing? Stop!
To blazes with the mission, Clifford! I made a very solemn vow eleven years ago!, said Ocelot, though her mind wasnt really in the present moment. It was back on that day one of all too many days in her relatively young life which would leave an indelible impression on her, one that very possibly could only be wiped away by her own death: An 16-year-old young woman, face awash in tears, kneeling in a train car heading for disaster a surrogate father no, a second father suffocating on his own blood as a strained attempt is made to force out a final promise and then him, Jaguar, standing right beside Del Tuono, holding the smoking pistol, acting as if it were nothing personal Sorry, kid The Ocelot was the best in the business once upon a time; he taught me everything he knew back when I was a kid First rule of business, terminate liabilities. He was best in the business once, but ever since he picked you up, hes just been bad for business
Bad for business
Bad for business
Bad for business
The words resonated through Ocelots reeling mind as it traumatically snapped back to reality. And just like back 11 years ago, tears began to stream down her face But this time she couldnt bother to notice.
You f*cking idiot, youre ruining everything, Clifford screamed at his partner. But Ocelot couldnt bother to care about that either
She reached for her sidearm without hesitation or delay, Jaguar I swore on that night to my predecessor to our mentor when he coughed up his lifeblood.
Jaguar gracefully slipped into a combat-readiness stance, Lynxie You should listen to that slab of meatloaf you brought for muscle Between me and the esteemed guests theres not a man here that isnt armed to the teeth its not going to end well for you
I swore that night every liter of his blood that you spilled that I would repay you in kind, Jaguar!, proclaimed an increasingly unreasonable Ocelot.
You just had to spoil the reunion by acting all dramatic, now, didnt you?!, Jaguar yelled.
Both Ocelot and Jaguar quick-draw their sidearms.
One shoots first. Its so close that the naked eye couldnt tell.
In 2.3 seconds, madness engulfs the room.
Read dispatch
Twilight of the Idols Part 4
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Strathmere Auction House, Fuopolis, Tertania
September 5, 2023, 11:32 PM
You f*cking idiot, youre ruining everything!, Adrian Clifford shouted at the top of his lungs, to no avail. He then quickly scanned the room while Ocelot hyperfixated on the man in front of her. Jaguar I swore on that night to my predecessor to our mentor when he coughed up his lifeblood, Ocelot yelled at the auctioneer. Her hand wandered to the holster at her side as her eyes met Jaguars through his visor with a fiery intensity.
Cliffords thoughts raced while the scene played out in front of him, The Zicks lost her marbles This was supposed to be a simple operation! Get in, figure out what was being auctioned off and who was behind the sale! So simple! Howd this happen?!
You just had to spoil the reunion by acting all dramatic, now, didnt you?!, Jaguar exclaimed. Ocelot and Jaguar both drew their sidearms and shot near-simultaneously. In almost perfect coordination, Ocelot and Jaguar began to dodge the split-second prior to pulling the trigger, avoiding each others bullet before it even fired. Ocelot rolled behind one of the benches in the salesroom; Jaguar took cover behind the model military vehicle.
Meanwhile, Cliffords attention then quickly shifted around the room to the various parties of bidders. Nearly all of them began to react simultaneously to the events unfolding before them, entering battle-readiness within a couple of seconds. The Alhaqiqa group unsheathed daggers and knives. The Dellogolus loaded fresh magazines into their submachine guns. The Umbrites, clad in full-body light plate armor, drew large broadswords from their hilts.
For a tense moment, everyone in the room exchanged rapid glances communicating the intent of battle with their darting eyes.
Holy sh-!, the words barely managed to pass Cliffords lips before a hail of gunfire blasted and cleaved several of the rear benches into a cloud of wood dust. Clifford hauled it out of the gaping hole in the door to the room and took cover around the nearest corner, wasting no time to remove his own semiautomatic handgun from his coat pocket, Now the Zicks done it! There probably wont be enough of her left to make a moussaka out of
Inside the room, Ocelot entered a trance-like state of hyperawareness the moment that the bidders took out their weapons and prepared to attack. Within a fraction of a second, she analyzed the room to determine the total number of combatants, their most likely tactics in a combat environment, and the most efficient order in which to eliminate them at least risk to herself. All this processed through Ocelots mind at an almost subconscious level, something that happened automatically and without deliberate thought.
She leaped into the air and grabbed onto the chandelier hanging from the ceiling as the Dellogolus started spraying bullets. Freeing one of her hands, Ocelot took a couple of shots at the firearms-wielding hostiles in the amassed crowd, once again taking account for angular momentum through a semi-unconscious work of refined instinct. Three shots were fired; all hit their targets in some form, nailing one of the Corpalan mobsters in the shoulder, glancing the arm of another, and the last passing through the lung of the third and causing him to collapse on the floor.
She then released her grip from the chandelier and let the spinning chandeliers centrifugal force carry her through the air, landing smack-dab on top of the model Techno-Carrier. Ocelot crouched over the roof of the armored truck to where she saw Jaguar take cover but nothing. Turning around with nary a second to waste, Ocelot saw as the two surviving Dellogolu mafiosi regained their bearings and readied themselves to let loose another volley of hot lead. Ocelot rolled off the roof and behind the body of the Techno-Carrier, Hrm At least it seems this thing is as resistant to ballistics as advertised!
I dont know what you hoped to gain here, poutana, but no one messes with the outfit and lives to tell about it!, boasted one of the mobsters, yelling over the sound of his tommy gun, Youre going to die tonight! Youre gonna die tonight, you dumb little bi-! The mobsters voice suddenly ran out, as he felt something akin to being punched in the back. He looked down at his torso to find it was much worse; a bullet tore through his body. His next thoughts were about how difficult it was getting to breathe before everything went black.
Michail ?, the last remaining Dellogolu gunman reacted as his comrades body fell to the ground with a thud. He turned his attention to the back of the salesroom and spotted Clifford standing beneath the shattered door hinge, smoking pistol in hand. Bastard son of a Merconian!, roared the remaining mobster, turning his tommy gun towards Clifford and firing away. Clifford hastily ducked back around the corner to avoid the barrage of bullets, but not before one of them embedded itself in his arm, Agh! Sh*t Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! Gonna go down fighting alongside a dumb Zick against another dumb Zick Whatll my drinking buddies say?
Ocelot rounded the end of the Techno-Carrier model, seeing an opening to take a shot at the enraged Corpalan, but as she lined up the shot, she heard the hammer of another handgun click right by her ear. Ah-ah-ah We didnt finish getting reacquainted now, did we?, Jaguar taunted. Acting reflexively, Ocelot dodged Jaguars shot and did a backflip 10 to 20 feet into the air, getting off two or three return shots against Jaguar while in free fall. Jaguar evaded the gunfire as it punctured clean holes into the sturdy wooden stage that he stood upon.
Ocelot pressed the advantage as she contacted the ground, springing herself into action. Jaguar got off several more shots, yet Ocelot continued to avoid them in an almost unearthly acrobatic grace. It was as though Ocelot were pitting her uncanny ability to predict and react to an enemys offensive maneuvers against Jaguars ability to similarly predict his opponents evasive maneuvers and change tactics accordingly. But one of them was just slightly better than the other.
Ocelot cleared the distance and knocked the wind out of Jaguar with a decisive front kick to the chest, causing Jaguar to tumble onto the floor and drop his weapon. Jaguar immediately scrambled to reclaim it, but Ocelot stepped on his wrist before that could happen. Wincing in pain, Jaguar looked up at Ocelot, to find her looking down her sights directly at him or more accurately, his head, End of the line.
Jaguar nervously laughed under his breath, Heh.. H-hey! Cant we Cant we just ? His hand ground forcefully under Ocelots boot, Jaguar begged through a strained voice, Cant we talk about this? Please? Ocelot coldly replied, Whats to talk about? What goes around comes around But despite her words, she hesitated for just an instant In that instant, the decision was taken out of her hands.
The handgun was knocked out of Ocelots hand by a sharp projectile of some sort, slicing through the leather glove she was wearing and into her palm. Ocelots gaze immediately snapped in the direction of the attack, but this left her open to Jaguars counterattack. Jaguar delivered a rising knee to Ocelots abdomen, then knocked her against the model Techno-Carrier by following up with a powerful uppercut, You almost had me finished back there What happened?
Ocelot retaliated with a right hook, hoping to take advantage of how Jaguar tended to favor his own right, but Jaguar blocked the punch and countered with his own right cross, drawing first blood from Ocelots mouth, You had the skills once, kid. Damn, I can tell you still have the skills. But that tiger streak in you, girl. Youve lost your resolve. I can tell. Ocelot struggled to regain her bearings, Sh-shut up! You killed him, Jaguar Im not letting you get away with that! Jaguar mockingly beckoned with two fingers, Then, cmon, kiddo Lets settle this the old-fashioned way. Mano a mano. Ocelot cracked her knuckles and, beaming a deathly cold stare into Jaguars visor-obscured eyes, jumped back into the fray.
Clifford rushed up a flight of stairs in a sweat to the second floor of the auction house building, as bursts of submachine gun fire virtually licked his heels. Taking cover behind around an doorway adjacent to the top of the flight of steps, Clifford shouted threats in between his hyperventilating, Huh Huh huh You know Huh huh You guys are dead meat once I bring you in! Ive got friends who dont think much of Zick gangsters who dont have respect for law enforcement
First thing, you thrice-damned Tertanian pig, were not Ziconeans We Corpalans have too much pride and too much love for Axon above to be motherf*cking Ziconeans Second, I dont give a sh*t about what your child-molester friends think. Third, once I come back with a story that I shot down some police, alphabet-agency archidi, everyone down at the speakeasy will be so happy, theyll buy me drinks for a month!, the mobster bragged.
The Corpalan heard the door of the room at the top of the staircase slam and lock shut, You aint getting rid of me that easy, malakas. The gangster kicked at the door repeatedly; when the door still didnt swing open, he simply sprayed ammunition at the door until there was no more door. Youre mine now!, exclaimed the Dellogolu minion, just prior to unleashing more gunfire into the room of antiques, peppering just about everything inside with bullet holes. Bullet holes, but no body. The gangster stepped inside, confused, when he was shot in the head from an empty closet off the side. The Corpalan slumped to the ground without a word, then Clifford exited the closet, wiping the sweat from his brow, I pant pant was not expecting to put up with this crap today Wonder how the chief Zicks doing
In the salesroom
Ocelot and Jaguar danced a familiar tango, similar to their prior engagement with firearms: Both combatants trying to predict, evade, and counterattack using the shared set of talents that their mentor instilled into them both. He raised you, Jaguar And you sold him out for money After everything he did for you, how could you be so heartless?, Ocelot accused. Jaguar tossed a haymaker at Ocelots jaw, but Ocelot blocked with her left arm and struck Jaguar in the jaw instead because of the visor, Jaguars most vulnerable point with her elbow, following up with a right hook, and setting up Jaguar to be knocked into a nearby supporting pillar with a left roundhouse kick.
Ocelot removed a thin wire from a false compartment inside her watch and pressed it up against Jaguars throat, pinned Jaguar against the pillar. While maintaining steady pressure with the wire against Jaguars airways, Ocelot reflected to herself, He should be out in 30 seconds Irreversible brain damage, at very least, after a couple of minutes Or I could just end it right here and now, slice his jugular fast and clean my trademark. Gargling sounds from Jaguars throat diminished as he passed out from rapid asphyxiation, when suddenly, another sharp projectile clipped by Ocelots hair. Her head snapped to the side, and she released her grip on Jaguar, who fell limp to the floor.
I am afraid we cannot allow you to liberate the life-force of the one called Jaguar, interloper The Order still has use of him and his unknown master to acquire these abominations of modern technology for our own purposes, called out the leader of the Alhaqiqa group. The voice boomed and resonated with an almost unearthly timbre; the Alhaqiqa cultists themselves appeared to glide across the room beneath their flowing robes, making no sound with their approach, All who interfere with the awakening of the Great Ancients are marked by the Order for death interloper.
Ocelot stared at the cloaked figures with mild disbelief Who ? No, what are you? The leader of the cultists offered a brusque reply, Shayatin Servants of the Esoteric Order. None before have lived to tell of our existence And none yet shall The three robed warriors leaped into the air with utmost nimbleness and landed in a triangle formation surrounding Ocelot on the stage. I have no quarrel with you people Leave now and you might get to keep all your limbs, threatened Ocelot.
The cultists converged on Ocelot, silent as the night.
Clifford re-entered the door to the salesroom, seeing the opening stages of Ocelots fight off in the distance. He stepped beyond the threshold, but caught a bright glimmer at the edge of his vision. Turning his head instinctively to the right, Clifford came face to face with one of the Umbrite warriors, about to swing his broadsword for the base of his neck. Clifford fell to the ground to avoid the attack, and the Umbrite embedded his sword in the connecting wall. Rising to his feet, Clifford pressed the barrel of his handgun to the Umbrites helmeted head, Freeze, or I swear Ill blow you away!
The Umbrite yanked his blade from the wall with a mighty pull, I challenge you, heathen. Make good on your threat. Without hesitation, Clifford fired at the armored swordsman 3 times; his bullets merely ricocheted. Clifford was incredulous, W-what? How could you-? The Umbrite loomed tall over Clifford, standing maybe 3 or 4 heads taller in his armor and casting a long shadow, Our armaments are not as antiquated as they first appear, I guarantee you But you will be ancient history, soon enough.
The warrior took another swing, narrowly missing Clifford by a few inches and smashing one of the few intact wooden benches. Clifford backed off, seeing death in his eyes, when he unexpectedly bumped into someone in back of him. Another dark shadow loomed over him from in back. Clifford didnt even need to turn his head to know his next move. Clifford leaped into one of the aisles off to the side, narrowly avoiding a two-handed smash from the massive sword of the Umbrite standing behind him.
Uh O-Ocelot A little help here !, screamed out the less-than-dignified Adrian Clifford, as he ran circles around the mostly devastated salesroom in the desperate hope of dodging the sting of the Utopians blades. Meanwhile, Ocelot was busy exchanging blows with her Talgerrian assailants. One of the Shayatin whizzed by Ocelots face with his dagger in hand, forcing her to bend out of the way and setting her up to be knocked to the ground by the leg-sweep of another assassin. The third cultist then descended upon the Ocelot with a two-dagger strike. Wasting no time, she rolled out of the way of the attack and countered with a kick to the face, springing into an upright standing position, Sorry, Clifford Ive got my own problems to deal with right now ! Ocelot downed one of the Shayatin with a butterfly kick to the neck, then stomped on his throat with an axe kick while he was out of it. In the heat of battle, it took a few seconds to register with her Wait, did he actually call me by my name?
Ocelot sprinted to where she dropped her pistol during the fight with Jaguar, but she was slashed across the arm by a Shayatin, causing her to wince in pain. The Shayatin pressed the initiative with a flurry of stabs and strikes, Ocelot barely able to keep up and dodge all but the most superficial cuts. Backed against a corner, Ocelot was presented with one of those split-second decisions of do-or-die, Nowhere left to back into No more room to navigate Got to do what he isnt expecting Hit him and hard and fast! Ocelot tackled the Shayatin to the ground and strung out another length of wire from her watch, pressing into his jugular beneath his hood. This time she didnt hesitate.
Ocelot climbed to her feet as the corpse beneath her bled out, huff huff I guess this proves these whatever-they-ares are still human after all. Sauntering over to her gun in the most exhausted state, Ocelot was jumped by the last of the three Shayatin, but got him into a judo throw and tossed him into a mess of wooden debris. Grunting through his mask, the assassin still refused to give up. Ocelot took aim and fired four times for the center of mass, but the Shayatin somehow blocked or bisected each bullet with his daggers through impossible timing and skill. These guys are good, Ocelot commented to herself.
The Shayatin roared and leaped into the air, preparing to strike Ocelot down with a downwards slash once he hit the stage. However, Ocelot sidestepped and fired one shot into the air, estimating the arc of the assassins jump to be as accurate as possible. One bullet was all it took; the Shayatin descended upon the stage of the auction, but with all the clumsiness of a dead weight.
Down on the bidding floor, or what was left of it, the Umbrites had Clifford cornered against the last patch of standing benches. Ocelot! Please, Im your partner, remember!, the cringing DTI agent yelled out. The enormous blade crashed down against the tile floor as Clifford scooted into the aisle, but Clifford tripped over another terrified man in hiding: Matthew Parkes. Brother, look, it appears that our erstwhile competitor failed to evacuate when such was within his power, observed one of the two identical-seeming colossuses. Yea, and what fortune that nearly all other rivals to the Temple in the bidding process have been eliminated as a result of this turn of events, answered his comrade. The first swordsman raised his sword again, Truly unfortunate
Parkes scrambled to his feet and started to plead, H-hey Im not the one you want Its these Its these freaking cops that ruined everything! Without warning, a chunk of wooden debris struck the Umbrite in the head, making a metallic sound bouncing off his helmet. Hey, bucketheads!, Ocelot called out to get their attention. The Umbrite warriors both turned to the stage at the same time. The sound of two gunshots rang out in synchrony, and before Clifford and Parkes knew what was up, both armored giants toppled over, dead.
What ? How did you?, Clifford looked to Ocelot for answers, but she wasnt listening to him right now. Clifford rolled over the body of one of the Umbrites using his foot, and then he understood, Bleeding from the eyeholes of their facemasks She shot them through the- By Axon, I might have underestimated her! Parkes crept away in the opposite direction, hoping to inch close enough to an exit to make his getaway. Hey!, Clifford reprimanded, grabbing Parkes by the collar with one hand and pulling him in close, No one said you could leave!
Ocelot let off a deep breath from her chest, calmly kneeling by the Shayatin whose trachea she stomped earlier. He was still wheezing and clutching his throat, having difficulty breathing and totally unable to fight. Take that stupid mask off your face, Ocelot chided, while yanking it off herself. She looked the cultist in the eyes and took register of what she saw therein, Obviously South Usean of some sort Shahi Talgerrian Arelli Hes still struggling just to breathe drowning in the fear of death. I wonder how much consideration he gave to those he mightve killed in his past The people he was planning to kill with that Salcanceacian weapon
I killed your friends. If you know whats good for you, youll stay where you are, Ocelot whispered into the Alhaqiqa members ear. She jumped off the stage and rejoined Clifford, Im not sure that went quite how Haines and Oakley planned it But alls well that ends well, I guess.
Clifford pointed to Parkes with his free hand while continuing to throttle him, At least we caught this crumb in the process You know who he is? Ocelot glanced at Parkes, How could I not? Hes half the reason Im working with you now Last December, I thought it was Vickers, Nora Vickers, who was working hand-in-glove with the Zendies... And only her. But she was still trapped in the Bank when the explosives blew. And you were conveniently nowhere to be found.
Hey, I know my rights! Im gonna This is police brutality! I want to talk to my lawyer!, Parkes objected, futilely trying to wriggle free. Clifford sneered in Parkes face, Ah, but youre not dealing with the police. Youre dealing with the DTI now, so we dont have to read you your rights Clifford punched Parkes in the gut, Or provide you a phone call Clifford kicked Parkes in the groin for good measure, then punctuated each accusation by kicking him repeatedly in the stomach, Or handle you all gentle-like! You damned filth, you betrayed your friends got them killed sold out your country to Ridnez to Arellistan What kind of man are you?!
Thats enough, Agent Clifford, said Ocelot. The dark-haired woman in the leather jacket laid her hand on Cliffords shoulder, letting him know he was going too far. Crouching by Parkes, Ocelot laid down the rules, Alright, heres how its going to be. My friend and I are going to take you in. There will be people, not as nice as we are, who will have questions about what youre doing here and about your connection to the bombing last year. If you dont cooperate with them, they will do bad things to you Ocelot leaned further in and lowered her voice down to a whisper, Im certain youve heard the horror stories from the Arellistan front Considering how buddy-buddy you are with Mullah Farokh.
Parkes opened his mouth as if about to reply, but everyone was distracted by the sound of a powerful engine turning on. Jaguar had regained consciousness and started up the Techno-Carrier to make his escape. Ocelot was quick to assign duties, Clifford, secure Parkes and get him under custody. This fight is my own!
Clifford grabbed Parkes and slung him around his shoulder, Wait, youre going to try doing something to that nightmare by yourself?! Have you totally lost your mind?! Oh, look who Im speaking to Crazy Zick. Ocelot ignored Clifford as the Techno-Carrier folded out a grenade launcher from its carapace and blasted it at the nearest wall. She took another incredible leap into the air and on top of the roof of the armored truck, clinging for dear life as it took off at high speeds into the streets of Fuopolis.
The Techno-Carrier tore through street after street, block after block, leaving only terror in its wake. The shells of civilian vehicles simply crumpled and crashed against its metallic hide, while it sprayed grenades at the sidewalk and the road ahead to clear the path of obstacles. Ocelots muscles strained to their limit, she forced her biceps to pull her against the g-forces and let off several shots from her handgun into the windshield, to no avail. The glass was completely bulletproof, just like the rest of it.
In a last desperate gamble, she removed her jacket and threw it against the windshield as the Techno-Carrier accelerated ever faster. Jaguar at the wheel was blinded as inertia held the jacket against the windshield, blinding him just long enough to startle him into a reflexive decision to brake. Unfortunately, this very decision threw Ocelot from the roof of the Techno-Carrier and against the pavement of a 4-way intersection, near some traffic lights, mailboxes, and newspaper dispensers stationed on the curb.
Now Ive got you, you little runt, Jaguar muttered to himself from inside his cockpit. Genuinely hurting, scraped and bleeding up and down her arms and legs, Ocelot was forced by her adrenaline rush back onto her feet, While theres still a score to settle Im not letting you get away. Im not! The Techno-Carrier emitted a small pellet, no larger than a grape, at Ocelots location. Just that instant, or maybe a fraction of a second prior to then, she sprinted out of the way. The pellet struck a section of an old factory building behind her, causing a rain of metal scrap, bricks, and random debris.
The grenade launcher affixed to the flank of the Techno-Carrier smoothly pursued its target, as on-board computers showed Jaguar a heads-up display of a reticle following his one-time partner. That thing could kill me in nothing flat! Im not getting another shot at this to make it count!, Ocelot thought to herself. She acted quickly to avoid being a sitting duck, using a traffic light as a pole to swing from horizontally and get momentum, platforming onto a mailbox, and finally doing a somersault to get close to where a loose brick lay, near the site where the first launched mini-grenade hit.
In the minds eye of the Ocelot, the entire world slowed down to a trawl once again. She hyperfocused, not on the grenade launcher, but on the Jaguars twitching finger near the trigger to fire the grenade launcher from inside. Almost faster than the eye could see, Ocelot waited until Jaguars finger appeared that it were about to decisively contact the trigger, then in one graceful movement picked up the brick, visualized the arc of the bricks motion if thrown with a certain amount of force, estimated the exact amount of force and the angle at which to throw it to create the exact elastic collision required, estimated the time-delay between hitting the trigger and the launching of the explosive pellet, and executed her plan in actuality.
In a few seconds, the brick was tossed, striking the grenade launcher and causing it to pivot medially, towards the very cockpit of the Techno-Carrier that Jaguar occupied. At the same time, Jaguar contacted the trigger before he could process what had happened. The very next second, Jaguar realized what had happened, but the second after that, nothing more could be said, or done. The grenade blew apart the cockpit of the Techno-Carrier, rendering the sleek war machine unusable.
I I did it, Ifedayo Ocelot teacher father Youve finally been avenged.
Those were the last thoughts to race through Bianca Drakos mind as she collapsed in the middle of the street from exhaustion covered in blood, dirt, and sweat. That, but before the darkness could retake her, she could swear she heard out a reply in another voice a mans voice a familiar voice her surrogate fathers voice.
Dearest Bianca I tried to tell you Tell you what was my true will. But you just wouldnt listen, would you? It makes no difference now. Sleep well for now, my child, but Axon above will not accept you into heaven yet. You still have work to do in this world, my little Lynx. For after all, Ocelot is your name now.
Magnifico, Ridnez
March 28, 2002, 7:13 PM
According to most recent reports from the front line, the Amalfi Brigades have made significant progress against the initiative of the armed forces-in-rebellion, whose joint chiefs of staff last month issued a public statement of support for the Zendirist rebellion in Il Sole. The Ground Force is supposedly in a state of retreat from Scaglione and Nimbus Nuvoloso, while the National Emergency Council have disclosed a projected estimate that Andreas Bombardone and Zendirist party leadership will be under captivity by the end of the year.
The anchor read passionately off the teleprompter, his words broadcast to just every TV screen in the northern half of Ridnez, Meanwhile, until this crisis is resolved, the Sons of Amalfi cry out to every free citizen of the Republic We cry out for everyone to do their part in bringing this troubling episode in Ridnezite history to a satisfactory close! Every man, women, and child whether you donate food, clothing, and supplies, join our media and communications corps, lend the work of your hands to the munitions factories, or volunteer to join the Amalfi Brigades in a combat or support role has a responsibility to help rescue the heritage of civil and constitutional liberty from which we all prosper!
The rain came down hard, and the night was young. A 6-year-old girl in a moth-eaten hoodie barely registered being wet as she peered through the storefront window at one such TV screen. Few people were out on the streets. Then the girl detected the approach of footsteps. Looking around, she noticed an older man in an overcoat, Hey, little one, are you lost? You know the National Emergency Council doesnt want anyone out on the streets after dark. These are uncertain times, and being alone by yourself in the big city can be scary for a young girl.
The girl gazed upwards, her eyes virtually glazed over. I have no one to be with, mister. Theres no one left to look after me. The images that would be eternally burned into her mind came to the fore again: A womans body swinging from a noose and a mans head blasted to pieces. My mommy and daddy arent coming back to me. Bad things happened Very bad things. The tenor of the girls voice was mousy and frightened, almost sounding as if on the brink of tears. But the girls visage betrayed no such weakness; there was something inside filled with grim determination. Young though she may have been, there was no mistaking she would never be a child again.
The old man looked upon the girl with pity, I Im sorry. I dont know what to say Is there anything I can do? Anything at all? The girl thought to herself for a moment, eyes flashing left and right, I Mister, could you take me someplace warm Where theres food? Its cold out here Im so tired of being cold. The old man kneeled and lifted the girl up into his arms, My, my Your poor thing I have a townhouse not far from here. Its not much, but it should do
The old man opened the door to his townhouse with a rusty key in his free hand, then let the girl down in a chair several times larger than her, handing her a blanket. He then moved from the living room to the kitchen and prepared two cups of hot tea, You know, when I was your age, things werent so crazy as they are now. You could get your shoes shined for a mere soldo The boys, they sold the neighborhood daily to all the men on their way to work Girls, they would just gossip with one another about which boy they liked best or whatever. But those would be girls a little older than you. The point is, even poor children could be sure their parents would look after them Dont know what this worlds coming to
The girl silently threw off the blanket in the living room and began exploring through various shelves and drawers, looking for anything which looked valuable and shoving it into her coat pockets. But she froze up for the better part of a minute when she realized what was on the television beaming into the elderly gentlemans home, More shocking developments have been reported from Il Sole as psycho psychologist Professor Sergio Vitale has had his sentence commuted by the Zendirist party leadership in exchange for volunteering his sociopolitical insights to the insurrectionist cabal, self-described as the New State This is the Sons of Amalfi Media System, bringing you the latest updates on the developing situation.
But it wasnt the mention or the face of Sergio Vitale that bothered the girl; rather, it was the video recording of the white-haired, hazel-eyed leader receiving Vitales Consine salute on film. The girl did not know the mans name yet, only that he was at the center of the events on that night the darkest night in her life thus far.
You know, it took me a little while to piece it together But little lady, you do look a bit , the old mans train of thought trailed off as a news headline from a December 2001 edition of The Southeast Side Examiner caught his attention, just sitting on a stack of discarded newspapers on his coffee table: PRESIDENT AND FIRST SPOUSE LYNCHED CAPITAL FALLS TO ISV REBELS.
And on the front page was none other than a photograph of the last President Ophelia Drakos and her family her husband Bruno and her daughter Bianca. The resemblance to the young girl in the photo was unmistakable, other than the girl in the photo was smiling for the camera, while the girl in the present was sad and broken.
The old man hurriedly rushed out into the living room with both cups of tea, You little gir By no chance, you could be the daughter of the ?! But it was already too late. The TV remained on at a low volume, but cocktail stands, bedroom closets, and office desk drawers had all been picked through and picked clean of much everything of value. Gripped by surprise, the old man dropped both hot teas to the ground. The ceramic mugs shattered against the ground by his feet.
The entire living room and the abutting bedroom had been turned inside out, and the window was left open, letting moisture accrete against the aged wooden floorboards. Hey that little that thief!, the old man rushed to the windowsill to peek his head out into the rain. Looking left and right, he could see no trace of the girl through the deluge. The old man let out a sigh of resignation, Everyones hurting, Giovanni Everyones hurting. The window shut closed.
7:45 PM
The girl walked down another nearly vacant city street, approaching a solitary cuboidal building guarded by two militiamen carrying assault rifles. Both wore yellow-and-green armbands, identifying them as reserves of the Amalfi Brigades, but probably former Ground Force.
One of the two noticed the child, Hey kid, are you lost of something? Run on home to your mommy. Its not safe on these streets at night. The other militiaman nudged his partner, Idiot, look at her stuffed pockets and all. This is one of Adonis kids. The first militiaman sized up the dull-looking girl, Oh yeah Adonis kids Alright, little lady, you know where to drop the stuff.
Inside, the building was stacked with boxes, each printed with a label [i[Property of Petrakis Ziconean Imports, S.p.a.[/i] but that was of no concern to the girl as she ascended a flight of stairs to an elevated maintenance walkway. A light shone from an office accessible from the walkway, and though no words could be made out, the silhouette of a man ostensibly the warehouse supervisor could be seen through the fogged-up glass.
What do you mean, the Dellogolu family isnt going to play ball? This is a lucrative new market were tapping into here! Why get in the game if youre afraid of making money?!, shouted the supervisor Adonis into a phone, No, no, you tell Rafail Dellogolu that if hes not game letting us expand into Corpala, that well just go to the Idos Outfit and he can go suck a-
The man heard a creak at the office door, and his eyes detected the girls presence, Nevermind, Ill call back to discuss this later. Adonis brusquely ended the phone call, So, Bianca, Bianca, what have you brought for us today?
Not many people out on the streets to steal from the rain and the men with guns making everyone stay indoors There was an old man though, not rich but he had some stuff I thought you might like, Bianca explained. She emptied out her pockets, dumping the mans cellphone, wallet, watch, a picture frame, and some loose jewelry.
Adonis immediately started rummaging through and assessing his ill-gotten gains, Watch looks expensive, has diamonds embedded Will probably fetch a higher price if we sell watch and diamonds separately Cellphone, the guyll probably report it to his carrier Jewelry, must belong to the mans wife You said he was old?
Bianca nodded silently. Adonis continued, Make that dead wife, some of it looks 14-karat, dont know if these pearls are fake or not yet
He then got to the picture frame, containing a black-and-white photo of the man and said wife when both were much younger, What the f*ck is this?!
The crass criminal blithely tossed the picture frame at the door, barely missing Bianca and cracking the glass overlaying the photo. Bianca said nothing. Adonis then helped himself to the foreign currencies in the old mans wallet a few Raj-issued pounds and some Tertans then tossed the rest onto the floor.
Bianca wordlessly approached the wallet and stared at it for a couple moments in curiosity. Without even turning to look, Adonis lit up a cigarette and explained, What, you thinking about why I didnt take the credit cards and loose florins? Wake up, kid, the country is goin to hell in a handbasket. Ridnezite florins next to worthless now, and the banks are all sunk anyway financially underwater They wont be puttin any card charges on credit for you Then again, what do you know about anything? Youre just a stupid kid.
Did I not do good today? I mean it, Mr. Adonis, I tried my best! Please dont throw me out! I dont want to go back to living on my own by myself. Hiding in the dumpster eating bugs living next to rats , Bianca swore.
Adonis took the cigarette from his lips and exhaled a cloud of smoke, Nah, kid, it aint your fault. So long as Ridnez is under national emergency, business is going to be dry. But still
He ran his hand through the gold necklaces on his desk and let them pass between his fingers like sand, I was talking on the phone a few minutes earlier to an associate back in the old country The Duke of Megendos about a business venture between Usea and Kanten. One that would help you to help us to keep up our profit margins.
Adonis leaned over and grabbed Biancas face, The Duke is a very wealthy man, Bianca Do this for me for him and youll never starve again.
Nimbus Nuvoloso, Ridnez
August 9, 2002, 11:43 AM
Ladies and gentlemen of the press, His Excellency, the Mayor-Protector, is ready to take your questions.
As an aide stepped outside onto the steps of city hall to make that announcement, a buzz of activity consumed the crowd of assembled journalists and concerned citizens who had been swarming around the building for hours in anticipation of the press conference. After a couple of seconds, a well-dressed older gentlemen stepped out of the building and took the podium, Good evening, my name as you all know is Francesco Straccali. I have served this Republic nearly all my life with honesty and passion, and natives of this historic city should be very familiar with the positive impact my role has taken during these past years of unrest.
Mayor-Protector Straccali, do you have any updates on the situation of the continuing National Emergency? There are rumors that a change in strategy of the Zendirist air force has led to considerable losses these past few days, asked a 26-year-old Beatrice Caruso.
Straccalis reply was brusque, No comment. Caruso followed up with another question, What about allegations that the National Emergency Council have been forced to make concessions to the Ziconean mafia and the government of East Heisen in order to acquire needed materiel and manpower to defeat the Zendirist rebellion?
Straccali answered again, even more bitterly, No comment. Beatrice got in a third rapid-fire question, Speaking about the Zendirist rebellion, is it true that the rebel leader Andreas Bombardone only got his start because of economic policies enacted during your time as President of the Repub-?
A random bystander in the crowd confronted Beatrice, Hey, what the hell kind of questions are these? Are you some kind of Zendy-sympathizer or something?
N-no But the people have a right to the truth no matter how inconvenient the-!, Beatrice objected. She was cut off again.
The problem with that is you gotta ask, Whose truth? Those guys in Il Sole are parading about, talking about the truth this and justice that, but you know what they mean by that? You know what theyre doing to Heisenians down there?!, shouted the angry civilian.
Beatrice now found that she was getting cut off at every instant, I-I dont
My name is Levi Garthwaite! I served in the Fourth and Fifth Ridnez-Shah Wars, you know that? I got a family a teenage daughter And I dont even know if well have a home to live in this time next year, or the shirts on our backs! Because were Heisenians! No other reason than were Heisenians, so Bombardone says we gotta go!, the bystander continued.
Amid the hostile argumentation and the clamor of the rest of the media, Beatrice found herself being drowned out. Even Straccali was being overwhelmed, Please, please all of you Remain calm and Ill get to each and every one of you in due-!
Finally, Beatrice beat out the myriad of other voices in the crowd, Look, believe me, mister, Im sorry! I am truly, truly sorry, but that doesnt change the fact that, whatever the original intentions, this Republic has become diseased Its become the plaything for corporations, militarists, influence-peddlers, and gangsters! I believe that the light of truth can only harm those who deserve to be burned by it and that it is never a bad idea to question your leaders unless one day you want to be led off a cliff!
Levi counterargued, Lady, I dont care how diseased you think the government is! If you knock down the current order of things, then we are all going to go with it, yunderstand me? People have got to believe in something! If people cant believe in the Republic anymore, or the Constitution, then they can only believe in Bombardone and his mob of freaks! Then it will all be over! So I will not stand here and just let you make these innuendos about the last line of defense we as a nation might have against-!
As the press conference slowly escalated into the beginning of a riot, another figure stood on the roof of a medium-sized building a block or so away from city hall, humming to himself to get his nerves under control. He slowly loaded a rocket into an old-fashioned model of bazooka and took aim at the podium where Straccali was standing. While the would-be terrorist was getting his shot lined up, he heard the howl of the air currents passing his ears.
Then he picked up a distinct noise, a high-pitched whistle coming from behind him. Turning by instinct to detect the source of the sound, the terrorist found himself looking down the barrel of a handgun. Letting out a slight gasp, the terrorist was grabbed by the collar and his face virtually pressed up against the barrel. The individual threatening him had a dark complexion, clearly identifying him as being descended from among natives of Southwestern Usea. He wore a mostly gray Kevlar paramilitary uniform, was entirely bald, and had earrings the type which registered as tribal as opposed to nonconformist. But if his appearance didnt confirm his origins, his accent of speaking Ridnezite certainly did, Please, squirm a little more Just give me an excuse.
12:05 PM
A group of four impatient men remained parked out in a van a couple blocks away from city hall. They waited in a lot by the Imperial Museum of Nuvoloso, the citys main landmark for academic tourism.
Shouldnt we have gotten the signal by now?, one of the four asked, If not the signal, then at least there should have been a wave of panicking morons coming over by this way, but nothing. The individual at the wheel squinted his eyes at the road ahead of him, Somethings gone wrong I can sense it. Either Luigi has been captured or hes sold us out.
A loud thud rocked the van, jolting the four terrorists into action. As they came outside, they saw their ally Luigi, trussed up and gagged, and apparently in a state of mild shock from having been dropped from a fair height. Then they saw the one responsible, balanced perfectly on the rail of a fire escape despite his weight. I know its a cliché, but we can do this the easy way or the hard way Your choice, spoke the imposing South Usean.
The response came in the form of drawn firearms, and without another sentence passed between them, the terrorists began to shoot away at the fire escape, causing it to collapse into the street in a matter of seconds But they were still too slow on the draw. The mercenary leaped into the air with impossible agility, landing on the neck of one of the terrorists, One down. Springboarding from the crushed windpipe of the first downed terrorist, the merc did a flip and a roll out of the line of his comrades fire, coming up dual-wielding. Accuracy was no issue for the Usean; with only a few simultaneous shots let off, he blew a hole straight through the eye socket of one terrorist and clipped through the shoulder of another, rendering it limp and useless. Two down, the merc wryly noted.
Unable to hold his weapon in his dominant hand, the third terrorist attempted to flee, only to be suddenly crippled by a snipers bullet, tearing through his patellar tendon. The merc faced the sniper his partner and gave a thumbs-up sign, which was returned by the sniper on the rooftop. I wonder where the last little worm has crawled off to, the Usean wondered aloud. Then he saw a street-sign for a family restaurant not far from the location of the fracas and entered on a hunch. The hunch paid off.
Alright, I dont know who you are, or what youre doing defending these Sons of Amalfi whores But if you dont back off, this lady here gets it, threatened the fourth and last terrorist left standing. He was hiding behind a 60-something woman, obviously the proprietor of the establishment.
The Usean stepped forth with nothing but steadiness in his calculated demeanor, And what makes you think, exactly, that I would care about what happens to this restauranteur if indeed I was working for such whores as you so eloquently put it.
B-back off, man, I swear Ill do it, the desperate gunman asserted.
Then by all means, invited the merc, But do not expect that you will be able to leave this place alive after you have satisfied your taste for blood.
The would-be terrorist audibly gulped, as heavy perspiration coursed down his face.
The merc took another step forward, unhesitatingly.
You son of a b*tch You bluffed him into surrendering!, remarked the mercs sniper friend, now standing at street level.
I never bluff, Jaguar, the Usean merc stated, I meant everything I said If the hostile took the womans head, I would have taken the hostiles, as is my duty But I am not obligated by contract or tradition to allow myself to be distracted by the lives of civilians caught in the middle The Ocelot has a reputation to uphold. Ocelot led the final terrorist from the storefront, hands behind his back.
Jaguar brushed Ocelots explanation off, Yeah, well maybe you never bluff like I never miss I was aiming for this suckers head, but some pigeon or something got in the way and made me mess up the shot. Jaguar pointed to the terrorist that he crippled with his sniper rifle, who was blubbering and trying to claw his way across the tarmac.
Ocelot shoved the fourth, captive terrorist in Jaguars general direction, setting him up to be knocked out by Jaguars haymaker. Meanwhile, Ocelot descended upon the crippled terrorist and stepped on his throat, Its fortunate for you that Jaguar missed. Jungle cats predators kill out of necessity, not malice. You are no threat to us anymore, so I will allow you to live for now. Ocelot rolled the disabled terrorist onto his back and kicked him in the face with enough force to knock loose several teeth.
4:39 PM
So youre saying Bombardone sent them to cause a riot in Nimbus Nuvoloso ? To eliminate me and flip the city over to Zendy control?
Straccali met with Ocelot behind closed doors in the mayor-protectors office, trying to suss out a reasonable explanation for the presence and intentions of the five terrorists.
Ocelot went through the details, Not quite, Mr. Straccali. Interrogation of the surviving suspects seems to indicate that the plan was not to hit city hall with a truly dangerous explosive projectile at all Rather, a hollowed-out anti-tank missile an obsolete model designed back in the Second Ridnez-Shah War was supposed to detonate above the assembled reporters and spectators but instead of releasing an incendiary charge, propaganda leaflets were to be dropped over the area in support of the Zendirist rebellion. It was expected for the missile to panic the crowd into a disorderly area evacuation, but it seems their plan was to intercept your car with their van and assassinate you with small arms fire amid the chaos.
Well, thank goodness that the friends of the Republic sent such a skilled counterespionage man to shut that down before it began, huh?, Straccali reassured through an insincere smile, Are you sure theres nothing I or my secretary Ms. Rosenwald can get you while youre here? I am in your debt after all!
Ocelot clasped his hands together and leaned forward in his chair facing Straccali, Now that you mention it, there is something that you could do for me
Straccali leaned back into his own chair, his politicians smile still plastered on his face, and began twiddling with a pencil on his desk, Well then, Mister Olatunji? I hope I pronounced that correctly Your wish is my command.
I just so happened to avail myself of the propaganda materials that the terrorists were going to distribute to the crowd in their own rather loud way. The leaflets managed to contain some rather outrageous claims But I bring it up because I was more struck by how impressive the documentation was. You know, I did not think you could condense so much persuasive information into such a small format It makes me wonder why legal cases in civilized North Usea always require so much damned paperwork!, Ocelot went on.
Straccalis false smile disappeared, replaced by a stern expression.
That man Bombardone granted an amnesty a few months ago Sergio Vitale did the research for them, based on information from the government archives. Allegations that your office and those of the other mayor-protectors on the National Emergency Council have sold oil and mineral exploration rights to multinational corporations stationed in West Heisen and East Heisen Shah and Merconia In exchange for donations funneled through political action committees That you and your allies systematically abused eminent, tax credit schemes, even antitrust law, in order to protect these special interests , Ocelot elaborated.
Straccali calmly replied, And why does the truth matter to you anyway At least with t*ts-on-legs earlier, its her job, so I understand But have you forgotten just whos paying you here? Do you even remember what your profession is? Youre a mercenary a soldier-of-fortune Key word being fortune
Ocelot remained in his intense state of mind, I want to know if this man Bombardone speaks true about you If Ive been truly serving the cause of men with no honor
Straccali stood up out of his chair and spun the globe on his desk, Oh, wise up Honor! These are modern times, pal And this is a democracy At least it is for those who can buy their way into the system. And Andreas Bombardone He had it made for a good few years Hit the anti-war and environmentalist shtick while it was still hot. But then he washed out so now hes onto the next hot thing Either way, honor is just a load of crap that no one believes in anymore What the people really want is to be told theyve done a great thing for just getting up in the morning! Theres your honor !
I see! And Prime Minister Kirkbride agrees, I imagine?, inquired Ocelot.
Straccali looked out his window over the city hall lawn, How the hell do I know what East Heisen thinks? Theyre paying you! You ask them! In any case, youre taking up too much time out of my busy schedule, so
Everything is clear to me now Thank you for your time, Mr. Straccali, Ocelot said with utmost politeness.
Magnifico, Ridnez
September 15, 2002, 8:32 PM
Im sorry, Mr. Kirkbride, but I fear that my entire mission these past few months in Ridnez has been an exercise in futility I have never failed in an operation before In keeping with my contractual agreement with your government, I am fully prepared to return your money with interest.
Ocelot stood on the roof of the Magnifico Customs Bureau, overlooking the harbor. He was on his smartphone, speaking to his client.
Dont fret, Mr. Obajudwi, spoke Rufus Kirkbride, in between the grunts of chewing noises coming through the receiver, Youve done good work for us as far as the Republic of East Heisen is concerned! You see munch munch We didnt really expect for the Sons of Whatsisname to amount to much in the end?
My legal name the name I was born with is Olatunji, Mr. Kirkbride Ifedayo Olatunji A traditional name of the Mawungi people of Marundia But the name I was born with means nothing to anyone now I insist you call me by my warrior name: Ocelot, the Usean merc corrected, Regardless, if the East Heisenian government did not expect my intervention to make a difference, then why did you-?
Isnt it plain to see? East Heisen is a democratic parliamentary republic, which means it has elections every now and then I was elected on the ticket of the East Heisen Labor Party, which means that Im expected to care about people people from other countries people in general you get the idea?, Kirkbride clarified over the phone.
A concept begins to clearly emerge So you did not care whether the Sons of Amalfi won or lost lived or died You only wanted to give the impression that you did for political gain, Ocelot summarized, concealing his contempt rather well underneath his practiced appearance of professional disinterestedness.
Kirkbride humored the mercenary, Well, now thats not entirely true I will admit that several rather powerful donors and institutions wanted this whole uprising thing to last long enough to evacuate certain assets from the country Industrial equipment, natural resources, human capital, that sort of thing Now it will hardly make a difference. By the time that the Ridnezite military establishes presence of the Bombardone government in the north, extraction of the most valuable materials should already have concluded Hey wait, what do you care anyway?
Mere, idle curiosity, Mr. Kirkbride Thank you for your time, Ocelot stated. He then hung up on the PM.
Ocelot then fell backwards over the edge of the skyscraper, letting himself be buffeted by the air currents for several seconds. Finally, he engaged his parachute, taking himself across a strip of warehouses by the bay. As he drew closer to his destination, Ocelot could not help but reflect on the last conversation he had with Jaguar.
At the time, they were in their temporary headquarters, set up in a derelict Oberto shipyard.
So, East Heisens pulling the curtain over on this farce yet theyre happy to wire the money to our bank account in New Ponpa just the same Please, tell me why we should care about what dubious claims might have been made by the Zendies in a sabotaged propaganda drop?, Jaguar demanded.
There was more than just what I confronted Straccali about Worse. I breached the least of the list of crimes that were alleged to see how Straccali would react I was hoping that this was as surface appearances would imply: The fighters for democracy and humanity, against the villains who seek to end civilization. But things are never that simple The Mowungi tribe learned that bitter lesson all too well in Marundia 20 years ago , Ocelot reminisced.
But that still doesnt explain. So trading political favors for patronage? Thats basically the bread and butter of the democratic system. If people elect representatives to make policy, then its in their interest to sweeten the deal to get better representation And nothings sweeter in this world than cold-hard cash! You taught me that! Why else are we in this line of work?, Jaguar objected.
It is a good thing to have wealth It eases the pain of material want and opens new opportunities That is what I had hoped to teach you. But while wealth is good, honor is more important I said there were worse crimes included in the Zendirists allegations It is my honor to rectify my mistake of attaching myself to this lost cause. The Republic of Ridnez will fall because it is rotten to the core If it was not originally, it is now Andreas Bombardone is an evil man, to be sure But I cannot stop him. The people have sided with him, and there is no standing in the way of the peoples will All I can do is save some of the innocents. That is all.
Ocelot landed a few blocks away from the Petrakis Ziconean Imports storage facility. The same two corrupt militiamen were stationed outside the front. Ocelot decided to take the direct approach.
8:55 PM
Bianca Drakos stood in a row in Adonis office with several other children from all ethnicities across Avaris. The children came in both sexes and had a variable of age range The one commonality was they were all scared out of their wits.
Adonis welcomed a gangly man with a long beard wearing a fur coat, Duke Zografidis, heres the selection you have to choose from Feel free to try em out before you decide to lay down any drachmas!
The Duke leaned over, shifting his weight onto his gold-headed cane, and looked each child in the face with a horrifying grin. Finally, he stopped at Bianca, Hmm Yes, I do think I shall Take my time if its all the same to you.
The two militia out front took aim and fired with their rifles, but Ocelot leaped above the line of fire at astonishing speed, unsheathed a combat knife, and slashed one of the gunmens throats. Before the other could respond, Ocelot buried the knife directly into his heart.
The Duke and Adonis took Bianca to a dirty closet inside the warehouse, tossing her atop a beaten-up mattress inside. Adonis offered paltry assurances, Just remember, Bianca, if you make the Duke here happy, then youll have a brand new life in Zicona waiting for you! The door slammed shut behind them, as the Duke let out a sickening chuckle.
Closer to the facilitys entrance, Ocelot encountered group after group of disorganized armed security almost like they never believed anyone would interfere with this operation in all their time running it. Ocelot shot them down with a semiautomatic in each hand. His aim was impeccable; his trigger-finger was unhesitating.
I know I didnt quite let the old boy Adonis know about the details of my er, proclivities After all, a mans got to keep some things private! But I do get off on getting a little rough, the Duke said. Meanwhile, he took out a solid wire made from some durable metal from his pocket. His intentions were obvious.
Ocelot slowly approached Adonis, who had come to investigate the commotion. Hey, this is private property! What do you think youre-?, Adonis spewed out. He didnt get any farther, as Ocelot put a bullet in his skull for his troubles.
In the closet, the Duke started to strangle Bianca with the wire, his sadistic grin stretching from ear to ear at the sight and sound of the childs struggles. Just then, the door flew open; Ocelot had kicked it open. This provided Bianca the opening she needed. Without even thinking, she grabbed the wire from the Duke and wrapped it around the Dukes neck. With a subtle twist, and without really even meaning it, Bianca slit the Dukes jugular vein. Not a second later, the Dukes blood gushed all over Biancas face and body. The child, unable to comprehend everything she just experienced, froze up in terror.
Aside from what she had almost endured, Bianca had been reminded by the experience of being covered in the Dukes blood of that day Of her fathers head separating into chunks and splashing here as Del Tuono pulled the trigger against it. And of the words that would remain forever etched into her psyche Del Tuonos favorite poem: Justice, like lightning, ever should appear to few mens ruin But to all mens fear. Of mortal justice, if thou scorn the rod Believe and tremble, thou art judged of God.
Ocelot also remained frozen in place, unable to believe what he had seen, and even more uncertain of how to approach the deeply traumatized girl in the room. After a few moments more, an attempt was made, H-hello ? Im not sure who you are But Im here to help I promise on my honor. My name my real name isnt important But call me Ocelot, why dont you?
In this hypersensitive state, afflicted by psychological shock, Bianca associated that word ocelot with a better memory A memory of her mother The very last memory she had of her mother alive. Ophelia Drakos tried to distract her daughter by drawing her attention to her stuffed animal Mr. Kitty, Bianca, weve been over this Thats not a kitty-cat. Its an ocelot. Good omen, coincidence, or both? How could it matter?
Biancas lip began to quiver, M-m My My name is Bianca Drakos. Please help me Save me. Impotent tears began to roll down the childs face, Please save me from this place.
Ocelot kneeled next to the girl and looked her in the eyes with an expression of sincerity something all too rare in this country turned topsy-turvy I swear to you, Bianca. I will help you. I will provide you a new home. And I will teach you to be strong So that one day you can stand up on your own two feet With pride in your chest. Until that day, I will not promise you that there will never be problems I will not promise you that we will always be free from want or fear But I will promise you that we will work it out together. How does that sound?
Ocelot reached out with an open hand. Shaking, however unsteadily Bianca accepted.
A new journey was begun that day Though the world would take years to know it.
Read dispatch
Twilight of the Idols Part 5
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Fuopolis, Tertania
September 6, 2023, 1:15 AM
Im starting to think that life is just one long series of catastrophes And when things start to begin looking up, thats how you know youre about due for the next mess to fall in your lap
An NIB agent, no older than his mid-30s, beheld a scene of damaged windows and building ledges, smashed hulks of vehicles on the road, and gaping holes In the pavement, I mean, just what is wrong with this country lately? First it was the Bank, then that random attack on downtown Isonphis back in July Then no more than two days later two days later the Arellis crash that blimp over in Stafford
Another NIB agent, significantly older, drops a spent cigarette on the asphalt and puts it out with his foot, Its not all just coincidence, Agent Woods In fact, I dont believe in coincidences. Dont you recognize something familiar about that pile of scrap sitting in the middle of the intersection? The older NIB agent pointed to the burned-out shell of the Novus Andromedae Techno-Carrier, Id bet Tertans to tea biscuits that this is the exact same model of military vehicle that those unknown terrorists in July used to overrun the business district Well know for sure once we get this wreck off the road and have it checked over by the experts.
Biancas body began to twitch and regain consciousness, Urgh, Ocelot I did my best Forgive me.
Did your best at what? Cause insurance premiums to spike?, Woods ridiculed.
Ocelot struggled to lift her upper body off the tarmac and held her head in her hands, Huh? This isnt ! Wh-where am I? Her entire body was covered in cuts, bruises, and scrapes, and any observer could tell it must have hurt badly to move.
Woods drew closer, Yeah, I wouldnt be surprised if you dont remember right after waking up Just looking at the state of you, Id say getting concussed is the least of your problems. Stay put until the paramedics can arrive.
Ocelot shook her head and pressed her eyes closed in concentration, Tertania Jaguar The auction house Clifford Now I remember. Cant believe that stupid stunt actually worked She slowly and carefully rose to her feet, still visibly disoriented by her experience. She looked over the wrecked Techno-Carrier, hoping to make out a body in the morass of charred and twisted metal, Cant make anything out in whats left of the cockpit. I dont suppose I can count on being lucky enough to have taken him out for good No, his reflexes are at least as good as mine. He must have found a way to escape somehow. After all, we always used to back in the good old days Ugh.
Hey, woah, woah! Take it easy! Youll hurt yourself if you push any harder in your condition, warned Woods. Supporting Ocelots weight, Woods continued, By the way, I think its fair to tell you that youre under arrest
Ocelot reacted with offense and confusion, Under arrest ? I guess you havent been let in the loop by ? Oh yeah, I forgot They wouldnt have told you.
The older NIB agent confronted Ocelot, Forgot? No, I havent forgotten If it werent for your physical injuries, I imagine that Woods would also recall you quite well
Ocelot opened her eyes, Agent Colin Thornton It has been quite a while, hasnt it? While I have the opportunity, I might as well tell you. Im sorry about Agent Dale about Janet Dixon everyone who failed to evacuate the Bank in time. Im sorry that I couldnt stop Operation Steel Titan before it claimed their lives. And Im sorry that I couldnt tell you all this earlier for whatever it might mean to you.
Wait, we know this person?!, Woods asked his superior. Searching his memory, Woods placed Ocelots face, Hey, wait a second! You were the suspected terrorist the whole Bureau was hunting down last December! At first you were just a murder suspect, but then we found those documents in your hotel room !
See what I told you about coincidences, Agent Woods?, Thornton remarked, But she wasnt really a terrorist At least, she wasnt with the terrorists who blew up the Bank building. In fact, if she werent just at the right place at the right time, I would have had no foreknowledge of the real plot, and none of us would have been able to evacuate before the building blew You and I both owe this woman our lives.
Huh? We do? But we took her in on terrorism charges, and because she was determined to be a foreign national, the IAA claimed her as under their jurisdict- Oh, Im an idiot , Woods realized.
And speaking of which, this unfortunate incident is as of now being assumed under the DTIs jurisdiction, thank you very much, interrupted Craig Oakley, seemingly materializing out of thin air, And with it, the NIB is being relieved of any and all responsibility for processing suspects and handling evidence relating to the case Well take over from here, Thornton. Dismissed.
Oakley So what, Haines couldnt be bothered to snub me in person? He had to send his un-distinguished errand boy to insult me over long-distance?, Thornton snarked.
sigh The cultivation of inter-service rivalries is very unprofessional, you know. Perhaps if the NIB were even marginally capable of doing their jobs, then thousands of Tertanian citizens wouldnt be dead today because of Arelli fanatics, Ridnezite saboteurs, and who-knows-who-else, and President Lane wouldnt have seen fit to inaugurate the DTI under IAA auspices to begin with!, replied an acerbic Oakley.
Thats it, Woods, unhand the suspect. This disaster is now the problem of Haines team of organ grinder monkeys. Were out of here, stated Thornton, turning his back on the crime scene. Oakley looked Ocelot in the eyes, shrugged, and released her into Oakleys custody. Within a few minutes time, the NIB agents piled into the car in which they arrived and cruised off into the night.
Oakley stared without comment at Ocelots bloodied form, betraying no hint of emotion. Ocelot met Oakleys gaze with a certain palpable contempt, What what are you looking at?
Oakley obliged, You look like something the cat dragged in. Ocelot groaned, Ive been through worse How long was I out?
Oakley checked his watch with a moments glance, Around 25 minutes, assuming you lost consciousness shortly after the first reports of the Techno-Carrier started coming in. The choice of words caught Ocelots attention, Wait a second Is that what this tactical assault vehicle was called? So you-! You knew what you were sending Clifford and me into from the beginning, didnt you? You and Haines both!
No use denying it. We even knew the identity of the actor holding the underworld auction Very little happens in this country that the DTI doesnt catch wind of, Oakley admitted. You knew about him too?! Then why didnt you tell me? Jaguar You must have known how personally Id take it! Like re-opening an old wound!, Ocelot responded.
Director Haines and I had our reasons Why dont we discuss this in the car?, Oakley suggested. Oakley opened the door to a solid-black sedan and beckoned Ocelot inside. After both figures were seated in back, an unseen driver, separated from the passengers by an opaque screen, began to navigate the damaged roadways. Ocelot looked out the window, No civilians on the sidewalk or in the way, it seems. The DTI sure knows how to establish a cordon around an area fast.
Oakley leaned ever so slightly towards Ocelot, Thats none of your concern right now. You wanted answers about Jaguar; now youre getting them. Simply put, Jaguar is and has been for some time a freelance agent of the IAA. In the days before the DTI existed, we would use freelancers like him to get around the obstacle posed by the IAAs strict operational parameters.
In other words, you and your higher-ups needed someone with no prior attachments to the agency a proxy for when you needed things to be done on Tertanian soil but couldnt be caught acting through your own agents, Ocelot stated.
Oakley nodded silently. Unfortunately, paying work from the IAA began to dry up after the previous administration fell in disgrace But someone was more than happy to make continued use of Jaguars services. Someone in the know someone with connections on the inside , Oakley explained. The dark-suited government man procured a number of photos from his pocket and showed it to Ocelot, See anything familiar?
As Ocelot flipped from one image to another, she recognized combat vehicles like the Techno-Carrier she barely survived, in addition to equally jet-black attack helicopters. Oakley provided commentary, That was July 9 this year. A group of armed terrorists, no known affiliation or recognizable nationality, pop into existence and lead a rampage through downtown Isonphis, claiming the lives of hundreds. Right afterwards, Christopher Staveley, the former President of Tertania, took to the airwaves to blame President Lanes administration for failing to preempt the attack. Then post-Stafford, President Lane pulled out all the stops on the counter-terrorism agenda a program traditionally associated with Staveleys Conservative Party, so Staveley did a total course-correct and now courts lefty votes In short, the Labour and Conservative Parties have, on the face of it, switched positions.
Blatant opportunism is the order of the day in politics. But why bring it up? You said that work dried up when the previous administration was voted out of power That would have been this Staveley guy, right? Do you think Staveley out of power is still pulling Jaguars strings?, Ocelot queried, raising her eyebrow. Based on what evidence? Taking advantage of a public crisis? Its like you said, thats why politics was invented! No, its more than that, and youll see the relevance soon enough We were able to determine the hardware was manufactured in Salcanceacy.
Ocelot interjected, The Kingdom of Salcanceacy is well-known to not care whom they sell arms to Arms sales make up the bulk of Salcanceacian GDP, and its not uncommon for them to end up supplying both sides to a conflict for greater profit I would know from experience.
Oakley replied, And because of the considerations that this trade in military hardware creates, the Salcanceacian government is, shall we say, less-than-willing to humor questions about their clients identities. In addition something is changing in Kanten. There are whispers that Salcanceacian leadership wants to lead the nation to becoming a regional power in its own right Foreign policy experts have speculated about whether this presents a danger to League interests in Usea
But you have no idea to whom or to where an order of materiel matching this description went out , Ocelot concluded, But why tell me all this now? Why should you expect I give a damn about intrigue around your country?
Well, you gave enough of a damn to be in Tertania at the right time to get yourself caught, and Director Haines and I believed that your encounter with Jaguar would reorient your immediate priorities somewhat, Oakley confessed.
Reoriented away from Ridnez? I might have a score to settle with Jaguar, but I didnt spend the last 11 years chasing him around the world My country comes first. Its where I can do the most good And for what its worth, I deeply resent how youve contrived to keep me from it, Ocelot fumed.
Oakley smirked that smug smirk of his again, I thought you might say something like that, so how about I get to the good part Director Haines mentioned to you that the deed to the auction house was being held by a real estate developer headquartered in the Raj, but what we neglected to bring up before sending you into the field was that we did some checking with our sources and do have a lead One that helps connect Jaguar to Staveley, on top of Oh, wait til you hear, youll like this.
Ocelot paused and maintained an unamused expression. Oakley continued, The land developer goes by the name of Roderick Fullerton, an eccentric mover-and-shaker in the Raj who founded Buonasera Luxury Residences late last year. There are no records of his having existed prior to then other than the paperwork filed with the Raj Hall of Records No known education, no known living relatives, no tax forms ever filed
An unimpressed Ocelot folded her arms, You still havent gotten to the so-called good part Oakley continued, Around the same time as Fullerton started buying up land in Monto, your old acquaintance Dominic Oberto vanished from Magnifico on the pretext of arranging an official state visit to the Raj Records of Governor Snows office show that this visit never happened. February 2023, another of your longstanding associates, one Rosa Bernardi, took the independent initiative to hack public unit accounts accessible to Oberto and his remaining cronies The IAA is presently trying to manage that situation on the side, I might add Its led to something of an impasse between your movement and Obertos buddies over there.
Ocelots eyes lit up, Rosa ? You Neither Haines nor you ever told me any of this while I was performing for you in that damn compound all those months. I could have taken care of all this I could have- Oakley interrupted, Driver, were at the place. Please stop here. Oakley opened the door of the sedan and climbed out first, semi-mockingly bowing and gesturing while holding the door open.
Hasnt anyone ever told you that chivalry is dead, Oakley?, Ocelot said as she exited the car, Swell, so were back at the auction house I still cant piece together what you seem to be implying or leading up to? What do Rosa and Oberto have to do with Staveley and Fullerton?
Must have taken a mean concussion from that explosion You used to be sharper than this, Ms. Drakos! Think for a second, think! Oberto disappears from Ridnez to visit the Raj, while Fullerton a man with no past and no known public appearances shows up out of nowhere the Raj, all the corporate paperwork filed and notarized. You told us yourself that it was obvious this place was a front!
Ocelot paused for a moment, So youre saying that you think Oberto is setting the venues for these sorts of black market auctions and so is responsible for supplying military equipment to terrorists to manipulate Tertanian public opinion in Staveleys favor? That would explain some things Even your people werent able to keep me from learning about Obertos state visit to Tertania and the associated scandal when he went out of his way to embarrass the Labour government during his address to the National Assembly. From what youve said, that type of move would appear to benefit Staveley, so maybe the two are in cahoots. But at this point, its all just circumstantial. Nothing can be proven to a legal standard until you get Jaguar under wraps Even then
Oakley strode up to the front door of the auction house with Ocelot, deftly avoiding DTI agents scouring the lawn for specimens of material evidence, Hm, youre getting closer to the agencys working theory, but theres still a wrinkle left. Without access to Magnificos bank accounts, Oberto is effectively broke. All his personal assets are tied up in Ridnezite business enterprises, and it would be a fairly simple matter to trace the cash flow if any was wired internationally. But instead what we found was that Dominic Obertos expenses while still in his formal capacity as de facto Ridnezite head of state are being underwritten by an NGO The Ridnez-Heisenian Security Organization and wouldnt you guess it but that this Organization is also headquartered in the Raj... Yknow, like Buonasera Luxury Residences. Likewise, the Organization is represented by an eccentric recluse who hasnt been photographed outside in more than a decade You might be familiar with the name
Ocelot furrowed her brows, All too familiar. Edgar Isidore Albertson, he founded the Organization. You must know that my predecessor, Jaguar, and I were all once in his employ But when Ifedayo when the original Ocelot decided to make the anti-Zendirist cause his own after all that time communications ceased. My network is aware that the Organization continue to be active, but ever since Ocelotists got nominated as public enemy #1 by Bombardone, theyve assumed a lower profile
Oakley led Ocelot down a hallway to where the fight earlier that night took place, We thought you might have some special insight to offer. Now tell me this , he said, procuring another photo from his pocket, taken at Isonphis International Airport, Is the man in this snapshot the Mr. Albertson you remember?
Ocelot reacted to the image with shock, What?! No, thats Thats self-styled Captain Hugo Hunt A renegade mercenary from NEI who now serves as Dominic Obertos muscle He claimed to be Edgar Isidore Albertson?! Oakley took the photo back and slid it in his pocket, That he did Had a Raj-issued passport, or expert facsimile thereof, made out to Mr. Albertsons name, and came into the country with it on the exact same day that Oberto began his official visit in Tertania, albeit at a separate airport. It gets even more complicated. Even if we assume Oberto, Staveley, and Jaguar are all connected, that still leaves us with one major outstanding question: Whos really backing Oberto? When we get the answer to that, we find the lynchpin of this whole conspiracy Now Ive got to warn you were heading back to the salesroom you smashed your way into earlier. Brace yourself because its not pretty.
The chaos in that salesroom is something I caused myself. What do you expect me to be Axon above!, Ocelot screamed, laying horrified eyes on the nauseating spectacle before her.
DTI Facility, Abinhill, Tertania
September 6, 2023, 10:49 AM
Agent Clifford was found decapitated and disarticulated; his torso was impaled on a pike after the fact. A message was scrawled on the right supporting wall of the building in Azaaran characters, paraphrasing passages from the Zawasuli holy text, Andrew Haines read off the report in his hand, in typical fashion, taken out of the original context Who asked this guy for his opinion? And you, what do you have to say for yourself about this fiasco?!
Ocelot sat across a desk from Haines, What I have to say ? That you shouldve given me a full briefing on what Clifford and I were being tossed into, thats what I have to say. You must have known must have expected something would happen.
No, Ms. Drakos, I didnt know. In fact, that was precisely why I did keep you in the dark: I needed to know whether you would overreact let emotion dictate your actions instead of the mission parameters. Based on this abysmal outcome, Im surprised you and your chums lived this long back in Ridnez, scurrying away from the Zendies, accused Haines.
Ocelot retorted, Dont talk to me about the mission parameters. Jaguar and I recognized each other the second I set foot into that salesroom. Any hope of tackling this assignment by infiltrating the auction was doomed to failure from the outset. And as I keep saying, you knew that You must have.
Haines ruminated for several moments, Just tell me again about who you saw at the auction. We have nothing to go by but you at this point. Ocelot gripped the armrests of her chair and thrust forward from her seat, How many times do I have to keep telling you?! There were no Arellis at the auction! None! Nada! Zilch! But there was one party to the auction who survived the shootout and was, according to your people, nowhere to be seen upon their arrival Matthew Parkes. No one else could have done this in such a narrow window of time!
Weve been searching for Parkes for months, since he emerged as a suspect of interest in what the Ridnezite MultiStrat Bureau evidently called Operation Steel Titan And we know hes linked to the Arellis from photocopies of the MultiStrat protocols we picked up from that hotel room. The man was funding Farokhist interest groups to lobby the Tertanian National Assembly even before Farokh took power! The thing I cant get my head around is how this central banker in a business suit managed to eviscerate Clifford and get clean away in less than 30 minutes! Nothing in the mans background suggests anything like , Haines protested.
Look, something big big, strange, and most of all, bad is going down on the streets of Tertania. And while I may not have figured it out until just today, its going to be intimately connected to the fate of Ridnez my home. Parkes is in the pocket of the Zendies, and Oberto Staveley whoever was behind that auction was about to supply them cutting-edge weaponry. None of it makes any sense right now! But while I might not have all the answers, I could fish some out if you just give me a name some freedom to work and a name I dont believe youve told me everything you have on the developing sitch; you must be able to give me something to use , Ocelot thrust her fists against Haines desk.
Unmoved by the display, Haines sat back in his chair and folded his hands, no. Axon, no You fail to appreciate your relationship to the agency. You are, from here on, now and forever, an asset an asset the agency has at complete liberty to position or deploy as befits the goals of Tertania. We arent partners. We arent allies. You are only useful to Tertania, so long as youre kept on a short leash. Now get out of here.
Ocelot squinted contemptuously at Haines, as if looks could kill, then turned and left the office, Fine, have it your way She let the room slam behind her and murmured under her breath, for now.
September 12, 2023, 11:15 AM
When the Great Ancients return, all the heretics of this world will be purged! Flayed alive and made to dance on coal for 1000 eternities! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!
A fist slammed against a plexiglass screen with all the force and power of madness behind it. On the other side, Bianca Drakos didnt even flinch, as the glass absorbed the impact of the blow, just as it had the last several dozen punches thrown at it from the occupant of the cell, sole survivor of the incident in Fuopolis days ago. The City of Thorns reveals the way to other planes! Other lands with beauty and riches untold, not despoiled like the festering and rotting world of Avaris! The Esoteric Order will find the city, find the way to a million paths to salvation! Such a shame you sinners wont be around to see it! Burn, burn, burn, die, die die , the prisoner rambled on.
Ocelot simply observed with a mixture of pity and frustration, though her mind was clearly also on other topics than the fringe cult of AlHaqiqa. Craig Oakley came up behind her, without her initially noticing, Yep, hes a sick puppy alright Cant ID him, there are no facial matches in any public database and his fingerprints have been singed off. All we can tell is hes a probable Talgerrian national. Cant deport him though, since the South Usean epidemic is still ongoing. I dunno, in the end, well likely decide to just lose him in a psychiatric hospital and keep him sedated the rest of his life.
Ocelot didnt expect the intrusion, but wasnt startled by it either. Hm-hm, she simply replied, So why have you come to disturb my reverie, Agent Oakley? Could it be that Haines has more b*tch work that none of the real field agents could be bothered with?
Not exactly, replied Oakley, You have to understand that Andrew Haines is not a man accustomed to failure, much less losing agents bright-eyed Tertanian boys -- in the field I dont know exactly what he told you the morning after Fuopolis thats so soured your mood, but you just have to accept thats how he is.
So youre saying Haines is parochial and attaches different weight to the lives of different classes of operatives Like I didnt already know that?, Ocelot snubbed.
Well, lets look at things another way. An organization invested with so much responsibility as the IAA cant afford to let unknown quantities complicate strategy. For instance, Ive noticed that you healed rather nicely from your bruises and scars last week. One might say your recuperative abilities exceed the expected human capabilities , Oakley discussed, And you know what? The same can be said for him He pointed to the AlHaqiqa Shayatin assassin behind the plexiglass screen, still slamming his fists bloody against it.
Ocelot glanced momentarily at the Shayatin and turned back to Oakley, What can I say? I guess I must live right. Oakley scoffed, More likely considering the labwork that came back on the both of you youve both been exposed to similar cocktails of performance-enhancing drugs. Not anabolic steroids or anything like that; some really exotic sh*t. Sadly, the stuff he got pumped with has left him permanently deranged or at least thats what the doctors say, if I understood correctly.
Why are you telling me this?, Ocelot asked, I have my secrets. You have yours. I may be your guest but Haines made very clear I am not your friend. Oakley leaned in more closely, See, thats the issue with Director Haines that I was dancing around before. Hes in a tough position; its too difficult to trust. But in so doing, I personally believe hes squandering a potentially very valuable resource A resource to both my country and yours.
Ocelots stern demeanor began to show up cracks. She looked behind her and then at the corners of the ceiling where security cameras were placed. To her surprise, all were turned off at the moment. Does Does Haines know youre here?, Ocelot questioned. Oakley lowered his voice, Matthew Parkes current residence. 2456 Serenity Blvd, Isrens. Electronic security devices in this wing of the complex have been turned off and their monitors hacked to play looped footage. I can cover up your disappearance until noon tomorrow.
But, wait ! Why are you doing this?, Ocelot demanded.
Oakley replied, I confess to having fibbed earlier about not overhearing your conversation with the Director last week. Director Haines said that you will never be an ally of Tertania, that your cause and Tertanias interest have nothing alike. I disagree. I believe in taking risks and in asking for forgiveness before permission. And most of all, I believe that we havent even begun to get a sense of your true potential, Ms. Drakos. All it requires is that we put a little more faith in each other. Does that answer your question?
Without another word, Ocelot silently nodded and went on her way.
Isrens, Tertania
September 12, 2023, 11:15 AM
This damned apartment is getting to me! Hearing scratches at night on the floor just cockroaches. Rapping on the window Oh, its just a tree branch. But I know I just know that one day itll be them.
A loud knocking startles a 30-something man with mussed brown hair from his fitful sleep. Yeah, yeah, Im coming. Im coming!, the rowdy tenant exclaimed. The door swung open, and the unkempt man still in pajamas came face-to-face with his landlady, a short Tienese woman with a temper, Mr. Matthews, youre over a week late on rent! This isnt a charity, you know! The man nervously fumbled his words, Oh, yeah! I can get Just hold on The Tienese woman waited at the door as the man stumbled about inside the room. After a couple seconds, the tenant re-appeared with his wallet in hand, So how much do I owe you?
Unknown location
October 2022
Please state again how the interests you claim to represent have any common cause with the Arelli peoples jihad.
Its very simple. You have a problem with the IAA. We have a problem with the IAA. Pooling together resources is the surest way to organize reprisals within the heart of Tertania. Any questions?, stated Matthew Parkes.
Parkes stood before a panel of five interviewers draped in shadow. Behind them, illuminated by a light fixture, was the flag of the National Farokhist Arelli Zawazuli Party. The group of five whispered amongst themselves for several seconds. We are given to the understanding that your employers possess certain ideologies which do not concord with the teachings of Zawasul and are hostile to the partys desire to see a strong and ascendant Arelli National State, spoke the chief representative of the panel.
The Farokhist threw a stack of pamphlets into the center of the darkened room, According to these materials, the people you work for have no sympathy for the people of Arellistan or our history of exploitation by various powers. On the contrary, they see South Usea as a promised land that is theirs to claim at the cost of all else. If the goals of Andreas Bombardone had even a small chance of reaching fruition, Ridnez would be detested by our people far more than even the Tertanian imperialist dogs are at present! So I ask you again, why so audacious as to seek an audience with us? Knowing the spite your masters have for our people, and that which we return in kind.
Parkes rubbed his chin and started to pace, So maybe Bombardone was a lunatic What of it? I didnt agree to blow up that building for the Zendies because I sincerely bought their claims I would be one of the sufficiently racially pure minority theyd let live in the long run. Thats just crazy talk. I did it because they would have picked someone on the Board of Directors to do the job either way, and I dont think its a good idea to bet against the odds. So how about this? The Tertanian Army is already invading your country; the IAA has who-knows how many rats eating away at the foundations of your national defense. My employers are reaching out with a limited proposal to work together towards the goal of crippling the Tertanian state. What the Zendies would do in some hypothetical scenario isnt important What matters is whether Mullah Farokh wants to bet against the odds that he can handle the Leagues incursions alone.
The Farokhists muttered amongst themselves, then addressed Parkes, We have decided that there is interest in your proposal. But you can tell the atheistic curs you obey that this changes nothing as regards the official policy towards your Temple of Umbra Once our mutual goal is assured, this partnership is defunct.
Isrens, Tertania
September 12, 2023, 1:23 PM
Parkes stared blankly at the rapidly cooling breakfast on the table, lost in his recollections of how his life wound up this way.
Is everything all right? Were the eggs done how you like?, asked a young waitress. Parkes snapped out of his daydreaming, Huh? Oh, uh, yes Everything was done to perfection. Parkes then looked down at the plate again and began to scarf everything down, more out of self-duty than enjoyment. Cant bungle the big trade happening tonight. In too deep for that, have to see it through to the end
As Parkes ate, he instinctively scanned the room for danger. Danger meant more than knives and guns; it meant any chance someone might recognize him from a photo in the paper or a news broadcast. Several rows of booths down from where he was seated, several teenagers were engaged taking selfies with their cell phones. The possibility of being caught in the background of the image, then identified later, made Parkes stomach sink.
It was a wonderful meal, but Im afraid Im full now. Should this be sufficient to cover the bill?, Parkes emptied his wallet of its meager paper money and dumped it on his table, high-tailing it out of the diner as soon as possible. Parkes anxiously shoved his way through the crowded sidewalk for several blocks, checking his watch repeatedly. At a certain intersection, a car scooted up next to the curb and a voice beckoned from the drivers seat, Youre 5 minutes late. We have a schedule to keep. Parkes quickly occupied the passenger seat and strapped himself in, Believe me, I havent forgotten If the deal doesnt go through tonight, it might never.
From a rooftop away, a pair of sharp hazel eyes tracked Parkes every move through a pair of binoculars, like a predator on the trail of its prey, Found you!
September 25, 2023, 6:30 PM
Its time Where they hell are they? Please, by Axon, dont tell me theyre onto me They havent caught up with me yet Not when Im so close!
Matthew Parkes shifted about uncomfortably on a park bench beneath the shade of an oak tree, tightly holding a briefcase in one hand. An autumn sunset bathed the scenery in a warm orange glow, and the park itself was sparsely occupied. It would have been a pleasant evening if it were any other evening but this.
Parkes looked down at his watch again and stood up with the briefcase, scanning his environs. He spotted several men in dark suits spread out across the open expanse, including some navigating the paths behind the tree line. But these werent who he was afraid of. He looked towards one of the men seated on another park bench a few yards away, seemingly engrossed in the late edition of The Tertanian Times. The suited individual briefly gazed in Parkes direction and gave a subtle nod. With that, Parkes began to take a stroll down the winding gravel path in front of him.
The silence in the air that evening was almost haunting in its own way; only the sound of Parkes footsteps crunching fallen leaves on the walkway broke through the quiet. Parkes shot a glance towards the end of the trail, nearby a medium-sized fishing pond. A man wearing a sportsmans cap stood by the water with his line cast out. Nerves, Matthew, just nerves Make this drop and you can get the hell out of this country with all the money thats waiting for you, he thought tohimself.
As Parkes passed under tall trees dotting the side of the path, he felt a light breeze against his face, Its getting chilly as the suns going down. Lets get this over with, cmon. He then detected the shadow of something pass overhead, drawing his attention, Just a squirrel or or a bird or something. Thats all it was, some stupid animal. Parkes passed by the man with the newspaper and gave him a silent nod. Seconds later, he again detected shifting of the shadows cast by the tree branches above, What the hell was that?! Parkes quickened his steps, I know that I saw something this time! I know that I-
Parkes train of thought came to a screeching halt; he made the mistake of looking behind him. The man on the bench was still seated there, but something was wrong. His newspaper was sprawled out over his lap, and his arms and legs seemed to have gone limp. Parkes then looked out over the verdant field in the distance; though it was several meters away, he could see inert black forms splayed across the grass. Suddenly, Parkes began to run, only to be stymied by another gust of wind, this one more sudden and more powerful than the mere breeze from before.
At the end of the trail, by the fishing pond, Parkes approached the lone fisherman, Listen up, we dont have much time. Were being followed The fisherman calmly reeled in a larger minnow, You were now, were you? Cant you do anything right? The fishermans cap, even up close, cast a shade over the upper half of the fishermans face, obscuring his eyes A similar effect to that which might be had by wearing a visor. Look, the stuffs in here. I mean, what the hell, they knew where the place for the auction was going down too !
The fisherman unhooked the fish and tossed it back into the pond, Yes, but your employers and mine both suspected that there might be some sort of interference Its all been factored into our long-term plans. Besides which, you and I both well know that the auction was just a farce; there was no doubt that your guys were getting the goods from the start Say, do you enjoy going fishing, Mr. Parkes?
Parkes clenched his fists, panic in his eyes, Look, what does that matter? Ive got to get the hell out of here Out of here and out of this country The fisherman retrieved his line, A shame that you dont know the joys of going fishing in a public park My father took me here every week when I was a kid. It was a happy time. It was relaxing. Those days werent to last though The bloody Axonite Church saw to that
Parkes turned his head at the trees and the path behind him, when another strong wind buffeted his body. The tree trunks swung in Parkes and the fishermans direction and cast long shadows over them both now and for a brief moment, Parkes could have sworn he saw a pair of green goggles poking out from the darkness beneath the foliage. The fisherman crouched by his tackle box and rummaged through the materials inside, How much do you know about fish hooks, Mr. Parkes? Parkes looked back and forth between the fisherman and the darkness closing in, Uh screw this. You have what you want! Im gone!
As Parkes sprinted away, the fisherman continued to speak, as if perhaps he was addressing someone else as well all along, The type of hook you use depends on what you want to catch really cod, haddock, carp As a figure emerged from the darkness about to pounce, the fisherman reacted with equal swiftness, hurling a sharp blade from the tackle box into the opening of the trees. Gah!, came the expected grunt of pain indicating contact, immediately followed by a rustle of the leaves and branches and the thud of a human being collapsed on the ground.
I use a different kind of bait to catch land-dwelling creatures though Eleven years apart, then we run into each other twice in one month! Weve got to stop meeting each other like this, Lynxie. People will start to talk! Ha! The Ocelot squirmed on the gravel of the path, grabbing the knife embedded in her right calf, I thought I told you , she said through the pain, to stop calling me that! Jaguar leaped into the air with inhuman deftness and prepared to nail Ocelot with a flying drop kick.
At the last possible instant, Ocelot rolled out of the way, simultaneously yanking the knife from her body and striking back with it at close-range. Agh!, exclaimed Jaguar, as the blade embedded itself in his left shoulder, Well, whatever you want to call yourself, little lady, you are nothing compared to Ifedayo Jaguar ripped the blade from his shoulder and tossed it aside, throwing a punch Ocelots way.
Ocelot leaped into one of the lower-hanging branches of an adjacent oak tree, Dont you dare say his name! Youre not worthy of it! Instantly after making the ascent, Ocelot stumbled and nearly lost her balance, Damn, so used to favoring this leg Got to adapt on the fly, I guess.
Jaguar reoriented himself and approached at ground level, Havent we danced this tango not so long ago? Please dont insult my intelligence by acting like youre here on some grudge. I know who that lummox was you brought with you to the auction house The IAA decided that I was too dangerous to them as a freelancer Too unpredictable for those control-freaks to live with Knowing the secrets that I know. So, they figured that since they collared you for your involvement in that business last December that they might as well turn their new attack dog out on the old one they cut loose! Figures.
Jaguar leaped up after Ocelot, though having difficulty due to the shoulder injury; Ocelot simply leaped to a higher branch. Dont flatter yourself, Jaguar We might have a score to settle between us, but in case you hadnt noticed, I had better things to do over the last decade Like pick up the cause you betrayed Give the people of Ridnez a symbol of hope Another, better ideal to aspire to.
Oh, please! Symbol of hope Who do you think you are? I know why you stayed, Lynxie! You stayed in Ridnez because you hated Del Tuono and Bombardone even more than you hate me! Because while I may have fired the gun, they paid for the contract. Thats why! I know about the body count youve run up in your frankly clumsy revenge campaign! Or do I have to bring up Due Fiume, the Zendies biggest propaganda coup since they started out!, accused Jaguar.
Jaguar leaped from the lower branch to Ocelots higher perch. Ocelot ducked, swung loose from the branch with her arms, and flipped herself back up to plant her left foot directly in Jaguars chest. Ocelot and Jaguar were taken by the momentum from the tree branch and both fell against the grass, with Jaguar taking the brunt of the impact and Ocelot cushioning herself against it with Jaguars body. However, Ocelots stunt caused her to flinch in pain and roll onto the ground; her right leg absorbed part of the force from the ground.
You arent a hero if thats what youve deluded yourself into believing Youre a gutter snipe that Ifedayo snatched up out of pity and taught a few tricks. The only way youre able to challenge me at any level is because he let you have the Orisha Elixir, and that doesnt mean much when it courses through my veins as well. Youre the daughter of a failed f*cking politician who got made into the sacrificial goat for the criminal incompetence of an entire government. Cry me a river, Jaguar mocked, pressing his advantage to stomp his boot into Ocelots face.
Ocelot tumbled over a knoll and struggled to lift off the ground, as Jaguar approached. You have this reputation Wooh!... of being this hardass, take-no-prisoners terrorist leader. But I know better Youre an emotional cripple, a self-deluded sentimentalist who thinks shes fighting for humanity or a better tomorrow or something, when the truth is she just wants to get back at everyone who ever made her suffer. To be honest I could relate if you werent so goddamned self-righteous about it!
Jaguar kicked Ocelot in the gut, causing her to tumble over again, You let everyone else think youre cold that youre not afraid of making the hard choices to get what you want But thats not true, deep down, youre mush Youre a mess whos only gotten this far because Ifedayos training gave your once-impotent rage an outlet You could now shoot, bomb, stab the ones who made mommy and daddy go away.
Jaguar knelt beside Ocelot and grabbed her by the hair, yelling in her ear, Big whoop! I went through the same crap But Ifedayo taught me to get over it that the world is filled with corrupt bastards and that the only way to take down one is to make a dirty deal with another. He didnt just train my body but also my mind; I had to know exactly what it was that I wanted and to realize the courage to reach out and take it! And if you knew the way Ifedayo once lived, way back before you came along, youd know that he once wasnt afraid to take it, alright. You made him soft somehow He no longer remembered that he was a mercenary and not some sort of philanthropist. Of course, he was always on about that honor baloney long before then, but up until then, much of it was just good business sense.
Ocelot retaliated with fierce quickness, sweeping Jaguar onto the ground with her good leg and getting on top of him. She smashed her fist into Jaguars face perhaps a dozen times with untamed fury, breaking and bloodying his nose, What was that you were saying earlier about bait?! She pounded until Jaguar looked as though he was maybe about semi-conscious, then threw him against the bark of the nearby oak tree and pinned him with her elbow, You can rattle off all the condemnations you want, but this is more than about just us, you f*cking psycho! Do you know who Parkes is working for even? What about Oberto? Does he know hes about to sell a platoons worth of Salcanceacian military equipment to the MultiStrat Bureau?! That hes indirectly financing the same terrorist campaigns designed to annihilate his number-one benefactors on the Usean continent! For what, more money?
Jaguar headbutted Ocelot and followed up with his signature haymaker, knocking her off balance, So youre into this farther than I gave you credit. For all the good itll do you. The events set in motion cant be stopped. And you wont live to appreciate the answers as they come to light. Then again, look at the bright side Jaguar followed up with a knee to the stomach and an elbow to the back of Ocelots head, Your idiot followers in the Ridnezite Underground and those Tertanian government dogs will never realize what a worthless disappointment you turned out to be.
Ocelot collapsed onto the ground. The shroud of unconsciousness once again followed.
September 25, 2023, 7:15 PM
Ocelot awoke in the very same spot Jaguar had left her. By now, the sun had already set. Chirping of crickets resounded through the night, Urgh How long has it been? I couldnt have been out that long, could I? No, it was already on the verge of dusk when Jaguar Idiot Idiot!
Ocelot picked herself up off the grass and stumbled onto the path, holding her still-spinning head steady with one hand, and limping slightly from her right leg, The Arelli armed lookouts Tried to be gentle on most of them, but had to put down a few that put up a fight. Police will find out about this in the morning Police NIB DTI. Cant let them take me back in Not until Not until Ive found Parkes!
At that thought, Ocelot regained full lucidity with the adrenaline spike; even the pain in her leg didnt stop her from sprinting as fast as possible to reach the park exit, Shouldve gone after Parkes from the beginning and left Jaguar alone Hes the easy prey. But now hes on alert scared, running. He could be gone underground by now for all I know But I have to hope he was dumb enough to return to his apartment to take his belongings Whatever he might be holding in trust for either the Arellis or the Zendies.
Ocelot reached the park exit and scanned the bustling city street from the sidewalk. She fixed her attention on a motorcycle rider putting on his helmet and ran towards him. The biker didnt hear the swift approach over the noise of traffic and crowds, but he did feel Ocelot tap on his shoulder, suddenly startled. Sorry about this, Ocelot said, grabbing the biker by the arm and flipping him over her shoulder and onto the pavement. While the biker remained stunned, Ocelot swiped the keys off his body and used them to rev up the engine. Thanks, she semi-sarcastically quipped, before riding off down the road, weaving dangerously through traffic.
2456 Serenity Blvd. Ill catch him there hopefully. I might not care much for being the DTIs attack dog, as Jaguar put it But its not like those exhausting months fighting IAA boys for Haines gratification. Theres a real purpose now. And I owe it to Oakley, even if he is a smarmy weasel not to come back empty-handed.
September 25, 2023, 7:30 PM
Yes, Im packing only the important documents What?! Stop needling me! Im trying as best I can! Im going as fast as I possibly can!
Parkes anxiously emptied out his safe, drawers, dressers, and cabinets, scurrying about in a frenzy to beat the clock or rather, his pursuers. Please, you got to You got to understand, I dont know how she found me!, Parkes pleaded with apparently no one. The sounds coming from Parkes apartment received the unwanted attention of the occupant of the apartment directly beneath his, an overweight woman, Will you cut that racket out?! I cant hear my stories over that sh*t youve got going on upstairs! Parkes yelled in desperation and spite through the floor, Suck my c*ck, grandma!
Parkes slammed his suitcase shut over the stacks of photocopies left in his care and barged out the door to the common hallways of the apartment building. Leaning against the outer portion of the door frame, legs crossed in seeming boredom, was Ocelot, I thought youd never get finished packing your things Ocelot kicked Parkes to the ground and back into the apartment space, It makes the task of pulling together all the juicy bits of information pertinent to the Zendies that much less difficult.
Parkes scrambled to his feet and ran towards the window near the fire escape, Leave leave me alone. Ocelot sprang into action, Leave you alone? Do you have any idea how many people are dead because of you? How much damage you caused in your greed?! She grabbed Parkes by his shirt collar and pulled a handgun on him, shoving the barrel into his mouth by force, Give me an excuse. Please. Inarticulate squealing and muttering came from Parkes vocal cords while gagged thus.
Alright, heres how this is going to go. Im going to remove the gun from your mouth. You dont put up any resistance or I swear to Axon Ill blow your face out the other side of your head!, Ocelot threatened. Parkes fell to his knees as soon as he was ungagged with the handgun, clutching at Ocelots boots and beginning to sob uncontrollably. What the hell are you doing? Get off the floor!, Ocelot warned. She grabbed him by his collar again and dragged him to his feet, slamming him against the wall behind them. Parkes was now virtually shivering with terror, desperately clutching at the leather sleeves of Ocelots jacket, Please Please help me You dont know You dont know!
Help you?! Youre lucky that its more expedient to take you in alive and that there are still bigger fish to fry! Who in their right mind would help you do anything after what you did in Isonphis last year! After what you did to Clifford!, Ocelot objected. Meanwhile, Parkes eyes flickered between his immediate captor and another figure standing beside her, one only he could see.
Im afraid that youve just outlived your usefulness to the New State, Mr. Parkes. If its any consolation at all, there was never any hope we would let you live, in the long run of things. Youre a member of this countrys elite, you see. It harms the agenda of Centro Nuovo to allow any of the bestial races of Usea any sort of potential leadership class which could oppose our destiny, spoke the man only Parkes could perceive. Parkes meanwhile screamed at Ocelot, pointing to the space by her side, There, right there! Dont you see! The Wraith is right there! Taunting you! Kill him now! I beg of you!
Ocelot looked where Parkes finger was pointing in total confusion, You have gone completely insane, havent you? Wraith? Youre waving your arm at the still air ! Wraith met Ocelots unseeing eyes with a look of smugness upon his face, The still air, indeed. Some put their faith only in what they can see or hear. Others say that you should believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. But none save a Zendirist can fully appreciate the reality of what can be neither seen nor heard. The currents of destiny, Mr. Parkes. May the New State ever be lifted by it into the future Shemhamephorash.
At the utterance of the word that only he could hear, Parkes went ballistic, screaming at nothing, now truly nothing. Ocelot struggled to manhandle Parkes in this state, Parkes, get yourself under control or I swear Ill ! Before another threat could be spoken, Matthew Parkes began to convulse and froth at the mouth. Before long, all his limbs and his head were violently jerking back and forth. Ocelot let go of his body in surprise, letting it crash against the floor. Hes having a grand mal seizure But Im not , Ocelot thought to herself, lying him down on the ground and undoing his collar button and tie to maintain the patency of his airways, I wasnt expecting to deal with something like this. Im not trained to
But by then, it didnt matter anymore. Parkes body went limp and slumped over. Ocelot went silent for a full minute, attempting to process the sequence of events, Damn it Sorry, Oakley. Maybe Jaguar was right about some things after all. She thrust his fist against the wall in exasperation at the futility of her efforts.
Presidential House, Isle of King, Tertania
September 28, 2023, 12:19 PM
So, allow me to understand this better On top of everything else thats happened in this country in the past year You mean to tell me that an assassin the IAA subcontracted assignments out to in a deliberate effort to subvert the spirit of the law is running loose in this country Hes gone rogue. That hes working for party or parties unknown to destabilize this government That your attempt to send another black ops agent in to suppress this rogue actor is directly responsible for the mass destruction that the Conservative press is touting as yet another failure of my administration to protect the public. Youre telling me all of this now, and you expect me to expand the DTIs prerogatives even further!
Tertanian President Allison Lane sat in conference with Andrew Haines, hearing his further national security proposals, I have half a mind to write up an executive order taking the DTI from your agency and giving it to the ONS! I greenlit the expansion of the IAA into the DTI to make sure that never again would we see another tragedy on the order of Stafford. The people of this country dont feel safe anymore Axon knows that Staveley started us down this path, but by heaven, its my responsibility to deal with it now.
The conference room consisted of a circular table emblazoned across the center with the Tertanian national seal, surrounded by 16 armchairs. The room had three windows opening up to over the Presidential Houses lawn, bathing Lane in the light of the sun at noon as she passed among them. Haines was seated at one of the chairs by the table, holding a cup of earl gray tea over a saucer.
Haines took a sip from a cup of tea before continuing his point, Madam President, you know it is in the operational interests of the IAA to maintain all information regarding ongoing missions, agents, and resources on a need-to-know basis. Even where concerns your office. You might not like it, but these are the sacrifices that we all have to take to ensure the liberty and safety of millions of Tertanian citizens from extremism!
Extremism? You informed me that the Temple of Umbra or some offshoot at least were using Maroneda as a base for trafficking nuclear weapons to detonate within Tertanian borders. You made it seem as though this was information that could be concretely established I authorized the annihilation of that islands entire population because, at the time, I believed in you! Then what did we learn afterwards when outcry came from the international community? You were working off of a hunch A hunch that you felt to need to vindicate by declassifying a deceptively censored document. I came into power to ramp down the military-industrial complex that Staveley fed into. Now he can claim to the masses that Ive gone too far on his re-election bid!, Lane protested, pacing frantically around the room.
Madam President, you must know that we have Christopher Staveley under constant surveillance as a figure of interest in the recent black market arms sales that Jaguar has been conducting. We believe he may be a potential supplier of these weapons, linking him to the attack on the Isonphis business district two days before the Stafford incident, Haines clarified.
But Staveley himself is not the issue Youve used me long enough. On top of all that, I have to contend with this idiot from the Northern Ridnezite separatist government gallivanting around every popular venues on his working state visit Right. Hes done nothing but laud Staveley every given opportunity and urge to have my administration practically crucified over your bungling, Lane said.
Haines sighed in exasperation, With all due respect, Madam President, may we discuss the original matter that concerns this visit? Agent Craig Oakley went directly against an agency-wide directive and about a half-dozen other national security protocols, by sabotaging our main compounds own CCTV camera feeds and letting another agent go AWOL for all intents and purposes! These facts are, regardless of their reasons for being carried out, appalling and demonstrate a massive, gaping hole in our security network! I believe there are ulterior motives behind these actions and would like to proceed with the court-martial of Agent Oakley, as well as an agency-wide audit of our members and a thorough inspection of the software running on the mainframes of our central computer hub!
Yes, I suppose this Agent Oakley did go against orders and undermine the chain of command But he got results, didnt he? You would have kept this new acquisition of yours, Ocelot, under wraps And then would we have been able to locate and confiscate the private communications sent between the Ridnezite New States MultiStrat Bureau and the Arelli National States Advanced Affairs Association, by the connivance of Matthew Parkes. No, we wouldnt As I see it, Director Haines, Agent Oakley simply took matters into his own hands to obtain results that count When you handled things your way, Fuopolis got attacked by a piece of advanced vehicular weaponry, Lane stated. The President had now stopped her pacing and stared unemotionally out through one of the conference room windows.
Madam President What exactly are you trying to imply here?, asked a concerned Haines. Lane turned towards Haines and obliged the request for clarification, Need it be laid out to you in clearer terms? As of now, your duties as Director of the International Affairs Agency are being suspended. Craig Oakley has been appointed as your acting replacement until we can decide on a more permanent change of staff.
Haines eyes shot open wide, Madam President, you cant seriously ? Need I remind you that we now have it as established fact that MultiStrat and the Arelli National State are plotting to assassinate you and Dominic Oberto both at the debt renegotiation summit scheduled next month? Ive served in this office for years Oakley is Hes a wild card An unknown quantity at this point! You cant trust him!
I apologize, Director Haines, but it appears that exigent circumstances have forced me to put my safety and the future of this country in the hands of unknown quantities. If you are displeased by this outcome Blame yourself. Dismissed!, shouted President Lane.
Haines regained his composure and waited in the room to finish his tea, then walked out of the conference room with his usual steely expression. The door slammed closed behind him.
Read dispatch
Twilight of the Idols Part 6
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Amalfi House, Centro Nuovo, Ridnez
November 13, 2009, 6:27 PM
So what do you think the Hierarch has called this assembly for? Its not very often that the General Directorate is convened in its totality Especially with nary a hint of what order of business is to be addressed!
Why must you always be so jumpy, DAmico?, said a weary Renard DEste, We might not be privy to the Hierarchs motives for calling this meeting, but it is not our place to question! Simply to listen and then do our duties as they are dictated to us If you want to stick around here, youd do better by asking fewer questions!
Alessandro DAmico grumbled, We were brought on for our prior expertise, were we not? These unscheduled interruptions are keeping GovInvest accounting from getting anything done, I tell you ! State coffers are hemorrhaging money faster than liquidation sales of Heisenian assets can bring it in!
The two men were seated at a large semicircular bench in a dimly lit conference room. The room itself was designed and decorated rather plainly, with white support pillars at the corners and walls painted maroon. At the vertex of the semicircle was a podium for speakers, and installed within the base of the podium but off to the side was a more recent addition, a three-dimensional hologram projector.
And whose fault is that, exactly?, challenged a voice like gravel speaking from behind. DAmico startled all too easily at the intrusion, doubling around with a high-pitched whine. The man decked out in black paramilitary uniform and leather jacket was busy cleaning his shades with a handkerchief, revealing chilly blue eyes and a scar crossing his eye socket. Each of us has been entrusted with the building of the New State by the Hierarch and by the party This is a project that can tolerate no error, much less your petulant trifling objections. When the Hierarch convenes the General Directorate, it is with a definite purpose that will soon be revealed to us Until then, I must concur with your friend, Director DEste You need to stop whining and shut up!
The man with the distinct scar donned his shades and proceeded apace down the aisle to his appropriate place in the conference room. Both DAmico and DEste remained motionless in their seats, gripped by disbelief. Was that ? Was that really ?, sputtered DAmico. DEste finished the sentence, There is no question. The profile matches That was Gianfranco Del Tuono the resident bogeyman the director no one ever gets to see ever gets to have coffee with DAmico picked up his own thought, And here I thought he wasnt even formally part of the General Directorate By Cothestrus name, the man lives up to his reputation! Lock eyes with him once, its like staring into nothing !
A couple blocks away
You dont look so good, dirigente You sure you dont want me to take you to the doctor?
A limousine was caught in traffic on a rainy evening, while the chauffeur in the drivers seat grew increasingly concerned about his passenger. The passenger in question, a goateed businessman, answered, No, Giovanni, the doctor can wait I have an important appointment to keep. Isnt there a way to cut through some of this interminable traffic?
No can do, dirigente There seems to be some sort of pile-up ahead thats slowed things down a trickle back here, said the chauffeur. Vincenzo Borrelli glanced out the window at the gray skyline through heavy eyes, then popped a few ibuprofen pills into his mouth. Giovanni, take the rest of the day off Ill just endeavor to walk the remaining distance to the presidential palace.
Borrelli took his exit from the limousine, a black umbrella in hand, and opened it up against the downpour. Dirigente, youre sure youre fine out here? Dirigente?!, called out the chauffeur, to no avail. Barely hearing the mans voice through the blaring car horns and intermixing chatter of the city streets, Borrelli kept his heavy eyes pointed down towards the sidewalk, rubbing his temple in desperate hope for relief. This has been going on for the better part of a week by now Throbbing behind the eyes, nonstop splitting headaches Im not able to tell if my visions getting fuzzy Giovanni was right, I should have seen the doctor by now, Borrelli thought to himself.
But this can wait. Its just a migraine, probably. Itll pass Andreas seemed adamant that I make an appearance along with his appointed ministers. Lets just see what this is all about then
6:54 PM
A white-haired man stood up to the podium at the front of the conference room. There could be no mistaking his identity, out of any Ridnezite.
The congregated directors rose in unison, their arms pointed in the Consine salute, and shout out altogether, Hail to the Hierarch! Hail the New State! And just as the entire group rose and chanted in an almost orchestrated manner, they fell silent and retook their seats with equally precise coordination.
Zendirist comrades I have called together this conference of the directorates to bring awareness to an emergent problem facing the nation of Ridnez A Heisenian problem. The past 7-and-a-half years have posed a learning curve for dealing with these wretched people to be sure. First they polluted our neighborhoods with their vices, poised to steal the promise of our youth. They threw us out of our homes, shuttered our businesses, enslaved our workforce, turned our sons into junkies, sold our daughters to their brothels, and wrecked the value of our currency! When we stood up against these innumerable indignities and declared, No more!, they tried to flee the country with their pilfered wealth like rats from the proverbial sinking ship. Now, in spite of the ruthlessness of the Heisenian financial elite, we have been measured in our responses to these affronts, as you all know We have permitted the Heisenians to continue to live in our cities, among their own kind until now.
Bombardone hit a switch on top of the podium, projecting beside it a holographic reproduction of an older gentleman, I am certain most of you are familiar with the man before you: Edgar Isidore Albertson. Along with other parasites like Napolitano, Straccali, and Drakos, he sucked the peoples lifeblood as a plutocrat of the First Republic. Unfortunately, he has managed to survive long enough to continue his persecution of the people from the comfort and safety of colonized Shah A Heisenian himself, his charity for Heisenian refugees is little more than a front for the pooled assets of many of the Usean plutocracies to undermine our rediscovered independence from the international rentier-capitalist system one which was innovated and perfected by Heisenian-approximate North Usean foreigners and only thereafter imposed on Ridnezite people in alliance with the greedy despots of the former Solian monarchy.
Bombardone clicked the switch again, bringing up the figure of a different man, more virile, youthful, and darker-skinned, Last year, the tenuous system of population management which we had previously decided upon was upset thanks to Albertsons interference The Magnifico Ghetto was incited into rebellion against the residents own best interests and in the end, we had to put the lot of them down anyway What humanitarianism This South Usean soldier of fortune has been seen several times over the past decade aiding in the operations of this Ridnez-Heisenian Security Organization Ive had dealings with him in my old life as an aspiring reformer of the broken Republican system
Bombardone brought up a projection of live footage, depicting the mercenary in combat with Zendirist police at the forefront of a riot scene, He calls himself The Ocelot His price is very steep Out of any random sampling of the elite minority capable of bucking his cost, Id wager that 4 out of 5 could trace themselves to Heisenian bloodlines Like our Signor Albertson. But duplicitous little filth like that doesnt act alone The amassed rubbish of North Usea have a common interest in the despoilment of Ridnez. All over these attacks on Ridnezite sovereignty are the hallmarks of the likes of Victor Watson Rufus Kirkbride Jameson King Heisenians and those who make business dealings with Heisenians
The businessman with the black umbrella burst in the conference room, dripping wet and clutching his head in hand. For a few tense seconds, the entire room turned towards the door in silent acknowledgement of the late arrival. Borrelli met their gaze through strained vision and clumsily stammered a few feet over to the nearest empty chair around the centrally placed conference table.
His facial features not betraying any judgement whatsoever of Borrellis tardiness, Bombardone continued where he left off, We have tried in the past to control the developing situation by half-measures, but We have been incorrigibly naïve. The facts are plain: We are encircled by the Heisenian-led plutocratic empires which know no mercy and have no limitations to the depths of their avarice. Wars have never been won by half-measures, and make no question, we have been at war since we announced our revolution to the world. Not a conventional war; the fate of Avaris wont be decided by such ordinary, petty affairs but a demographic war.
Borrelli struggled through the pain to focus on the message of Bombardones speech, barely suppressing a grimace from his worsening headache. It was at this point that he began to feel pins and needles up and down his trunk and limbs. Oblivious to Borrellis condition, Bombardone spread his arms out above the audience and raised his voice to a resounding bellow, The rulers of this world fear and despise a Ridnezite people made collectively aware of their fundamental dignity The Heisenians prefer to cultivate the breeds of mankind which are more easily enslaved which are happy to be led like sheep and die like dogs. This is why they send their productive capacity into the savage lands of South Usea There is where they found races of man who could tolerate being turned into beasts of burden. The Era of Chaos was no different. It was a conspiracy! A concerted attack through the feeble, easily undermined institutions of liberal society to turn Ridnez into a South Usean country to turn us into a South Usean people! This is the world they want. Remember that as I introduce the man of the hour Some of the things you are about to see may be disturbing.
Bombardone then took a few steps backwards, gesturing towards a brunette-haired younger man approaching the front of the room. The invited speaker had slender cheekbone and an angular jawline, wearing a crumpled lab coat with apparent indifference. The newcomers demeanor couldnt be any more different to the Chief of States. Where Bombardone reveled in the pomp and circumstance of just about any occasion to pontificate, the man in the white coat kept his hands stuffed in his pockets and seemed almost reticent to speak, barely raising his voice above a grumbling whisper even when amplified by the microphone at the podium.
Ive never been one for ostentatious introductions, so Ill cut through the pleasantries My name is Adalberto J. Ricci. I am licensed as a neurologist, but my forte is in the field of physiological psychology research In times past, it was said wars were won by men In truth, it would be more accurate to say wars are won by using up human material After all, isnt that what we all are in the end just material? Well, Im certain Director Vitale would have some words on that The key is how to win the demographic war that the Hierarch spoke of without expending any more human material of our own than is absolutely necessary With the assistance of Director Del Tuono and MultiStrat, I give you the solution: we use up the enemys After the ANRI Initiative was executed earlier this year, I put myself in touch with Director Del Tuono through Director Vitale, who is an old friend of mine we arranged for a few select specimens of the antisocial nationalities to be relocated to a special ward of my psychiatric institute for a curious experiment.
Ricci hit the switch on the podium, bringing up a holographic 3d projection of a video recording that was taken some time ago. We wanted to test a hypothesis, see That if the higher executive functions of a Heisenian or a Ziconean subject were shut off that we could predictably control their actions through electronic stimulation of the brains reward centers. That way, we could create a perfectly expendable espionage grunt one capable of holding a gun, blending into a crowd, even setting off a bomb but internally The researcher knocked against his own skull, totally empty
The recording showed an anonymous subject in silent-screaming agony, as a buzzsaw cleaved through his skull and surgical tools peeled back the layers of his meninges. No anaesthetic was used in the operation; that was clear enough. Del Tuono took a Diaran cigar from the interior of his jacket and lit it up in the room, apparently unfazed even bored. The rest of the General Directorate recoiled from the horrific sights in spite of themselves... though Ricci took no notice. As Ricci continued, Arturo Gerloni rapidly grew green in the face and regurgitated onto the floor near the back of the room. Del Tuono turned to witness the scene and sneered under his breath, puffing smoke out his nostrils, Miserable f*cking pantywaist
Borrelli covered his face with his hand, still peering through the slits between his fingers with incredulous eyes, By Amadastras veil, this is hell. Im Im living in hell! What did I do ? How did it end up this way? How did I end up supporting this?! What kind of man has Andreas become? What kind of man have I become not to notice earlier that this was happening?! Leaving his umbrella behind, he made a mad dash to the exit, passing by Gerloni in the middle of his nauseous episode. His head pounding and his vision going in and out, he raced out the steps from the building and through the maze of pathways dividing up the palace gardens, not really sure of where he was going, just intent on escaping the nightmare scene that played out before him. Cant even feel my legs? I dont even Cant tell where my legs ? What is happening?!
As the rainstorm beat down upon his head, Borrelli slipped on the path, twisting his ankle and striking the ground with the side of his head. As the shroud of blackness fell over his conscious mind, Borrelli looked up into the gray sky, unable to differentiate the water droplets striking his face from his possible tears, Feel myself getting colder. Cold and pain. Is this what death is like?
Conti University Medical Center, Fulmine Rosso
November 15, 2009, 7:13 PM
Signor Borrelli? Ah, Signor Borrelli, the interpretation of the MRI scan has come back Im afraid the news is less than pleasant.
Borrelli sat up in his hospital bed, Dont tell me The oncologist said it anyway, Put simply, Signor Borrelli You have renal cell carcinoma thats metastasized to your brain and spinal cord You have maybe 6 months left to live, at best, without treatment Borrelli quietly wept to himself, supporting his heavy head in hand, for about a full two minutes. Then through an anguished voice he choked, and what about with treatment How long then?
The doctor replied, Well if you mean aggressive chemotherapy, radiotherapy At this stage of progression, Id say maybe you have a year But there are quality-of-life considerations. However, I will say this You must be a very important person to the Hierarch By his personal authorization, were able to slash through the usual red tape to offer you an experimental pharmaceutical a preparation of a bioactive compound were tentatively labeling NQX-9846 until the naming committee comes up with something better, at least. Its just entering the clinical trial phase right now, but In your case, Signor Borrelli you dont have much to lose We wont need to fit you into our experimental model to justify trying you on the drug assuming it will work But either way, we cant predict what side-effects it might have on you. Its your risk, Signor Borrelli. The choice is yours.
Borrelli had an intuition strike him, If you dont mind, Doctor Do you know the name of the research institution responsible for the development and testing of this pharmaceutical? The oncologist folded his arms, Well, not to brag but Conti University itself is spearheading the R and D. Thats why were in the position to offer it to you even in its untested state Well, that, and the Hierarch issued memoranda to the Conti University Health Sciences Institute, the Principal Health Science Research Advisory Committee, the National Council of-.
Borrelli interrupted, Very well, Doctor! I understand! Andreas virtually created a wholly unique legal category for me in order to accomplish this feat. And every link in the bureaucratic chain down to you, the healthcare provider aligned with these directives in a mere few days? The doctor smiled, It truly is a different country than it used to be, isnt it? Borrelli stroked his beard, almost forgetting his dire circumstances, Who is the head researcher on this project? The doctor replied, Im not certain what your interest in the asinine details, but its none other than the now-famous Dr. Adalberto Ricci. I was told that you saw him speak on another research topic at Amalfi House the other day It is a small world, isnt it? Borrelli nodded.
Yes, Doctor Getting smaller by the day.
Amalfi House, Centro Nuovo
November 20, 2009, 11:36 AM
Just who is this Adalberto J. Ricci person anyway? Why are you enabling that sordid, sick mans experiments? This isnt like you, Andreas Not like the Andreas Bombardone I used to know back in university
Bombardone stood by the balcony of the presidential office, where his lieutenants condemned the last President of the Republic to a sadistic hanging almost a decade before. He recalled the scene every day as he walked onto the balcony and looked down over the city center. Vincenzo, weve known each other half our lives Why dont you just say yes to taking the pill and just stop asking questions?!
Borrelli slammed his fist onto the Chief of States desk, Because, Andreas You and I both know why I get this seat at the Zendirist table, and its not just because were old professional colleagues I bankrolled your movement, I gave you clothing and shelter when you had nothing You may have had the charisma and the ideas, but I had the money I survived the Meltdown of 1993 That makes me a stakeholder in Zendirism, and I want to know what the hell you think youre doing with it!
Bombardone sighed, Vincenzo If you need my reassurance, Im the same man you met in university all those years ago. I havent changed I know it may look that way to you. My understanding of reality changed Once, I believed that Ridnez could be made free and independent by toppling a few corrupt politicians then some conniving corporations maybe a couple self-promoting generals. The people of Ridnez needed a leader with a keen mind and a strong hand to unseat the wicked few and restore natural liberty to the many, and then everything would be made right with the world Would that it were so simple! But no, the problems facing Ridnez are far too complex too variegated too interdependent. The state is more than some blunt instrument to be wielded by any stubborn oaf for his chosen ends. It can be used for such mediocre objectives, but its full potential is much more exciting! The state is more like an elegant grand piano: Any child can tap away at stray keys until a simplistic melody emerges, but under the deft finger-strokes of a true maestro, it plays a sublime waltz or capriccio, whose rhythm and harmony decide the movements of the dance which all must follow.
Borrellis face flushed with indignation, Andreas, if I may break from decorum just this once What the hell?! Youre talking about music and abstract philosophy, when I witnessed a man get vivisected on the operating table! In the beginning, while I may not have been comfortable with all your choices, I concede they made a degree of sense I realized as quickly as you that so-called democracy in Ridnez had become a vicious fraud. I may have been largely unaffected, but I saw as it destroyed you and many of our nations working families. The Tide Queen and her consort know that I was among the very last executives in Ridnez to oppose mass-layoffs like those parasitical private equity holding firms wanted. And I hated to admit it, but you were right that the faces of Ridnezs enemies were usually Heisenian or Heisenian-adjacent when it came down to it. I agreed eventually that restricting the settlement, movement, and property rights of what we now call antisocials may have been necessary as a temporary solution at best. But I saw they were being manipulated against us by their leadership like how Amalfi enacted some temporary resolutions against the Ziconeans 100 years ago! Temporary resolutions They were reintegrated into our body-politic in time Ricci thinks of these people as lower than lab animals and by the Phantasmic Court, youre with him.
Bombardone looked Borrelli in the eyes with an expression halfway between pity and frustration, Vincenzo, lets start at the beginning my little music analogy was meant to illustrate the method behind my proverbial madness What is to be gained by vivisecting the Heisenians? Nothing in itself, but as part of a program towards the elimination of an existential threat ! The threat facing Ridnez is inseparable from the threat facing Avaris You mentioned Amalfi It was once said by Pasquale Amalfi, echoing the revolutionaries the century before him in Solmara Every man is born into the world under the indiscriminate eye of nature, so all must be naturally equal in rights to life, liberty, property He abrogated that principle himself though, because it is impractical! The rule of the people real democracy has never relied upon the universality of human rights to find its true rationale. But what was impractical for Amalfi to practice in his day becomes impossible in ours The global population has quintupled in the past 200 years; Avaris is a smaller place. Resources cannot be extracted without limit, and populations cannot grow indefinitely. Ultimately, despite the optimism of our forebears and the bounty produced through our thrift and labor, we will all run up against the inevitable judgement of nature It cannot continue! Someone has to die many will have to die.
Borrelli stood in awe, What ? What are you saying exactly Andreas? You cant turn this entire planet into a killing field of other races, just because you think there isnt space enough on the planet to sustain them! We would ! We would become no better than the Heisenians themselves! Bombardone remained still for a matter of moments, then burst out laughing. Then just as abruptly as the laughter began, it stopped, and Bombardones visage once more became inscrutable and emotionless. His determined gaze returned to meet Borrellis, seeming to Borrelli at once familiar yet alien.
Youre speaking panicked platitudes, Vincenzo. The Heisenians, the Tertanians, the Shahis Were all in an unacknowledged fight against the dark. A fight for survival thats what it all really comes down to. Not good or evil, not right or wrong. The only thing that matters is creating a future for Ridnezite people with hope in it a future that the people can put their faith in, knowing that their children and their childrens children will be better off But the cost of progress is steep. Really, this has been in the cards since the beginning, but I knew we would fail unless if we moved by increments towards our goal. In light of that, I offer my sincere apologies for not having been more explicit on the point years ago. You see, first, it was important that Ridnezite people comprehended that antisocials are not and could never have been Ridnezites themselves. Under any circumstances. Then, it was necessary to train the people to view the antisocials as exactly that antisocial congenital criminals, betrayers, and nuisances its not really their fault, but the simple people need to see things in crude moralistic terms. There must be an enemy identified as evil, in order for the people to see the ambition of our society as essentially good and, so, to cooperate with it. That two-legged vermin Albertson and his failed rebellion-by-proxy just gave us an excuse to move on with the next stage the antisocials will be removed from civil society entirely and given treatment commensurate to animals as you have surmised.
Borrelli covered his mouth with his hand, In the name of the Lady of the Waves I can only imagine that Sergio Vitale had some input into the gradual essence of your strategy It wasnt any mistake you exonerated him right after the culmination of the Revolution! You really do mean to get to the point where you can get rid of all of them And Ill be responsible, by the spirits
But it cant stop there. In fact, if we stopped at this point, the blowback against Zendirism and everything Zendirism stands for will consume you, me, and every other Ridnezite citizen who chose us to decide his or her future! It will be the end for Ridnez for good! But I find it strange that these are the thoughts that occupy your mind now Your own life, I would like to remind you, is in far more immediate danger You invoked the name of the Tide Queen Ive never known you to be a superstitious man Dont tell me youre going to choose now to start worrying about your reincarnation ?! Bombardone turned back towards the balcony, I have a philosophy about what it means to live, Vincenzo. Its not unique, but youd do well to appreciate it. What I believe is that, in the end, the only worthy measure of a man is his capacity to affirm life Do you know what that means, Vincenzo?
Bombardone turned back towards Borrelli and leaned over his desk, To survive morally, physically you need to be capable of taking all those actions which are necessary without hesitation, without regret And then you must look back on them and tell yourself that these were the best actions the only actions you could have taken even if you had to live them out again and again for an eternity. The New State embodies this concept. The entire will of the nation suffuses all the social relations. Even I, as the Hierarch, am but totally obedient to that will So long as everyone has a role to fulfill within the New State, then individual responsibility and its moral burdens are no more Individual responsibility, which destroyed the morale of the people since the very principle was discovered by the Great Luminaries of yesteryear which put an infinity of choices in front of the beleaguered homo populus and expected his finite intellect to be able to decide in its own best interest which equated this meaningless capacity for arbitrary choice to the true will of the man which thereby equated the aggregate tendency of such insipid choices to the very will of the nation in itself which made the terms nation and society and even man utterly useless by the sheer vulgarity of their implicit use!
Bombardone started to frantically pace back and forth behind his desk like a man possessed, obviously enraptured by his own justifications, Director Vitale has conducted experiments proving these points with scientific accuracy Its so much easier to do the unthinkable when someone else is handing down the orders with authority. Authority brings true freedom the freedom of action with purpose And so by my guidance, the people must all sacrifice the luxury of conscience on the altar of the New State, and realize that only the New State has the authority to pass judgment on the moral value of all things individual This is the price we must all pay to acquire the fortitude of will to survive ! And so must you, Im afraid As Bombardone concluded his point, he stopped in his tracks, turned 90 degrees, and pointed directly at Borrellis chest.
Borrellis stomach sank at those words, Andreas, stop lecturing, just tell me, for Amadastras sake What is this pharmaceutical that the doctors told me about ? What did your Dr. Ricci have to do to develop it? Borrelli feared that he already somehow knew the answers. His intuition had an unfortunate habit of being on the mark too often.
Bombardone took a seat across from Borrelli, Well, the drug in question has been refined from a certain type of rare Estredenan herb I think Im going to have them name it Ouroboros It has a nice sound to it, wouldnt you agree? Oberto shipping interests have been sourcing the herb from Malca. The local regime has been reasonably cooperative. As for processing, thats being done on an island in the northwest of Noskyavia leased from the government of Golden Impirial Utopia. I formed ties with the ruling dynasty there, back in the late 1980s. But the unprocessed herbal extract, by itself has some extreme effects on human metabolism.
Borrelli clutched his sides and began to shake with a wave of excruciating pain, this time in his flanks. Trying not to let it show, Borrelli clutched the armrests of his chair in a futile attempt at relief, What kind of effects, Andreas? Please
Bombardone answered, Depigmentation of hair and skin, increased production of acute-phase reactants from the liver, insomnia, some paranoid thought disturbances a few subjects have demonstrated decreased seizure threshold and psychotic symptoms Not very pretty. And I know what youre thinking, Vincenzo, yes, Dr. Riccis drug was perfected from this questionable herbal remedy using the antisocials as the test subjects. And we know its range of efficacy its side-effects indications and contraindications because various conditions were simulated in the test subject models including cancerous tumors. You know that my mother died from brain cancer Without the sacrifice of the human-type models, this drug would take another 5 to 10 years before entering the clinical trial phase.
Borrelli felt the beginning of another splitting headache come on. He grunted as he grabbed his head and lurched forwards onto the ground. Bombardone, if he had any emotional reaction, failed to evince any signs of it. Instead, Bombardone slowly crouched over by Borrellis side on the floor and continued speaking.
Instead, this anticancer drug will be rolled out onto the market within the next 5 years, Vincenzo Maybe 2. Do what you know you must Affirm your life. Otherwise, your agony will only grow worse Youll lose control of your functions, then lose your dignity, your autonomy Then youll be put in hospice on a 24/7 morphine drip, like my mother Then your life is over. If youre one of the lucky ones, someone will be there at your side when you take your final bow on the stage of life. Bombardones still expression finally betrayed a hint of feeling; he looked aside at nothing in particular, clearly zoned out with a split-second memory of the past nothing too pleasant.
Bombardone then slung Borrellis arm around his shoulder and helped him to a tenuous standing position on his two feet. His tone now was of a more personal, sentimental quality though only slightly. Are you happy with the impact youve had with your life, Vincenzo? Yes, you bankrolled Zendirism, but you never inspired it. You could do more for yourself, for your company, for your nation, for the people Youre a good man, Vincenzo Youre an enterprising, intelligent man! And Ridnez still has need of you! Live, Vincenzo for Ridnez, for the New State! That will give you the moral certainty you seek! Affirm your life!
General Ridnez Petrochemical HQ, Fulmine Rosso
September 29, 2023, 8:55 PM
Vincenzo Borrelli, now older with grayer hair and more jittery features, sat at his executive staff desk, contemplating the past. Wordlessly, he reached for a drawer and pulled it open, feeling for a plastic medicine bottle within. Opening the lid, Borrelli poured out one 500 mg capsule, with a hue of green so brilliant it almost seemed to glow in the dark. Andreas was life-affirming until the very end and now he gets to live forever an eternal recurrence of the same themes the same glorious myth Zendirism incarnate Affirm life, Vincenzo There was never any other option.
Upon ingesting the pill, Borrelli heard the phone ring and reached over a mess of forms across his deck to hit the answer button. A familiar voice came through the speaker or to Borrelli, at least seemed to. Vincenzo, old friend You know that next Friday is your big day. The moment of truth is upon us. The Zendirist stalwarts hunt down those tunnel-dwelling Ocelotist rats and then both the Keys of Night will be in our reach. You know that reactionary fool, the Admiral, is a crafty nemesis you know hes preparing something at the meeting of the General Directorate tomorrow. But what hand could he play against the unmitigated power of Project: Nyx and the indisputable proof of his own treachery against the New State? Who would dare stand to oppose your rightful claim then? Borrelli responded to the voice in his head, while seeming to stare blankly out into space, Yes, Andreas You always were a faithful friend. Ill make my destiny as I complete yours. Youll see everyone will see this life has meant something after all He then pressed the end call button, hanging up on a caller who was never there.
Underground Base Camp Ocelot-28, below Fulmine Rosso
September 30, 2023, 1:00 PM
Giovanni, its been 3 months Have we gotten any closer to figuring out what the hell this crap means Or what were gonna do with it?
As Serena Fiore inspected the hard plastic case of the mysterious object they retrieved in July, Giovanni Sforza sat against an old leather couch, spreading his arms and legs out, and staring blankly at the support beams holding the ceiling up in the artificial subterranean cavern. Sforza, your girlfriend asked you a question! Avaris to Sforza! Sforza!, screamed an irate Abigail Roth.
Huh? Oh, Abigail, I almost forgot to tell you. We have to move another 4 crates from the waterfront by Friday Otherwise we wont be able to afford food rations for the last week of the month , blurted out an only half-aware Sforza.
Abigail was stunned by Sforzas unpracticed nonchalance but only for a moment, I hate to coin a cliché, you know, but What is your major malfunction, soldier? You might have forgotten, but this 5-man crew you pulled together on such short notice doesnt exist to help you import Salcanceacian guns and resell them at a mark-up! We risked our lives to fetch that cracked plastic sh*t, and aside from being chased around by StateSec every now and then, we havent learned anything about it!
Sforza peeled himself off of the couch, Eh, I wish I could tell you more, really, I do But one of the very specific conditions that my prime source had me agree to is not to talk about the prime source I was just as surprised as you guys were to find the potential key to ending the war was supposedly this motherboard or whatever it is
So to get this straight You accept leads from someone whose identity you refuse to disclose, even to your own allies You risk not just your life but others lives on the basis of said leads And youre content to just go back to business-as-usual until this unknown person contacts you again to tell you what to do next I honestly cant tell if were getting played or if you are , Abigail accused.
Serena frowned at this phrasing and interjected herself, Abigail Listen, thats Thats enough You dont know. Giovanni and I were both on the money train. I dont know what this Ars Goetia thing is supposed to be But I do know it has to be pretty damn important for the Zendies to cause a collision in the subway system just to stop us from taking it!
Abigail brushed Serena aside, Not so fast, sister. Its just as likely Sforza was disinformed by a double-agent working for StateSec And that whole sequence was just a set-up for the train collision to occur to get rid of you both Or maybe the point was just to goad us into getting involved so they could blame what happened on operatives of the Network
Sforza shot a sideways glance at Abigail, Oh, please, if theres potholes in traffic, the Zendy media will find a way to blame it on the Network No need for actual involvement in a subway train hijacking! Look, it was obvious that someone the transit police commissioner tried to kill us because the Ars Goetia is important. But up until my contact feels its appropriate to play his next move, we cant do anything but persevere and steward this thing.
Abigail had no reply this time. She simply met Sforzas eyes with her own, hers flaring with distrust and his dulled by casual resignation. Sforza Before you sent out word about the money train, I had never heard of you. I joined up with you at first because I expected a simple cash grab This has become a lot bigger. People have died Serena turned her face away at the very words, of which Abigail took notice. 400 people died in that collision. I hope to Axon or whatever other powers that be, for your sake, that youre on the level Because I will not stand to be complicit in an operation that however indirectly killed 400 people just to find out it was for nothing.
Sforza let the tension sit still In the air as he processed the sentiment internally, So, Giovanni, what if shes got a point? You know the Admiral has beef with the Zendies but not how much per se. Maybe you were being used to arrange that bloody massacre just so Bisogno could make the hardcore Zendies look bad somehow The truth is: You dont know anything. Just a pawn from the beginning better not be a pawn til the end.
Sforza opened his mouth, as if to form a rebuttal, but instead what came out was Im going outside to get some fresh air. Dont wait up for me He then headed for the ventilation shaft connecting the base area with the junction point for Access Tunnel 599 of the municipal utility tunnel system. Serena grabbed the Ars Goetia case and followed, Giovanni Giovanni! Hold up, Im coming with Abigail watched the couple leave the area and heard the heavy metal grate make a loud clank behind them, Hrmph F*ck it, Ill just join Lucio for some shooting Not like I have anything better to do anyway other than move 4 crates of rifles by Friday Jackass, like what am I, his employee?
1:15 PM
Sforza walked past a bustling crowd of others like him, maintaining at a brisk pace. The entire area appeared to have been formed out of a vault within the earth, containing part of a collapsed and buried early 19th-century railway station. Serena struggled to push past the ubiquitous many, holding the Ars Goetia case close to her chest so as not to drop it, Giovanni Slow down You know I cant navigate these tunnels as well as you!
Sforza walked up to a quarter of the vast expanse where rows of fruit vendors were established, slapping down a few Raj banknotes in exchange for a few kilos of apples. As Serena grew nearer, Sforza took an apple out of the bag and offered it, You want one? Serena took the apple more out of obligation than anything, then stuffed it in the pocket of the hoodie she was wearing. Meanwhile, Sforza took another apple in hand and bit into it, heading towards a flight of roughly formed steps towards the artifice of the anachronistic train station.
How did this place even get made without the government knowing about it for so long?, Serena asked. Sforza smiled vaguely at the naivete of the question, Heh Chalk it up to human ingenuity, I guess. That and a decent helping of pure incompetence when the Magnus Program was conducted back in 2007 Serena and Sforza now began to ascend up the steps.
Magnus Program?, Serena probed. Sforza humored her, Yeah, you know Zendies forced a bunch of people to leave their homes and crowded them by force into the cities in a 30-mile radius, in order to free up the land here for the construction of Fulmine Rosso. This was created to be the model Zendirist city an megacity-scale planned community that would be the test run for Bombardones grand plan for the future of the country But a whole lot of suburban infrastructure had to be blown up to make way, and some of it wound up in pieces at the bottom of this gigantic cave system they sealed over and forgot about. I remember when the Underground was first set up here It was just slices of modular homes splayed out all along these damp rock formations. This train station split in half and wound up underground too. So you could say they have their city We have ours.
So you call this weird caravan a city? Id think of a few other terms to apply first , Serena judged.
Sforza couldnt help but chuckle again, A-heh! Well, again, youre new Youll get used to living down here eventually. We all did. No other choice for some of us.
Youre referring to Abigail ?, Serena wondered. Sforza reached the top of the steps and waited for Serena to finish the climb as well, Not just Abigail Konstantin A lot of people have been left with no better option than to come down here, if they just wanted to survive
Serena followed up with the obvious question, What about you ? Sforza opened the door in front of him, as it made a creaking sound. Me? No, I made my choices Ill tell you about it later. Ive got to do something important now.
Sforza and Serena walked into what could be referred to as the building lobby. Serena was instantly taken aback by the idiosyncrasy of the sight before her: the decayed remnants of art nouveau interiors, clearly intended to evoke a florid style in its own day intermingled with wires running all over the floors and descending from the ceiling. Even from the room next over, the loud whirring of multiple electrical generators in synergy transmitted through the separating walls and filled the air with noise. Amazingly, even this area appeared as a forum for activities and exchanges of all kinds. Appropriated subway cars and unauthorized subway lines even operated, completely unofficially, from this center.
Serena momentarily forgot where she even was, What is this place? Sforza gave the perfunctory reply, Well, I just told you how it all got here. But we like to call this place Stigmergia.
2:30 PM
Lucio Andreozzi stood before a firing range, secreted away somewhere within the bowels of the underground city. In his grip was a Tertanian-produced handgun, carefully aiming for the center of a target at 25 meters. Blocked off from all outside distractions by his earmuffs, Lucio let off 3 shots in quick succession; all three hit the target off-center.
Lucio ejected the magazine, Damn, I must have gotten rustier than I thought slumming around down there. How about you, Abigail? You want to see if your steady aim has degraded any from disuse? He turned around behind him to greet Abigail Roth as the words left his mouth.
Abigail waited with arms crossed for her acknowledgement, Now how in Axons name did you know I had crept up behind you between the muffs and the noise?
Lucio smiled, If youre a part of the Underground for long enough, you grow these invisible eyes on the back of your head Very useful at telling you if youre being stalked or spied on But then you should know about that by now, shouldnt you? Youve been down here longer than I have!
Abigail responded, Just shut up and gimme the pistol. Donning her own pair of muffs, she loaded a new magazine and loaded it. You fired at 25 meters and still couldnt hit dead-center? You have much to learn, boy. Adjusting another target at 35 meters, Abigail steadied herself in proper shooting stance and unloaded 5 rounds, all hitting accurately in the center, as Abigail bragged she could.
Lucios smile faded, replaced by faint irritation. Right, so I get your point, little Ms. Perfect. You have skill and Im just a schlemiel Were all no-talent hacks compared to you, is that it?
Abigail engaged the safety and handed Lucio back the pistol, You dont know what a schlemiel is You know your problem? Youre too sensitive, boy. Thats the way with a lot of Ridnezites, now that I think about it. Look, you handled her well and didnt blow your fingers off. Thats 50% of marksmanship right there. Cmon, Im going to the surface to get some fresh air, and I need to vent on someone. Youre elected. Lets go.
Lucio followed behind Abigail with a measure of uncertainty, Abigail, stop, youre talking a mile a minute! The surface-? You you dont have a specific reason, right? Or a plan or anything?
Abigail grabbed Lucio by the arm and dragged him, Who needs plans? Were only going around some residential blocks whose supervisor I have proof has been cheating on his wife with a hooker. Nothings going to happen to us so long as you keep your head down.
Lucio objected, But-but its dangerous up there! What if the police check our faces against their database Ask for documentation ?!
5:56 PM
So you said that this nightclub is called the Razors Edge, huh? I have to admit its a different experience Ive never been to anything like a nightclub before
Sforza downed a whiskey shot at an inconspicuous booth in the corner of the locale, Yeah, Serena, ysee It was so named because even keeping the place open is a mortally risky endeavor It used to be run for a time by a Ziconean gangster Hes dead now, but new management likely wouldnt fare better if the authorities decided to investigate the pulsating noise and multicolored lights beaming from this warehouse Therefore, living on the razors edge. Its an edgy lifestyle, one might say. Sforza then swallowed another shot, working his way down a line of a dozen such tumbler glasses.
Serena sat across from Sforza, crudely concealing the Ars Goetia case in a black plastic trash bag, Giovanni, did I ever tell you that you make an art out of overexplaining the obvious while youre drunk?! One look at some of the patrons and I can begin to see why the Zendies decided to outlaw all this. Her particular attention shifted between a patron face-down in his own vomit at a table with 13 empty tequila glasses and an escalating argument between the apparent manager of the establishment, a bald bespectacled man in an indigo jacket, and one of his scarcely dressed cage-dancers, presumably over pay or possibly something else.
By the way, earlier today you said something to me thats been stuck in my head ever since Many of those in the Underground have no choice, but you say youre different You chose to live beneath the surface away from the light of day, amidst the grime and the muck I just cant understand what you could possibly mean I mean Why?!, Serena asked.
Sforza furrowed his brows and traced the rim of one of the tumblers with his finger. So, thats it, Serena? You want the story of my life? Ive been trying to kill some time And youve told me a bit about yourself. When I was 10 years old, my family lived in Magnifico when Serena was hit with the realization before Sforza finished the sentence, exclaiming under bated breath, oh my heaven!
Sforza paused, So you know the story? What happened there?
Do I know the story?! I was there myself, Giovanni! Youre talking about the Ghetto Uprising, right? It was horrible Me, my father We almost died! Serena clutched at her chest; the memories still carried their own trauma.
Sforza continued his narrative, Yeah, well My parents did die, Serena. We lived in a third-floor apartment, and a stray grenade maybe launched by riot police collapsed the ceiling on top of us. My mother threw herself in front of a chunk of debris so that I could live The Zendies tried to sweep me up and put me in protective custody, but Even at that age, knowing nothing, I feared Gianfranco Del Tuono. He got down on one knee when the dust settled and told me things would be all right but it was impossible not to see something evil behind the mans eyes. So I ran I met a Heisenian boy a little older than me named David, who introduced me to his family. They were in hiding in a winehouse cellar owned by a civilian helper of the RHSO David taught me how to survive on the streets. I stole, pickpocketed, bartered I realized that I could do anything in the service of survival. And that helped me down through the years David and his family arent with us anymore, but I owe what I am to them. Sforza looked away from Serena as he concluded and wiped a single tear from his eye, You learned how to do anything to survive, didnt you, Sforza? Anything! Look how well its served you
Serena reached out with her hand and laid it on Sforzas forearm, Giovanni For all of us The past is cruel to all of us. It cant be changed, and the pain that lies in the past has to remain there forever. At the same time, its that commonality which has drawn us together We can help each other muster up the courage to face that past and tackle the future Thats all we can aspire to as humans.
Giovanni looked Serena longingly in the eyes, trying to say something but unable to force it out.
Such pretty sentiments, Serena. But Adamastra knows I certainly dont deserve them after the sins Ive committed. Ive never told anyone. And so thats the path I must continue to take crime, larceny, smuggling sin. Thats why I choose to live in the Underground. Its what I deserve where I belong.
7:28 PM
So you were in the army of West Heisen No kidding?! Then why join the Underground Network in Ridnez ? Surely there were many more suitable locations available to you!
Lucio sat at a table next to Abigail in a small coffeehouse by the waterfront, sharing conversation over two cups of espresso. It wasnt about making the decision that was easiest for me, but the one that I felt was right. I am what you might call a military brat My father was in the army and his father was before him. They instilled in me an idea of what a soldiers duties ought to entail Defense of ones people, ones homeland Perfect discipline of the body and mind But most of all, never challenge the chain of command. I was a just a private when the general strike rocked Aster in 2021, just around a month before the communist revolution.
Lucio took a sip from his cup, I see I dont suppose it was easy for you to wrap your head around our Network at first Considering there are no ranks and there is no leadership Except for the symbolic leadership of the infamous Oce- uh Lucio was signaled by the café proprietor with a finger to the lips and a slit-throat gesture, the indisposed lady who lends her moniker to the unofficial name of our ah club
Abigail raised an eyebrow at Lucios trepidation, We were told that the strikers were endangering the public, but I many of us just saw abused workers standing up for fair treatment. An initial volley was fired into the crowd; the innocent lost their lives on the pavement that day My familial profession had been sullied in my mind. I could no longer separate it from the injustice I had witnessed. So I resolved to take what I had learned and decide on my own what the meaning of a soldier should entail I participated in the overthrow of Victor Watson, but I had no input on what happened afterwards. I was never very important, and I wasnt a Novikovnik either When Karl Veers put West Heisen on an unsustainable course, I just elected to fight my own wars from then on. The genocidal plot against this countrys Ziconeans sparked me into action Not only did I realize that my meager abilities carrying a gun, knowing how to use it properly had application here as one of many, but I also realized that the Heisenians here wouldnt be far behind either.
I wish I had any such fascinating tale I was conscripted during the Civil War by order of Director Del Tuono and his military puppets I was an aspiring theater actor beforehand So I took the first opportunity to surrender to an Ocelotist cell that I could find and defected , Lucio shrugged.
Well, we all have our-, Abigail said, just as she took notice of a buzzing sensation from her digital watch. She stopped in her tracks at the sight of the blinking red light emitting from it, Lucio, were getting out of here.
Lucio set down his coffee, Huh? Whats happened?
Just about the last thing we ever wanted to happen The safehouse has been compromised by outsiders We cant afford the luxury of assuming its a false alarm , Abigail remarked. She pulled a cellphone out of her pocket and dialed up a particular number.
Meanwhile, at the Razors Edge club not far away, Giovanni Sforza retrieved his phone from his pocket and answered it, Abigail, I presume I hope this is an emergency. You know that I have to throw this phone away now youve forced me to use it
Abigail answered from the other end of the line, Stuff it, Sforza The motion-sensors I set up at Ocelot-28 have been set off, and you know what that means
The safehouse is compromised By the name of the Tide Queen We have to assume the worse, Abigail. Do you have a firearm on you?, queried Sforza.
Yeah, I brought Ol Reliable, my lucky 9mm semiautomatic Im out right now. Obviously Im not going to be unarmed!, Abigail replied.
Great, Ill meet you-!, said Sforza, as Serena cut him off. Giovanni, I think theres something bad brewing up here Do you see those two men that just entered? Sforza redirected his attention to where Serena had been pointing Though no one else seemed to notice, two identically dressed men in black business suits had been in the process of escorting the manager of the nightclub into the backroom and from the look on his face, he wasnt too happy to oblige.
How could I have been so blind?! So stupid?! If they know where my safehouse is in the Underground, then they had to have been watching me long enough to track me here! This is where I put the crew together to begin with! Could be the Admirals personal henchmen but I have a sinking feeling this is something else going on
Sforza grabbed Serena by the shoulder and began to tug her along, We have to get out of here and now, Serena! Safehouse Ocelot-28 has been breached Abigail and Lucio are already on their way to investigate and clear out any hostiles! But you You and I have a special mission. See I cant tell you who, but theres an inside-man in the regime that I meet at 12 midnight on the 30th of every month by the pier not far from the Razors Edge. Sometimes if he wants to get In touch, hell find me there but those guys you saw were not his.
Serena wrested herself free from Sforzas grip and followed him surreptitiously out the back-entrance, Giovanni, let go of my arm and let me take care of myself And where do we go for the next 4 hours til midnight How do even know if its still safe to meet him? And what about Abigail and Lucio Theyre going back even though the alarms went off in the safehouse Theyll get themselves captured maybe killed!
Sforza tensely explained the situation to the best of his ability, racing about the side of the abandoned warehouse where the nightclub was installed. Serena I know it sounds crazy, but they have to go back! If Zendies have breached Ocelot-28, then the pathway to Stigmergia is open to them and from there, how hard will it be for them to root out the entire Network using our own transportation system ! An alert has to be sent out to Network Central to make proactive adjustments Blow up and seal off connecting passageways leading from compromised private and common areas Then maybe make plans for creating new tunnels and new facilities where theyre less likely to be looking out for any! Weve only been able to persevere this long by our wits. A few dumb mistakes can lead to the deaths of hundreds of our own!
Im afraid, Signor Sforza, that youve already committed one dumb mistake too many in your illustrious career. Sforza and Serena were startled by this unexpected voice out of the blue. Around the bend, there waited the two men-in-black from before, pistols drawn, and flanked by the two in the center was an unfamiliar face. A young woman around Serenas age with platinum blonde hair, wearing the uniform of a StateSec lieutenant, This little cat-and-mouse game youve been playing with us is now officially over, Signor Sforza You are under arrest for crimes against the people of Ridnez and the New State Racketeering, black-market activities, gun-running, drug-running You have quite the rapsheet.
Yeah, thats Tetra told me last time I was in this position And unless Ludovico Tetra got a lot better looking, all I can say is I didnt even know there were any women in the Directorate of State Security, Sforza quipped.
We are all, men and women both, willing to do the best by our country A shame to see some young men and women fail to be animated by the same sense of responsibility Especially you, Signora Gerloni What would your father think?, the woman remarked, But forgive me for failing to introduce myself I am First Lieutenant Carmela Benedetta And at the risk of being redundant, yes, you both are under arrest.
8:37 PM
Can you believe that all this firepower was sitting here right under our feet for what? Weeks?! Months?! Ill say this about the Ocelotists They sure know how to nest goodies away where no one will find them.
One Zendirist tactical police operative commented on the organization of the Ocelotist safehouse with something approaching admiration. His fellows were less than impressed. Dante, cut it out We all just know you just envy these peoples gun collection
The agent called Dante did not deny this, Hell yeah I would like to have these peoples gun collection! A man has certain interests But I will say against their favor, they werent too smart having only one way in or out I mean, the ventilation duct Please! A third operative chimed in, Heh All we have to do is cover this grate, wait for the Ocelotist dogs to arrive, and then well, what happens then depends on whether Interim Director Bertolini thinks theyre high-priority candidates for interrogation.
Interesting strategic analysis, even if your conclusions are a bit grisly , commented the voice of Lucio Andreozzi, seemingly coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. The statement was concluded by the disembodied voice of Abigail Roth, But there is one mistake you boys made You thought there was only one way into the safehouse. With that, a hidden trapdoor threw open from the floor. Simultaneously, a pineapple grenade was tossed into the air and within seconds detonated the ammunition crates randomly strewn throughout the chamber. The safehouse was no more.
For a full minute, fire and noise licked at Abigail and Lucio as they strove to crawl back the way opposite from the trapdoor. Abigail yelled out, at just about the point she became audible, Lucio! Lucio this was stupid! This was very stupid! Occupying the space immediately anterior to Abigail in the crawlspace, Lucio cried back out in response, Well ! Blame yourself, fearless leader! This was the best idea you could come up with on short notice ! You mean to tell me there was no better contingency plan than to explode an entire room of live gunpowder right above our heads ?! Abigail growled back, Grr Blame Sforza That was his safehouse and he hung up on me as we were discussing plan of attack Self-destructive moron
Abigail and Lucio finally reached another junction of the utility tunnel network at the other end of the crawlspace, which happened to lead to another abnormally large ventilation grate. Lucio kicked the grate loose, allowing himself and Abigail to fully extricate themselves. Abigail sighed from exhaustion, her pulse bounding within her chest, Huh huh Well, at least we can be reasonably sure the safehouse is totally inaccessible to the Zendies from now on And Stigmergia with it Heh, so much for moving 4 crates by next Friday Ow.
9:20 PM
No! I refuse to cooperate with you I wont give up. And neither with Giovanni!
Serena stood in front of Sforza, arms spread across in protection, perplexing him and the Zendy operatives sent to capture him in equal measure. You just said it You know who my father is He wouldnt allow you to harm me. The Ars Goetia case remained clutched in one of Serenas hands as she remembered its value. And and this thing I dont know what it is or what it does, but Giovanni has it on good authority This is the key to everything you people want. You cant let it be harmed either, isnt that right? She proceeded to clutch the case in front of her chest, hoping that even if they risked using tasers or less-lethal weaponry on her, that they would not risk the Ars Goetia trigger.
Signora Gerloni Please You are making an ass of yourself. If you do not surrender yourself and your boyfriend and the item in your possession then I will be forced to torch the warehouse-secreted pleasure-den beside us with all the sordid, recidivistic clientele inside No great loss, but given this locations evident sentimental value to Giovanni, I dont suppose youd like to be forced to witness as it burns to the ground , said First Lieutenant Benedetta.
This has gone on long enough !, Sforza exclaimed, Look I get it. You people want me to surrender myself. Ill come quietly. But just please give me a minute or two alone with Serena Benedetta folded her arms behind her back in mild amusement, Well be waiting in eager anticipation, Signor Sforza
Sforza lightly placed his hands on the shoulders of a still highly tense and not fully comprehending Serena Gerloni, even while she continued to tightly hold the Ars Goetia with no sign of letting go. Listen, Serena I know we havent known each other for very long. Youve been a good friend an amazing friend in this rather friendless and sometimes lonely world. I dont know about all these people saying boyfriend, girlfriend Thats maybe a bit much for now
Serena snapped at Sforza in impatience, Giovanni!
Sforza leaned in close and lowered his voice to a whisper, Right, so heres the short version Uh Remember midnight. I did get a call in to the missing member of our group in all this before I tossed that sh*t phone into the marina water Hes coming 9:30 which is in 2 minutes, so you should duck when you hear the motor running Yeah, thats about it
Clearly whatever Serena was expecting Giovanni to say, it was something else. Her sole reply: What?!
Sforza put his hands behind his head and slowly walked towards Benedetta and her two grunts. But while the Zendies handcuffed Sforza, Serena inched closer to the edge of the pier.
Not this childishness again! Your Giovanni had the good sense to give up the ghost Why dont you? Your father has been looking forward to a reunion after all these years, urged Benedetta
Serena did her best to sound confident and cocky, whether in hopes of convincing the Lieutenant or convincing herself. You know, it has been many years, hasnt it? But Im going to tell you the same thing I told me father at age 16 Get stuffed!
At those words were said, Serena picked up the rapidly increasing pitch of a speedboat motor. In seconds, she ducked to the pier with the Ars Goetia in her grasp, while a burst of cover fire came from a machine gun mounting onto the hull of the approaching speedboat. The fifth and final member of the Sforza crew had arrived at last.
Serena, jump in, quick!, yelled Konstantin Pappas.
Serena lit up with hope at her comrades appearance and leaped into the boat with the Ars Goetia. Konstantin, youre a life-saver if ever there was one! I dont know where you came from, but weve gotta vamoose! As they shot off into the bay beneath the inky-black night, Sforza overheard Serenas voice trail off into the distance, Oh holy Phantasmic Court, we give honor to you for the blessings of speedboats, for thou art !
When all trace of Serena and Konstantin faded from view, Sforza let out a deep and relieved sigh, as if he had been holding his breath for far too long.
Make it, Serena For the sake of all of us please make it.
Read dispatch
Twilight of the Idols Part 7
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
On a tributary of the Chryselephantine River, Fulmine Rosso
9:35 PM
Konstantin! I was wondering where you had gone while the rest of us held down the fort!
Serena clutched the Ars Goetia against her body, hunched down within the interior of the moving speedboat, But I have a question Where do we go now? Giovannis safehouse is done for Do we even have a Plan B ? All of a sudden, she heard gunfire overhead and ducked for cover as bullets whizzed by.
Well, girl, there is still the small complication of shaking off these police boats Afterwards, I suppose well have to play it by ear! I can call in a few favors that I picked up in my time working for House Aritidoukas. Ziconeans didnt carry their 3000-year civilization this far by lying down and dying when they were told to!, Konstantin replied, peppering the three pursuing speedboats with return fire from his mounted machine gun. Have you figured out what that electronic keycard was for anyway ?
Thats just it, Konstantin! Giovanni told me just a few minutes before you arrived ! Hes been in touch with the contact who sent out the original tip! They were supposed to meet at the pier tonight!, Serena yelled to make herself heard over the sounds of the motor, the intermittent gunfire, and the water splashing by her sides.
Konstantin reacted to the information with surprise and consternation, Tonight?! At the pier?! Well, seeing the sh*tstorm brewing down at the docks should convince Sforzas contact to keep the hell away ! And if Sforzas been captured, I wouldnt put it outside the realm of likelihood that the so-called contact has been rounded up too ! And if the Ars Goetia is as important to the Zendirists as he claims, theyd put a bullet in him for sure
Bullet ?! Are you talking about Giovanni or the mystery-man again?, queried Serena. The response from Konstantin came in brusque form, I mean both What happened to Andreozzi and Roth, by the way? Before Serena could answer, Giovanni swerved hard to the left to avoid the discharge from one of the pursuers grenade launchers, knocking her off her feet and against the side of the boat.
Ack! Could you be a bit gentler on the turns next time?! I dont know where Abigail and Lucio are Right before we got cornered by StateSec, Giovanni received a call from them saying the safehouse was compromised Giovanni told them to head back to destroy it and seal the path to other parts of the Underground!, she answered.
Konstantin fired on one of the pursuing speedboats, shredding its hull, So thats what you meant when you said the safehouse is no more What you mean to tell me is that all our close allies are dead. We are the only ones left. In that case, in my capacity as a knight of the House Zografidis, it was an honor to work beside you, Serena Gerloni
Serena emoted palpable shock at Konstantins conclusion, Hey, now! You said yourself that people dont survive for long by rolling over and calling it quits! We have a mission, a purpose thats larger than any we could have imagined being thrust onto our shoulders. You may not have signed up for this, but for Giovannis sake Weve got to find whoever can use the Ars Goetia for the most good and ensure it reaches them!
Konstantin smirked to himself, ever so slightly so as not to throw off his gruff and stolid demeanor. You are a spirited young lady If only I could have introduced you to some of my brothers back in the old country They would have loved to make a wife out of a woman with your verve. Serena was taken aback, What the f*ck? Im not going to marry one of your drinking buddies! What sort of thought is that while making a courageous last stand ?!
Forgive an old-fashioned man for his old-fashioned ways, Serena! But I agree, even if this is to be our end, we have to give it our all in the trying!
Via di Primavera, Fulmine Rosso
10:30 PM
What is the meaning of this?! I have urgent business to conduct down this way, Officer, and you are standing in the way of my addressing it!
Giulio Bisogno sat at the window of his staff car, pulled up by a cordon established by the Fulmine Rosso police. He confronted one of the officers posted at the barrier, You do realize that I am the Supreme Commander of the Ridnez Armed Forces by appointment of the General Directorate! As all of sovereign Ridnezite land is under a condition of martial law at present, there is absolutely no excuse for your insistence on obstructing my path! I will have you stripped of your badge if you do not unobstruct me at once!
The beleaguered officer sighed to himself, I apologize, Admiral Bisogno, but I answer directly to the Directorate of State Security, and that makes my most superior commanding officer at the moment Interim Director Vito Bertolini! If you have an issue with his decision to block this street, I suggest that you consult with him yourself
Bisogno curled his lip into a grimace and ordered his chauffeur, Corporal, send a call to the office of Vito Bertolini in Centro Nuovo Apparently the higher-ups of StateSec have decided to surpass the legitimate bounds of their authority! Bisognos driver obliged and dialed the number on a secure line, Yes, sir, Grand Admiral Interim Director Bertolini on the line right now!
The speakers of Bisognos car emitted the voice of the StateSec chief, Admiral Bisogno, I presume To what do I owe the pleasure? Bisogno stated his concern, Bertolini, what I want to know is the answer to one rather simple question. Do you have any idea what the term martial law means?!
Bertolini half-chuckled his astonishment, Heh, what?! Bisogno continued to voice his grievance, Bertolini, on what authority did you decide that you had the right to blockade all access routes leading to Fulmine Rossos waterfront without my agreement? All branches of the Armed Forces within this country ultimately report to me! You have no justification for undertaking a decision of this magnitude by yourself!
Bertolini replied in a casual tone, Admiral, this is classified information, but in deference to your post, I will be candid with you. The Fulmine Rosso branch of StateSec has been conducting an investigation of Ocelotist smuggling operations in the general area for the past several months I had a recent report come in within the past hour, actually inform that a joint police-intelligence effort to flush the criminals out resulted in a desperate counterattack, setting fire to a former Oberto warehouse at the docks. The blockade has been established in the interest of public safety
Bisogno processed what he had just been told with a degree of trepidation, Ocelotist smugglers? Dont you agree that such matters as these are best left to be handled by the Military Police? Especially as your people seem to have bungled your operation as it is
With all due respect, Admiral, I dont appreciate your insinuation that StateSec is incapable of containing the situation without military assistance Our operatives have already placed the leader of the smuggling ring into custody, so his partners shouldnt take too much longer to round up. At this stage, were perfectly content to assign this incident to the category of strictly minor felony, Bertolini stated.
Bisogno bristled, You said that they set a shipping warehouse ablaze? I see this as an attack on maritime traffic and resource allocation. As far as Im concerned, this debacle has graduated into a question of outright domestic terrorism Hand control of the developing situation over to me. Ill have things wrapped up within a few hours.
If thats your will, I can hardly go against you, only serving in right of the true Director of StateSec in absentia But Ill remind you that the outcome of the nights events can very well be spun for political advantage when the Integral Social Vanguard holds its biannual congress on the 6th of October, Bertolini warned.
Political advantage is the farthest from my mind. I see a threat to the peace and a potential act of sabotage against our war effort In any event, dont try to pretend neutrality for even a minute, as we both know which claim to civilian political leadership will be backed by the spokesmen of your directorate at the party congress. Tell Vincenzo Borrelli that whatever game hes playing is one I have no reason to partake in! Grand Admiral, out, Bisogno replied. The chauffeur hung up the call, while Bisogno stepped out from his car.
The officers maintaining the cordon simultaneously received a message from their earpieces. Acknowledged. Over and out. It seems that the Interim Director has granted us permission to receive your orders, Admiral Bisogno, sir The next move is yours. The officers stepped out of Bisognos way as he bypassed the cordon and made a determined march towards the waterfront. I cant believe I put my faith in that stupid child. But its too late now to re-strategize. If anyone still has the means to prevent the Zendirist madmen from reuniting the Nyx triggers, it falls to Giovanni Sforza. That irresolute stripling. May Amadastra and Cothestrus show their mercy upon Ridnez, indeed.
General Ridnez Petrochemical HQ, Fulmine Rosso
10:37 PM
Standing by the window of his executive office, Vincenzo Borrelli observed the pillar of flame from the docks, which was once the Razors Edge nightclub, send flickers of light adrift into the night sky to be drowned out by the darkness. Arms folded behind his back, Borrelli contemplated, The Ocelotist scum appear to be putting up a better fight than Bertolinis assurances would suggest. Was the Ars Goetia destroyed in the blaze? Could some random act of general ineptitude be responsible for smashing all our hopes for the future? I must know whats happening down there!
Borrelli heard the ringing of his phone on his desk. After checking the caller ID, he eagerly hit the answer button, Vito Bertolini Almost as if by happenstance I was only seconds away from calling you. Just what the devil has transpired? I thought you had Sforza and his co-conspirators under observation for weeks! How could you have allowed a dock fire to occur, of all things?
Bertoloni responded, Fear not, dirigente The fire is well-controlled. The warehouse in question was a hotbed of iniquity and a frequent dive of the Sforza fellow. I had ordered it to be done for the purpose of justifying a police blockade around the waterfront It turns out that you were right about Admiral Bisogno. He did show up at the cordon, rather aggressively demanding to be let past to conduct an unspecified article of business I only wonder what business this could have been, hm?
Borrelli approached the speaker emitting Bertolinis voice and hunched over the desk, Circumstantial evidence perhaps, but it doesnt matter! When Sforza is under custody, well be able to ascertain the truth from him then Even if he requires to be persuaded to talk. But Borrelli backed off from the desk, took a deep breath, and seemed to diminish In intensity, But I would like a chance to speak with the lad first.
Bertolini was flabbergasted. You want to expose yourself to the risk and the danger of a personal encounter...? Greatest respect, dirigente, but he is a hardened criminal and a anti-Zendirist rebel to boot. If anything goes wrong with his containment procedures, he could certainly end you And what reason would he have not to especially if he is working with Bisogno?
Borrelli saw the specter of Andreas Bombardone opposite him from the desk, seated in a chair. The specter talked to him, Tell Bertolini that Sforza is a young man of hardy Ridnezite stock with a decent head on his shoulders. Tell him that its important to persuade the lad not through crude threats and violence, but by simply telling him the truth of the world. There is no force more irresistible than that.
Dirigente? Youve fallen silent Is there anything wrong? Is anyone in there with you right now?, asked Bertolini.
Borrelli snapped back to reality and noticed a fine tremor in his right hand, setting himself down in his seat slowly and weakly as Bertolini spoke through the phone. I have er to explain to the man. To the young man Without warning, Borrelli then suddenly snapped forward with a renewed energy bordering on desperation, I have to show Sforza exactly what it is hes been doing here by keeping me from my goal If nothing else, hes proven to possess a powerful instinct for self-preservation and a keen innate intelligence. All good traits for a Zendirist to have His intrigues, though petty and perverse, showcase a certain potential for espionage that could be of benefit to the New State. Im certain of it All thats needed to reorient Sforzas virtues toward their proper ends is to be made cognizant of the grievous costs the people must bear for his antisocial defiance!
I I see your dedication to the people is as strong as the Hierarchs ever was. Yes, youre right. We arent Shahi brutes All Ridnezites have common cause with the future of civilization on this planet. Show the young man his errors and allow him to make up for them By handing over not just the Ars Goetia and the Admiral, but everything else he knows about the Ocelotist Network, said Bertoloni.
Bombardones ghost returned to speak again in Borrellis brain, But just in case
Just in case have the Retromnemon prepared for use. Hes been captured one time too many to forgo the procedure on him any longer, Borrelli ordered.
5 blocks from the waterfront, Residential Block 40-G, Fulmine Rosso
10:45 PM
Dont look at anyone else for too long, Abigail But dont act all fidgety and nervous either. Youve gotta act naturally, like anyone else caught up in all this.
Lucio whispered advice into Abigails ear as they, dressed simply as civilians, walked opposite the flow of human bodies obeying the police evacuation order passed over the waterfront district. Lucio wore a black polo shirt and sweatpants; Abigail was dressed in a blue T-shirt, dark green jacket, and denim jeans. And word of advice, next time you want to take a breath of fresh air, wear all-black. It hides the dust and stains from crawling around grimy old tunnels and musty ventilation shafts better.
Abigail whispered back, I dont like this, Lucio That damn idiot screwed up, and now weve got to find him and pull him out. Lucio snarked, Oh, so you liked better when we had to sneak underneath 3 armed guys to blow them up before they shot us?
Im serious, Lucio You and I are Were going to be treated differently here. If they ask any questions And they find out Im Heisenian, Abigail muttered. And here I thought you were supposed to be the brave one! Look, weve been in difficult spots before, but its our duty to Giovanni and the others to at least find out what happened
Lucio and Abigail ducked inside as they neared an alleyway between two buildings, being careful to look in all directions around them and not to make too much noise. When they were almost one block away from the pier where the Razors Edge used to be, they disturbed a nest of particularly large rats, causing them to hiss, squeak, and spill out onto the streets. One of the policemen guarding the scene of the crime was alerted by the minor commotion and approached the alleyway out of curiosity, shining the flashlight of his rifle down the filth-encrusted corridor, but finding nothing more than a few garbage cans, loose garbage can lids, and a dumpster. This was supposed to be the model city, they said I guess vermin and trash are just inescapable realities of cities even when theyre made to model-order, huh?, the officer remarked to himself.
The officer turned his back on the alley and began to saunter back to the scene surrounding the warehouse blaze, but before he could make much progress, he felt the barrel of a handgun jab sharply into his back. Freezing up automatically, the officer was quickly put in a chokehold and dragged back into the alleyway by Abigail. One thud to the back of the head, and the officer was unconscious. Now, Lucio, this guy Hes a schlemiel, not you. Alright, now its your turn to do your thing, boy. Suit up in his armor and take a look down where the fireworks are at. Locate Sforza, but do not try to rescue him yet Were inadequately prepared, so it would be stupid, understand? Lucio moaned to himself, Ugh, why is it that I always get the hard part?
Lucio dressed in the officers uniform and tactical gear and walked in the direction of the warehouse, while Abigail deposited the officer himself in the dumpster and carefully tracked Lucio from a distance using the back-alleys for cover. The first thing Lucio noticed was the police wagon holding Sforza, parked by the curb away from the pier. Lucio proceeded down the length of the pier, searching for sign of what might have happened to Serena. Nows time to take your own advice, man Act normally, like youre supposed to be here If only I had a better idea of how a StateSec officer is supposed to act in these situations
Lucio took a long, hard look at the brackish waters of the harbor, then decided to head back. As he walked back his path, he took notice of First Lieutenant Benedetta, giving orders to several of the other officers on the scene. Signora Gerloni and her as-yet unidentified partner have made off with the chief item of interest in this investigation. It does not concern us what the item is for; this is classified information above our rank in the hierarchy. What does concern us is returning the item in one piece, and if it can be reasonably accomplished, Signora Gerloni herself She is the daughter of the esteemed Director Gerloni of the Environmental Protection Directorate, and as such, is not to be harmed. Her partner, on the other hand, from reports of Sforza on file, is believed to be a Ziconean beast with organized crime ties He is to be shot on sight, do I make myself clear?
As Lucio passed by, Benedetta scanned Lucio with her wandering eye; everything about his posture and mannerism seemed off. You there Officer Marconi, I thought I told you to cover the intersection of Strada Fuldio and Incrocio Rosita What are you doing wandering so far from your post? Lucio froze up momentarily, then quickly formulated a response. Ah, I was uh asked to cover this area for the officer previously on duty here, while he had to use the restroom.
Benedetta stepped forwards. Is that right? Then tell me, what is this other officers name? Actually, what is my name? Lucio stood still and without word, reviewing his options. Great, this is exactly how we didnt want it to go down? Do I try to BS it? No, that wont work I have the officers rifle ! But Im outgunned! To hell with this ! Before another thought could cross Lucios mind, Benedetta whipped out a small cylindrical staff from her sleeve and, in one single graceful motion, flicked it to extend it out to a length of one-and-a-half meters, while striking Lucio with 50,000 volts running through the tip, stunning him and causing him to crumple towards the ground. One more dumb mistake to go on top of the pile, it appears If only all Sforzas accomplices could give themselves over through such half-baked stunts.
Benedetta was alarmed as she heard the sound of a gunshot, followed by one of the 4 StateSec officers surrounding the fallen Lucio Andreozzi grunted and flew backwards onto the ground beside them. Her head, and those of the three remaining officers, whipped around, as approaching the pier with a stride of perhaps unjustifiable confidence was Abigail, reloading her handgun. You know, Lucio was right Ive never been the coward in this outfit and Im not about to start today! Im taking my friend and Sforza back, thank you. Stand aside or do your best to stop me! Benedetta was shocked by the turn of events, I didnt consider my taunt to your fallen comrade as an invitation, but if you want to die, girl, there were easier ways of accomplishing it! Open fire!
The three remaining officers did as commanded, spraying bullets on where Abigail had been a second ago, but anticipating their move, she rolled out of the way and came up in a crouching position, getting off two headshots that dispatched all but one of the remaining armed officers and the Lieutenant herself. Abigail quickly closed the distance, as the last man with a rifle was obstructed from getting a clear shot by Benedetta and his partners falling bodies. Abigail covered Lucio, pistol now at point-blank range from the Lieutenant, To be honest, Id have been maybe a bit more hesitant if I didnt already know from experience that StateSec goons cant hit the broad side of a barn Now, Mr. Macho with the assault rifle, dont try anything unless you want the blonde to get it! Throw away your weapons!
After a moment of silence and uncertainty, Benedetta gave the order, Do as she says, Officer Zappolini. It hardly matters. They wont get away. The last remaining armed officer on scene complied and placed his rifle at his feet, then rose with hands up. That goes for you do, blondie. I dont know what kind of trick you pulled before, but dispense with the souped-up band leaders mace, why dont you? Benedetta calmly twiddled her staff to draw attention to it, You mean this? Oh, its more like a glorified cattle prod really if I had to describe it Without warning, the Lieutenant flicked the staff out with a twitch of the wrist. Abigail attempted to evade, but the side of the staff glanced her own wrist and forced her to drop her handgun. Think a police taser or stun gun A really, really powerful one. But the current is entirely focused at the tip, you see If your reflexes were a smidgen less quick, Id have conducted enough amps in you to have you in similar condition to your accomplice. So how about I make you the same offer to surrender as you gave me?
Abigail steeled herself for the confrontation she knew was inevitable to ensue. Sorry, blondie, but Its not in the cards for me. I know what you people have done to your antisocial nationalities in the Outer Sector Death is preferable to that, and I still have people relying on me a mission to complete! She ducked underneath Benedettas electrical wand as the next attack came out, then quickly grabbed Officer Zappolinis rifle, butting him in the stomach with it and following up by knocking Zappolini out with a strike to the face from the barrel. Quickly, Abigail tried to get some distance from Benedetta and oriented the rifle within her grip. But then a stray thought caused her to hesitate If I miss, I could hit Lucio Dont tell me I have to fight this witch one-on-one!
The thought was quickly broken by Benedettas sudden surge forward anyway, forcing Abigail to drop the rifle. It wouldnt have done you much good, anyway. Standard-issue firearms used by Ridnezite police and military are fingerprint-locked So you meant to imply before that you belong in the Outer Sector with the rest of this countrys rubbish? Then there is no need to hold anything back!
On a tributary of the Chryselephantine River, Fulmine Rosso
11:20 PM
They just keep coming! How many speedboats could the Fulmine Rosso Police Department have on hand anyway?!
Serena took a despairing look behind her as the small fleet of pursuing police boats seemed to hound them to the ends of the earth. By now, she had to take over the task of steering, even though she had never been in a speedboat before in her life. Seriously, every one that you take out Two or three more just take their place and like, immediately! They cant be getting paid that well!
Konstantin replied in between bursts of machine gun fire, Its not the money, Serena. You should know that very well by now These men believe that our success means the doom of their country. Few things can inspire a man to put his life on the line more than the defense of his people! They, and I, are alike in that regard !
By this point, Serena had taken Konstantin and herself far enough down the waterway to partially circumnavigate the tiny peninsular outcropping that the city of Fulmine Rosso itself was founded upon. I just want you to know, Konstantin I have no idea where Im going This was your rescue, remember?! Just as the words were spoken, the noise of another lobbed grenade, exploding above the water, rang in her ears. And do you think theyre still serious about not trying to kill me?! It sure looks like they dont care very much about what my father thinks any longer !
Just then, Serena saw a line of more police boats mobilized in the distance ahead of her, Aw, no It cant be! Weve been played for fools! Konstantin turned to look in Serenas direction and understood instantly, Its a pincer attack! Weve been surrounded!
Serena choked on the lump in her throat as the next few words came forth, Then this really is the end !
Serena and Konstantins speedboat swerved in a last-ditch effort to escape into the river, but it was futile. A volley of gunfire sprinkled on their boat from both ends ignited the gas tank. In the passing second before disaster, Serena leaped back from the steering apparatus of the boat, clutching the case containing the Ars Goetia. Got to save this thing! Giovanni believed in me! Its our only hope!
Then the boats gas tank detonated; where Serena and Konstantin once stood was naught but another fireball on the waterfront.
Serena and Konstantin had gained just enough momentum jumping off the boat that the concussive force wave of the explosion only seared their backs and propelled them several more meters into the inky darkness of the river. Serena remained strongly gripped to the Ars Goetia, as if it could save her or as though she could save it But the principles of gravity and buoyancy had decided otherwise; clutching the Key of Night only hastened her descent into the depths. I Im sorry I couldnt do it, Giovanni. I let us down Let down all of us. Our hope for a better ending Serena rapidly lost consciousness after hitting the water, but before she fully faded out, she vaguely sensed being cradled and lifted Salvation, or a dying dream?
By the former Razors Edge nightclub, Fulmine Rosso
11:35 PM
Carmela Benedetta took several agile thrusts with her electrified staff as she forced Abigail Roth down the length of the pier against the backdrop of the warehouse blaze. You have no hope here, subhuman dog! I was mentored by Director Del Tuono himself! I was up for consideration to replace him, even
Abigail was unimpressed, So you were taught by a crusty sadistic former engineer to wave around a stick? Thats quite the qualification you have on you! Guess you were passed up for Tetra cause you were a woman though, huh? That must have stung Abigail retaliated by parrying Benedettas swing, pulling her into a knee to the abdomen to take the wind out of her, and throwing her off several feet to gain some room to maneuver.
Benedetta regained her breath more quickly than someone of her age, build, and general appearance would suggest, S-shut up! Ill show you what stings when you taste the end of my staff! She rushed for Abigail, bringing the staff down with a two-handed smash into a wooden crate. Abigail dodged without much difficulty; the Lieutenants susceptibility to taunting made her form sloppy.
How about I regale you with my qualifications as I beat you into the ground? Army of the Republic of West Heisen, National Guard, 76th Infantry Division , Abigail taunts, delivering a quick flurry of blows to Benedettas head and flank, taking her off-balance. Heisenian armed forces have innovated a special technique of close-quarters combat We call it Paru Mila; you dont need to know what it means in my native tongue.
Benedetta took another swing, broad and clumsy, behind her. Abigail predicted the movement and grappled with Benedetta, grabbing Benedettas staff-holding arm by the wrist and yanking it to her side while slamming a descending fist into the Lieutenants face. Abigail pressed the advantage, landing a side kick knocking Benedetta into a pile of crates and forcing her to drop the staff. By the time Benedetta reoriented herself and was ready to reenter the fray, Abigail already had the staff in hand and stood over her. Good night, blondie. With that, Abigail struck the First Lieutenant directly In the chest with the tip of the staff, sending her into helpless convulsions on the ground and forcing her to pass out.
Dropping the staff, its use exhausted, Abigail supported herself on her knees, finally allowing herself to catch her breath and recoup. But no sooner did she allow herself to relax than she heard a less-than-encouraging round of applause from farther back up the pier. Standing above the still-unconscious body of the disguised Lucio, and by the deceased bodies of several other StateSec officers, an older bearded man in naval uniform clapped his hands, whether in mockery or genuine appreciation was impossible to tell.
Standing in a solid line beside him were about a dozen more armed agents, attired somewhat differently from the StateSec officers before. StateSec wore solid black; these dressed in a dark blue. Otherwise, both units appeared equally militarized, their individual identities buried beneath tactical gear. But of more pressing attention to Abigail was that they cocked their guns in near-unison and readied laser-sights all dead center on her torso.
That was quite a show you and Bertolinis henchwoman put on for the lot of us. Consider us sufficiently amused but as you can clearly see, you are outnumbered and, needless to say, outgunned. I will graciously accept your surrender, stated the Admiral.
Through a winded, nearly spent voice, Abigail offered a flicker of defiance, L-like Like hell Ill surrender to you! Did you hear anything that I just told sleeping beauty over here? Id rather die than experience what you Zendirist filth have in store. So just shoot me now Even as the words passed her lips, Abigail could not help but wonder if those were the right ones. Praised be to Lord Axon, redeem my impure soul
Bisogno loosened up by a tick and considered his course of action, Miss Im afraid you have me sorely misunderstood. Recall that the relationship between the Republic and the Armed Forces has always been one of distrustful collaboration and never blind submission to civilian control I dont deny what Zendirists have done or are doing still to your people. But on my honor as the scion of the noble line Bisogno or Bisonium you and your comrades will not be harmed if you come with me.
B-bullsh*t Dont try to deny that the armed forces chiefs are completely and totally on the same page as the Zendies now I know my history. Its how it has been for the last twenty years in this country. You allowed Andreas Bombardone to take control of civilian administration and whored your services out to his abominable nest of vipers! Youre no better than they are!, argued Abigail.
Admiral Bisogno sighed to himself, I cannot rightfully refute any of these claims. But I insist that, today I am on the level. What must I do to persuade you of my sincerity?
Abigail thought to herself, then came the reply. I want you to get those damned sights off me already! They make me nervous Bisogno looked to his military policemen and nodded his head to the side, signaling them to stop aiming for the desperate Ocelotist. Now you can free Giovanni Sforza right now and let him and the both of us get out of here and dont attempt to follow, or well know it!
Bisogno spread his arms out and half-shrugged, I am afraid that one of these requests is outside of my ability to oblige, my dear The goons of State Security have already spirited the Sforza lad away from the area. They acted as soon as you and your friend started making a commotion demanding my personal appearance.
Then where are they taking him?!, Abigail demanded to know. Bisogno slowly approached Abigails position down the feet, being light and careful with his footsteps, and leaving Lucio to the MPs. As I said civilian and military authorities in this country answer to two completely unrelated hierarchies. For now, mine is supposed to take precedence as the General Directorate absent the guidance of a Chief of State reluctantly agreed to submit to my temporary wartime leadership. But the loyalists of the New State conspire around me nevertheless, behind my back to the detriment of this country, I would say. And to the detriment of the Heisenian race and so-called Ocelotist cause, within the country, to add.
Abigail listened intently as she began to comprehend. Bisogno continued to grow nearer, You see Sforza and I had an arrangement some time back One in which I had sworn him into secrecy for the sake of mutual self-preservation but exceptional circumstances call for deviations from accepted protocol.
Abigails expression changed from one of defiant determination to one of total surprise, You Y-youre the contact ? Youre the contact?!
Bisogno then came to a stop in a few feet from Abigail. No words passed between the two; instead he waited for her for fully absorb the implications. But at the corner of the Admirals peripheral vision, he witnessed a V-shaped formation of sleek gray bodies streak at a rapid pace through the sky. Most other men would be unable to notice their approach, but Bisogno had enough experience to know what an air wing of bomber jets looked like fast approaching.
Bisognos eyes widened up with dawning terror, By Amadastras veil! We have to evacuate the premises now! Tell civilians to head for regionally organized bomb shelters! Theres only a minute or two in which to act !
General Ridnez Petrochemical HQ, Fulmine Rosso
12 midnight
The 8th Bomb Wing of the Royal Shah Air Force flew over the city, releasing small but powerful payloads of explosives. The Conti University campus the culture and dining spots of Via di Primavera the Blanco Nero Building under reconstruction electrical substations, police stations, armories, other strategic targets but also gardens, museums, public parks, schools, hospitals were struck with a brief yet supremely devastating rain of death from the skies.
Vincenzo Borrelli witnessed the ongoing annihilation of Fulmine Rosso, paralyzed with fear, disbelief, and indecision. I I cannot believe what Im seeing. Its not possible. Its just not possible! Isnt the Aerospace Force supposed to maintain radar arrays to warn us of any breach of our airspace well before ?
Bombardones specter materialized again into the room, standing beside Borrellis desk. Now you receive but a small sample of the fate that awaits the people of Ridnez if the schemes of our enemies are allowed to come to fruition! Look upon grand, proud Fulmine Rosso from the heights of your tower Look upon the ultimate Zendirist project the model of the clean, prosperous society we had promised our people as the reward for the exactions they have been periodically compelled to endure! The very form and substance of that hard-won triumph over nature which has preoccupied generations of Ridnezite people over their entire existence! Look at it our promise to the people of a future in which they have a truly worthy place to live, to dance in the sun, to raise their children and let them know that things will be alright in the end ! Look at it burn, Vincenzo! Look at it burn, burn, burn!
Borrelli collapsed to his knees, brought to the verge of tears, as he looked at the pillars of smoke and fire sprout not just from the waterfront, but from all over. But Borrellis sorrowful collapse was interrupted by his valet Giovanni Ossola, Quick, dirigente The entire city is under a state of aerial bombardment by the League! There is no doubt, given your stature in the Council of Corporations and the prominence of this building against the skyline We are soon to be bombed as well!
The following events passed through Borrellis mind like a haze, in deep contrast to how those few seconds of the initial attack he observed felt, subjectively, to last for an eternity. He recalls as the entire corporate HQ building was put on alert for evacuation of staff, as he was rushed down hundreds of flights of the stairwell due to the many risks of using the elevator in such a situation He barely processed as his legs gave out from the strain, accompanied by a minor episode of tremors brought on by stress. Ossola grabbed Borrelli and rushed him to his limousine, and from there to a bomb shelter Staring out the window, barely capable of recognizing the world he was inhabiting anymore, Borrelli took in rapidly passing shots of wrecked, burning hulks of busses on the road, people screaming and pushing past each other in frenzied evacuations from their places of work, their places of recreation, their homes in a few cases, the bodies of the dead, some ignited and burned to death others trampled by human stampedes still others blown to bits by either the bombers payloads or explosions occurring subsequent to the original bombardment.
Bombardones voice returned in Borrellis mind.
I told you all those years ago, Vincenzo. Many will have to die. The rules of this world have decreed it. Now which of the millions should it be, Vincenzo You might well be the only man with the impact to make that decision now
Borrelli spoke his reply to the invisible specter of the late Hierarch, although Ossola was too preoccupied with driving to the shelter to care.
Seeing these crimes My will is steel, Andreas. Im sorry for having been weak all my life. I know nature abhors weakness roots it out. The people must survive; I must survive to lead the people. And the League the Ocelotist garbage the Heisenians who control both of them must pay dearly.
Read dispatch
The People of Ridnez, Special Edition, June 29, 2023
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Read dispatch
The Southeast Side Examiner, Morning Edition, August 11, 2023
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Read dispatch
Operation Steel Titan - What the Utopians Were Able to Recover From De Marco's Briefcase
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Read dispatch
Operation Static Cloud
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Read dispatch
Twilight of the Idols Part 8
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Ridnez Imperial Navy Base Caelesti Classe, Al Collo
October 2, 2023, 4:15 PM
Well, it seems that, in spite of the odds, the gangs all here through thick and thin
Lucio tried to put a positive spin on their current predicament to Abigail, Serena, and Konstantin. All of them were bound by their arms and legs to uncomfortable-looking metallic chairs. The room around them appeared pristine chrome; the overhead light beamed down upon them incessantly for hours, giving Konstantin a migraine headache. Nevertheless, he continued to exude pure strength, not visibly letting the pain show, Not all of us, Andreozzi not all of us. StateSec got to Sforza and that means its not long before they torture the identity of his contact out of the poor sod. And then from him its only a matter of time for the rest of us. For all we know, they already got what they wanted out of him, and
Shut up, Konstantin, just Just shut up! We dont know anything right now! This is the first time in the last few days that weve been taken out of our cells and allowed to speak with one another, so lets lets just remain hopeful, alright?!, objected Serena. Abigail jumped in, But Pappas has a valid point, girl Those men are ruthless to the extreme, and the stakes are higher than ever. How long can any human mind resist before cracking under their methods? And meanwhile, until Sforza does crack, the Admiral keeps us imprisoned at his leisure, to sacrifice as pawns on the gameboard whenever it suits his goals like he used Sforza himself apparently. I hate this how ineffectual we all are.
Ineffectual? No, I wouldnt say that In fact, youve all been just about the most capable allies that the boy could have asked for Based on what hes told me about you, said Bisogno, stepping through a door attached to the wall by rusted hinges, Allow me to apologize for your rather discourteous treatment under the custody of the Imperial Navy. As an officer and a gentleman, allow me to assure you that such is not the customary hospitality you had every right to expect from a gracious host of high birth.
Stuff it, Bisogno. Theres nothing to be gained by buttering us up. You have us at your mercy before you, so just say what you mean, damn it!, Abigail shouted. Bisogno shut his eyes for a moment, his expression blank, and took a deep breath, Ms. Roth, I assure you that my demeanor is no artifice. As the last scion of a noble line which has passed through the centuries, I have definite ideas of what is proper and I do my best to conform to them.
Uh-huh And does installing a nutjob who goes about throwing innocents into ghettoes and relocating them into camps register anywhere on what is proper for you?, remarked Lucio. Bisogno sauntered over with an icy calm, Mr. Andreozzi mboy. I reiterate, I am a gentleman. I am attempting to show guests the degree of courtesy that might be expected from one in my station. I would appreciate Bisogno started to yell, if you did not deliberately test me!
Bisogno walked over to an empty chair across from the four restrained Ocelotists and collapsed into it with a huff, his strength virtually leaving his knees all at once. The members of Sforzas crew exchanged glances with one another, none saying a thing. Without prompting, Serena Gerloni was the first to break the awkward silence, Er Admiral Bisogno. Its rather obvious by now that you were relying on Giovanni to help you with something important for quite some time. Something too important for you to entrust it to your own operatives in the Navy and the Marines. Because if you let the Zendirists in the capital know about it something terrible would happen. Isnt that right?
Bisogno wearily met Serenas gaze, his tired eyes meeting her sensitive ones. She continued, Please, Admiral Bisogno You plead that youre a gentleman My father spoke to me about you many times in my youth. He told me something of how you view yourself: the last man standing for a tradition of honor and service that the Ridnez of today has forgotten about. I can understand that I guess. But I will admit I dont understand, knowing that, what reason you might possibly have had for joining a dishonorable man like Bombardone those 20 years ago I was only an infant at the time But whats important is that you seem to have recognized your mistake. Some people spend their whole lives without ever confronting what they believe and the things theyve done to attain their position in life. Other people spend their whole lives charging down the wrong path, and by the time they realize that they erred, its already too late for them to turn back either they keep on going because they feel they have no other choice or sometimes they die unable to make their amends. Thats why you got Giovanni involved, right? You dont want to charge down that dark path any longer
Bisogno let out a sigh, How did a young thing like you become so perceptive? Ms. Gerloni I am the last of the House Bisogno. Attached to my command, I neglected my duty to sire an heir and Im not sure whether to sire an heir in this diseased, unvirtuous world would have done my ancestors any honor. For what purpose? For my own progeny to be taken up corrupted by the mad acolytes of Andreas Bombardone? I acted out of love for my country, Ms. Gerloni. Please you must believe me. The scheming politicians of the Republic, the corporations they whored themselves out to, the social malaise pornography, prostitution, drug dealers the mafia, serial killers, graft and extortion! It was all just too much to stand by and passively tolerate! My forebears had always maintained a strained relationship with the Republic, at the best of times. But the world stopped making any sense! We thought some of our concerns were echoed by the Zendirists in the beginning. We thought we could control Bombardone moderate his discourse and guide his action
But you couldnt You f*cked up, and you lost what little control you had of him. Now millions possibly billions are going to pay the price. Dont beg for sympathy, Bisogno You committed treason against your country and helped to spawn a living nightmare into being What excuse do you have to continue going on living when Scaglietti and Sciabarra paid the price for their sins before you?!, Abigail accused.
Serena turned towards Abigail, You Abby, youre not helping! Mr. Bisogno Admiral Bisogno isnt our enemy right now whatever wrongs he might have committed in his past. Giovanni is out there in a StateSec torture cellar right now, and we need to save him! Lucio scoffed, Serena It hardly seems like the Admirals on our side when he has us cuffed to chairs in where even is this place? You never quite told us, Mr. B
Bisogno addressed the complaint, Mr. Andreozzi, you and your may I assume you are friends? The Ocelotists shot each other befuddled glances, as if they had never stopped before to even consider the question. You and your friends have been hidden away from the prying eyes of State Security in the brig of a naval fort under my immediate command. My status as the Supreme Commander of Armed Forces has expanded my functional prerogative to make such decisions As to you, Ms. Roth, yes, I suppose you could put it bluntly that I f*cked up My dream and that of my ancestors was to see the resurgence of the Solian Crown one day and the return of the beneficent House Bocacci who appointed the Bisogno family to our traditional role as guardians of Ridnez by sea. You Ocelotists believe that your Amalfian Republic was destroyed by the Zendirists; as I see it, the New State is naught but a logical extension of Amalfis atheistic rebellion against the celestial truths of nature and spirit Like Amalfi, Bombardone styled himself a revolutionary, after all.
Lucio interrupted, Youre wrong, Mr. B. See, you have a fundamental misapprehension about what the Network believes. We acknowledge that the failings of the First Republic led to the New State. Were not afraid to admit that the Amalfian conception wasnt necessarily all it was cracked up to be from the start. But we still see merit in that ideal We can admit things are worth preserving even if they arent perfect, cause the solution then is to work on it and make it better. The Republic went down a dark path. Some of us just want to live according to our own conscience, some of us want to make a living outside the systems exploitative rules, some of us want to survive when theyre telling us we gotta die Most of us, though, want to take the Republic off that dark path and put it right again. I think that conviction remains true to what the Amalfian conception entails, dont you?
Bisogno grumbled, Republic, monarchy Amalfi, Bocacci the very language of that debate has been dead and buried for years. Im the only one left who cares Maybe I am just too old to change in my fundamentals. I was raised to view everything to do with the Republic as vile and unsalvageable. It was our hope of generations the hope of 100 years, quietly nurtured by the proud surviving noble houses that the Republic would finally fall one day, but
Abigail sniped, But your delusion of 100 years escaped you Because things have changed in those last hundred years, Bisogno. The world has changed. The shift from widespread superstition towards popular faith in science from feudal agriculture-based economies towards industrialization and combinations of labor and capital broad societal applications of technological innovation and the mass availability of information that became possible with the opening of some form of internet to public and commercial use at least in the civilized part of Avaris... Theyve left your paltry ideals in the dust forever. Even in Heisen, before it was split the transition from the age of monarchy into republic marked a permanent structural evolution of human society. People have been educated up to realizing that they create the world in which they live, through their human endeavor not some unreachable deities whether they be named Axon or Amadastra. Its because Bombardone accepted this and you couldnt that ensured you would never be more than a lackey to him Even though its the cause of all our problems, Axon help me, Bombardone told the people of this country that they are the New State, and that the New State is the Republic. Follow the logic, and youre left with a claim that the people are in ultimate control and thats important! Dont you get it? The Ridnezite people some of them are genuinely on his side because he told them he cared about them even if it is a load of BS. Your delusion of 100 years never even asked the question in the first place!
The Admiral faced Abigail with a look of palpable offense, Hmph, you talk a lot about what the Ridnezite people want, but what would you know about Ridnezite people, Heisenian Ever since your ancestors first settled in the lands to the north over a millennium ago, they brought with them the detestable creed of benighted Axon. The Corpus Maris teaches that Axonity is tantamount to the worship of man over nature Much like your rosy account of republican virtues. I cannot accept this supreme vanity, for to my last breath my ancestors have prided themselves on obedience and humility within the celestial hierarchy. Cothestrus and Amadastra above all, the Duke of the Blaze and the Countess of the Gale beneath them and so on and so forth until him upon whose head are seated the Two Crowns of Ridnez and the House Bisogno beneath him.
The Admiral stood up and raised his voice, If I cannot have the satisfaction of knowing that what you call our 100-year delusion meant something in the end, then where is virtue?! Where is honor? Where is everything our culture had been founded on from the first settlement of the Ziconeans in times of yore? I admit maybe youre right. Maybe it is the will of the Phantasmic Court that the people should decide their fate, and not their appointed representative on the throne But there is no longer a Corpus Maris or even a Corpus Terrae to tell us. We had believed that the noble houses were selected by the spirits to reincarnate the souls of the virtuous throughout time, that they might guide the ignorant towards virtue and understanding before the foretold ending of the present world cycle 5000 years hence. If I give up my faith in the spirits, and in my own lineages claim to nobility, I give up everything As I said, Im in my late 60s its too late for me to change my mind.
Serena picked up, Admiral, cant you see that even just by trusting in Giovanni in the first place you already compromised with those beliefs? You, an aristocrat who supported the restoration of monarchy all your life, chose Giovanni to help you rectify the mistake that you made, the terror that you helped to make into a reality Giovanni, who has no distinguished family or background whos spent most of his life with the Underground, as a fugitive from the law who is about as far from your honor or your sense of what is proper as one could imagine According to your beliefs, Giovanni was put in this position by the Phantasmic Court for what ? An unvirtuous past life? But you didnt go to one of your fellow disgruntled nobles in the Navy to safeguard the Ars Goetia. You chose Giovanni because you believed in him for some reason Tell me why!
Bisogno looked back over to Serena. There was something about her earnest expression which seemed to compel him. Expediency, thats why! In late 2022, Ludovico Tetra, the Director of State Security, paid me a visit at the Grand Admiralty on behalf of Bombardone His Excellency. The task I was charged with was a dire one: to prepare the Southwestern Seawall of Ridnez for demolition with high-power explosives, if Ridnez were ever to fall into the clutches of foreign powers they called this the Vortes Program, but it was but one prong of a national suicide plan Operation Greatest Love.
The Admiral shuddered at utterance of the name, so wrong was it to associate that phrase with the operation in question, I didnt know about the other aspects of Greatest Love, just this one protocol they made me responsible for drawing up. The Zendirists exaggerated sense of nationalism will not permit even one Ridnezite judged according to their modernistic racialist standard to survive the end of their Hierarchs dream. I suspect, considering General Scagliettis purge by Tetras predecessor, that this was intended as a test of my continued loyalty or perhaps submission would be the better word I had no choice but to accept and to direct the Program through to its completion.
The group of Ocelotists were all taken aback by the revelation, except for Konstantin who continued to project his silent, reserved demeanor. Lucio was first to react, The Southwestern Seawall is all that keeps the Central Ridnezite Plain from being flooded by the Golden Sea! Y-you mean that even if the Zendies are ousted theyve been working on something to take us all down with them?! Abigail was next, This is crazy! Even from the perspective of drafting a contingency plan, wiring the seawall with explosives is like inviting the League or whoever else to focus on blowing it apart prematurely to win the war Even if their intelligence never finds out, theyre liable to do it on accident! Are these idiots in Centro Nuovo so desperate to risk losing half their land and millions of their population while they still have a chance of winning ?
Bisogno responded, You analyze the situation correctly. It is the height of madness, but Bombardone was mad and so are those intent on following him to the grave if called upon The Seawall has been defended from League naval operations by the heaviest concentration of our Imperial Navys forces. Due to the absurd incompetence of Bombardone, this war began in such a way as to put us on the defensive Ive been doing everything possible to mitigate the potential damages! But even before the League offensive began, by a few months, I couldnt abide this insanity I put myself in contact with Sforza, using men loyal to me to liberate him from police custody He had been then recently arrested on smuggling charges. He was the right combination of skilled in advanced intrigues and yet small-time enough that I could rope the lad around my finger without too much difficulty That was my calculation when I first reached out, anyway.
Konstantin finally elected to speak, after listening through most of the conversation, You manipulated Sforza used him as a proxy to sabotage this Vortes Program because you couldnt do anything to stop it even though you were in charge A fascinating solution to a fascinating quandary, Admiral, I will say And also, unlike my republican-minded comrades, I will also tell you I have some appreciation for your system of values In the Commonwealth, the noble families have ruled for thousands of years. As a knight in their service, I know of the sense of tradition and obligation whose passing from this land you lament But my involvement concerns the liberation of my Ziconean brothers from the Zendirist reign of butchery, nothing more or less As such, I cannot say I am qualified to pronounce on Ridnezite matters any more than Roth.
Bisogno perked up slightly, Now you understand. Even though your people are now baptized under Axonity its good to know that someone can relate. Its been so wearisome. And Ive been so, so alone. When Generals Scaglietti and Sciabarra were still with me at my side we all agreed that the New States treatment of Ziconean people was the last straw And if we saw an opportunity to overthrow Bombardone, we would have seized it but Del Tuono and Valentino Oberto were always several steps ahead of us In our religious convictions, your people have a sacred mission to fulfill on Avaris, you see We always believed you would return to the veneration of the Earth King and Tide Queen if the foothold of the Abenzian curs bastard sons could ever be shaken on Kanten.
Serena interrupted, Im sorry, but isnt this all getting away from the original purpose of the discussion? What does the Vortes Program have to do with the Ars Goetia? Why didnt Giovanni trust us to know you and he were in league? Or that the result of our failure could well be the destruction of Ridnez as we know it?! There are dots still needing to be connected, Admiral and while Ive tried to be as sympathetic as possible, Ill agree with Abigail that this self-loathing defeatism is getting us nowhere! We need to know in very clear terms what it is you expect from us
Bisogno hesitated, then opened his mouth as if about to speak. But before the Admiral could form the first words of an explanation, another man entered the room, dressed in a simple business suit. Im afraid that Admiral Bisognos sentimentality has perhaps gotten the better of him Perhaps it is best if I provide you the answers you seek. And while we are on the topic, you can thank our frogmen for your survival and that of Herr Pappas, Fräulein Abigail narrowed her eyes at hearing the mans obvious accent, Fräulein? Hey, youre youre Xaviet! Now this is a twist I wasnt expecting! I thought the Xaviet Empire and the New State saw eye-to-eye, what gives?
The man in the suit sighed, It is the position of the Gouvernmentgebau that Andreas Bombardone was a polymath of our times as close to a philosopher-king as Usea is likely to have had in centuries. But our trust in Herr Bombardone does not extend to his Generaldirektorium. It is for the purpose of securing the stability of Avaris and principally Xaviet interests that we seized control of the Ridnez Ground Forces mandate in West Noskyavia and Project: Nyx with it.
Great, tales of more secret Zendy projects to regale us with, Lucio grumbled. But this is the nexus bringing the rest of the Zendirist hopes together, Im afraid So not just some secret project, but the secret project. Youre all probably somewhat aware of the Fenix reactor incident which struck Halus Ayer 40 years ago, ja?
Lucio replied, Uh somewhat. I know that some Ancient Asconean artifact that was dug up back in colonial times had a big discovery surrounding it. It could be used as a clean source of energy and a potential replacement for oil and natural gas. Some egghead named Jax Arcanic headed a project to use the thing as the core of some type of reactor, but it went kerblooey and thats the reason that Halus Ayer is now a radioactive wasteland Hellslayer is the name used, not particularly sensitive to the victims. The Zendy official histories say that the Troika, an energy cartel that had the entire National Assembly in their pocket at the time, were responsible for sabotaging the project to defend their profits I dont put much stock in the official histories, but here Ill admit it always seemed to make a good deal of sense. Bombardone and his mediocre crony Vincenzo Borrelli tried to cut into the Ridnezite energy market by marketing alternative energy sources, so it makes sense why theyd tell the truth about an atrocity committed by former business rivals as opposed to their own.
The Xaviet scoffed, That is all well and good, but to the heart of the matter, as Fräulein Gerloni urged us. The Asconean artifact has a name the Nyx Effector and opposed to Hellslayer being, as you say, a radioactive wasteland, it conceals a quite advanced and sophisticated society that arose from the ashed. Doktor Arcanic caused the Fenix incident deliberately, because he had investigated the Nyx Effector for its potential and realized that he could master its power use it to target mutations in the human body creating a resilient superhuman or perhaps by another less flattering term, a demon
Youre talking nonsense, buddy. There aint any such thing as demons Dont expect us to buy this science-fiction trash!, Lucio objected. Serena yelled at Lucio in turn, Lucio, what hes saying might have something to it ! The Ars Goetia, whatever it is was called a Project: Nyx Effector Trigger lots of familiar words are being brought up here. Abigail spoke up, Giovanni told us that the motherboard or whatever-it-is in that cracked plastic case could end the war He said his contact knew its purpose, so I guess that would make Admiral Bisogno and his who are you again?
Ach, where are my manners? Erm, well, my true name is a state secret, you must understand To coin a cliché, if I told you, Id have to kill you!, said the Xaviet in a perturbingly chipper tone, But not to be too unpleasant, you may call be Röter König. Abigail commented, Röter König? Huh Red King. The Xaviet perked up again, Ah, you speak Xaviet, do you? Abigail offered an indifferent comment in response, Eh, Heisenian has some similarities to Xaviet tongue.
Serena grew impatient at the number of tangents interfering with the disclosure of new info. Cmon, Red King We dont need the whole story in fine details Just tell us! What is Project: Nyx for?! Röter König complied, Very well, Fräulein Simply put, from the records the Staatsdienst has been able to intercept, Nyx is a source of a quaint type of subatomic particle that can be used in a variety of ways In the case of Hellslayer, and in the case of research conducted by the Ridnezite Temple of Umbra, the goal is to aid in the breeding of a superior race of mankind based on a Ridnezite template, for such was Herr Bombardones obsession. But there is another, even more nefarious purpose for exploitation as a supply of energy for other projects formerly classed in the field of science fiction. The Nyx Effector does not obey known laws of thermodynamics, you see, so it follows that feats not currently within the general technological capacity of most nations on this planet become possible through it
I dont like where this is going , Lucio nervously stated. One such application of Project: Nyx in the Zendirist plan for the ethnic cleansing and colonization of Usea which they call Project Canaan this is all very confusing, Im certain is Operation Static Cloud. An orbital bombardment system in place, coordinated by low-orbit geosynchronous satellites, to disperse and collate an intense particle beam launched from Project: Nyx such that it can annihilate just about any major populated center on the globe, if the records of the Umbra scientists do not idly boast. Lucio furrowed his eyebrows in consternation as his stomach sank into a pit, Crap, I knew I wouldnt like it.
Bisogno contributed once again to the discussion, When the Xaviet Empire first offered its generous support to my silent insurrection, they and I had only in mind the final overthrow of Zendirism and the fulfillment of the Bisogno familys 100-year delusion, if that is how some of you see it. The Xaviet Staatsdienst worked with the Utopian Intelligence Service to acquire photocopies containing very detailed records of this information from Director Gregorio De Marco He, too, conspired with me to frustrate the Zendirist conspiracy against the rest of the world, but was sadly eliminated for the secrets that he alone remained privy to It is now up to us to ensure that his sacrifice was not in vain.
The Xaviet intelligence officer chipped in, Ja, neither Kaizer Heinrich II nor Chancellor Graf Schenider are particularly enthused about the prospect of disappointed Zendirists obtaining the means for the decimation of the Empire from space especially as our unauthorized acquisition of their Project: Nyx facilities have, de facto, terminated the alliance between our two states.
Serena processed the load of new information with some difficulty, So if I understand you correctly, the Ars Goetia gives the Zendies the ability to activate Project: Nyx to complete Operation Static Cloud. Well, if the Xaviets control Project: Nyx right now, then why arent you halfway back to Noskyavia right now with the Ars Goetia in tow?! You could easily stop this conflict right now if you wanted !
cough cough Except for the other matter of Operation Greatest Love which will destroy Ridnez if theyre ever forced to admit defeat. Axon, why does it have to be so goddamned difficult?, Abigail reminded.
That alone would not stop us, if not for our immense consideration for the Grand Admiral and our abiding interest in the re-establishment of a Ridnezite monarchy But Im afraid that the Ars Goetia alone cannot activate Project: Nyx. There is another one of these Effector Triggers or Keys of Night, which is the pretentious language preferred by the Temple of Umbra, from their documents, Röter König contributed.
Theres another whatchamacallit out there?! And you dont already have it secured?!, Lucio exclaimed. The Admiral and the Xaviet exchanged looks and shrugged in unison. Well, if not you, then who does know where it is?!
An IAA black site somewhere in Talgerria
October 3, 2023, 3:16 PM
An armed operative in mostly black tactical gear marched down a complex maze of spacious hallways, lit neon blue from LED lights behind the grating of the floors and ceiling. After proceeding in that manner with forethought and intent for several minutes, the man looked down at his watch and headed towards another area of the top-secret facility, guarding an enormous, heavy osmium-steel door.
He walked up to a female agent in near-identical garb and gear, both bearing AGG-10 assault rifles on their person. Its time for shift-change, Agent Garland. Lets not tarry any; you know as well as I do that Taggart will have our heads if a slip off schedule of even a minute results in a security breach at this facility. Garland sighed at her fellow agents uptightness, Oh, come off it, Boyle The prisoner secured behind these doors has been in a coma for the better part of a year. Hes not going to suddenly wake up and blast these doors down around our heads if we waste a couple seconds here and there.
As if tempting fate, the walls began to rumble with the force of a shockwave from outside, knocking both agents off their feet and momentarily killing all power to the facility. The lights went out for about 5 seconds, as Agents Garland and Boyle struggled to comprehend what was happening around them. The hell just hit us?! This is a secure facility, well behind the defensive lines of our occupation zone in this sh*thole country Whod have the stones to make a go at us here?, the male agent wondered.
The next moment, the lights turned back on, now flushing the chamber red and making it seem all the more claustrophobic. Simultaneously, the doors behind them disengaged their locks, opening gradually to reveal an atrophied, unconscious body laying on what looked like a hospital bed with an IV in his arm. Garland apprehended the gravity of the situation immediately. Aw, hell.
On the outside, the situation was even more chaotic. The facility, most of its levels at a subterranean depth but its entrance accessible at ground level, was in the midst of a coordinated military onslaught. Black attack helicopters and unbelievable fast and versatile mini-tanks scoured the surrounding desert complex, unloading thousands of rounds of ammunition and tens of short-range projectile explosives upon the barracks and command center. Closer to the entrance to the facility itself, militarized squads of IAA agents battled the encroaching tide of death, spending magazine after magazine of firepower against the tank-like vehicles until only 4 were left. Hemmed in and overpowered, the few survivors threw their weapons to the ground in surrender.
P-please We know when were beaten. Whoever you are, I beg of you Just please dont kill us, the apparent squad leader pleaded. Several of the footsoldiers of the invading force, dressed in black, green, and beige colors, paused their approach as if to consider the request, then broke out in disorganized laughter for a few moments. The Tertanians knew then and there; they were as good as dead.
One of the attackers, evidently the commander, drew nearer, Mullah Farokh knew that you League gangsters were an abominable, godless heathen bunch, to be sure But we at least expected such hardy men as you to go to their deaths with some shred of dignity still intact. But I must thank you Thank you for taking from yourselves what little value we could not simply strip from you in death The man, self-identified as a black ops agent of the Arelli National State, removed the Tertanian squad leaders balaclava and goggles off and jerked his head back by his hair. I always like looking a man in the eyes when I kill him. The Arelli produced a dagger and held it to the IAA agents jugular vein.
The squad leader struggled to bleat out one last futile cry, Please Ill give you anything Anything! The Arelli mustered a brief whispered response, But, kafir, you have nothing of which to give When you lowly dogs kill our people and unleash your degenerate plagues upon us like Rafe Kalmar we die content in the knowledge that paradise is ours. But you? You die for the cause of your demonic cabal, and you will be rewarded for your sin with the torment of the damned! The Arelli slit the Tertanians throat without another word. His three subordinates soon followed him in death, as Arelli infantry picked the man off from a distance with their rifles.
What next? The Tertanian infidels have secured this facility underground We have no knowledge of how many levels are swarming with more of this rubbish to kill off!, one of the Arelli soldiers asked of his leader. The commander smirked beneath his headgear, There is no concern for worry, Abbas Our ally of convenience has given us his guarantee that the means of liberating this facility are perfectly within his capabilities.
Deeper within the facility, two IAA agents hunkered down in the comms center, one with rifle pointed straight at the door in anticipation of intruders and the other struggling to radio in a call for military assistance from a base in the surrounding vicinity. Hello hello, can anyone out there read me? Theres a theres a situation brewing over here. Its really bad and we have no idea if the attacking force is aware of this sites strategic importance the prisoner. They dont appear to be the Ridnezites Is anyone receiving me?!
The door swung open at that very instant, provoking the other agent to unleash a barrage of gunfire but to his surprise, there was no one on the other side. All he had succeeded in doing was spraying the wall. W-whyd the door open? Have they taken control of motor systems just to f*ck with us? The air carried the bone-chilling reply, coming seemingly from nowhere, Oh, Im afraid that wont be necessary Within the next few seconds, an invisible force punctured a clean hole into the neck of the first agent, followed by slashing out the throat of the latter agent fiddling with the radio broadcast equipment. When both men had fallen silent and dead, choking their last unintelligible words through their own blood, the invisible man had activated the intercom system of the facility itself, alerting dozens of agents strewn throughout the other floors at the light thud of the speakers turning on. One phrase simply followed, Shemhamephorash.
As the complicated string of syllables resonated throughout every level of the facility, just about all still-living agents perceived a sudden aura. Some saw colors; others smelled burnt toast. But in a matter of milliseconds, they all dropped to the floor in helpless convulsions, frothing at the mouth. All except for Garland and Boyle at the lowest level of all, the vault containing the IAAs guest. Nevertheless, as the word was spoken and transmitted, the prisoner suddenly lurched back into consciousness. A different word was on his lips however, N N-Nora ?
Garland and Boyle both turned their guns immediately on the withered husk of a man who was their assignment, neither fully sure of what had transpired. Garland issued an uncertain order, F-freeze Dont move a muscle or Im fully authorized to blow your motherf*cking head off ! The prisoner looked at both the black-clad armed agents confusedly for a matter of instants, then formed a weak smile, Oh Oh! I get it now ! Theyve come to retrieve me, have they?
Boyle panicked at his incomprehension, W-whos come to retrieve you? Do you have something to do with this? Tell us how to stop it, or I swear to- Ack! Boyle suddenly found himself gargling on his own blood and gasping for air, as his throat had been perforated from behind just like the agent in the comms center. Garland directed her attention to her mortally wounded fellow agent, only to be met with the same grim fate. To the Tertanians, there was no accounting for their assailants identity as they breathed their last. They saw nothing but empty air. But the prisoner, on the other hand, was very cognizant of his rescuers form and identity.
The prisoner pulled the IV from his arm and made a stern expression to his liberator, How long since Steel Titan has it taken for MultiStrat to pull this off exactly? And where exactly are we? The man only the prisoner could see replied, Around 10 months. And Im afraid even the MultiStrat Bureau cant claim full credit. Our understanding with Farokhs Arelli National State enabled us to reach so far behind Tertanian-controlled lines Oh, and sorry not to clarify, we are in the Tertanian occupation zone of Talgerria, Director Tetra. To the prisoner, the invisible man looked to be wearing a black leather infiltration suit.
Tetra raised an eyebrow, You had to rely on the Arellis to make this happen? The Arellis?! What ever happened to logistical support from the Ground Force? Isnt General Cascagni still having his fun over on the opposite end of the country? Tetras rescuer answered, Hm, our occupation zone is currently being besieged by a detachment of army forces from the Raj You see, very shortly after your capture, open war has been declared between the New State and Powers League. The Hierarch is no more, unfortunately.
Tetras jaw dropped at the revelation, You mustnt be serious?! How could this happen? After all the favor the Hierarch curried with the Shadow Emperor, surely that must have counted for something in the end. Tetras rescuer merely shrugged his shoulders, It appears not, and more mysteriously, the gateway to Jocospor has been sealed But this presents us with some opportunities. The Confederation is no more, and we have even been deprived of direct access to the Areopagus by the treachery of the Xaviet Empire. But in spite of all that, Project Canaan proceeds apace. The Tertan is in steep decline as an international currency; the Tertanian economy is in ruins. Their political scenario has only grown more volatile, and Dominic Oberto the great Felon of Magnifico has seemingly abandoned his miserable separatist project to his League allies defense. K1N3 decimates the worthless trash of South Usea while our Arelli acquaintances remain none the wiser, so myopically concerned as they are about Tertania and the League themselves.
No one ever accused the Azaaranic race of producing the brightest minds, but in the short-term, their blindness is to our advantage. If it werent that the branches of the Heisenic race such as the Tertanians felt South Usea so valuable for replacing Ridnezite labor with stupid beasts-of-burden then there would be nothing justifying keeping the South Useans alive at all. The Arellis will learn that one day, but for now, razing Tertania to the ground is paramount. There is only room for one nation one developed power one people to preside over the transformation of Usea into our paradise our promised land. My present physical condition is unacceptable. Did you bring Ouroboros B Wraith?
But of course You wrote part of the protocol. You know MultiStrat comes prepared. Wraith removed a plastic pill bottle from his pocket and dispensed one brightly orange-gleaming capsule.
Tetra weakly took the capsule in hand and downed it.
Piazza Silvano, Città d'Argento
October 5, 2023, 8:00 PM
A black limousine cruised down a mostly empty city street, as the backseat occupant stared out the window. As his limo passed by, he beheld any number of typical urban scenes: tired office workers slogging along to catch the maglev train, young women chatting about miscellaneous gossip at an open-air coffee bar, and a bearded street musician with dark glasses playing the fiddle for loose change were a few of the sights captured by Vincenzo Borrellis retinas.
Giovanni, remind me Isnt there supposed to be a curfew in effect? What are all these people doing? Youd hardly believe from the general attitude that there was a war being waged on our soil at all?!, Borrelli asked. The chauffeur Giovanni Ossola formulated a careful response, Well, dirigente There are districts more frequented by circles of citizens who believe that the war will be over with soon. And are intent on ignoring the war to the best of their ability
Borelli clenched his fist at hearing this, The war will be over soon? These people are flouting government orders and regulations Is this what Admiral Bisogno is willing to tolerate? This total lack of discipline this absence of patriotism?! The League have taken over the northwest in its entirety by now! They should be sacrificing their days and nights in our munitions factories, at very least Why hasnt Bisogno conscripted more of the able male population to expand the ranks of our army anyway?
Ossola felt a nervous sweat trickle down his neck, Er, well, dirigente Some say that the Grand Admiral is also anticipating an end to the war soon enough. Borrelli was sent into a babble of dumbfounded sputtering by those words, Hah-huh?! What?! What does that imply? Until the League has been brought to heel with the heads of Powers, Lane, Snow, Rudholm, Milotos, and Oberto all on pikes this will never end! Doesnt he know what will happen if he loses? Has the geriatric oaf forgotten so quickly the protocols we have for that contingency?!
Ossola gulped nervously but did not change his neutral tone, I Im not certain, dirigente. May I be quick to remind that I am only your chauffeur ? The affairs of state and national security are far beyond my station. Borrelli leaned back into his seat, allowed his muscles to relax up a bit, tilted his head back, and closed his eyes, I apologize for forcing my troubles on you, Giovanni. Its just youve always been there to hear me out when Ive needed someone to listen. But youre correct, things are different now. I have Andreas shoes to fill, and providence only knows whether Im up to the task. But either way, the task is mine, and mine alone, to undertake Thank you, Giovanni Thank you for being such a good friend.
Ossola frowned to himself with worry, though Borrelli did not notice. Heh, heh Well, you know me, dirigente. Your reliable, trusty chauffeur! Just take care of yourself, huh? Did you take your medication tonight? Borrelli sat up from his position splayed out over the passenger seat of his limo and stuffed his hand into his coat pocket, T-thank you, Giovanni For reminding me. Borelli removed the plastic orange bottle, then dispensed one glowing green pill. As the capsule rolled into his palm, Borrellis hand and arm began to shake uncontrollably, as he was revisited by the specter of Bombardone. Remember, Vincenzo, this is your destiny to win for yourself and the nation now You have to believe you have the control, know you have the control Borrelli squeezed his hand shut over the capsule until his arm stopped shaking. After a minute, the tremors stopped, after which he subsequently popped the Ouroboros into his mouth and swallowed with water.
Borrelli looked again out the window for a high-rise office building farther down the street, Giovanni, you can stop me off over here I know how to find my way. Ossola scratched his head in uncertainty, You sure, dirigente? I mean, youve seen how uh, disorderly this district can get an all that? Borrelli inhaled deeply, then determined his reply, Yes, yes, Im quite sure, Giovanni. Thank you for your concern, but I have other people Good people watching over me. I have an appointment to keep now; youll excuse me. Borrelli opened the door of the limo to step out, then walked down the street toward the office building at a brisk pace, turning his head back for just a moment, Giovanni Why dont you take the rest of the night off? Dont keep waiting for me Ossola shrugged, I-If you say so, dirigente
As Borrelli reached the office building, he checked to ensure that all lights within appeared to be turned off. He then rounded to the back of the building via the adjacent alleyway and removed the key to open a door leading to one of the buildings stairwells. Borrelli slowly climbed the steps until he had reached the fifth floor, then opened another door leading to a network of small passageways. Borrelli passed through the passages, checking the number of each door he encountered, then finally arrived at the one he was searching for. Storage room #5418 Yes, this is where Bertolini said hed be, if I recall.
Borrelli unlocked the storage room with the key, obviously the master key to the building, and entered inside what was apparently the only space in the building with the lights still on. Before his eyes, Borrelli witnessed Giovanni Sforza, being beaten senseless by two StateSec goons with batons, Oh oh, dear heaven, what are you men doing to the young man? I told Interim Director Bertolini that I wanted a talk with the Sforza kid, not a cold-blooded interrogation !
Both of the StateSec agents instantly switched from whaling on Sforza to restraining his arms and forcing him to his knees, while one of the two made an excuse, Well, dirigente, we presumed that following the Interim Directors instructions it would be a good idea to soften the Ocelotist rebel up if you were really so intent on conducting a one-on-one interview. The other agent spoke, As our future Chief of State, we cannot deny your request But you must know that, just the same, we cant take the risk of letting this punk get his hands on you either. If he did, hed do to you what we were doing to him
Sforza spat blood on the ground next to one of the agents shoes, Aw Didnt know you cared, Borrelli? What is this to you, a social visit? Couldnt just let me rot in a jail cell like the last 3 times? Borrelli grabbed a short stepladder from the corner and used it as a seat, Well, certainly not given your track record of enigmatic escapes, Signor Sforza Ill give you this; you are a resourceful young man. So let me just ask you What are you doing cavorting with such vermin as Heisenians and Ziconeans anyway?
Sforza chuckled to himself, Youll never get it if thats all you think of them, Borrelli. At least you felt respectful enough not to use Heisenphyte or Zick though, eh? Borrelli recomposed himself, Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot. Sforza chuckled some more as the choice of words, Hah! Got off on the wrong foot? Id say so if these two neanderthals are your idea of a welcome-wagon! One of the StateSec officers screamed in Sforzas ear, Shut up! You Ocelotist scum! Youre speaking to the future leader of Ridnez now!
Borrelli yelled at the agent in turn, I asked you before Please refrain from violent actions and from violent speech with Signor Sforza We are all Ridnezites here, not barbarians! Sforza let out a wisecrack at those words, Well, I guess I gotta tell you, Borrelli Its getting a bit hard for me to tell the difference sometimes Sforza slurred the last few words of the sentence as they left his tongue.
Borrelli leaned forward to be at eye level with the restrained Sforza, Please please, Signor Sforza. I know this must all be very upsetting to you, but do not be glib with me. Ive come here in good faith, upon the cherished memory of Andreas He wouldnt have wanted you to continue living like this like some bottomfeeding, nightcrawling petty crook. Youre a son of Ridnez, kid The New State exists precisely to offer you a better way to life than that. But your ability to defy the authorities at a greater or lesser scale intrigues me It also fascinates others in the General Directorate who are aware of your existence. Exceptional talent for survival such as yours must be cultivated in a StateSec training academy, not persecuted by those your inferior Its not the way it should be.
Sforza looked up from the ground into Borrellis oddly sympathetic expression, Im going to be honest with you, Borrelli. My first thought after hearing all that was to spit blood in your face But but You actually sound like you mean what youre saying. Like youre here for more than just to mock me, waste my time, and see if you can pump information from me So Ill give you one chance and you absolutely dont deserve it. Persuade me.
Hmph, well Its about time I broke through to you in some way, Borrelli said, taking a manila envelope from the inner flap of his coat in hand, But before we start, I might as well let you know that, as clever as you and the Admiral are I already know what youve been doing colluding together to sabotage aspects of our initiative here and there I put it together after you stole the Ars Goetia from me with your daring money train robbery, Signor Sforza There was a very limited number of people who knew that the trigger would be moved under cover of the subway ticket fee collections that day
Sforza attempted to sow doubt, I bet the pool of names isnt narrow enough to support your conclusion though Borrelli continued, starting to pace, Im not done I had your facial profile caught on CCTV feed at the Conti University station cross-referenced with StateSec databases. And thats when I discovered that you were also there at the Government Archives Complex on the date last year when military-grade explosives were used to blast into one of the buildings and steal the original copies of several of the records relating to the Tertania Commissariat Protocol of Project Canaan, as it turned out. No fewer than 2 days later 2 days the symbolic leader of your self-proclaimed resistance the so-called Ocelot herself was reported in by MultiStrat, interfering though unsuccessfully in the execution of Operation Steel Titan. Coincidence? Maybe, Ill grant you, maybe
Sforza grinned in spite of himself as Borrellis sleuthing, Heh What makes you think Gregorio De Marco didnt put me up to it? Isnt he the obvious suspect? He was the archival librarian, had near-unrestricted access to those files, and was later found with a stack of photocopies including copies of those very same files I swiped in his briefcase when he was assassinated Doesnt that look awfully suspicious to you?
Borrelli sat back down on the stepladder, dangling the manila envelope in front of Sforzas face as if to pique his curiosity. Yes, Director De Marco would have been the obvious suspect, but you point out yourself why it couldnt have been him While yes, he did commit treason against the New State by abusing his diplomatic post to arrange his flight to Utopia with our classified documents His unlimited access to the archives, and his apparent ability to smuggle the contents of the archives without anyone elses knowledge, preclude the necessity of the explosives Making it more than likely that De Marco told someone else in our inner circle, who proceeded to act upon that knowledge independently to sabotage us in his own way. Now who would have access to explosives powerful enough to get the job done? Giulio Bisogno. And when I did some further investigation, eyewitness descriptions of one of the mobsters who conducted that series of raids on explosives shipments for the Vortes Program matched your profile quite neatly. And I suppose its just another coincidence that Bisogno was on his way to the docks of Fulmine Rosso on important business the same day that you were captured in the same area Please.
Sforzas grin faded. Well, Im not saying anything to incriminate anybody unless youre going to change your mind about these clowns propensity to violence The StateSec agents glowered menacingly at Sforza, but did not speak their minds openly per Borrellis instruction, left to stew in their proverbial juices. Meanwhile, Sforza could not help but direct his attention towards Bisognos envelope.
Borrelli noticed this and manifested a grin of his own, I see that your eyes have been wandering back to this package in my hand It contains all the reason youll ever need to see things my way, I guarantee you. Sforza voiced his incredulity, So you mean to tell me that in that manila envelope is some secret, special information that will make me flip 180 degrees ? To change everything I ever believed? Everything I ever thought I knew? Pssh, yeah right!
I see youre skeptical, Signor Sforza, so I wont beat around the bush Ive gone into your files, and Ive perused over your history every sordid charge that ever stuck to you, but even before that, your squalid and unfortunate upbringing. I know why you became what you did where you went wrong. It has all to do with the Magnifico Ghetto Uprising of 2009, doesnt it?
Sforza grimaced at the very mention of the incident, Yeah yeah, it does. You piled up all those poor people in unsanitary and inhumane conditions, and then when they revolt at being treated like garbage, you sent in the riot police and the gendarmerie to put them all down like animals My folks and I lived in an apartment in a crappy building abutting the ghetto. Del Tuonos psychopaths blew the whole place to bits just to make sure nearly all the active participants in the uprising were dead Apparently my folks were collateral damage to the bastard My mother died to save my life and all Ive known since then is more hardship, more regret All caused by you!
Although I cannot provide any excuses for the extreme nature of the late Director Del Tuonos tactics your parents deaths were in fact what I am here to discuss. Read the official report Then tell me what you think, Borrelli said, tossing the manila envelope on the ground, Its all in there Release him, officers. The boy deserves to know the truth. Bombardones ghost rematerialized behind Borrelli, The truth is often more painful Ever since humans have learned to tell stories, they have indulged in the practice of comfortable self-deception. But here is where Giovanni Sforza sees the world for what it truly is The abyssal darkness masquerading behind the illusory light of false ideals.
The StateSec officers unhand Sforza with some reluctance, then go to skulk a short distance behind Borrellis person, flanking him. Sforza rubs his arms and shoulders, Damn brutes left nasty bruises But what do I do now? Do I really want to look at whatever this is?! The Zendies are lying sacks of refuse You know this! So then why does the thought of reading that report make you wanna throw up so bad? No other choice, Giovanni Live in ignorance, or persevere in strength for what the future has to bear
Sforza took the envelope off the floor and opened it.
No turning back now please, by the Lady of the Waves, dont let it be what I
Giovanni Sforzas eyes dashed faster than the speed of thought across the pages of the report; he took in the images and the info even faster than his brain could make sense of it. South Usean soldier of fortune arms Ziconean and Heisenian insurrectionists accompanied by Tertanian male partner and female teenage partner, matching profile with Bianca believed to be financed by First Republic Heisenian politician Edgar Isidore Albertson leaders of uprising issue calls for revenge on Ridnezite people deliberate campaign of terrorism against civilian population riot police ends unrest by destroying center of uprising with subterranean explosive charge Del Tuono: If the hand of the state was stopped before by remnants of the old morality, this incident is, in this Directors opinion, irrefutable proof that the Ridnezite people cannot share with the world with the races of- They would not share it with us given the same choice either; let us not wait until the shoe is on the other foot
After Sforza concluded reading the report, his hands were visibly shaking. No, it cant be Its forged misrepresented. It has to be It has to be lies. I was there! How could it?! Then Serenas statement from before came back into Sforzas awareness: Do I know the story?! I was there myself, Giovanni! It was horrible Me, my father We almost died! Now the meaning of those words became ever clearer. She her father wasnt targeted for being the Director of EnviroProtect, was he? They didnt even know didnt even care! Serena
Borrelli stood up from the stepladder, rising head and shoulders above the shellshocked Sforza. What irony what tragedy That you should have lived and suffered in service to a movement based around them The Marundian and the Ziconean who, together, put the guns into the hands of your parents murderers Im sorry it had to come out like this, but there was no other way for you to see things my way how Andreas would have wanted you to see them
Sforza clenched his fists, tears in his eyes, It It doesnt matter! I dont care what motives the participants in the Magnifico Ghetto Uprising might have had! Were all individuals Dont you get that? Were all morally responsible for ourselves. Borrelli sneered as the words were uttered, Yes, yes thats the standard response Id have anticipated. But be realistic, in this world, individuals who think for themselves are the outliers. People want to have the camaraderie of those most similar to themselves These are the people they understand, and can expect to be understood by. Nations and races of man are no different there is a great general will that has a tendency to align all the individual wills together. And its only by this instrument that all civilization was built in the first place. Listen to me now, Giovanni please. The public doesnt know this, but I Im dying.
This caught Sforzas attention with a surprise rivaling that of what was on the reports, W-what did you just say? Borrelli removed the bottle containing his Ouroboros capsules from his pocket and worked to release just one luminescent green capsule for Sforza to see up close. Even in a fully lit room, its glow was noticeably unearthly. I Ive been dying for a long time now. My body has been riddled with stage 4 cancer for over a decade. The only reason I still live is because because of the research that went into producing this drug. You might have seen it or heard of it mentioned. Its called Ouroboros as close to a bonafide panacea as there ever was. It was only developed quickly enough to push off the date of my inevitable demise by sacrificing human subjects to Dr. Riccis experiments Ziconeans, Heisenians, the same kinds of people that declared revenge on our nation all those years ago, and killed your family. Not just my life was extended by this R&D Countless cancer patients have had their prognosis miraculously improved by Ouroboros many even go into total remission if started early enough. And this is just one of the miracles the New State is capable of, if only you just believe in it !
Borrelli now began to feel in the back of his mind that his spoken words had become one and the same with the words spoken into his mind by the living memory of the Zendirist Hierarch. It doesnt matter if there are individuals that deny the corporate will and power of the nation. The general will of nations still proves real enough. Those Ziconean animals knew their only hope to continue parasitizing the resources of this world was to either seduce us with the lie of equality and coexistence or failing that, to extirpate us entirely as we would later extirpate them. The weak those who cant see the obvious staring them in the face are destined to be crushed by history. There are teeming billions spread across the face of Avaris. Billions! And billions are born each day, and billions more die each day! No ones life matters, taken by itself, much less their death. Not even mine. What does matter? The things that last are what retain their moral significance then! Generation after generation, 1000 years of learning to be civilized! Mothers and fathers, daughters and sons! The great chain that connects it all, the ties that bind, they are the only essential thing!
Sforza looked upon Borrellis subtlety changing expressions with befuddlement and horror. What the-? Thats Why does he not look not speak like he was just a couple minutes ago? Like he just switched from one personality to another by getting lost in his tirade Before he seemed genteel filled with doubt and maybe even a little fear. But now, by the Tide Queens veil, its like watching one of Bombardones old rants up close and personal!
Borrelli suddenly shut his eyes closed and clutched his head, shouting in agony. He stumbled a few steps as even the StateSec officers beside him showed concern for his health, Dirigente Are you all right? What is what is happening? Sforza slowly rose to his feet as a peculiar intuition about what was happening occurred to him.
Borrelli finally shook his head a few times, then slowly drew in a large breath and let in out. His eyes reopened, and Borrelli seemed back to normal for the moment. I apologize for the outburst, Signor Sforza That was most uncouth of me. But yes, Ouroboros the miracle cure, the salvation of thousands, if not millions of Ridnezites. With the recent access to Project: Nyx at our disposal, the Temple of Umbra has been able to innovate on the original formulation also. Behold: Ouroboros B.
Without any additional prompting, one of the StateSec officers removed one orange capsule, glowing brilliantly like the green from earlier. You must be aware by now from your association with the Grand Admiral just what Project: Nyx is and what we are capable of when the ability to initialize the system is within our grasp. Ouroboros B is more than any panacea. With the modification of the formulation by inundation with esoteric particles, a controlled mutation of the human genome takes place people become stronger, more durable, more agile Simply put, Ouroboros B is a stepping-stone towards the culmination of Project: Nyxs mission statement and the true purpose of the Temple of Umbra to assist in the generation of a superhuman specimen. One which, unlike the misbegotten dead-end that Hellslayer has been reduced to thanks to the untimely demise of Jax Arcanic, can reproduce and pass on their artificially enhanced genes to the next generation. The future is within your grasp, Signor Sforza Just reach out and take it.
The orange capsule gleamed brightly before Giovanni Sforzas eyes. For once, he was a loss of what to say or do.
Then at last, he took the pill in hand.
Read dispatch
Twilight of the Idols Part 9
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Piazza Silvano, Città d'Argento
October 5, 2023, 10:13 PM
Ouroboros B, he called it? What the hell have you gotten yourself into this time, Sforza? What sort of loony-bin sh*t is this?!
Giovanni Sforza beheld the shining orange pill in his open hand, as Vincenzo Borrelli and his two StateSec henchmen stood but a couple meters away, waiting for Sforzas next move. Well, young man Its time to decide. Will you remain voluntarily shackled to the infirmity of mortal flesh or will you seek to ascend beyond the limitations of mere humanity? The choice, as I said, is quite literally in your hand.
So thats what this ultimately comes down to, does it? Humanity You scorn humanity. Not just humanity in general, thats clear as day. But your own humanity. And this... pill? Some sort of mutagen that will, what? Turn you into some sort of some sort of what? I I just cant ?, Sforza processed, You tell me that all the people youve hurt all the experiments, the camps, the secret projects was all to manufacture something designed to to do Amadastra knows what to your body and what about your mind? Your faculties? Do you even know Do you even care?
Signor Sforza, I understand your hesitation, but believe me when I say that the effects of Ouroboros B are well-understood by the Umbra researchers In any event, every worthwhile endeavor involves an element of risk-taking, Borrelli spoke with a confident grin, But I will let you know that these two gentlemen by my side have been consuming this drug on a regular schedule for the last 9 months as part of a trial run within StateSec for broader implementation within the armed forces Insomuch as can be determined, they are no worse for wear.
Sforza took a quick glance at both of the StateSec officers, Sh*t, I didnt notice before while they were pummeling the crap out of me, but their irises theyre orange and in this lighting are they glowing? Just like the pill! Sforza looked to the capsule in his hand once more, Yeah, well If you say this stuff is so safe for use Why havent you used it yet? Why stick with the green version? Is that what this is about You want to convince me to be a guinea pig or maybe this stuffs addictive and you want to get your hooks in me?
Borrelli shook his head, Signor Sforza, I am not authorized to receive Ouroboros B In the first place, because the uncertainties surrounding my condition make it a potential contraindication And also because Ouroboros B is not intended for use by the civilian population at least not yet. In spite of everything which has transpired, this nations law still operates in conformity with the undying will of the Hierarch. Even I cant change such arrangements On the contrary, I am endorsed for leadership of this country by all true Zendirists because my aim is to carry that will through to the end, without alteration.
But Cant you see how freaking morbid this is?!, Sforza objected, You and maybe hundreds maybe thousands of others are enslaved to the ideals of a dead man! And in the service of that, youre willing to embark on this quest to achieve something above humanity to deny your own human nature because he Bombardone found it flawed? Hasnt it occurred to you that maybe what youre aspiring to is less not more than human?!
Borrelli growled at the insinuation, Less than human? Quite possibly But we have no choice. I had no choice! The fruit of Andreas ambition, however sacrilegious, held the key to survival and so that I could live with my dignity, free from constant pain Observers the world over have called our New State a monstrous conglomerate Im not ignorant Weve never been ignorant of the accusations. But neither has this persuaded for an instant to turn our backs on the future we have realized!
You mean youd continue marching along the path Bombardone laid out even if it led over a pit?! What about the people of Ridnez?! Despite all your rhetoric, they dont have any true conception of what youve been doing Or of what youre prepared to do in their name!, Sforza appealed, Isnt isnt there some part of you that at least doubts that hasnt totally surrendered itself to that mans beliefs ? Sforzas voice betrayed a certain desperation, verging on urgency.
Borrelli stepped aside and momentarily closed his eyes, apparently shaken by Sforzas words, Doubt to have the fate of a nation, a continent, maybe even a world rest upon my shoulders Is there anything more human than to doubt when faced with such a terrifying responsibility ?
The specter of Bombardone materialized behind Borrelli. Even though Borrelli kept his eyes closed, he could sense the Hierarchs presence looming over his shoulders quite literally. That is the culmination of the Zendirist Revolution, Vincenzo Until the New Man is created who is at last free from the shackles of doubt, human civilization will forever be a paradox vacillating between the poles of barbaric cruelty and decadent flaccidity Destined to rise and fall in cycles, with true progress ever beyond mankinds reach. There will only be a better world once all the weak and impure who succumb to these primordial temptations are erased. Show the youth how irresistible is the resolve of the New Man!
Borrelli opened his eyes, You asked if I have any doubts about Andreas dream? I admit that I did long ago. But then came the day when I couldnt afford to have doubts that horrible day. Borrelli thought back to that day in 2009 when his diagnosis was first made, Andreas told me that the only way to live is to grab life in your hands and affirm it. From that day onwards, I would never let anyones recriminations stop me from doing what I knew I must! All the decisions which have been made up to this point have been taken with the foreknowledge that there will be no turning back to doubt, to falter in our appointed course, to admit weakness of conviction is to let down the floodgates sparing Ridnez from the chaos that only Zendirism has protected it from since the time of the Revolution! It means to surrender ourselves to the mercies of the rest of the world, knowing that their vengeance will be more terrible than our deaths! Let me ask you the same question After what Ive showed you, certainly you must doubt your own long-held convictions! Dont deny it!
Sforza looked between Borrellis eyes and the Ouroboros B, Yeah, I I can admit it. Youve brought up a fair number of questions that Im definitely interested in looking into Next time I meet face to face with Ocelot, Im going to have a few very pointed questions towards her, to say the least Borrelli smiled with a smug expectation of triumph. Sforza continued, But Im not going to throw away everything I once fought for, just because youve pointed out there are those among the Ziconeans the Heisenians or whoever else who have given into the same tribalistic, vindictive impulse that you have.
Borrelli frowned, Havent I already gone over with you-? Sforza cut the Zendirist true believer off, Yeah, yeah, general will whatever something like this is the way it always turns out Well, maybe that just means we ought to double down on rejecting that general will of yours even harder ! Not just Ridnezites, but all peoples maybe when people stop categorizing each other as an intellectually lazy excuse to abuse their fellow man or hiding behind the labels of nations and groups to excuse their own crimes Call it idealistic, call it naïve But as they say, if you want to see the change, youve got to be the change All of my allies my friends in the Network subscribe to that philosophy. We have all the proof of our philosophy that we need, fighting Bombardone and his vanguard for over a decade and still kicking!
Borrelli sounded offended, H-how ?! How dare you? Sforza picked up, Yeah, I know your use of verbiage is intended to dress your arguments up and make Andreas sound like such a great person, but all it amounts to is a pathetic attempt to cover up your own failures as people by blaming them on a convenient scapegoat and then what, you take these sketchy looking drugs and proclaim that youve ascended beyond the human condition? Please Ridnezites suffered in the past, I get that. And you? It sounds like youve gone through a world of crap no one should ever have to deal with But how does any of that excuse what youve done in Talgerria, for instance? People have suffered all over the world ! How selfish could you be to imagine that your pain justifies anyone elses?!
Bombardones specter spoke into Borrellis mind once more, as a change of personality effected itself. Once again, Borrelli sensed as he and the Hierarch spoke as one voice, Sforza Can you not understand through all your stubbornness that the human condition as is is simply intolerable? No one ever said it was the fault of the benighted antisocials that they were made as they were but the laws of this world demand that either they will die to build our Canaan, or all people will suffer equally in a resource-stripped, polluted waste of a world. A world divided into nations and peoples constantly at war People hurting each other, hurting themselves grinding each other down! The New State has solved all of that for everyone here Call our aspiration less than human, but if accepting an imperfect world is what it means to be human then who wants to be human?
Sforza defied Borrelli with ever greater conviction, People hurting themselves, hurting each other Grinding each other down These are all the aspects of the human condition that Zendirist projects have brought out in abundance, not suppressed Underneath the neon lights, the clean-swept streets, the fake smiles and the evident decency and uniformity of the Ridnezite citizenry are a gulf of fear, hate, terror, and greed Bombardone hasnt elevated the people of this country into any prototype of a New Man hes made them into satellites of his monumental ego He may have lied to you, or to himself, or to the people themselves that this was all for them But its self-evident in every part of the design of this monochromatic nightmare he made all this just so that he could say he was a visionary who was right in the end. And if he wanted the rest of Usea to be purged to make this the reality of life everywhere, well, that just confirms everything Ive just said! There is no end to history and if there were, Bombardone and you sure as hell arent the ones to point to it.
Sforza crushed the Ouroboros B in his hand and let the powder run off from the palm of his hand onto the floor. Borrelli stared in indecision for a moment or two, when the voice of Bombardone advised him, Unfortunate, if not altogether unexpected The boy is a loss, but he was in no way essential to our plans He has chosen his fate from the persuasion of his own deviant will
Borrelli sighed with resignation in his breath, Im sorry it has to be this way, Signor Sforza. But between you and Admiral Bisogno, we cannot allow any wild cards to jeopardize the future weve prepared for Buona serata. Borrelli calmly left the room through the door behind him, as Sforza lunged towards Borrellis position. Hey, where do you think youre off to?!
One of the StateSec guards grabbed Sforza by the collar of his shirt and threw him with force into the stepladder Borrelli was seated on minutes earlier. Should have accepted the dirigentes offer You could have been one of us The other StateSec officer grabbed Sforza up off the floor by the neck and dangled him in the air with inhuman strength, Instead youre going to be another corpse pretty stupid of you. The second StateSec officer smashed Sforzas body against the adjacent wall, sending him reeling. What in the name of the Tide Queen? Felt like I just got hit by a bus dont think anythings broken yet though , thought Sforza.
Meanwhile, one of the StateSec agents procured another Ouroboros B capsule and swallowed it, smirking in Sforzas direction. Sforza struggled to peel himself off of the ground and caught his opponents expression, Dont like that look on his face Within seconds, the orange glow of the capsule appeared to radiate from within the agents center of mass outwards, tracing the pattern of his arteries and veins. Afterwards, the glow beamed outwards from the agents body, as muscle mass spontaneously added itself to his body and increased his overall size. I am so glad that I didnt take that pill! No sooner did Sforza form these conscious thoughts than he darted into the hallway through the open door Borrelli passed through earlier.
Sforza raced for an elevator and frantically hit the button to reach the bottom floor. Elevators not in operation, great , Sforza noted. Looking behind him, he saw one of the StateSec agents rapidly approaching, What are the chances that I can take him? The agent directed a flying punch towards Sforzas head. Sforza maneuvered quickly out of the way, causing the agent to dent the metal sliding doors of the elevator with his fists impact. After getting over his initial surprise, Sforza directed a kick towards the inside of the agents knee to destabilize him and brought an elbow down into his jaw to bring him to the ground.
Hey I really can take him, cant I?, thought Sforza, but for only a moment. Just as soon as the agent went down, he sprung up off the floor with an uppercut that knocked Sforza off his feet and splayed him onto his back. The agents heel ground against Sforzas trachea, forcing him to twitch and grasp for air, when suddenly a loud noise, akin to thunder, cracked through the air. The agent fell to the ground, leaving a disoriented Sforza to regain his bearings and deduce what had happened. The agents body lay dead on the ground; his head was profusely bleeding from the side. A friendly sniper? Does that mean-, Sforza wondered, glancing through a window to the rooftop of the adjacent building, Theyve found me?
Sforza grabbed a handgun off the deceased StateSec grunts body and cautiously proceeded down the hallway, There was one more The one with the glow-up from before. First idiot didnt even think to use a pistol, he was so confident in his ability to tenderize me with his fists Who even knows if the other one can even be stopped by small-arms fire? Sforzas thoughts were interrupted as the remaining agent, his muscles visibly rippling and his face betraying a truly deranged grimace, smashed through the wall next to Sforza.
Three shots were reflexively taken off by Sforza; all three embedded themselves into the enraged beasts flesh, but failed to stop him for more than a couple seconds. Theres no room in here. I cant maneuver!, thought Sforza. Then faster than the blink of an eye, the hulking brute was upon Sforza, backhanding him with enough force to send him crashing through the window behind him, weakened as it was by the snipers bullet from earlier.
Sforza wildly lashed out in freefall, hoping to make contact with anything whatsoever. He connected with the hoist of a large Zendirist banner suspended from an outside ledge, holding on for dear life as his momentum took him through the arc of a pendulum towards a window on the second floor. Not going to be able to break through unless Theres only one shot at this!
Sforza desperately aimed the handgun he swiped from earlier towards the window and unloaded every remaining round in the magazine without looking. Before he knew whether he was successful or not, the rope he clung onto reached maximum velocity at the bottom of the arc, sending Sforzas body smashing through the damaged window.
The window did not break in the same way depicted in the movies, disintegrating into a fine glassy powder. Instead, it shattered into several large, gnarly shards, some of which shattered into still smaller jagged pieces upon hitting the floor inside the building. Sforza lost consciousness immediately upon impact, covered in gashes all over his arms, legs, and back. After several minutes, the shadows of multiple figures hovered overhead: The Grand Admiral and his personal attendant
So this young man is your Giovanni Sforza, Herr Grossadmiral? He doesnt look like much, but there is no question He has an uncanny knack for surviving , spoke one of the figures, the SD agent Röter König, with a sniper rifle slung over his shoulder, But the question remains whether he is still if any use to us in this condition?
Bisogno looked dispassionately between Sforzas crumpled body and his Xaviet co-conspirator before pronouncing his judgement, So long as Sforzas Ocelotist connections prove pivotal to the performance of tomorrows vital operation, then Sforzas life has some value to us Roth, Andreozzi, and the rest wont cooperate without the assurance of his continued welfare But after then Who knows?
October 5, 2023, 11:52 PM
What do you mean, we cant let this distract us from our plans for tomorrow?! In case you hadnt noticed, we dont even know if Giovanni will survive the night! We dont give up on our own! Giovanni comes first, Admiral!
Serena Gerloni cradled Sforzas head on her lap as Lucio Andreozzi sat across from the both of them in Giulio Bisognos staff car, struggling to apply pressure and control Sforzas bleeding. Admiral Bisogno himself sat next to Lucio and gave his reply, Little lady, at the risk of being insensitive to the lads plight, we have much, much greater worries than whether he lives or dies The ISV party congress is being held in Centro Nuovo in less than 24 hours Your people and mine both have to be in position well before then, or our strategic advantage is forfeit!
If were not in place to make it happen, then Vincenzo Borrelli, Bombardones favorite stooge, is nominated the Chief of State and the power and the expectation to execute Project Canaan will be incumbent upon him This is something we cant risk. It has to end tomorrow night, Serena. It just has to, explained Lucio, still focusing on tying and bandaging Sforza in the passenger seat, We might never get a better chance to put a stop to what the Zendies want to achieve.
Serena looked down at Sforzas face, his features reflexively contorted in pain from his injuries, and rubbed her fingers through his hair, So whats the plan then? We dont know what Borrelli managed to get out of Giovanni before he had him defenestrated, apparently. By the Tide Queens will, its a miracle he even survived at all ! But we have to assume that Borrelli now knows everything hell be fully expecting Admiral Bisogno to try something. And hes smart enough to be on the lookout for suspicious characters fitting the profile of known Ocelotists.
Thats why the goal is for you and your actor friend here to maintain a low profile at all times throughout the event Youll be provided with inconspicuous earpieces and cufflink radios to coordinate your actions, the Admiral elucidated, Your other two friends are out on another assignment, to procure acceptable identities to admit you into the National Assembly Hall. I trust you have your own means to keep in touch with them But I will anticipate you to be within the building lobby by 6:30 tomorrow evening.
You brought up Abigail and Konstantin What role are they supposed to play during the events tomorrow if Lucio and I are serving as your eyes on the inside ?, Serena asked. The Heisenian and the Ziconean have no possibility of blending in with their accent and features They dont speak or move naturally in the manner Ridnezites do Theyll be told easily apart. So their role will be to secure the perimeter of the building before I give the signal for forces I can trust loyal to the chain of command above bankrupt ideology to occupy it.
Serenas eyes widened as the Admiral spoke those last couple of words, but she withheld any questions or concerns she may have had. Fine, Admiral. Well play the game by your rules; it doesnt seem like we have much choice in the matter. But Im not going back on what I said before about Giovanni. Were not abandoning him to die, no matter what happens between you and Borrelli and your conspiracies. Serena remained focused on Sforzas changing expressions. Since Lucio applied some basic first aid, Sforzas facial expressions appeared more relieved than they had been before. Serena couldnt help but smile, Were taking him back to the Underground to get some actual treatment.
Meanwhile, the Admiral maintained his stolid demeanor, Far be it from me to insinuate that you ought to abandon your ally in his time of need But I need you to keep your sense of priorities in order as well. How you and your comrades choose to spend the time remaining from now until the party congress is beyond my control and outside of my interest. Just realize what you must do by tomorrow evening and get it done.
You sure dont mince words, do you, Mr. B?, remarked Lucio, Where are you dropping us off by the way?
The landfill on the outskirts of the Argent City where its least likely for anyone to see us together. I trust you have your own means of furtive transportation beneath this countrys inter-city rail system. Centro Nuovo is an hour-and-a-half ride by maglev train. I dont imagine what you have can compare exactly, but then again, it doesnt need to. Does it, son?, Bisogno answered.
Youre really not giving us much time to figure things out on our end, you know that? And by the way, Im not your son. The name is Andreozzi to you, Lucio snapped.
And Im not Mr. B to you either As I said, I trust you will figure things out. You people have always managed to be persistently frustrating in the past when our goals were in conflict Tomorrow should be no different for Borrelli, the sickly little worm , said Bisogno.
The staff car took a turn off the highway and towards the landfill.
Via Penelope, Due Fiume
October 5, 2023, 8:25 PM
So whats your prediction for the party congress, Alessandro Will it be as much of a disappointment as the Hierarchs funeral turned out to be?
Renard DEste and Alessandro DAmico dined out late into the night with their spouses at a well-regarded establishment of the elite. DEste and his wife ordered salmon and potatoes; DAmico and his wife had veal marsala. The way I see it, we can either have a strong leader in Bisogno who doesnt share our sense of purpose, or we can elevate a spineless weakling in Borrelli who we can at least trust not to change much about the arrangements the Hierarch left us with. In short, I dont like either of our options, said DAmico.
DEste put his fork down on his plate and folded his fingers, sigh Alessandro, you and I have been more closely associated with one another than just about any other two members of the General Directorate other than the Hierarch and Director Del Tuono themselves I ask because I feel that the Vanguard is likely to be divided for the first time since the Revolution over the issue of the Hierarchs successor The New State functions from the original principle of unity. As they say, cooperation is the law of survival. Yet, if there is one party member I trust more than any other to form a united front, it is you There is no more time to put off this discussion. I need to know how you intend to vote
D'Amico stuffed a morsel of food into his face and spoke while chewing, Hm, well To be honest, Ive felt so much like nothing Ive done has been of consequence in initiating policy that I figured who Id rather win wouldnt bear much weight in the big picture of things. But I guess youre right with the Hierarch gone and all its up to the Integral Social Vanguard to make a collective decision. That said, Id rather the Grand Admiral continues to run things at least until the League has been repelled.
W-what?! You would rather vote for But Alessandro, Bisogno has been standing in the way from instituting a definitive solution to the Heisenian question! If he is permitted the legitimacy of chieftaincy at the helm of the state, he may even revoke the ANRI Initiative shut down the DRC system!, DEste urged, slamming his fist on the table. Renard, dear, please Remember your blood pressure, pleaded DEstes wife. The Director of IndLab continued to remain focused on the topic at hand nevertheless, Cant you imagine what this will do to Imperial Industries? Or what it will do to the entire Ridnezite economy? Wages will drop, prices will soar, there will be widespread unemployment and thats not even beginning to touch on the question of what the old fool will do with the Heisenphyte rabble Will he try to integrate them as the Felons of Magnifico accomplished with such tremendous success Absurd!
D'Amicos wife listened to DEstes rant with dawning trepidation, but DAmico himself merely chuckled, Please, Im aware that the Grand Admiral is not a true Zendirist, but I hardly think hes so senile as to think he can just reverse the past two decades of demographic policy. The entire prosperity of the Ridnezite people even the stability of the war economy especially the stability of the war economy depend on the retention of the status quo which we have inherited from the Hierarch. The Armed Forces chiefs have always proved amenable enough to our reforms. After all, we have, in a way, avenged their lost pride on the First Republic dregs.
D'Estes face flushed slightly red with exasperation, You say that as if an Armed Forces chief hasnt betrayed the New State for their maudlin sentimentality once before Aldo Scaglietti, who was exterminated by Director Del Tuono for sabotaging a tactical operation for the Felons of Magnifico and for secreting a Zick larva in the sanctity of his home These idiotic reactionaries dont put stock in the ultimate deterministic reality of race Anyone who cannot affirm the social ideal, the racial ideal, and the-
D'Amico interrupted, Yes, well, thats all well and good, Renard, but speaking personally given I, for once, am at liberty to do as much I dont much care what the Admirals ideals are so long as he doesnt interfere with my directorates responsibilities And unlike you, Im not so convinced that he will Besides, whats the alternative? If that emaciated stringbean Borrelli is allowed to go forward with the more extreme version of the Zendirist program, then the solution to the Heisenian question you alluded to will mean the eventual extinction of the DRC system anyway. What happens when there are no more industrial apprentices to draw from the antisocial populations? Ridnezite citizenry have been given a society where realities of hard labor are unknown to them, and frankly I like it better that way. GovInvest revenues brought in from Imperial Industries keep SocPol programs well-funded and keep me receiving a generous salary No complaints here.
Hm, I fear for this country, Alessandro It pains me that we couldnt see eye-to-eye on this, unlike just about every other matter of importance to concern us both since the time of the Revolution. Either way, no matter who wins the Vanguards endorsement, I trust we will be able to work well together towards a better future for the party, for the state, for the people and for our families. What do you say, old friend?, said DEste, raising a toast with his glass of white wine.
D'Amico raised his glass of red wine and clinked it against DEstes, Hear, hear.
The two directors wives, somewhat less enthusiastically, copied the gesture with their own glasses. Anna DAmico forced an insincere smile and chuckled, Well, Sofia I hope things continue to go well for you and yours. Maybe well have a formal meet-together of both our families sometime next month? Sofia DEste replied, Hm, yes, that sounds lovely, Anna Besides which, the kids havent had a chance to play with each other in a good long while.
The DAmico and DEste couples made their cordial exits and headed separately for their automobiles, both 2025 models of the Aurelio Desti Leopardo, the quintessential Ridnezite luxury vehicle.
What was that Renard was saying earlier about Admiral Bisognos plans to shut down the DRCs, Alessandro?, queried a concerned-sounding Anna. Alessandro addressed the question as he sat in the driver seat and started the ignition, Oh, pff, that Just a paranoid delusion held by some of the diehards in the party about the Grand Admirals intentions for permanent political leadership of the country Vincenzo Borrelli has a significant base of support in the institutions set up by the Hierarchs directives Take the RSMC for instance. Its been systematically staffed with the biggest Zendirist stalwarts around Borrelli was the Hierarchs best friend, so naturally theyve been doing everything in their power to make it seem like Bisognos going to upset the established order Its just hit-pieces and innuendos, thats all!
The DAmicos drove their car down Via Penelope as, unbeknownst to them, they were being watched by Konstantin Pappas from a nearby fire escape, suspended from within a dark alleyway. The couple continued to argue, oblivious to the events that were about to happen. Alessandro We have children. We have children! Dont tell me youre going to vote for this Bisogno person if there is even a chance hell release the antisocials to rape the entire country After everything thats happened, do you think theyre not going to take revenge? DAmico frowned as he contemplated his wifes words, Thats not going to happen, Anna Trust me as your husband; the Admiral is the only one who can stop the League from releasing the antisocials upon the country! Hes going to keep us and our children safe, Anna I swear it!
As the Leopardo made a right turn onto Via Basile, Konstantin picked up a walkie-talkie attached to his belt and gave a single prompt, Now! From an adjacent rooftop, Abigail Roth chewed on a wad of bubble gum and blew a decently-sized pink bubble, which popped at the very instant she received Konstantins command. Armed with a rocket launcher, she fired off a single projectile at the middle of the street as the Leopardo approached. The rocket detonated into a large cloud of obscuring gray smoke. It had obviously been modified to have its incendiary charge removed, but panic ensued regardless.
Alessandro, whats happening?!, screamed Anna. Alessandro DAmico quickly left the car and dragged his wife behind him, clutching her by the wrist, What else would it be, Anna? Ocelotists! Theyve come for me like they did Del Tuono and Vitale! The two pushed their way past crowds of people and ducked into an alleyway when suddenly they heard as a large, muscular man dropped from the fire escape behind them.
Alessandro DAmico, I take it? Director of Public Finance and chief executive of the state-owned metalworking monopoly which bears your name and also a slaver and butcher of my Ziconean brothers and sisters on an industrial scale. Ive heard tales about the horrors of your factories in the Outer Sector I only wonder if she knows as well ?, Konstantin uttered with his guttural voice.
DAmicos eyes visibly dilated as he called to his wife, Anna, quick, get to the end of the alleyway Get home, take the kids, and get as far away as you can! They were herding us here waiting for us! Anna dashed to the end of the alley, doing the best in her ability with high-heeled shoes at least, but Abigail was waiting for her at the other end. Abigail grabbed Anna and pinned her against the side of a building abutting the alleyway, holding a knife to her throat, Just relax, sister. Were not going to hurt you unless you give us reason to.
Anna! Threaten my wife, you filthy Zick animal, will you?!, roared Alessandro. He curled his fingers into a fist and made his best attempt to throw a punch at Konstantins toned abdomen, but only injured his hand in the process, clutching it in throes of pain. I Im not afraid of you, muttered Alessandro somewhat unconvincingly. Konstantin looked down upon DAmico with a look of utmost disgust, as if he were looking more at a repulsive insect than a man. You should be afraid of me, said Konstantin, as his own powerful fist connected with DAmicos face and crushed the cartilage of his nose like so much tissue paper, sending DAmico reeling and collapsing on the ground.
A-Alessandro Alessandro!, screamed Anna, as her face became awash with terrified tears. Abigail could only apprehend the moment with a sense of pity in spite of herself. Good grief, Abigail said, Did you have to do that in front of the woman? I just told her that we wouldnt hurt them if Oh, f*ck it. Abigail brought the blunt end of her knife handle down against the back of Annas head with enough force to knock her out, No redeeming that situation. That runt posed no threat to you, Mr. Legbreaker. Couldnt you have handled that a little more delicately?
Konstantin justified himself with his typical unemotive cadence, This cur DAmico deserves worse Far, far worse. Dont presume to lecture me about what I should have done, woman. Abigail sheathed her knife and put one hand on her hip, I wasnt going to Just saying less noise is usually the preferred outcome when youre trying to nab a target, and you sure set off the scream queen here before I put her to bed. Now lets just grab them and skedaddle before creeps from StateSec show up
Underground Base Camp Panther-164, below Centro Nuovo
October 6, 2023, 3:44 AM
Why do you continue to flee from those who care about you? Weve been searching for you and others like you orphans, stragglers from the incident for a long time now. There is no shortage of decent Ridnezite foster families who would be glad to have an intelligent kid like you to help raise you up into a fine young man. Youll never have to sleep in a cardboard box ever again youll never need to cheat your elders or break the law to scrounge up what amounts to loose change youll never, ever go a single day hungry ever again. Thats not the kind of world that the Hierarch is building for the Ridnezite people to partake in, you should know. And partake in it, you can by my honor as the Director of State Security we just need you to tell us the whereabouts of the Heisenian boy youve been seen around with What did you say his name was again?
Giovanni Sforza arose from a cot with a violent jerk as the words, so alluring at the time they were first spoken, passed through his liminal consciousness. Doing so only aggravated the many sutured wounds over his body and caused Sforza to groan as the sharp pain hit him.
Giovanni Oh, for Maris sake, you shouldnt make any sudden movements, or you might accidentally tear open your stitches! Now just hold still, Serena clamored to settle Sforza down and gently lie him back down. Sforza took stock of his surroundings; other than the cot, there was a first aid kit cracked open on a metallic tray some meters away, four corners, a floor, and a ceiling. Otherwise, the room appeared a dull gray, and the air smelled familiar the stale-smelling air perfusing the bases and settlements of the Underground. To Giovanni Sforza, that was the smell of home.
Serena Did anyone tell you that youre that youre , Sforza formed the words, then went blank for several seconds as he found himself focused on Serenas face, her brunette hair, her hazel eyes, so beautiful The remainder of the thought came out as just that, a thought, unuttered and undisclosed.
Yes, Giovanni? What is it?, inquired a concerned Serena. Sforza shook his head and rapidly blinked, I was going to tell you Youre just too damned maternal at times News flash, youre not my mother youre 21 were basically soldiers down here, almost Your coddling is strictly unnecessary! Serena pressed her lips together tightly and arched her eyebrows downwards in disapproval, then finally smacked Giovanni Sforza across the face with unexpected speed, Jerk, Im just trying to show some concern towards my friend Someone Ive spent almost every day and night for the past several months getting to know Serena turned away from Sforza and gripped her arm, muttering underneath her breath, to know and care about
Sforza immediately realized his error, In Maris name, whyd you say that? She was just trying to Anxiously rubbing the nape of his neck in a nervous tic, Sforza made his apologies, I... Im sorry for going off like that. I know you were just trying to help and all Its just Im not used to being in this position, yknow? Serena folded her arms and snarked, Youre not used to crashing through glass windows and nearly getting yourself killed? Whod have thought?
No, cmon, you know what I mean I dont like this feeling of vulnerability, I guess you could call it. It puts me on edge makes me cranky, explained Sforza. Well, theres that, and also I guess you could say deep down I dont think Im worth the effort Serena held Sforzas hand, Giovanni Do you know the number of people Ive met in my life who are as brave, as selfless, as as heroic as you? I can count them on one hand, and most of that number are the other members of your crew. Just about any human being would be worthy of at least some concern, if they had gone through what you just did So Im telling you now Youre worth it, Giovanni.
Sforza closed his eyes and sighed to himself, You still dont understand, not really Hell, even after prying into my whole past, Borrelli didnt understand sh*t Serenas look increased in intensity at the mention of the name, B-Borrelli ? Sforza went on, He tried to flip me to the Zendy side, after all the trouble Ive given them all the years Ive spent playing opposition. But his pitch relied on a misconception that I was driven by hate for having lost my parents. But it was never that never that at all. I first got into this fight because because Sforzas thoughts went back 12 years, as he recalled that seductive offer
Burned into the memory of Giovanni Sforza, his 14-year-old selfs words cracked with the desperation that only hunger and poverty can bring, Theres other people out there who would take me. Even knowing how Ive been living how Ive been getting by, and who Ive been doing it with ? The Director, Gianfranco Del Tuono, put on his best impression of an inviting grin, but as Sforza recalled, that only made him more frightening. One look into the mans eyes revealed the vulpine predatory instincts just underneath the surface. Yes, Giovanni, I guarantee it. You can have a normal life again a bright future ahead of you. These are things which you now know better than most ought not to be taken for granted. You said the little Heisenian thief is named David A Heisenian family living amid an unsuspecting Ridnezite community is a social hygiene risk, you know. The Hierarch has proven through his accomplishments that this country will move mountains to rescue its most unfortunate from the misery of want But you first must do this for your country Where is this David hiding? Are there any others hiding with him?
Sforza was brought back out of his recollection by the voice of Serena, By the Phantasmic Court Did you tell Borrelli anything? I wont blame you if you did I can keep things discreet if you want me too but were readying to infiltrate, then take, the National Assembly Hall in less than 24 hours ! Sforza jolted forward at hearing this and spat, W-what?! You cant be serious! How could you hope to ? Urgh! Sforzas outburst was cut short by his aggravation of his injuries in his overstimulated condition.
Serena explained, Theres simply no time left! The annual party congress is happening today evening, and its where Borrelli intends to acquire legitimacy as the new Chief of State. Its early morning right now as we speak! The StateSec crackdown on your planned meeting with Admiral Bisogno several days ago cost all of us valuable preparation time, so now weve got to push things into overdrive, no matter what happens!
Sforza regained his calm, So you know about Bisogno, huh? Im not even going to ask Serena gently placed her hands on Sforzas shoulders and knelt down next to him, Giovanni, please just tell me What is it that Vincenzo Borrelli knows about Bisognos plans for the party congress
Hmph, so he knows that Bisogno and I had been cooperating to keep the Nyx Effector Triggers from him and to divert resources away from completion of the Vortes Program before that He knows everything about us, but But I dont think he knows all that much about you You, he might not see coming, said Sforza. Serena nodded her head in affirmation, Then that just might confirm the Admirals faith in us to get the job done, huh?
Yeah, I guess so But be warned, Borrelli plans to use his knowledge of Bisognos disobedience to his advantage when the time comes Bisogno has the Ars Goetia and maybe he has some other leverage too I dunno, he just used me to do his errands for him , Sforza stated with some degree of contempt, whether for Bisogno, himself, or possibly both.
Giovanni theres been something else Ive been thinking about. Can we trust Admiral Bisogno? What happens if he gains the Zendies appointment as Chief of State without a conflict? He just shuts everything down? Surrenders to the League? What?!, asked Serena.
Sforza had a muted chuckle as the question was posed, Can you trust Bisogno? Can you trust him?! Serena hell, no! Were just a means to an end for him Once weve served our purpose, wed only be an obstacle to him Behind all his nobility is just another bootlicking bloodhound who only decided to grow a conscience when his boss told him that half the country might have to be euthanized one day Thats our only common cause when push comes to shove, and dont you forget it !
Serena looked sad in that instant, as thought there was part of her that wanted to believe otherwise, but she knew to defer to Sforzas judgement as Bisognos long-term contact. I wont forget, Giovanni. After all he betrayed the First Republic and put Bombardone in power, so of course we cant trust him now. How could I forget who I was dealing with?, said Serena, in an almost robotic tone of voice. But his grief his pain When he talked to us a few days ago, about the high stakes of the upcoming mission I cant believe that was a lie, Serena thought to herself.
Uh yknow, Im a bit embarrassed to admit it, but Ive been sitting here, watching over you for the past couple hours, Serena said. A couple of hours? Staring at gray, gray, and more gray ? Oh Oh!, Sforzas reaction was one of unspoken surprise, while Serena emoted bashfulness at Sforzas sudden realization. I might as well check and see if Abigail and Konstantin are back from their errand for Admiral Bisogno, Serena stated, as she turned to leave the room.
Serena was halfway to the half-shut door when she stopped, maintained an awkward silence for a few seconds, and then turned back in Sforzas direction. Uh Giovanni one last thing. When you said that Borrelli pried into your past and still didnt understand your motivation What exactly did you mean? You confessed that you lost your your parents in the ghetto uprising. But if not that, then what ? Then why ?
Sforza shut his eyes tight and struggled to hold back tears, though his voice wavered, Serena I I appreciate what you think of me, but there are things you dont know. Things I just cant tell you about But if I told you, you would get it Youd know exactly why I have to live in these tunnels, hardly ever seeing the light of day Comfort is a luxury of those who choose to live without doubt. Borrellis a man like that He chose to affirm life, in his own words, by rejecting his humanity. I couldnt do that I dragged back into the squalor and the darkness and the struggle by my doubts by my regrets and so long as that suffering lets me know Im still human inside, Ill never let go of it never!
Giovanni, I I only wish I understood whats eating at you On the surface, sometimes, you try to cover it up, with that smart-aleck loner façade. But I know better theres a part of you inside thats screaming to open up to someone else who will just understand. And Im not going to stop until I reach that core and force you to realize you dont have to carry that burden alone!, announced Serena, walking out of the room and shutting the door closed with a loud thud.
Serena navigated through a short maze of claustrophobic, dimly lit passageways, feeding into a larger space resembling an isolated floor of an abandoned parking garage. She saw Abigail, perched on top of a crate, cleaning out her firearms with a cloth and some gun oil. Next to her were Alessandro and Anna DAmico, both tied to a support pillar. Konstantin was nowhere to be found initially, but the sight of the captives immediately piqued Serenas curiosity.
No way Those two They cant be! Alessandro DAmico GovInvest Director?, exclaimed Serena, approaching the scene. Without looking up from her favored Tertanian-manufactured handgun Old Reliable, Abigail confirmed, Thats him, girl Trussed up like a pulled turkey. How low the mighty have fallen, as they say Serena shook her head, No, Abigail, you dont understand These people They
Anna DAmico lifted her weary head, encouraged by the familiar voice, Serena ? Director Gerlonis daughter?! What on Avaris ? What are you doing consorting with these people?! What would your father say if he could see you now? Alessandro said nothing and, from Serenas view of the underground chamber, appeared to be totally limp, as though he would fall over if it werent for his bindings.
Serena nervously gripped her wrist as she drew nearer. These people I knew them when I was a kid, Abby. They were friends of the family ever since I barely came up to their knee Abigail turned her head in Serenas direction and kicked off from the crate, holstering the pistol, I guess its a bit strange for me to think that you now have emotional connections on both sides of the aisle Tough break, kid, but Youve seen what theyve done. Youve made your choice. Now, in Axons name, youve got to stick with it.
Serena rounded the pillar with some anxiety as she anticipated Alessandros condition. What she found: the mans face was encrusted with dried, oxidized blood, swollen in asymmetrical lumps, and discolored with heavy bruising. His party uniform was shredded and torn, revealing lacerations and bruising over various parts of his skin. His Zendirist armband was torn from his arm and stamped into the grime of a corner of the sunken parking deck.
Serena winced at the sight. By Amadastras veil, Abigail ! What in the name of the seas did you do to him?! Abigail approached, speaking with a slightly offended tone of voice, You think that was me?! She grabbed Serena by the shoulder, pulled her away a couple meters, and began to converse in whisper, Even though Id have good enough reason to bloody up this butcher, torturing helpless prisoners doesnt exactly sit right with me Konstantin was here earlier. He'd smack around DAmico until hed get a concussion, wait for him to come to, and then whale on him some more His sense of honor compels him to avenge the millions of Ziconeans who have perished in his extermination centers for the past few years or who were worked to death in the decade prior to that.
Serena looked back and forth a few times between Abigail Roth and Alessandro DAmico, then replied to the former in whisper, I just cant square it. I knew these people. When I was younger, I played with their children at house parties They were decent people. How could they ? How could he ?
Abigail leaned closer and adopted a biting tone. DAmico was decent like your father was decent? Later today, your old man is likely to occupy one of the highest places at the party congress, as a member of the General Directorate. No matter what happens, its conceivable that he could get hurt even killed. And if he doesnt, then hell still be arrested, and if justice is done, hell be dragged before the whole country and made to face the music for his many, many crimes What DAmicos been through so far will pale in comparison to that!
Serena glanced back once more at DAmico, then stared silently at the floor, not wanting to make her thoughts known. Abigail changed her intonation to be more sympathetic, Look, girl Serena. I dont mean to put you into a quandary or to test your resolve, but you have to grasp what youre getting into! Especially as youre playing a pivotal role in the events about to unfold! If it makes any difference to you I probably saved that slobs life by reminding Konstantin that hed be useful as a living hostage if it comes to that and Pretty Boy Alex is only pretending to be unconscious so that he doesnt get his ass beaten again Sforza got it way worse, believe me.
So where is Konstantin now?, asked Serena, as she and Abigail walked over to an area of the chamber out of earshot of the DAmico couple. Abigail almost hesitated to reply, So we both had the idea that with our fearless leader temporarily down for the count and given what we know about Bisogno and his intentions we need to recruit backup of our own from inside the Network, should everything go sour at the National Assembly Hall.
Serena questioned the logic, W-what do you mean, should everything go sour .? What do you think will happen? Abigail elucidated, What I mean is Lets assume that the 4 of us, by some miracle, help Bisogno outmaneuver the party loyalists with the assistance of the MPs guarding the building What then? Do you really think hell just let us go? He probably has something planned to scapegoat us and kill us all off so no one knows the truth that he had the idea to upstage his Zendy masters If youve been an affiliate of the Network long enough, you just get to know that this is how things happen But if this is the one occasion where we can truly, finally end the waking nightmare, were not going into it blindly Were going to be ready for whatever happens on our own terms...
I see Its all riding on Lucio and me then, huh?, said Serena.
Abigail nodded in confirmation. Afraid thats the hand were forced to deal, girl I hope you know your way around a formal event in heels and a dress Anna DAmico She offhandedly tossed the ISV membership card of the real Anna DAmico in Serenas direction and started to walk back towards the crate she was seated on earlier with her firearms. Serenas quick reflexes enabled her to catch the card in her hands before it struck the ground.
How am I supposed to pass for a woman over 30 years older than me?!, Serena demanded to know. Abigail shrugged, Bisogno said his men will vet you through the front door. After that, just do your best not to get noticed, I guess its not a good plan, just the best we can manage on such short notice.
National Assembly Hall, Centro Nuovo
October 6, 2023, 5:30 PM
So, are we ready to broadcast? Remember every TV set across Ridnez will be tuned in to see this go down It might be the biggest event in the course of 22 years of the Zendirist Revolution.
Yeah, and imagine Im the lucky reporter who gets to cover it I can expect to get bumped up to a higher tier of party membership after this!
Uh, huh, good for you Anyway, cameras rolling on three, two
Good evening, people of Ridnez! This is Urbano Buffon, bringing the National Assembly Hall to you live, right on scene in Centro Nuovo once known in the annals of Ridnezite history as Il Sole, the City of the Sun but for the past 16 years, rededicated by the dearly departed Hierarch of Zendirism, the City of New Beginnings! What a fitting name in retrospect, for tonight a heated debate is scheduled between two eminent candidates to succeed the Hierarch as Ridnezs Chief of State to be elected by the inner leadership council of the Integral Social Vanguard, the rarely seen, hardly spoken-of Council of Zendirism. Whoever prevails, there is one thing for sure! A new beginning is the Vanguards promise to the nation of Ridnez tonight! And for those of you who werent reserved seats to the occasion on the Strato Uno or Strato Due membership lists of the Vanguard, WRSMC will be dutifully bringing the whole fateful thing to you in the leisure of your personal dwellings!
Crowds of men and women, dressed in either party uniforms or formal wear, proceeded up the steps leading to the imposingly tall doors of the Assembly Hall. Among the sea of people, Serena Gerloni and Lucio Andreozzi were found partnered up to infiltrate the meeting in the guise of Anna and Alessandro DAmico. Serena was dressed in a dark blue evening gown with white evening gloves; Lucio wore a standard tuxedo with a black bowtie. Ready to enter the fray, Anna, my love ?, Lucio teased. Serena groaned, Shut up, Lucio Were just about at the security checkpoint. Lets hope that Admiral Bisognos on the level about his people working the front.
The two presented the ISV membership cards of Alessandro and Anna DAmico to the military policemen guarding the checkpoint. Lucio tried playing it cool, putting on a fake smirk as though he was just happy to be there. Serena remained more serious and focused, locking eyes with the MP analyzing and scanning through the membership cards. The MP gave a subtle, knowing nod, which Serena reciprocated.
Around 300 yards away from the National Assembly Hall, up on a hill, a StateSec officer observed the swarm of human bodies flood into the lit-up building, while monitoring the perimeter obscured under cloak of night. He heard his squad leader check in over his comms device, Everything looking okay over the west side of the perimeter The party congress is due to start in an hour. All openings, windows must be covered at all times. Copy, over.
The officer turned on his mic, You dont need to tell me twice. I mean, heck, I can see the podiums for the speakers from this distance Whoever was the original architect sure prized aesthetic over security, is what Ill say. Copy, over. The squad leader replied succinctly, Just dont get overconfident. Somethings bound to happen tonight. Keep on your toes. Over and out. The agent shuffled about, Dont get overconfident Who does he think he-? The officers sentiment was stopped short as he was grabbed in a chokehold by a truly massive figure, passing out in seconds.
Alls clear for you to get yourself set up on this end, Roth, said Konstantin in his unmistakable monotone, So whats the plan from here Take the shot when Borrelli steps up on stage? Abigail quickly and efficiently removed the parts of a sniper rifle and assembled it together, No, that would cause undue difficulty in keeping a lid on the developing sitch Im going to let Bisogno handle things his way But if he loses control of the sitch all on his own or he tries to betray us in any way then Ill have both Borrelli and Bisogno In my sights to take them down. Konstantin comprehended quickly, The Admiral does not know of your intentions He does not even know that we are established at this vantage point, does he?
Bisogno was deliberately vague in his choice of words Secure the perimeter Well, Im at liberty to go about that task any way I see fit, arent I? But I have no reason to believe in Bisognos benevolence any farther than I can throw him And Im damn well not leaving Serena and Lucio in the lions den without some means of ensuring theyre okay down there!, Abigail pronounced. Hmph, you try to put on a sour demeanor much of the time, but You really do care about them, dont you?, Konstantin observed.
Abigail sneered at Konstantin, then resumed putting her rifle together. Just bind and gag that schlemiel before he wakes up and dont start trying to get mushy on me now, either. We need Konstantin Pappas, wall of 500 pounds of Ziconean muscle Konstantin Pappas, knight errant.
Konstantin nodded silently and then gave comment, Understood, Roth Ill reserve the mush for the contingency we all survive
5:44 PM
A black limousine pulled up outside the Assembly Hall, at the foot of its grand staircase leading to the security checkpoint at the entrance. Inside, Vincenzo Borrelli stared bleakly out at the gathered masses of politicians, businessmen, regime functionaries, reporters, and admiring civilians held behind lines of tape by the Ridnez State Police.
Well, dirigente Tonights your big night. You must be very excited!, said Giovanni Ossola, the chauffeur and valet. Not every man even guys with experiences and connections comparable to yours gets to be present for a convention that stands to rock the foundation of the country to its core! But I believe in you, dirigente Just know that, and even if things turn out differently than you might be expecting, I guarantee you itll all be fine in the end.
Borrelli grabbed his right wrist tightly with his left hand. It was all he could do to keep it from trembling, partly out of fear and partly due to Ouroboros. Do you really believe that, Giovanni? If I fail in my designs for the nights events, then it might not be fine for any of us in the end This isnt some simply job application, Giovanni, bless your soul. Its the life and death of millions at stake Maybe even yours.
Ossolas jovial attitude diminished as he heard those words from his employer. I I I dunno what to say, dirigente If you really think its that serious But you can do no better than your best, right? I cant tell you any differently than to give it your best, can I?
Meanwhile, Borrelli had checked out from listening to the valet, concentrating intensely on his reflection in the backseat window. But in his reflection, it was not himself, but the Hierarchs revenant, that Borrelli saw there. Now is the final test of your willpower to lead this country and change the world Your undereducated valet, while insipid in his chosen manner of expression, has the right idea to believe in you, Vincenzo. I believe in you The Zendirist elite has put their trust in you by my implication! Do not disappoint that trust There is still much that is left to be done, before the Ridnezite people can at last, finally, win their rightful place in the world. The Admiral and some Ocelotist criminals stand in the way No great feat to clear them off of the board, is it?
Borrelli noticed himself blankly staring out the window at nothing, saliva dripping from his lip, as he frantically jumped back in the passenger seat and tried to regain his composure. But he still could not stop his hands, knees, even his eyelids from twitching uncontrollably. Ossola looked back towards Borrelli with concern. Dirigente You want me to help you up the steps. Itd be no problem, really!
Borrelli heard the voice of Bombardone, garbled into a monstrous roar almost, as he clenched his fists, grit his teeth, and closed his eyes. No, Vincenzo! You aim to lead to inspire these people while shivering like a nervous wreck?! You alone must surmount the barriers facing you this night! Else you will never be worthy to replace me! Borrelli denied Ossolas offer, No, Giovanni I appreciate the request. But I have to show the people strength capability. I can do this I can do this!
And so Borrelli got his tremors and his unstable gait under control through a supreme effort of will, putting one foot after the other, climbing the steps up towards his destiny
Read dispatch
Twilight of the Idols Part 10
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Inside the reception area of the National Assembly Hall, Centro Nuovo
October 6, 2023, 5:35 PM
Has it really been 8 years since that day when I made my decision? The days drag on, but the years pass all too quickly What would have happened if I had chosen to see things my fathers way, I wonder? Would I be attending this event today, not as a camouflaged subversive on a mission, but as a distinguished guest in good standing with the most powerful men and women in Ridnez? Too many possibilities too many what ifs but its really a moot point. To have gone down that path would mean to accept living a contradiction to say one thing and do another. To drink champagne and laugh at bad jokes for the sake of appearances, while a continent away our people are committing slaughter on an unprecedented scale for our supposed benefit. To accept a superficial appearance of prosperity and civilization while we do our damnedest to ignore closets overflowing with skeletons. Im afraid you raised me too well, dad. This stinking dishonesty comes to an end tonight
Serena Gerloni glided past attendees of the ISV party congress, making her way across the floor of the spacious reception area. Lucio Andreozzi kept pace, trying to engage Serena in conversation, Can you believe this? Generals and officers in uniform, black suits and ties, as far as the eye can see! And this Assembly Hall its way bigger than it looks from the outside! I wonder whens the last time anyones used it for anything?
Serena maintained focus on the situation at hand, Its no time to get so excited by new experiences, Lu- Alessandro We have a purpose here but Admiral Bisognos instructions were so vague that I dont know what were supposed to do now.
Hm, well, if you recall, he did say to be here by half past 6 maybe were just early?, Lucio proposed. Serena turned her head to shoot Lucio a glare of incredulity and impatience. The message was understood at once. Right, Im not helping.
This isnt some trivial thing we are truly in the lions den here. Either of us could be IDed, if not by any of the party members, then by the guards watching the security cam feed. We cant afford to dawdle much longer without knowing our objective, Serena insisted, keeping her voice at a volume below the cacophony of the attendees.
Perhaps I may be of assistance Fräulein?, said a brown-haired man in a bowtie and carrying a tray with glasses of champagne. By all appearances, he was a mere cocktail waiter, but the use of Xaviet was an immediate tip otherwise. Its about time you gave us some clue as to what were doing ! What am I supposed to call you here anyway? Certainly not il re rosso, said Lucio.
The Xaviet spy simply smiled and lightly bowed, You need not call me anything but a humble servant, Signor DAmico But I couldnt help but overhear your conversation on account of the rather conspicuous distress youve been broadcasting Now, you were a professional stage actor, so I mostly refer to your lovely wife
Roter König nodded in Serenas direction, You were given a clear instruction by our mutual friend Stay inconspicuous. Even if I couldnt overhear, your body language screams, Let me out of here How about you follow your compatriots lead for a while, hm?
Serena pressed her lips and folded her arms, Yeah, well, our mutual friend also said wed be provided with cufflink radios and earpieces for better communication, but the channels been dead until now. You know, I bet Id appear less conspicuously stressed if maybe we were given a hint of whats coming next
The SD agent smirked, Mr. and Mrs. DAmico, I believe your heads will clear after a light aperitif He handed Serena and Lucio champagne glasses from his tray. The channel will open at 6:50 exactly and the party congress, as you know, only begins in earnest at 7. Until then enjoy yourselves! History is, after all, in the making, König jested.
Lucio and Serena dumbfoundedly looked at their respective champagne glasses and noticed in each of them a small piece of jewelry, in Lucios case a ring with a gemstone and in Serenas a brass-appearing locket.
The mystery thickens, eh, my love ?, Lucio teased, wearing a corny grin on his face and apparently unconcerned about the situation. Serena raised her finger at Lucio, as if about to say something in indignation, then sighed to herself in resignation. Yknow, I hate how much youre enjoying this farce.
On the premises of the National Assembly Halls 20,000 square-meter outside property, Centro Nuovo
October 6, 2023, 5:48 PM
Outside the monumental rotunda of the Assembly Hall, sturdy men clothed from head to toe in tactical gear strafed the perimeter. Aside from the faint echo of crowds by the entrance, the only sounds that could be heard on the grassy knoll at the rear of the building were the crunching of combat boots over vegetation, the chirping of crickets, and occasional radio noise.
The darkly garbed figures prowled both the areas concealed by shadow and exposed by light, but notably came in two varieties: one team in black gear with blue armbands, emblazoned with the Zendirist Cheveron, and another team in dark blue wearing gray armbands bearing the letters MP.
A squad leader for the first team, identifiable as a StateSec tactical police unit, climbed up the side of the hill approaching the Assembly Hall and spoke into his secure channel, Officer Di Donato, status report on Maintenance Corridor 3, over. No reply was forthcoming. Di Donato, do you copy? Over. Still nothing.
The squad leader approached the backdoor entranceway to Maintenance Corridor 3 while another armed officer in his group strolled out from a darkened crevice in the outer wall of the building, looking around momentarily to reorient himself. The squad leader blew a gasket, What the hell, Di Donato? Isnt your receiver working properly?! I asked you for a status update and I walk over here to find you werent even covering your patrol area!
The officer being dressed down muttered beneath his breath, Sorry, chief I just needed to take a leak is all. The squad leader refused this explanation, Needing to take a leak is still no excuse for leaving your patrol area without a cover, much less maintaining radio silence when asked to report your status! Get with the program, youre no rookie! The Hierarchs own is depending upon you!
The squad leader began to turn, then halted himself all of a sudden, And that sore throat is terrible! Go and see a doctor when youre off-duty. The squad leader walked back up the hill, and the man he identified as Officer Di Donato took an inaudible sigh of relief.
From a distance no less than 300 yards away, a woman observed the scene play out through the scope of a sniper rifle, crouched over on a patch of grass by a large rock. Good on you, Konstantin Just keep your visor flipped down, stay cool as a cucumber, and you can BS your way past most obstacles, she said into a handheld radio.
The man posing as Di Donato whispered into a similar walkie-talkie fastened to his vest, Just keep me covered down here, Roth. Were skating on thin ice, and the Admirals men arent going to save us if we blow our positions prematurely.
Abigail Roth removed a strip of bubble gum from a wrapper and began to chew it, moving her scope deftly around the hill and the perimeter of the building. Im just letting you know no shots accuracy will be 100% guaranteed without a spotter, so dont get too comfortable either way, Abigail said, Hm, I dont suppose by any chance youve have any experience around one of these babies?
Konstantin slowly stepped away from the brightly lit area by the maintenance corridor entrance, letting the dusk conceal his actions to a degree, Ive never handled anything that required more skill or dexterity than a Salcanceacy-manufactured handgun but Ive crushed mens vertebrae with my bare hands. Does that answer your question, Roth?
Abigail blew her gum into a bubble and let it pop. Er, somewhat, I guess Secure the perimeter, Bisogno says. If I drop one of these jerks and another one picks up on it Lets face it, that jackass just wanted to get us out of the way of whatever hes really planning.
Konstantin watched as another StateSec officer rounded a corner into a relatively unmonitored area. Or maybe the Grand Admiral expects us to perform as well for him without additional guidance as our leader Sforza had apparently done before How many of them are there?
Abigail surveyed the environment once over and makes her determination, Counting the squad leader and excluding you and not counting the MPs, theres seven guarding the rear.
Konstantin cracked his knuckles and rounded the corner after his quarry, In just another minute, there will only six As for you, Roth, either obsess over everything you dont understand about this situation, or begin taking proactive measures until we do understand. Im making my choice.
Abigail took the gum from her mouth and squished it against a surface off to the side without looking, eliciting a muffled groan that slightly surprised her. Oops, sorry, forgot you were over there No, wait Im not sorry, Abigail said to the surface in question, the real Officer Di Donato, bound and gagged from the time of her and Konstantins arrival. She had nearly stuck the wad of gum into her captives eyeball. As it was, the gum remained stuck over Di Donatos clenched eyelids.
Not sparing the captive another thought, Abigail proceeded to adjust the scopes of her rifle and trailed the squad leader through the grass, Since were committed to doing this, we might as well do this right ! Abigail targeted the squad leaders head, Just hold still another second you wont feel a thing.
She let off a shot. Her targets body fell limp to the ground with hardly a sound. Five. Abigail quickly chambered another round and zeroed in on the next officers head, taking another shot and landing the target. Four Faster, Abigail, it wont be long before .
Chiellini to squad commander, finished clean sweep of sector 12. Awaiting new instructions , one of the remaining StateSec grunts reported, squad commander ? Do you copy?
Di Donatos or rather Konstantins receiver picked up the communication over the open line. Without delay, Konstantin procured the handheld radio on his person and opened the line to Abigail, You must relocate to another vantage point now. Theyre going to be onto you in a minute.
Abigail received the warning and rapidly moved to disassemble her rifle and load the parts into her backpack. She spared a moment to cast an aside glance toward the real Officer Di Donato and mentally assessed her options. Yeah, real smart decision of us keeping this guy around! Nowhere to hide him that infrared wont pick up if hes freed by the other jokers, then he becomes just another problem to eliminate on the field Killing hims no good, even if we did that from the start not enough time for the body to cool sufficiently not to pop up with heat sensors
After another second of hesitation, Abigail opened her two-way line to Konstantin, Look, theres nowhere I can go that they wont find me if theyre looking, but youve got a problem When they see this schlemiel Without looking, she elbowed the bound Di Donato in the nose, breaking the cartilage and smashing his head against the boulder behind him, knocking him out. it wont take them two seconds to figure out who you are. This is gonna get hot, and youd best prepare for it. As Abigail signed out, she unholstered her sidearm beneath her jacket and loaded a fresh magazine.
Konstantin sighed in resignation as the end of Abigails communication overlapped with a StateSec officers cry over their shared channel, Chiellini to all agents! Squad commander is down! I repeat, squad commander is down! Were under some form of attack! Another officer cussed over the line, Sh*t, Bertolini was right on the money A third officer chimed in, Heisenphyte scum theres no question Albertsons mutts are responsible for this! Just like Director De Marco Finally, the fourth took command of the situation, Enough! Were here because Bertolini trusted we were the best Turn on infrared, fan out, eyes open for suspicious movements Well flush out whoever this is. Then imagine the reward il dirigente will have in store for us once we deliver their head in a box.
Konstantin turns on his microphone and tersely speaks to the officers on the line, trying to conceal his accent with brevity, I shall inform the military police and il dirigente about the unfolding situation and be back with backup. He then took a gander at the time on his digital watch to gauge the timeframe in which to act. The numbers read 18:30.
Tense minutes pass, with no active radio communication among either of the enemy parties.
What do I do?! If I make a dash for a different position, maybe get a visual on the Zendies positions, Ill be out in the open They might even be trying to psyche me out into abandoning cover, then pepper me with ammunition! But if I stay here, its just as bad; theyll just converge on my position But no, Pappas will alert me Unless they already suspected him and got to him first Think, Abigail, think!, thought the Heisenian freelance soldier. After clutching her hair with her free hand, wracking her brain for a solution, she came upon a potential solution, her eyes drifting to the unconscious Di Donato. Maybe it really was a good idea to keep you around, you putz.
After another few minutes, one of the StateSec officers catches glimpse of a blob of heat moving at a relatively fast speed toward an oak tree in a miniature park at the corner of the Assembly Hall property, another source of cover. Potential target visualized heading for the oak tree 600 meters northwest of the marble fountain. Converge on location immediately!, barks the StateSec officer taking over as impromptu commander. Before long, 4 black-clad forms approach the designated area. One of the StateSec grunts wonders aloud in the squad radio channel, Why the hell havent the military police shown up yet anyway? Didnt Di Donato leave to get backup?!
As her enemies approached, Abigail cocked back the hammer on her 9mm semiautomatic pistol and pressed it against the temple of the now conscious but still gagged Di Donato, manipulating her hostages body by keeping him in a standing one-armed headlock. Alright, gentlemen, lets discuss this like civilized adults, why dont we?, she said with a determined, even defiant, tone.
So you got to Di Donato before he could bring backup, eh? Cunning weasel theres no question from that disgusting twinge of an accent that you are Heisenian which means Farinacci was right after all. One of Albertsons assassins, are you?, interrogated the impromptu squad leader.
Youre in no position to ask questions or hurl insults! If you hadnt noticed, I quite literally have your comrades life in my hands, and Im warning you my trigger-finger is getting twitchy!, she threatened. Di Donato frantically yelped and pleaded, only to be muffled out by the gag. Im giving you 10 seconds to drop your weapons all at once. Dont try anything stupid or he dies, I swear it! Ten!
The Ridnezite operatives exchanged glances, stricken with doubt. Please just give up Why couldnt you just be cowards?, Abigail thought to herself. Nine eight seven! Im not bluffing! I took out your commander; this is just more up close and personal! Six!
The officers briefly squabbled amongst themselves. W-what do we do? She's gonna off Di Donato! Amadastras veil, man, we visited his hometown for Republic Day celebrations last year met his family! We cant really what will we tell his-!, urged one of the remaining four. Shut up, Rizzieri, Im thinking! Just keep your sights trained on this Heisenphyte b*tch!, the de facto leader shouted.
Abigail continued the countdown, Five four! Internally though, she came to a different decision, Theyre reluctant, but they were chosen for a reason, I suppose. Either theyll let me finish the countdown and the shooting will start then Four guys with biosignature-locked assault rifles against me with my sidearm lugging a backpack with rifle parts, not good or theyll beat me to the punch and blow away their buddy in the process. Either way, sucks for me. So
Before completing the countdown, Abigail wildly thrust her gun arm forward and released 4 rounds in quick succession, taking out 2 of the 4 Zendirist officers. Not a second later, the 2 surviving gunmen let out a flurry of high-powered return fire, but Abigail had already begun to fall to the ground behind Di Donato, leaving him to absorb the hail of gunfire. As she fell, Abigail let off another 3 rounds, eliminating one of the surviving officers. The last remaining hostile, Rizzieri, was shocked into indecision as his mind fully processed what was happening around him, Di Donato?! By the Lady of the Waves
Abigail rose from the ground and exploited Rizzieris moment of confusion to line him up with her pistol at point-blank range. Just give it up and slowly drop the rifle! Was this really worth it?, she posed. She swore she could have heard a faint but indistinct vocalization from the stunned officer, but as his upper body musculature began to twitch the wrong way, she had to make a split-second choice. Abigail let off an 8th round from her handgun, blowing Rizzieris brains all over the cobblestone pathway leading up to the oak tree. Abigail took a moment to look at the bloodied bodies surrounding her, not outwardly betraying hint of emotion. But inwardly, the visceral imagery of her own handiwork reminded her too much of the Aster general strike, Why is it so much easier from behind a scope when you dont have to hear and see the mess up close? Axon rest their souls
Abigail, still a soldier at heart, put it out of her mind and concentrated on the mission. Walking away from the scene to resume her original vantage point, Abigail radioed the undercover Konstantin, Well, I hope Bisognos happy Its 7:00. The perimeter is now secure, and it didnt involve the MPs either Bisogno can keep his precious plausible deniability for whatever happens next But if he doesnt stay fully above board on this, he wont have long to enjoy it, Ill make sure of that. How are things on your end inside the rotunda?
Konstantin growled at a low volume into his end of the line, Well its complicated. Lets rendezvous back at where we first broke off Sit tight.
Inside the National Assembly Hall rotunda, Centro Nuovo
October 6, 2023, 6:00 PM
Vincenzo Borrelli walked through the reception area with a certain awkward reticence. He kept his fist clenched tight in the pocket of his dinner jacket to control his tremors and conceal them from his ISV cohorts. Borrelli continued to see and hear the specter of Andreas Bombardone, Vincenzo, my dearest and most loyal friend If you are to become the Chief of the New State, then you must act the part with gusto! Youre projecting uncertainty and submissiveness by your posture That crafty fox Bisogno will detect your weakness and eat you alive for it! Stand up straight, square up your shoulders remind yourself that the entire nation is looking for you to take it in your grip, not because they have some expectation of you that you will fall short of but because they already know you have the inner potential to win for them the ultimate victory!
Borrelli took his hands out of his pockets, no longer trembling, and straightened his back. Already he appeared to virtually gain an entire extra foot in height. Without calling for attention, Borrelli automatically seemed to command it by his improved stature alone. Party members in Borrellis midst instantly took notice of his presence, as if he had not been in the room a moment ago and now he was.
Bombardone spoke more into Borrellis mind, with a certain clarity that made it seem to Borrelli that he was physically standing behind him and speaking directly into his ear. Already your peons can sense they are in the presence of greatness, once you simply cease handicapping yourself with your anxieties Now close your eyes and imagine for a second imagine a people hundreds of millions strong, who have been subjected to the most horrid suffering imaginable among civilized nations that is to say, among men and not beasts deceived and persecuted by foreign interests and internal foreigners alike looking to a savior, a man who will mold their suffering into power and sharpen their loathing into a spearhead of will. Channel the feelings, the pain of that victimized people and be the savior theyve been praying for!
Borrelli opened his eyes, and to his unexpressed surprise, he found as the various black-tie-clad Zendirist party men and women backed up in a circle around him, all offering him the Consine salute in unison. Bombardone had one last instruction, You know what to do, o great master of the people. Validate their faith.
Borrelli curled his arm in an upwards arc, accepting the symbolic tribute of his ideological brethren. This is the privilege and the responsibility of all great men. The little people throw themselves at their superiors, because they must serve some purpose that proves their lives have value in the end they need to be made part of something bigger than themselves. In our infinite compassion, that value that sense of purpose is precisely what we mean to give them. And in a roundabout way, they give us our value and our purpose for would a great man be great if no one chose to be ruled by him?
Serena and Lucio observed this scene from a short distance away, anonymous within the crowd. Is- is that really who I think it is?, stuttered Lucio.
Vincenzo Borrelli, in the flesh this isnt good. Weve got to get some more space before he spots me , urged Serena. Lucio whispered a question to Serena, Why would he know what you look like? He probably doesnt know me from-
Serena reminded Lucio, Number one, I knew all these people since I was a child and they sure as hell know who I am, and who I absconded to be with Number two, both of us are Signor and Signora DAmico here You want a situation where Borrelli or someone else asks for an introduction? What are you going to tell him?
Borrelli walked through a parting ocean of Zendirist true believers to reach an automated 3-layer-thick osmium-steel door mechanism, regulated by a biometric lock feature. Borrelli hit a few buttons into a narrow console protruding slightly from an otherwise neoclassical-style support pillar, causing sections of the wall next to the osmium door to slide away to reveal retinal and fingerprint scanners. Borrelli placed his hand on the latter and aligned his eye with the former. A moment later, an electronically modulated, deep male voice boomed from the wall, announcing, Identity Confirmed: Vincenzo Borrelli Welcome to the Council of Zendirism.
The 3 sheets of osmium steel then gradually peeled back to permit the entrance of Borrelli into a darkened antechamber, after which the door mechanism reengaged and electromagnetically locked in place. Once the door mechanism locked, the antechamber lit up, allowing Borrelli to punch in a 6-digit passcode to enter yet another area beyond. In this next room was a large circular table marked in the center with the Zendirist cheveron the very symbol of the New State surrounded by security monitors relaying feeds from all over the building and other miscellaneous computer equipment, all saturated by dim blue LED lighting.
Borrelli entered the meeting room of the Council of Zendirism, effectively a war room for all intents and purposes, with a newfound vitality in his stride. Comrades we have a problem, Im afraid, he warned, The Admiral, despite all our endeavors to outmaneuver and outwit him, has a distressingly good hand to play tonight in just an hours time. But we need to dedicate resources to discovering how it is this lone, aging reactionary has so much apparent covert assistance.
The only other three members present in the war room, seated in a circle around the table, were unlikely candidates perhaps: Stefano Felici of the Ridnez All-Labor Guild, Venceslao Insigne of the Directorate of Social Policy, and Vito Bertolini of the Directorate of State Security. Bertolini, I believe that this is your territory Theorize.
Bertolini pivoted his chair to face Borrelli, Well, there is no need to concoct theories from my understanding of the events It was you, dirigente, who had the original insight that Admiral Bisogno and this Sforza kid were in league to sabotage government initiatives such as the preparations going towards Bisognos Vortes Program, the bombing of the Government Archives Complex, and the money train heist in Fulmine Rosso just this summer Using a bit of logical deduction, isnt the obvious conclusion that the Ocelotist Network is enabling Bisognos ambitions?
Borrelli stroked his beard and considered Bertolinis words for a moment, No. No, it doesnt check out. We had the Sforza lad in our custody intermittently, up until very recently. You recall I asked you to prep the Retromnemon to break down his psychological barriers and plug in new ones in their place. What did he say during his last hypnosis session?
Hmph The young man had amazing resistance it was astonishingly difficult to reprogram him to react our subliminal triggers in the appropriate manner. But now that you mention it He did tell us some things inconsistent with the working theory , Bertolini admitted.
Borrelli pressed, Such as ?
Well, why dont we review the footage together? The StateSec Database of Records is accessible from the mainframe here , Bertolini suggested, rising to enter a few prompts into the master computer mounted against the wall. Many pinpoint rays of blue laser-light emitted from the corners of the war room, converging on the center above the Council of Zendirisms round table. The result was a 3-dimensional holographic reconstruction of an interrogation session with Giovanni Sforza, specifically a representation of Sforza strapped against an uncomfortable-looking iron table. This scene originally happened 5 days ago the day following Sforzas latest arrest by First Lieutenant Benedetta at the Fulmine Rosso waterfront.
The room then goes silent as Borrelli and his cohorts direct their attention to the hologram and listen to the recorded voices playing from the wall speakers. The recording of Bertolini was audible first, This is really rather inconvenient for us, Signor Sforza. The Directorate of State Security is unused to the embarrassment of dealing with fugitives And yet here you are, already with an arrest record that dwarfs your employment history, Id bet Actually, have you ever been gainfully employed? Id bet not
Sforza speaks next, Look, we both know that youd already pored over every damned aspect of my file before you even thought of entering this room with me today And I also know that youre just grilling me in the belief that youll wear down my resistance with shame, but I have no shame for the life Ive lived or the things Ive done. Look in the mirror once in a while and see if you can say the same, huh?
Bertolini enters the frame of the holographic recording, leaning against the table next to the restrained Sforza and lightly chuckles, Come now Ill admit, I have looked at your file. Director Tetra and his predecessor found you a quite fascinating case study, and I will say that I do as well But thats not why were really here, Im afraid Ill ask nicely once. Why did you choose to hit the money train at Conti University Station at 10 AM on July 9 this year?
Sforza gritted his teeth, Havent you heard? Lowlife criminals got to eat too
Bertolini scoffed beneath his breath, Wrong answer, pup. You know what well do to you if you stay clammed up, right? I dont quite have Director Tetras technical expertise with the machinery so theres no guarantee I won't blast your IQ to the level of an asparagus you know, on accident Were you working with Grand Admiral Giulio Bisogno to coordinate the heist ?
Sforza simply smiled. After a few tense seconds, he broke out uncontrollably in tears and laughter.
Bertolini seemed to lighten up as well, wearing not a look of consternation or offense, but a wry smile in response. Hmph, so you think what I just told you is funny, do you? You think were joking?
If Sforzas head werent strapped down and had full range of motion, hed shake it from side to side, but instead gave his reply in words. No Whats funny is that, right after pointing out I was full of bullsh*t when I said I had no regrets you try to use the threat of torture to make me compromise my ethics my soul. If a second chance at a loving family and a normal life didnt persuade me to buy into your system years ago, did you really think Id do myself the disgrace of bending to you now ?
To be honest, no But as il dirigente seems to have taken a liking to you for whatever reason, I thought Id give you a chance How silly of me, Bertolini answered. As Bertolini snapped his fingers, a pair of technicians dragged an apparatus vaguely resembling a lamp over Sforzas head, adjusted some settings, and flipped a switch. For the first second or two, there was no reaction at all, but then all of a sudden, Sforza began to shriek with almost inhuman intensity, like a dog or some such animal being cooked alive over a spit, as his body instantly went into convulsions.
Borrelli and the other two Zendirists had an immediate and visceral reaction, unaccustomed to seeing the actions of the StateSec Directorate for themselves. Borrelli yelled over the recorded shrieking in disgust, Bertolini Turn it off! Turn it off now!
Bertolini hit a button on the computer, freezing the hologram in place and cutting the volume. Borrelli placed his hand on his forehead and looked away in distress, before giving his next order. Skip to the relevant part, will you, please?
Bertolini cleared his throat in palpable unease, then hit another button on the console, causing the hologram to dissipate and reform into another scene, showing Sforza now strapped to a chair and seated across from a sitting Bertolini. Sforza, as depicted by the hologram, was visibly exhausted and delirious. The recording picked up with another button tap as Bertolinis past self speaks first, Alright, lets try this again Have you been colluding with Grand Admiral Giulio Bisogno to harm Zendirist projects?
Sforza panted for several seconds, then spat out in defiance, huff huff F*ck you
Bertolini followed up by enunciating a seemingly nonsensical string of syllables, Shem-ha-me-phor-ash. Sforza reacted at once as if struck by lightning, his eyeballs popping out of their sockets and retching from his esophagus. Then, he went quiet and slowly, almost robotically held his head up high. There was no further indication of tiredness or distress; his eyelids remained wide open and his pupils were noticeably dilated.
Answer the question, Sforza. Are you working with Bisogno or not?, said Bertolini.
After his lip quivered for several moments, Sforza obliged his interrogator with a monotone voice, Y-yes I am.
Bertolini smiled from ear to ear and pressed further, Good, youve done very well, Sforza How did you encounter Bisogno in the first place?
H-he kidnapped me from a prison cell after StateSec arrested me for smuggling illegal car parts , Sforza said.
Hm, and whats Bisogno want out of this? Whats his motive?, Bertolini asked.
B... Bisogno wants me to sabotage the plan drafted by the government to depopulate Usea and to destroy Ridnez itself if ever needed to prevent an enemy occupation, Sforza replied.
Are your comrades-in-arms enlisted in this endeavor at all? Are they involved ?, said Bertolini.
Yes, came the reply. Hm Does the Ocelot herself know about your relationship with Bisogno?, Bertolini followed up. After a moment of frozen silence, Sforza answered again, No.
Do you know what the significance is of the item you stole on the train?, asked Bertolini. I only know that it will end the war, said Sforza. Was the deceased Director Gregorio De Marco part of this conspiracy in any way?, came Bertolinis query. Sforza stayed silent a few seconds more before the response came, I dont know.
Very well, you will forget everything related to this interview everything that happened since you entered this very room once I say the phrase. It will be a blank against the escutcheon of your conscious mind Shemhamephorash, said Bertolini. At the speaking of the phrase, Sforza shook slightly and simply shut down, totally unconscious. That moment, Bertolini in the present moment chooses to hit a button on the master computer dispelling the hologram and closing the recording.
Borrelli cradles his chin in his hand, arms folded, and paces around the war room. His comrades-in-arms are assisting Bisogno, but the Ocelot doesnt know of their relationship And the lad had no awareness of the true importance of the Keys of Nights why we are truly after them and why Bisogno ordered him to keep them from their rightful possessors. Dont you see? The Admiral isnt really working with the Ocelotists; he manipulated Sforza into using their network and resources to run his own schemes But that still leaves questions Who did he enlist to retrieve the boy from his place of incarceration? How did his people know we were bringing Sforza to that derelict office building on Piazza Silvano last night?
You ask good questions, dirigente Two of my men, enhanced with Ouroboros B, were found very dead in that building this morning One of them, his skull was burst with an armor-piercing round The other, died of cardiac arrest. I dont know how they did it Who else knew that Sforza had been prepped for a special interrogation session there, other than us and the two dead men? None I can think of , Bertolini wondered aloud.
Borrelli stood still for around a minute, then as a distinct possibility came to his mind. His stolid expression blanched with disbelief, yet he could not contain his shock. The only other living, breathing human who should have known was my valet Giovanni Ossola
Bertolini rotated idly around in his swivel chair, Hmm, and you suppose this Ossola has the capability to betray the New State? Lets pull up his record, why dont we? He brought up Ossolas profile from the StateSec database with a few keystrokes, as a holographic reproduction of the mans head flashed above the table. Hm, well, well Wouldnt you believe that he was spotted working a side gig driving a truck for the Supremo Alto Freight Company, a subsidiary of Oberto Durable Goods and Exports, at the time of the Ridnez Civil War. His assignment, completed just prior to the loss of the northwest province was a shipment from a Magnifico suburb to one just outside of Fulmine Rosso no log was submitted, but the existing photographic evidence in Ossolas file places this event on the same night that Director Del Tuono perished at the hands of a certain rather infamous terrorist in Fulmine Rosso.
Borrelli scowled in contempt. He He never disclosed any additional occupation as a truck driver to me For the last 20 years, hes been my valet and to my knowledge, only my valet! He When the Shahi Air Force bombed Fulmine Rosso a week ago, Giovanni got me to safety
Hm, fascinating And where were you at the time again, dirigente?, queried Bertolini, though already knowing the answer.
I was on the top floor. My executive suite , Borrelli recalled.
And Ossola managed to get to you within what, minutes? While the city was being destroyed during a bombing run in which General Ridnez Petrochemical was a strategic civilian target. Very convenient very coincidental , Bertolini prodded.
By Maris, I cant believe Giovanni my Giovanni , Borrelli muttered to himself, processing the epiphany. T-this still doesnt answer the initial question. The Admiral didnt use my chauffeur in order to recruit the Sforza lad or to kill two Ouroboros B-enhanced agents And if the Ocelot herself isnt involved, then I doubt extensive Ocelotist support could be responsible either.
No but if we ask Ossola nicely maybe hell tell us, Bertolini suggested.
Borrelli squinted his eyes with determination. Do it.
Maintenance Corridor 3
October 6, 2023, 6:30 PM
Konstantin Pappas dragged his feet through the maintenance corridor providing a backdoor entrance to the Assembly Hall, still garbed in the tactical gear of Officer Di Donato. At the end of the corridor, the burly Ziconean opened a door to access the interior spaces. To Konstantins bemusement, the corridor led ultimately to a kitchen, where a team of gourmet chefs were hard at work preparing a three-meal course for the opening of the party congress.
All eyes in the room fixed upon the anonymous muscular man in black. Konstantin took quick action to justify his presence, once more using a scratchy-sounding voice and short words and phrases to disguise his accent, Dont be alarmed. Reporting to the director. That was all they needed to hear, and from then on it was back to work.
If Roth is so concerned about treachery from the Grand Admiral, then it behooves me at least to monitor his behavior. If there is foul play or any hint of it then Ill have the Admirals head before Roth does. A knight of Zicona is not played for a fool!, Konstantin reflected.
Konstantin emerged into a hallway abutting the kitchen area, bypassing the conversing Renard and Sofia DEste. I swear that it doesnt make any sense we both saw the DAmicos just last night. Weve scoured the reception area three times over, and no sight of them. And after Alessandro seemed so adamant about supporting Admiral Bisogno as the new party leader , remarked Sofia. Hmph, you have a point. I think Alessandros rationale is idiocy, pure and simple but its concerning that weve not been able to locate him yet according to the vetting staff, they should have arrived
Damn, it seems that the Zendirist minister we abducted had friends people who would notice if he wasnt around that might prove problematic in the long run of affairs, thought Konstantin. Afterwards, he stumbled into the greater reception area, initially overwhelmed by the large number of the attendees and the vibrancy of the social gathering. Im not sure what I expected. But this casual frivolity was certainly not it. Hypocrites sinners and pagans all. May Axon smite them as they richly deserve.
Konstantins vision scanned the room once over with clarity, and a few notable individuals stuck out to him from within the crowd. First Konstantins eyes locked onto the sight of Vincenzo Borrellis departure from the Council of Zendirisms war room, whereupon he was handed a glass of champagne by a cocktail waiter. Next, a few minutes later, Konstantin observed Admiral Bisognos dignified entrance to the reception area, saluted by a gathering of navy men and marines in the service, no doubt many of similar aristocratic stock. Konstantin witnessed as the cocktail waiter crept up next to Bisogno and whispered something into his ear, whereupon the two began to take a stroll together down an adjacent hall.
Konstantin began to follow Bisogno and Roter König down the hallway at a distance, picking up the pace after they round the bend. Konstantin sneaked up to the corner, hugging the wall and rounding the bend to determine where Bisogno and his Xaviet ally went. The Ziconean mobster heard murmurs of their discussion in an out-of-the-way cocktail room, creeping up to listen better without revealing himself.
Did Lieutenant Schmidt ever tell you about the day, around a week after Bombardones demise, when I took him to see one of the greatest Ridnezite operas, Tito Secondo? It was a grand performance, truly, Bisogno reminisced.
König maintained his air of politeness, Ah, Im afraid it must have slipped the Lieutenants mind but pray tell, why think back on the occasion now, while there are much bigger concerns ahead?
Tito Secondo may be a grandiose drama, but it is also a morality play. It illustrates the ultimate fate of all those who seek to go against the will of the spirits who govern the natural world it reminds the once-pious Ridnezite people of a time when they feared the elements and feared the worlds vengeance for adopting strange ways, at variance with the natural order of things. The eponymous tyrant fell to divine wrath. Arguably, so too did Bombardone. At last, this grotesque charade shall be put to an end all these freaks and whoever else upholds the moral corruption of the modern world will be silenced or put to the sword, starting with the incapable cripple Borrelli that utter basketcase, Bisogno ranted.
The Xaviet remained impassive, ignoring Bisognos mounting instability. And sure enough, with the Kaizer and the Gouvernmentgebaus blessing, Ridnez will be a monarchy once again an allied monarchy! But that still leaves the question of how you mean to accommodate your co-conspirators to this dramatic counter-revolution you have planned. You made your case and the Ocelotists loyalty is to the Republic the First Republic at least in some form.
The Admiral poured out a drink for himself, groaned, and downed it in one go. I bore my heart my soul to those ingrates. Each of them would be dead by now, in Sforzas case several times over, if not for my generosity as befits the rank of nobility noblesse oblige. We must show concern for our social and moral inferiors, after all to the degree that they are happy and willing to accept their place.
And if these exceptional young revolutionaries are not willing to accept their place in a monarchical Ridnezite order or a Xaviet-led global order?, the Xaviet spy insinuated.
Bisogno sat down in a chair, steepled his fingers, and seemed to inwardly reflect before formulating his response, I-I suppose in that case Ill have to
Just then, Konstantins eavesdropping attempt was interfered with by an urgent transmission on the StateSec shared channel by Vito Bertolini. Attention, all operatives. Il dirigente has an assignment for you which takes utmost precedence. You may select one of you to temporarily leave his patrol area to accomplish this task. You are to find il dirigentes chauffeur Giovanni Ossola and bring him to Emergency Exit 17. I will be waiting to receive him for a quick interrogation. Further orders pending. Over.
In the name of Axon, what is this? The master of those dolts outside wants Borrellis valet to be captured for some reason ? I wonder if its worth complying with that mans directive simply to secure more intel for the benefit of our cell?, Konstantin speculated. After a few seconds, he arrived at his conclusion. If this valet is not brought before Borrellis lackey soon, it will raise suspicions. Therefore, the responsibility is mine to see this act through.
Several minutes later, Konstantin approached a limousine in the parking lot, by far the most ostentatious automobile on the Assembly Hall grounds. Sitting inside with the window rolled down, listening to some classical music on the radio, was none other than the intended target. Excuse me Could you please tell me if you go by the name of Giovanni Ossola?, asked the disguised Konstantin.
Ossola turned his head and began to sputter slightly, Er, ahem Y-yes, Giovanni Ossola, thats m- The hapless valet didnt get any further before Konstantin knocked Ossola out of his wits with a hammer-like blow to the jaw, then dragged him out of the limo and slung him over his shoulder to bring to the designated rendezvous point with Bertolini.
Outside of Emergency Exit 17
October 6, 2023, 6:50 PM
The disguised Konstantin hauled Ossolas unconscious body at Bertolinis feet, waiting by an obscure corner of the building. So this must have been the man barking orders over the channel clearly unaware that the rest of his detail has been eliminated, Konstantin thought.
Bertolini spoke brusquely, Whats your name, officer?
Konstantin masked his voice in the reply, Uh Officer Di Donato sir!
Wake this sack of crap up, why dont you, Di Donato? There simply isnt the time to do this properly, Bertolini insisted.
Konstantin looked between Bertolini and Ossolas crumpled body on the ground a couple times. Bertolini made a subtle nodding motion with his head as if to emphasize his orders. Konstantin gave a swift kick to Ossolas gut, giving the unfortunate chauffeur a rather rude awakening.
Evening, Ossola Surely you know what this is about, yes? Dont even try playing dumb In 30 minutes, your employer goes before the 54th Party Congress of the Integral Social Vanguard and receives the blessing of the nation as its one true leader. You will tell me what you know about Bisogno and his designs now or I am afraid to inform you it is my prerogative as acting Director of State Security to extinguish you, right here, right now, explained Bertolini.
This valet-driver has some sort of association with the Admiral ? Then there were more moving pieces to this subterfuge than we dared suspect But still my only concern, even moreso than my chosen allies in this struggle is what will become of my brethren, my fellow sons and daughters of Axon-blessed Zicona If the Admiral is sincere about saving them I would do anything, Konstantin agonized.
Ossola desperately tried to rise to his feet, only for Bertolini to step on his shoulder and force him back to the ground. I didnt say that you could stand up! What are we dealing with here what are we to expect?
P-please you dont get- You dont understand. I worked for Signor Borrelli for decades No one else knows him better. No one still living anyway The things he and I have shared memories, hopes, feelings, stories about our families I couldnt bear it to see him continue to destroy himself like this, Ossola pleaded.
Bertolini sighed disinterestedly, sigh Di Donato, please let our acquaintance know that we are not interested in excuses or explanations
Konstantin delivered a drop kick to Ossolas jaw, knocking several of his teeth out and bloodying his mouth and lip.
Bertolini knelt over Ossolas quietly sobbing form, his face smashed past recognition. The StateSec functionary pulled a silenced handgun from his jacket and took Ossola by the collar. Ill not ask again, you putrid dingleberry Whats Bisognos ace-in-the-hole ? Whats he going to do when Borrelli takes the stage?!
Konstantin remained still as granite but internally a conflict raged, Ossola might indeed have the relevant information in hand But then what? Will he expose my fellow Ocelotists? Will he doom Bisognos whole endeavor? What will happen to my brother Ziconeans then? And most of all How long can I continue this charade? Regardless of whether I act or refuse to act
To kill a man before giving him a chance to defend himself how ignoble and base, Konstantin said in his true voice. Bertolini reflexively turned his head upright to look, startled by the comment, as the butt of Konstantins assault rifle smashed into Bertolinis face, knocking him unconscious. Bertolinis body collapsed on top of Ossola, but Konstantin immediately grabbed Bertolini by the collar and tossed him aside without effort, leaving him in a separate heap on the ground.
Ossola whimpered helplessly as he struggled to comprehend what had just happened. Youre welcome even though you likely do not deserve to survive , Konstantin contemptuously remarks, Do not attempt to run or I will gladly relieve you of the use of your legs.
Ossola weakly pushed himself onto all fours, his head ringing and throbbing all the while, I Im sorry. I didnt mean I just tried to No more words escaped his lips; Giovanni Ossola fainted from the stress and the beating inflicted upon him.
He then received a message from Abigail over his walkie-talkie. Well, I hope Bisognos happy Its 7:00. The perimeter is now secure, and it didnt involve the MPs either Bisogno can keep his precious plausible deniability for whatever happens next But if he doesnt stay fully above board on this, he wont have long to enjoy it, Ill make sure of that. How are things on your end inside the rotunda?
Konstantin gave his reply, Well its complicated. Lets rendezvous back at where we first broke off Sit tight.
Inside the National Assembly Legislative Chamber, Centro Nuovo
October 6, 2023, 6:40 PM
Vincenzo Borrelli stood at the aged mahogany podium, poring over a couple dozen pages of a script. He gazed out over the hundreds of empty seats, arranged in a semicircular pattern around the podium at center. In the front row, closest to the podium, were those seats reserved for the members of the Council of Zendirism. Some of the designated CoZ members were permitted to enter and take their places, such as Felici and Insigne. Renard D'Este had just entered the room, while Generals Cascagni and Nicodemo were represented by military envoys.
The time is fast coming upon us the beginning of our final and greatest trial. No matter what happens or what scheme the accursed Admiral means to hatch I must say it has been fulfilling to have gotten this far with your support, Borrelli says.
The future of Ridnez and her teeming millions of hopeful citizens depends upon the commitment of her Vanguard to clear the path ahead for it, and the commitment of the Vanguard may be no lesser than that of our Chief Many of us remember the rapine and plunder of the old Ridnez and we would sooner die in the Hierarchs name and in your name by proxy than to allow things to go back to the way they were, Insigne affirmed.
I remember the day when the sniveling servants of the First Republic convened their last in these halls dishonoring the supreme Amalfian ideal with the Heisenian money stuffed into their deep pockets. The very institutions of the Republic were irreparably fouled by their presence which is why it was so necessary to start over again a New State indeed, remarked the Bombardone that existed only in Borrellis mind.
Borrelli clenched his hands into fists, crushing the printed-out script between his fingers, I wont fail you, Andreas I wont! Youll see theyll all see what Im capable of soon enough. Rest easy, old friend. Your glorious dream will be made reality, no matter the cost.
DEste took his seat and interrupted Borrellis thoughts, Theres something very off about this entire convention Sofia and I just had dinner with the DAmicos last night. We had heated disagreements about the desired outcome of todays congress But thats irrelevant. Alessandro simply is not here Nothing would have caused him to miss this event I dont believe it. Everything our lives, our families, our Zendirist social ideology all depend on it!
Borrelli looks aside, then returns to address DEstes concern, Hm, this is How do I put it? This would be all much easier to elucidate if Interim Director Bertolini were here right now
Felici slammed his open palm against his desk to take the mens attention, Speaking of Bertolini, hes supposed to be in attendance tonight on behalf of the indisposed Director Tetra We both discussed sensitive matters with him less than an hour ago and the congress is about to open to the Strato Uno and Strato Due members in a couple of minutes. Director DEste is right Something is wrong.
Borrelli frowned in consternation and whispered to himself, Damn you, Bisogno Tetra should have had you killed when he had the chance. But still not totally unexpected That young man had better not fail me now.
Felici rose from his seat in a furor. What?! You mean to tell me that the Admiral has been picking us off at our own congress And you know this and have chosen to allow him to guard the proceedings with military police answerable only to him right now?! Dont you see he has us just where he wants us?! Hes going to send the MPs in through those doors any moment, and then hes going to kill us all!
Comrade Felici, your concern is duly noted, but there is something more going on here A creature of duty and tradition like Bisogno wouldnt act so brazenly it would be out-of-character No, hes found a loophole in his own bankrupt code of ethics by recruiting disreputable outsiders Ocelotists to do his dirty work for him. But StateSec has prepared for every contingency The best way to proceed is simply to take it all naturally as it comes. Weve anticipated all the variables. If Bisogno presses a confrontation it will be to his everlasting regret, Borrelli reassured.
Inside the reception area of the National Assembly Hall, Centro Nuovo
October 6, 2023, 6:50 PM
Well, dearest love, only 10 minutes left, so we should begin to get a clue of our objective soon, Lucio noted.
As if on cue, an low-pitched, electronically modulated voice resounded through the reception area as the lights suddenly dimmed. Greetings, members of the Integral Social Vanguard, and welcome to the 54th Biannual Party Congress Members holding Strato Uno rank, please organize into single-file lines and prepare to enter the chamber by Entrance Corridor A Members holding Strato Due rank, please organize into single-file lines and prepare to enter the chamber through Entrance Corridor B in 10 minutes. Thank you for your attention.
Serena nervously folded her arms. Well Red King still hasnt given us instructions. it seems like theres only one thing to do at this point Play along until somebody gets wise She then took in her hand the locket which the Xaviet spy had given to her. I still can only guess at the purpose of this thing Hopefully it doesnt contain a poison dart or something like that in
Serenas discussion was broken up by the intrusion of a familiar face. So there you are I had been warned by Bertolini that you would probably be here tonight Serenas blood froze in her veins as she registered the voice, made weary by the passage of years, but to Serenas ears, still recognizable as ever. She turned around in a startled jerky motion, almost losing her balance with her high heels.
Lucio surmised at once, Serena This isnt Is he? He is, by Cothrestrus!
The man who stood before them was advanced in years, with graying brunette hair, and clean-shaven, slightly plump in the face. He wore the standard Zendirist party uniform, a black military-inspired uniform with a blue armband. Even after all these years you still look great, kid. I cant tell you how long Ive waited for this moment how much Ive dreamed of just being able to see your face one last time how long Ive spent not knowing whether you were alive or dead whether you had gotten used by those those people
Serenas lips quivered subtlely, her mouth agape. Then, hesitantly, delicately, she uttered a single stifled word a word she had come much to attach such wildly mixed feelings to a word conveying such contradictory and complex thoughts all at once.
F-father ?
Read dispatch
RP Character Summary - November 23, 2023
by The Restored First Republic of Ridnez
Andreas Bombardone
August 13, 1961 - January 3, 2023 (died age 61)
Loved and despised by millions of Ridnezites, Andreas Bombardone is the singular ideological architect of the "new" Ridnez under Zendirism. Once a latter-day Renaissance man with grand ambitions of changing his country for the better through his talents, Bombardone was demoralized by a traumatic sequence of events beginning with the bankruptcy of his chemical processing company during a catastrophic recession. Reduced to poverty and driven to the brink of madness, Bombardone doubled down on his lifelong convictions of being destined to achieve greatness through extraordinary action. Turning to political agitation, Bombardone used his natural charisma to rally the disaffected masses with a vision of a resurgent nation and a prosperous future, which could only be achieved through the renunciation of individual rights and conscience and the purging of labeled ethnic and political "others." 20 years later, Bombardone's totalitarian regime is responsible for countless atrocities and tens of millions of deaths, all justified through the binary of either reaching a paradise beyond the bloodshed or resigning the country to mediocrity in the gutter. Bombardone expanded on his original project by dabbling in the politics of the Confederation's Imperial Senate, becoming known as a mastermind among both friends and foes. However, Bombardone pushed his luck too far and was ultimately executed by the government of Jocospor for a failed attempt to murder fellow Senators affiliated with the League of Prosperous Nations (LOPN). In spite of this, Bombardone's greatest legacy remains -- Project: Nyx -- a program co-founded with Hellslayer to utilize the power of esoteric particles in service of bending the laws of physics and enhancing the natural traits of humans. Recent geopolitical calamities, such as the unleashing of a Nyx-enhanced viral strain on the South Usean country of Talgerria and the terrorist bombing of the Bank of Tertania, trace their inspiration to Bombardone's genocidal vision for the entire Usean continent.
Gianfranco Del Tuono
July 9, 1974 - September 25, 2021 (died age 47)
A Zendirist true believer if there ever was one, Gianfranco Del Tuono was a civil engineer until being laid off during the recession of the 1990s. The final straw was when he found his wife cheating with his former coworker, after which something in Del Tuono's mind snapped. Del Tuono murdered both of them and was recruited later that night at a dive bar, while contemplating suicide. Del Tuono was given a new purpose to exist when Bombardone delegated to him and Valentino Oberto the "privilege" of hanging President Ophelia Drakos from the balcony of her own office. Afterwards, Del Tuono began his life anew as the most dreaded member of Bombardone's General Directorate, the Director of State Security. Del Tuono is the cunning mind behind the rebuilding of the New State's espionage, surveillance, and counterintelligence apparatus into the terrifying monolith it is today, including inaugurating StateSec's elite subsidiary MultiStrat. When Bombardone was nearly killed by Theodora, Queen of the Ziconeans, Del Tuono took autonomous action to begin the industrialized extermination of Ridnez's long-oppressed Ziconean minority. Refusal by various parties to permit Del Tuono's agenda led to the Ridnez Civil War, during which Del Tuono himself was ultimately killed by his longtime nemesis Ocelot.
Sergio Vitale
February 17, 1969 - May 10, 2022 (died age 53)
Originally a tenured psychology professor with Conti University, Sergio Vitale was arrested and sentenced to 20 years in prison when it was discovered he was conducting sensory deprivation experiments on homeless vagrants. Vitale's radical line of research saw a new lease on life after the Second Ridnez Revolution, as Bombardone and Del Tuono came to believe that society-wide applications of Vitale's theories of psychological manipulation could serve the social engineering goals of Zendirism. As the Director of Social Policy, Vitale headed systematic coordination of public education, social welfare, official propaganda, recreational events, and production of art and media, in order to perpetuate a unified Zendirist vision of the world. During the Civil War, Vitale started the officially endorsed "cult of Desi Falco" in order to boost popular morale, but he was captured by Ocelot and interrogated for information that could be used to target Ricci and Del Tuono. Crippled by a falling bomb and left for dead during the Battle of Magnifico, Vitale was secretly taken in by the Temple of Umbra's Magnifico branch, from where Vitale devised a plot to undermine the RFRR through political infiltration of anti-CDEF grassroots movements throughout the city. Due to an exposé by Beatrice Caruso, Vitale's scheme was exposed to the public, and the Temple of Umbra liquidated Vitale to preserve their own secrets.
Aldo Scaglietti
April 1, 1958 - September 25, 2021 (died age 63)
The Commander of the Ridnez Aerospace Force, and one of three chiefs of staff responsible for aiding and abetting the Zendirist revolution on December 24, 2001. After several years of escalating Zendirist atrocities, Scaglietti and his peers grew disenchanted with Bombardone's leadership, but followed orders from the capital just the same. Scaglietti's first act of covert insubordination was while leading a campaign to liquidate escaped Ziconean slaves from the Outer Sector. Scaglietti mistook one of the Ziconean escapees, a young girl named Vivia, for a wrongly persecuted ethnic-Ridnezite, due to Scaglietti's outdated beliefs about archetypal ethnic features. Taking the girl in, Scaglietti attempted to raise her as his own daughter, but Vivia could not forgive the commander for his part in upholding the system that robbed her birth family of their dignity and ultimately destroyed them. Dominic Oberto blackmailed Scaglietti using the information of his protection of Vivia, causing a tactical strike on the Magnifico Hydroponic Gardens to go wrong and incite a Horizontalist riot, leading to the Battle of Magnifico. Scaglietti tried to use his influence with Ludovico Tetra to overwrite Vivia's true memories with a false set using an experimental procedure; the procedure was a success. However, Tetra betrayed Scaglietti to his superior, Del Tuono, and Del Tuono executed Scaglietti in his home.
The Ocelot
October 6, 1995 - present (age 28)
"The Ocelot" began as the handle used by a South Usean mercenary, who was hired by the Ridnez-Heisenian Security Organization (RHSO) to liberate and protect Heisenian-Ridnezites from the Zendirist persecution. The current holder of the name is Bianca Drakos -- the daughter of the last elected President of the Republic of Ridnez, Ophelia Drakos. Bianca witnessed the deaths of both her parents before her very eyes on the day of the Revolution -- December 24, 2001 -- and was left mentally scarred for years. As an adolescent, Bianca was discovered by the original Ocelot as an exploited victim of an underground sex-trafficking ring. Rescuing Bianca from her fate, Ocelot trained Bianca in battlefield tactics and strategy, recruiting her into his way of life as a soldier of fortune. After several years, Bianca returned to the land of her birth as Ocelot's partner Lynx, but when Ocelot was killed by a StateSec ambush orchestrated by their traitorous ally Jaguar, Bianca took her mentor's name for herself and picked up his network of connections throughout the Ridnezite dissident underground. Today, Bianca -- the new Ocelot -- remains the symbolic leader of the resistance to Zendirist totalitarianism in Ridnez, holding the allegiance of autonomous cells throughout the country, each involved in some form of opposition to the regime. After being arrested in Tertania as a suspect in the MultiStrat-orchestrated plot to bomb their central bank, the Ocelot has been forced to accommodate to a new set of circumstances, as a not-entirely-willing agent of the Tertanian International Affairs Agency.
Dominic Oberto
June 10, 1995 - present (age 28)
Dominic Oberto was born into a distinguished family during a time of hardship. Dominic's father Valentino struggled to overcome the grief of losing his family fortune and his own father Massimo to the social collapse of the 90s. In desperation, Valentino Oberto turned to Zendirism and became one of Andreas Bombardone's closest and most trusted allies during the early years of the New State. Dominic was raised in a stifling home environment, as perfection was demanded of him in every endeavor, and Valentino often visited physical abuse on the young Dominic for his every failure. When Dominic's mother Angelina and sister Talia left Valentino -- and the country -- for the relative safety of the Raj, Dominic was left behind. Afterwards, disciplining Dominic became the ultimate goal in Valentino's life, to ensure follow Dominic would follow in his footsteps. Instead, Dominic grew into an amoral and cynical man, who concluded that ideals and sentimentality of all kinds are hollow aspirations. His only goal the preservation of his personal comforts regardless of the cost, Dominic sparked off the Civil War by hiring a mercenary private army from New England INC to liberate the Outer Sector. Presenting himself as a philanthropist and a savior, Dominic founded the Restored First Ridnez Republic (RFRR) in the occupied territory of Magnifico, concealing true intentions from the public that fall far from noble. Now that the RFRR has been thrust into war with the New State, Dominic has left for Tertania to strike up backroom deals under the cover of an official diplomatic visit, apparently anticipating his erstwhile allies -- the Committee for Democracy and Entrepreneurial Freedom (CDEF) -- to betray him.
Adriana Tomasi
March 21, 2006 - present (age 17)
Adriana Tomasi was raised the daughter of a family of small businessmen, Medician immigrants to Ridnez who arrived prior to the Second Ridnez Revolution. Due to the long-standing cultural similarities between Ridnezites and Medicians, the Tomasi family were relatively undisturbed by the New State for many years. That changed when the Medician nationality was added by Bombardone to the Antisocial Nationalities Register, and Adriana was separated from her parents and sent off to DRC Gamma to be worked to death. During the Civil War, Adriana and other slaves were liberated from the Outer Sector system by the actions of the CDEF, but Adriana realized before long that they cared more about winning battles against the Zendirists than safeguarding the ex-slaves from further harm. Rebelling against both Zendirism and the CDEF, Adriana led a large contingent of armed ex-slaves in a defection and occupied the Magnifico Hydroponic Gardens complex on her own initiative. Adriana formulated a unique revolutionary ideology from a confused mixture of influences and made efforts to indoctrinate her troops in it, resulting in the inception of the Horizontalist Collective. An air raid on the the gardens turned into a disaster, giving Adriana and her followers a rare opportunity to catch the Magnifico police force by surprise and overcome it. Adriana sought to create a utopian society founded on the principle of radical egalitarianism and resorted to increasingly desperate and fanatical attempts to purge Magnifico of potential enemies in order to pursue that goal. Further making an enemy out of Ocelot and her associated resistance cell in the city, Adriana met with a bitter yet inevitable defeat, giving way to the rise of the RFRR.
Desi Falco/Sal Russo
May 13, 2000 - present (age 23)
The life of Desi Falco is nothing if not a microcosm of the tragedy of Ridnez herself. Born to humble rural folk, Desi was manipulated from his formative years to regard Andreas Bombardone as the heroic savior of the nation -- an extraordinary human being capable of feats of will and courage that move the current of history itself. Parents, teachers, and friends all lived in this shared reality where the cult of Bombardone's personality loomed larger than life, all in ostensible gratitude for "saving the world" for all of them. Like many in his cohort, Desi enlisted to join the Ground Force at age 18 and was drilled and trained as an infantryman. However, Desi's worldview began to change after being assigned to guard duties at DRC Mu-Theta. There, Desi witnessed firsthand the inhumanity and cruelty that the New State was capable of, but hiding from the view of the common citizenry. Powerless to rebel against the system or change his fate, Desi collapsed into long-term depression, which reached its crescendo at the eve of the Civil War, when his camp was attacked and liberated by the CDEF. As part of a ploy, the CDEF leaked intel to Centro Nuovo that Desi had been killed, when in fact he was being kept as a prisoner of war. Vitale put the resources of SocPol to work in transforming Desi Falco's persona into that of a heroic martyr, while the real Desi was taken by Adriana and the Horizontalist Collective upon their defection. On the brink of suicide out of shame, Desi was convinced by Ocelot during the Battle of Magnifico to find within himself the renewed will to live and forge ahead with a new future. In the aftermath of the Civil War, Desi took custody of Vivia Scaglietti in the aftermath and resolved to raise her as his own, feeling Vivia to be the last chance for his own redemption. Desi also adopted a new identity as Sal Russo, ObertoSec operative, to secretly acquire and relay intel to Ocelot. In that guise, Desi formed a friendship with fellow ObertoSec officer Tim Simmons and covertly helped to expose Dominic Oberto for a corrupt scheme to defraud citizens of Magnifico.
Ludovico Tetra
October 30, 1993 - present (age 30)
Ludovico Tetra is a prodigy of the New State, a fact of which he has been kept acutely aware since his childhood. Due to psychological trauma, Tetra has repressed all memories of his early life prior to 8 years old, when his parents were executed for sedition by Del Tuono. Tetra only remembers being raised through the institutions by Bombardone and Del Tuono, owing to tests indicating he possessed a high level of innate intelligence. At the age of 18, Tetra was made the youngest-ever student of the Ridnez State Academy of Engineering and Aeronautics; at 23, Tetra designed an advanced encrypted communications protocol for use by the Aerospace Force. With the personal recommendation of Aldo Scaglietti, Tetra was accepted by Del Tuono as a data analyst for StateSec, but Del Tuono also took a deeper interest in Tetra and attempted to groom Tetra to one day succeed him as Director, perhaps out of a muted sense of guilt or responsibility. When Scaglietti presented him with the task of rewriting Vivia's memories, Tetra took the opportunity to test a machine by which individuals could be implanted with false memories and turned into unsuspecting puppets. Afterwards, Tetra betrayed Scaglietti to his mentor Del Tuono, leading to Scaglietti's demise and indirectly to Del Tuono's as well. Appointed to replace Del Tuono by Bombardone, Tetra ordered Giulio Bisogno to pursue the Vortes Program and personally coordinated MultiStrat's terrorist scheme on Tertanian soil. Due to an infatuation with his mentally unstable Tertanian pawn Nora Vickers, Tetra got too close to his mission and was captured by the National Information Bureau (NIB).
Rosa Bernardi
February 1, 1996 - present (age 27)
Rosa Bernardi first attained notoriety while employed as a computer programmer by the Oberto Durable Goods and Exports Company. Covertly allied with the Ocelotist Underground Network, Rosa ravaged the Aerospace Force's missile tracking and detection systems, causing a gyroscopic malfunction that diverted a nuclear warhead destined for the Tertanian capital Isonphis to a patch of the Beran Sea. Rosa was implicated as the culprit, but the consequence was Ridnez's decision to sue for peace in the First War of the Usean Hegemony. Going underground in Magnifico for years, Rosa re-emerged shortly after the Civil War, sought out by Oberto to do penetration testing for the new government software to host digitized copies of the RFRR's land records. In actuality, Oberto only intended to use Rosa as a scapegoat for when these records went missing as part of his scheme to dispossess the majority of Magnifico of their deeds to property. This circumstance brought Rosa back into contact with Ocelot and her network, in which capacity Rosa helped to expose the CDEF's corrupt scheme, steal millions of florins from the General Ridnez Petrochemical Company, and shut down a human-trafficking ring directed by the Temple of Umbra. More recently, Rosa locked the CDEF out of RFRR-held public unit accounts, in order to frustrate Oberto's attempts to speculate on land values in the Raj using embezzled state funds. Unbeknownst to her, the IAA's newly established relationship with Ocelot has put her by extension under the protection of the government of Tertania, compelling Alessi Brambilla and Carmine Ravello -- Oberto's two remaining CDEF allies -- to prepare a coup of Oberto's government with LOPN support.
Beatrice Caruso
December 11, 1975 - present (age 47)
Already a budding journalist by the time of the Revolution, Beatrice Caruso chafed under the Zendirist press-censorship regime, especially when she realized how ready and willing her peers were to surrender ethics and integrity in the service of ideology. Unable to make an impact of note under the propaganda manufactory of the Ridnez State Media Conglomerate (RSMC), Beatrice was located in Magnifico at the time of the Civil War. Consequently, Beatrice saw the rare opportunity to acquire a printing press and begin publication of an independent newspaper, The Southeast Side Examiner, within the boundaries of Magnifico. Beatrice caught the irate attention of the CDEF during the initial process of public infrastructure repair, due to the uncovering of systemic graft in the RFRR government through her reporting. If this fact alone would have seemed to make Beatrice a darling of the Zendirist loyalists in the RFRR, Beatrice ensured to disappoint them too by casting Centro Nuovo in only the most negative possible light through her editorials. Beatrice was entrusted by Ocelot and Rosa Bernardi to break the story of the corruption behind the Urban Redevelopment Act, using audio files recorded and sold to Ocelot by a City Councilman. Making the acquaintances of Isabella Luna, COO of the Sovereign Ridnez Civic Alliance, and Roberto Giannone, majority shareholder and CEO of New Ridnez Telecommunications Corporation, Beatrice was blocked from exposing the truth by ObertoSec. Ultimately, the truth came out anyway, but Beatrice's exposure of a conspiracy tying a human-trafficking ring and the Temple of Umbra to Isabella Luna and Massimo Selvo guaranteed Oberto remained in power regardless. Beatrice still remains a staunch ally of the Underground on both sides of the RFRR-New State border, never afraid to speak her mind.
Sebastian Esposito
November 13, 1998 - present (age 25)
A young man native to Magnifico, who fell in with the Ocelot's insurgency after witnessing a gruesome summary execution of an escaped Heisenian slave by the city police. His known specialty is in firearms and explosives, and these talents have served him well as an enemy of the state. Esposito was injured in the Aerospace Force's bombing raid of Magnifico, crushing his left leg. The Ocelot turned Esposito over to the care of her associate and contact Dr. Emile Anzano, who determined that the leg would become gangrenous and surgically removed it in his clinic while various armed factions battled in the streets. In the months since the end of the Civil War, Esposito has fallen into a deep depression over his reduced capacity, resulting in an addiction to painkillers. Esposito's addiction has rapidly become an all-consuming issue, draining his personal finances and hampering his ability to function daily on a basic level. The Ocelot is deeply upset at what she perceives as Esposito's lack of self-discipline, but partially blames herself for not having done anything to check on his condition for all that time in favor of more practical concerns.
Massimo Selvo
April 22, 1985 - present (age 38)
The former Commissioner of the Magnifico Police Department under the Zendirist government. An ideological stalwart installed in his position by Bombardone due to his high ranking on the ISV party list, Selvo was recruited by Oberto and the CDEF on the eve of the Battle of Magnifico to help retake the city from the Horizontalist Collective. Organizing a paramilitary militia, the Cheveron Battalion, from former police officers under his command, Selvo committed unspeakable brutalities against Horizontalist combatants in the Magnifico financial district, leaving an indelible black mark on the founding event of the RFRR's history. Selvo and his men readied for a standoff with the CDEF after the battle, but Hugo Hunt convinced Selvo to stand down in return for a guarantee that the Temple of Umbra would continue regular operations under the principle of religious liberty. From there, Selvo acted as a willing pawn in a plan hatched by Vitale to undermine the RFRR's independence, running in the mayoral election against Oberto with the endorsement of the Sovereign Ridnez Civic Alliance. However, Ocelot and Beatrice Caruso discovered that Selvo was involved in human-trafficking to provide test subjects for the Temple of Umbra's experiments with the Project: Nyx system. Selvo was arrested upon the revelation, but the Temple of Umbra's Magnifico branch was quick to eliminate material evidence of their connection to Selvo's activities. As such, Selvo is currently serving a life sentence, having refused multiple offers of a plea bargain in exchange for vital intel on the Temple of Umbra.
Captain Hugo Hunt
August 6, 1967 - present (age 56)
35 years ago, Hugo Hunt was little more than a small-time gang leader and racketeer in a nameless slum neighborhood of New England INC, in the time shortly after the coronation of Maximus Powers. After a turf war with wealthy drug dealer Paul Marshall escalated and landed Hunt with a third-degree murder charge, the 18-year-old Hunt was bailed out by the enigmatic Captain Crow to join his mercenary company, where Hunt ascended to the rank of captain before long. After Captain Crow's graduation to the rank of commander and falling out with his partner Commander Notorious, Hunt followed Crow to the establishment of a new PMC service: CrowContracts, Inc. It was under those circumstances that Hunt and his men were contracted by Oberto and the CDEF to supply manpower to their rebellion in the Civil War. After unrelated events transpired simultaneously in New England INC and its colonial Raj, CrowContracts was branded a terrorist organization and dismantled by royal authorities. Nevertheless, Hunt and those soldiers of fortune in his personal retainer continued their employment with Oberto as staff for his private monopoly police force ObertoSec. Hunt has always been reliable in supplying muscle to back up Oberto's cunning and is known to have once nearly killed Ocelot in a rooftop standoff. However, for his ruthlessness, Hunt is generally not one to hold grudges and considers all his mercenary work to be impersonal in nature.
Adelberto J. Ricci
July 28, 1970 - August 31, 2021 (died age 51)
A rogue neuropsychology researcher and the Chief Supervisor of the Adelberto J. Ricci Psychiatric Institute, which bears his name. Ricci holds a dark secret within the Institute's Ward 47-B, where subjects, most often of Heisenian and Ziconean extraction, are confined to 4x4 cells and experimented on in the most sadistic and inhumane ways by the Mental Reconditioning Team. Ricci's successful experiments were often loaned out to the Directorate of State Security as mind-controlled "meatpuppets." Since then, Ricci improved on the "meatpuppet" concept with a machine capable of implanting false memories and subliminal suggestions, although this machine's efficacy was only proven by a test run conducted by Ludovico Tetra after Ricci's demise. Ricci was a close friend and colleague of Sergio Vitale, and the two often discuss methods of social engineering as if it were a light dinner topic, seeing as both play their respective parts within that field as manipulators of the human mind, albeit in wholly different ways. This friendship would be the undoing of Ricci as it permitted Ocelot to capture him using information extracted from Vitale. Ocelot subsequently freed the entire inmate population of the facility and set the boiler room to overheat so that the building would explode afterwards. Taken captive in one of the Ocelot's bases in Magnifico, Ricci was buried under rubble during the bombing of the city and later confirmed deceased.
Gregorio De Marco
January 17, 1976 - June 29, 2023 (died age 47)
Gregorio De Marco served the Republic of Ridnez as a timid librarian for the Government Archives, pulling double-duty as Director of Diplomacy during the government of President Ophelia Drakos. Due to uncertain circumstances, De Marco alone was spared out of Drakos's General Directorate. More than that, De Marco was retained by the Zendirist dictatorship in much the same role as he served under the previous administration. Over the 20+ years since the Revolution, De Marco came to be one of Andreas Bombardone's closest confidantes, accompanying him on diplomatic trips and providing unintentional amusement through his tendency toward clumsiness. Although De Marco grew gradually to appreciate Bombardone's friendship and sense of humor, he paradoxically grew increasingly uncomfortable with the crimes perpetrated by Bombardone's regime. On the eve of the Second War of the Usean Hegemony, De Marco colluded with Giulio Bisogno to relay photocopies of sensitive MultiStrat documents to Ocelot through Giovanni Sforza, in order to sabotage Ludovico Tetra's plot to destroy the Tertanian economy. After Tetra's capture in Tertania and Bombardone's execution in Jocospor, De Marco appointed himself Imperial Senator for Ridnez, seeking to use his position and resources to forge connections with Silver Imperial Utopia's Senator Marcus Lanistar that would provide for his safe extraction from the increasingly unstable domestic situation. Ultimately, it was for naught, as De Marco was assassinated in the middle of night by a Vocryae wharf -- accused as the work of the Ridnez-Heisenian Security Organization (RHSO) by Zendirist propaganda outlets.
Livia Garthwaite
September 9, 1988 - present (age 35)
Livia Garthwaite is better acquainted with death than most. In fact, she has stared the reaper in the face every day of her life since the tragic day that an ambush by murderous StateSec officers claimed the life of her mother and very nearly took hers as well. A Heisenian by ancestry and a Ridnezite by upbringing, Livia was born the daughter of an accomplished veteran from the grueling days of the Ridnez-Shah Wars, and as such was raised to take pride in her country above her blood. In the cruelest of ironies, a regime that equated blood with country -- Bombardone and his Zendirists -- stripped the Garthwaite family of their citizenship and forced them on the run. Livia escaped to the Raj but was the only one of her family to make it out. Crippled by depression, Livia was instilled with a new purpose in life when Edgar I. Albertson, founder and chairman of the Ridnez-Heisenian Security Organization (RHSO), told her the story of how he lost his own nephew to the Zendirist purge, and how the RHSO was his attempt to make up for not having done more to save him when he could. Taking inspiration from Albertson's resolve to turn a bitter experience into a positive motivaion, Livia channeled her survivor's grief into a commitment to help the victims of Zendirism in her capacity as an aid worker. Her resolve was challenged once again when she was sent on a mission to seize Ridnez's seat in the Imperial Senate for the RFRR. Bombardone retaliated against this and a cascade of other frustrations surrounding the LOPN by attacking the ISB, causing a brief terror incident that rendered Livia paraplegic for life.
Giovanni Sforza
April 4, 1997 - present (age 26)
A youthful smuggler who joined the Ocelotist Network. If asked, Sforza would profess that his decision to join the Underground was based on the security in numbers and logistical support provided to his operations. Nevertheless, Sforza's sympathy for the stated idealistic aims of the movement is real enough, and he's brushed up with death at the end of a Zendirist bullet enough times to prove it. After being arrested during a mission to import contraband from Tertania, Sforza was "liberated" from jail by agents of Giulio Bisogno, Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy, and sent on a mission to intercept explosives shipments to the Southwestern Seawall intended for Bisogno to coordinate the Vortes Program. During one of his "errands" for the Admiral, Ocelot discovered about Sforza's activities personally, after which Sforza was compelled to divulge that he had a powerful "contact" within the New State whose identity he could not divulge. After Bisogno was tipped off by De Marco about MultiStrat's plans in Isonphis, Sforza became the errand-boy once again to relay those plans to Ocelot, in the hopes that Ocelot could stop the operation from reaching fruition. After being manipulated for so long, Sforza rustled up his own team of Ocelotists to steal the Ars Goetia -- one of the trigger-keys of the Project: Nyx system -- using a money train robbery as pretext. Now, with an object of extreme power in his grasp, Sforza has become a person of interest to Vincenzo Borrelli, who believes that control over Project: Nyx will win him the race to succeed the late Bombardone as Chief of State.
Tim Simmons
December 28, 1994 - present (age 28)
Timothy Simmons experienced his formative years in the times just prior to the Second Ridnez Revolution. Tim spent much of his life cramped into the Magnifico Ghetto, and after the uprising of 2008, was separated from his parents and sent off to the Outer Sector. Oppressed and enslaved for the next 11 years, Tim eked out a miserable existence; only access to forbidden literature and educational materials kept Tim's horizons open beyond the suffocating atmosphere of his immediate environs. In a secret Axonite marriage ceremony, Tim wedded a fellow Heisenian, Sheila Zollinger, and the two were involved in an Ocelotist rescue operation. Unfortunately, the operation was disrupted by a StateSec counter-strike, and Sheila was killed amidst the fighting. Returned to DRC Mu-Theta a degraded slave, Tim would await his freedom until his camp was liberated by CrowContracts during the Civil War. Recruited into the CDEF Freedman's Militia, Tim fought to liberate many of the other DRCs, before joining the campaign to occupy Magnifico and restore order to the city. Afterwards, Tim joined ObertoSec and, for the first time in his life, tasted freedom and opportunity. Loyal to Dominic Oberto, Tim was tasked with fellow officer Sal Russo to lay a trap to bait Horizontalist stragglers into the open to be arrested. Unbeknownst to him, Tim was being used by Oberto in a scheme to manipulate the Horizontalists into destroying the properties of people and organizations that opposed his fraudulent ambitions. After learning the truth, including regarding Sal's identity as the controversial Desi Falco, Tim threw his lot in with the RHSO and now works to recover the sensitive materials of Gregorio De Marco's briefcase to secure the RFRR's future.
Vincenzo Borrelli
August 20, 1964 - present (age 59)
A longtime friend and political ally of Andreas Bombardone, Vincenzo Borrelli set out with the strategy of consolidating ownership over a group of oil fields and competing with the established petroleum industry titans, collectively known as the Troika derived from the Daulmarkian word for "trio." With support from Bombardone and the policies of President Arturo Gerloni, Borrelli succeeded in establishing his company, General Ridnez Petrochemical, as the leading energy supplier in the country. Borrelli and Bombardone headed the initiative to disentangle Ridnez from foreign wars and shift from dependency on fossil fuels to biofuels. Things changed when the Financial Meltdown of 1993 led into the period of Ridnezite history known as the Era of Chaos. Borrelli's continued production of crude oil ensured his company remained in the black when the government canceled its previous contracts with alternative energy suppliers, but Bombardone was ruined and slid into madness over the next few years. Tentatively willing to back Bombardone's vision for the future, Borrelli covertly financed his early insurrectionist activities, only to be ousted by his own board of directors as CEO when his activities were exposed. However, after Bombardone's coup, Borrelli was granted a monopoly on the energy sector by the dictatorship and profited handsomely from his relationship to the so-called Hierarch. Now that Bombardone is gone, Borrelli has anxiously stepped up to the plate as his prospective replacement, offering a "purely Zendirist" alternative to the more compromising and old-fashioned ideas of the New State's wartime leader Admiral Giulio Bisogno. However, Borrelli's sanity of late has begun to erode under pressure...
Giulio Bisogno
July 16, 1955 - present (age 68)
The last in a long line of celebrated naval commanders in Ridnezite history, going back several centuries, Grand Admiral Giulio Bisogno is a reactionary in the truest sense of the word. In his Imperial Navy, military traditions abandoned since the time of the First Ridnez Revolution still endure, and per the agreement made at the founding of the First Republic, the Imperial Navy's loyalty -- as well as Bisogno's -- is not to any particular person or institution, but only to the national and political community of Ridnez itself. Having always held the liberal cultural tendencies of the First Republic in silent contempt, Bisogno and his fellow chiefs of staff were galvanized to support the takeover of Andreas Bombardone and his Zendirist political party. In the 20 years since then, Bisogno has seen as his two peers from that period -- the Ground Force's Davide Sciabarra and the Aerospace Force's Aldo Scaglietti -- were sacked and replaced with Zendirist cronies. Unable to support the increasingly extreme ideological commitments of the New State, Bisogno acted according to his unique understanding of his prerogative, this time to plot the downfall of Zendirism itself and possibly the return of the Dual Monarchy. In this endeavor, Bisogno has made accomplices out of several unlikely characters, such as Gregorio De Marco and Giovanni Sforza. Having assumed command of the nation in wartime by necessity, Bisogno struggles to hold back the LOPN joint task-force on the front line while checking the ambitions of Vincenzo Borrelli and his Zendirist hardliners in Centro Nuovo. Seeing a potential window to introducing their influence, The Xaviet Empire has seen fit to covertly back Bisogno for the foreseeable future.
Talia Oberto
May 23, 1997 - present (age 26)
Talia Oberto is the younger sister of the infamous Dominic Oberto, although she has dedicated her adult life to obfuscating the connection. Both Talia and Dominic were raised in the abusive household of the late Valentino Oberto and pushed to develop into prodigies that their father could parade before his superiors. Their mother, Angelina Oberto, held strong disagreements about the way her children were being raised and furtively made plans to abscond to the Raj with them. However, by that time, Dominic was a grown man and willingly joined Valentino's import-export company in an upper-level management position. Believing that her son had implicitly made his choice to embrace what Valentino stood for, Angelina fled with Talia and left Dominic behind, a fact which became a point of resentment for Dominic going forward. Years later, Talia became a well-known businesswoman and philanthropist within the Raj's Ridnezite community, chairing the anti-Zendirist emigre organization known as the Free Ridnez Patriotic Society. After being locked out of RFRR government accounts by Rosa Bernardi, Dominic decided to reappear in Talia's life, to her enduring dismay. Talia was "persuaded" to accompany Dominic and Hugo Hunt during an official working visit to the Tertanian capital of Isonphis, to facilitate a power play that Dominic has plotted with disgraced Tertanian politician Christopher Staveley concerning both of their countries. Somehow, Talia has a connection to Edgar I. Albertson and the RHSO which is instrumental to the execution of this plot. The exact details still remain uncertain.
Edgar Isidore Albertson
November 1, 1943 - present (age 80)
A former politician and retail chain owner in the First Republic, who ran against Maury Napolitano in 1995 -- at the nadir of the Era of Chaos -- and lost. Albertson used his remaining political connections to escape Ridnez for the Raj after the Second Ridnez Revolution brought Andreas Bombardone to power, soon followed by a mass-persecution of Ridnez's Heisenian minority. However, Albertson was unable to save his nephew from being swept up in the purges, having utilized the last of his influence to save most of his fortune. Crippled by guilt for prioritizing his wealth above his family, Albertson started the Ridnez-Heisenian Security Organization (RHSO), an NGO that operates in the Raj as a charity to assist Heisenian refugees from Ridnez, but also covertly finances operations to smuggle Heisenians across the Golden Sea to safety. In 2009, the Multiple Strategic Operations Bureau (MultiStrat) utilized a "meatpuppet" from the Ricci Institute -- none other than Albertson's nephew from those many years before -- to smuggle a bomb into the RHSO's HQ. Albertson was reported killed at the time, but in the decade since has seemingly re-emerged alive and well, albeit more paranoid and reclusive than his previous persona. Albertson has forged ties between the RHSO and the RFRR in their shared struggle against the New State, sending Livia Garthwaite to seize control of Ridnez's seat in the Imperial Senate from Gregorio De Marco and Tim Simmons to recover the contents of De Marco's briefcase after his assassination, as well as seemingly enabling Dominic and Talia Oberto's interference in the politics of Tertania. There are claims that Albertson personally ordered De Marco's death: The RHSO's official stance is that this is a falsehood lazily put together by the Zendirist state-controlled media, but doubts still remain.
Vivia Russo/Scaglietti
February 22, 2011 - present (age 12)
An orphan Ziconean girl, who alone was spared by General Aldo Scaglietti while suppressing a slave escape attempt from the Outer Sector. Mistaking the girl, who identified herself as Vivia, for an ethnic-Ridnezite wrongly lumped in the persecuted Ziconean minority, Scaglietti briefly played at treating her as an adoptive daughter. This initiative was doomed from the beginning, as Vivia could never forgive one of the oppressors of her people, much less recognize him as father. Vivia was then submitted by Scaglietti as a test subject for an experimental procedure to implant false memories using a machine, in order so that Ludovico Tetra could prove the procedure's efficacy and so that Scaglietti could mold Vivia into his ideal "daughter." Not long afterwards, Tetra betrayed Scaglietti to Del Tuono for shielding Vivia, and Del Tuono retaliated by summarily executing him inside his own home. Vivia was used as a hostage by Del Tuono to draw Ocelot into a confrontation on top of the Blanco Nero Building in Fulmine Rosso. After this encounter ended with Del Tuono's death, Ocelot smuggled Vivia into Magnifico and left her in the care of Sal Russo, who struggles to raise Vivia as normally as circumstances permit. Both Sal and the Ocelot are aware, or at very least strongly suspect, the truth of Vivia's origins; they have kept these details from her for the sake of her mental stability. As traumatic as the memory of Scaglietti's death may be for her (given her false set of memories wherein Scaglietti had spent a lifetime raising her as a sensitive and compassionate father), the realization that her entire life was a lie, and that the man she knew as her father may actually have been her true parents' killer, would be more traumatic still.
Roberto Giannone
October 11, 1975 - present (age 48)
The scion of an entrepreneur in the construction business, Roberto Giannone was still a younger man when his father was driven to bankruptcy by the Financial Meltdown of 1993. The elder Giannone took his life in his study out of shame for being unable to provide for his family, causing Roberto to vow on his grave that their family would never know the sting of poverty again. Siding with Andreas Bombardone for pragmatic reasons, Giannone became baron of the entire Ridnezite construction industry in the centralized economic framework introduced by the New State. However, Giannone was privately repulsed by the violence and hate of Zendirist ideology, so Dominic Oberto heard through the grapevine that he would be likely to contribute funds to overthrowing the Zendirists if the opportunity provided. Giannone accepted Oberto's offer and became a member of the CDEF. His original construction firm was seized by the Zendirists, but Giannone was left well-positioned to usurp Magnifico's media establishment to become the RFRR's main broadcaster. When the Sovereign Ridnez Civic Alliance rose to challenge the CDEF, Giannone saw the writing on the wall and switched sides, offering to give Beatrice Caruso a popular on-air platform to expose Oberto's illicit activities. This betrayal forced Oberto to arrest Giannone and Beatrice on bogus charges, attempt to force them to sign false confessions, and finally kill them. Saved by Ocelot and Sal Russo, Giannone went underground, and he has not been seen publicly since. However, in the wake of resumed warfare with the New State, the rest of the CDEF have begun to plot the overthrow of Oberto and his replacement with a new leader. Could Giannone be the man they have in mind?
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